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Why the kerbal race lost their fur?


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We are a group who tried the kerbal space program and finally came to some conclusions.

The KSP is better than other games just for excitement. KSP educates intelligent people about gravity fields - pyramid schemes.

The kerbal space program began in year 0 after they started losing skin fur - civile - and began to build. It was 3702 BO - where according to historians first buildings were founded - and until now, that is 1430 cycles - with four seasons (= 1461 dairies) for each.

The kerbals were excited and among their president Kennedy expressed "oh, let's bang the Mun!" and then thereby they excused the kerbal space program. But others against it became rebels and began star wars, so they sent a kerbal named Luke with the force to shut it down, that airforce pilot went down the tunnels and caused engine failure in the Mun, but ever since it has caused new year.

The development of machine and computer started in anxiety when a brain philosophy named Plato caused neurological damage and accused humorously lobotomy of chronology to rebirth all kerbals. The calendar of christ began with that lobotomy of chronology.

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This debate's target is about suggestions to improvements in ridiculous "Bee Gees - staying alive" developments but grants for now people's notions and ideas of the opened topics.

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45 minutes ago, kerbalHobNot said:

The kerbal space program began in year 0 after they started losing skin fur - civile - and began to build.

what do you mean by "civile" ?; "civilised beyond monkey kerbal ?"

i dunno, you saying a kerbal called plato f-d eveything with uploading "conceptual metaphysics" into kerbals ?; that is an iteresting "philosopy"... (kerbals do like their computers)

i would say, that you can't upload software if hardware can not run it; so maybe "christ x evolution", might have been onto something ?, dunno though, nor does supercomputers, because kerbals are stupid, thus factually computers are running on "flawed logic" (hehe).

is plato good to read ?; i.e. better then spongebobsquarepants etc ?


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to explain; computers eat "data"; emit "information", kerbals eat "information"; emit what kerbals call "intelligence"...

a wise kerbal called hippocrates once, ...thereafter said "artificial "intelligence" is already us"...

so now the "artificially "clever"" (so "very, very, clever indeed; they even invented teh frameworks for "intelligence"") kerbals want to run away into space and dig holes in the ground... (according to "gospel" ("internet") anyway... (can't blame them "kerbal nature")

how would one fix this ?; stop eating cake, making stupid "hadron colliders" (on "alchemy"...) blasting resources into space and not tidying up rubbish so the earth (the legitimately clever being) is not impaired from achieving homestasis, stop teaching little kerbals nonsense, creating false gods, and pray to the actual almighty...

in short; "hard work like the monkeys did" (- they were not "uncivile", just "unevolved").

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On 10/1/2019 at 5:08 PM, Kerballing (Got Dunked On) said:

Don't ask, @KerbalKore . Just follow my philosophy; that being Don't Question It.

that's the problem...

ask a classical computer "why does he live in a pineapple under the sea" and it will not compute...

ask a "super computer" the above, and it will illogically compute ALL THE WAY until you stop feeding it.... [snip] (a mathematician will be inclined to tell you otherwise because they have vested interest (like "sense of self VS. getting psychosis").

 - they will never be able to tell you the state of something, or "skip computation via knowlege" because shrodingers cat meowed so, and it takes time to compute.

(how about instead asking (a supercomputer) "how much fur kerbals have left if the time spent playing on computers since plato time was doing work instead" ("OH"))


"socrates revenge" - by k00b

plato and socrates sitting in a tree; socrates drank the Kool-Aid, so plato corrupted kerbality ?.



Einstein's light quantum

Unlike Planck [...], Einstein entertained the possibility [...] that there might be actual physical quanta of light— [SNIP]. He was advised by a colleague to be careful how he wrote up this paper, in order to not challenge Planck, a powerful figure in physics [...], too directly, and indeed the warning was justified, as Planck never forgave him for writing it.[55]

butthurt arguments about who has the bestest squiggles...

Edited by Vanamonde
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also have genetics wrong, genetics work like "organic chemistry" BUT without ability to know (i.e. in vitro is redundant) see: mendels laws of "independant assortment".

and obviously "prevention is better then the cure", the "cure" being "putting the war inside the kerbal" (because the recessive, is very important, and there is a psychological component, to the kerbal....


on extinction:



Darwin's description

The only quadruped native to the island, is a large wolf-like fox, which is common to both East and West Falkland. Have no doubt it is a peculiar species, and confined to this archipelago; because many sealers, Gauchos, and Indians, who have visited these islands, all maintain that no such animal is found in any part of South America. Molina, from a similarity in habits, thought this was the same with his "culpeu"; but I have seen both, and they are quite distinct. These wolves are well known, from Byron's account of their tameness and curiosity; which the sailors, who ran into the water to avoid them, mistook for fierceness. To this day their manners remain the same. They have been observed to enter a tent, and actually pull some meat from beneath the head of a sleeping seaman. The Gauchos, also, have frequently killed them in the evening, by holding out a piece of meat in one hand, and in the other a knife ready to stick them.

which is uncivile ?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Plato’s warning that our senses are misleading: only with ideas can we get out of the cave and reach the truth. This quest for the truth spans the history of thought, especially in the Western world, in which reason and logic oversee the modes of structuring ‘true’ arguments. For many centuries, God was the standard and ideal through which truth could be understood. From the Renaissance period and continuing into the Enlightenment, divine authority was progressively replaced by science in determining what was true or false. The truth-value associated with science thus increased and mathematics, the ‘queen of sciences’, imposed itself as a model for reasoning.

The Age of Enlightenment (also known as the Age of Reason [sarcasm] or simply the Enlightenment [sarcasm])[1][2] was an intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated the world of ideas in Europe during the 18th century, the *"Century of Philosophy"

(*as according to mathematicians... anyway (...sarcasm))

how come the greeks knew about microbiology prior to microscopes ? (or computers... (on "institutionalised narcissism")

because you know when plato did it already, then immitating it again thereafter x100, through time doesn't infact mean "you did it too" (- it just means you are a egotist).


The ideas of the Enlightenment undermined the authority of the monarchy and the Church and paved the way for the political revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries

...and here we are today.

so you need to get it back to when they didn't charge people interest for loans etc... / "do what plato did" BUT instead "wipe out the "age of egotism" (people are going to be butthurt) AND whilst not destroying capitalism (whilst meanwhile teaching kerbals to "stop being capitalists").

or else when wendigo is freed from the pyramid then hell on kerbin etc etc


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