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When are you buying KSP 2?


When are you buying KSP 2?  

112 members have voted

  1. 1. When are you buying KSP 2? (This one assume there will be no early access)

    • I'm going to pre-order it as soon as I can.
    • I'm going to pre-order it the day before launch so I get any pre-order perks, or so I can pre-load the game.
    • I'm going to buy it day one.
    • I'm going to wait at least one or two updates for bugs to be squashed out.
    • I'm going to wait quite a few updates.
    • I'm going to wait for reviews.
    • I'm going to wait for reviews and a few updates.
    • When some of the mods I want are ported over.
    • When most of the mods I want are ported over.
    • When all the mods I want are ported over.
    • When there's a price drop/sale.
  2. 2. If KSP comes out with Early Access, when will you buy it?

    • Day one of Early Access.
    • Going to wait one or two updates.
    • Going to wait until a little before official launch.
    • I will not buy it early access.
  3. 3. If Star Theory were to offer any perks to Early Access Adopters, would that change your mind on when to get it?

    • Yes!
    • Maybe, depends on the early access perks though. (Please leave a comment)
    • No.

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Just now, mcwaffles2003 said:

no vanilla run to start first? how you gunna know what mods you want?

I know I want life support, I know I want a mod that adds time as a variable (to complement life support, no rescue missions are suddenly a race against the clock with anything you have left over from previous launches - instead of being able to build the perfect rocket).


I know I want far as stock aero engine is just abysmal.


Of course if they add those to the main game I might as well just buy it, but so far they didn't even *hint* at this.

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It's missing the option "whenever there's a worthwhile discount". 

This might be a preorder or a sale, but I'm not touching it until it is priced reasonably in my currency.

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2 hours ago, Geonovast said:

There's no option for "I'm not going to buy it early access" for section 2, therefore I can't answer the pole.

Added option for no buy into early access.


2 hours ago, paul23 said:

Yeah I'm not sure what question 2 means, in question 1 I already state when I'll start using it. If that version is called early access or not I don't care.

Question 1 deals with the assumption that there will not be a early access.

Question 2 asks if you would buy into early access if it has an early access program.

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I'm usually a patient gamer but KSP is my exception, there are no other next gen alternatives and all the new mechanics I want from mods (mainly bases, stations and rover parts, reasons to build them, colonies and spaceports) are already confirmed and there are hopes for other interesting mechanics (radiation shields and rotating habitats).

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11 minutes ago, pandaman said:

No option for, 'very soon after day1 - most likely'.

I hope voting 'day 1' hasn't tied me into an unbreakable contract though :D.  Just in case circumstances force me to wait a few days.

You fool! I have trapped you! :D

But in all seriousness, putting another voting option to include "A day or two after launch" would be redundant. You're pretty much buying it day one, so you voted fine.

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Voted as close as I could to "Currently trying to get a passport and figure out how to get inside the studio at night to play in secret and leave mysterious feedback and crates full of just barely legal strength energy drinks scattered to speed up the devs because every single second until KSP2 goes full release is complete hell on earth that can only be somewhat alleviated by the KSP 1.8 update that is already taking so long it physically hurts my entire existence."

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My pre-order policy is simple: . <syntax error> [DOES NOT COMPUTE] What is that you say? Buying before I even know what the product actually is? And paying extra just for doing so? Yes yes, I also buy swamp real estate, random bridges and treasure maps at garage sales.


My 'early access' policy is simple too: quid pro quo. I'll be a free beta tester if it lowers what I have to pay for the product. The current trend of asking me to pay extra for the 'privilege' to deal with bugs is a sure way of ending up on my 'we'll see somewhere down the line if you can still convince me you can actually finish what you started' pile. I don't think I'm exceptionally patient, but then I also have a couple thousand games to keep me busy while I wait. Plus of course in this case the eternally-almost-finished original KSP. I think I can manage to pass my time until KSP2 is close to fulfilling all its promises.

Perks? I hope this is not your way of saying 'we already plan to add some stuff after release and call it DLC, and you may get some of that as a gift - yes, we'll call it a gift!'.


TL;DR: show me what you got, and tell me how much you want for it. If it seems equitable, I might buy. That's it. No pics, no clicks I mean, no tangible product, no buy.

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