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[1.9.x, 1.10.x, 1.11.x, 1.12.x] Kerbal Space Transport System


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@luizsilveira @leatherneck6017

I set up a new install with a sfs file sent by @luizsilveira, and did not have that problem

Could both of you please zip up the entire save directory, including ships, etc?

Also, if you could shoot a video (cell phone would be fine) and talk through  all the steps to get the problem, I’d appreciate it, would be very helpful

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  On 3/1/2020 at 1:15 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

Question, do you have KSTS missions underway when this happens?  and if so, how many?


Sorry, got busy with work this afternoon. I just went to zip up my save file and noticed a craft in my VAB ships folder that doesn't show up as "loadable" in game. When I opened it in my text editor it seemed to resemble the ghost ship that we saw. I deleted it and reloaded the game. No more ghost ship!

And to answer your question, no I did not have any missions underway.

I have no idea where that extra ship came from, though it did share a similar name to one that does show in game. The one that shows is titled "25 commsat launch" while the ghost ship was titles "2_5 commsat launch".

I will continue testing tonight.

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  On 3/1/2020 at 2:06 AM, leatherneck6017 said:

Sorry, got busy with work this afternoon. I just went to zip up my save file and noticed a craft in my VAB ships folder that doesn't show up as "loadable" in game. When I opened it in my text editor it seemed to resemble the ghost ship that we saw. I deleted it and reloaded the game. No more ghost ship!


Can you elaborate?  What do you mean by "not loadable"?

I just released an update, it seems that the thumbnail code was causing issues when being used on a craft from the VAB or SPH.  This statement of yours seems to indicate it might come down to a specific bad craft file.

I can replicate this now, thanks to @luizsilveira sending me a full save, but there are a lot of craft files I'll need to go through.  You wouldn't happen to have that still around?



New release,

  • Fixed "ghost ships" sometimes appearing in flight and in the editor, somehow caused by the thumbnail generation code when used on VAB & SPH craft files
  • Replaced calls to Debug.Log with new class Log, for better control of log messages
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@linuxgurugamer: you, Sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

May I ask one completely unrelated question? What are the criteria for a "reference vessel", under the "complex orbits" tab? Some times I have only one or two show up, some times even asteroids do.

Alternatively, where could I find all the orbit parameters so I can make a deployment match a vessel or body "by hand"? I've tried looking around, or on the save file, but I can't seem to distinguish heads from tails.


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From the op:

The new ship can be deployed at any orbit of your choosing that is within range of your mission-profile or right next to an existing reference-vessel, making your life in low-kerbin orbit much easier:

So I would imagine thar a reference vessel has to be in range of the selected mission profile

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  On 3/1/2020 at 12:41 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

So I would imagine thar a reference vessel has to be in range of the selected mission profile


So would I. But much to my surprise, some times a vessel totally out of range would show up on the list - even asteroids at times. I supposed it was a feature. :lol:

If one could at least deploy with the same inclination to the reference vessel (even if obviously not the same altitude), that'd be grand.

I now don't recall if I actually tried using these vessels outside range as a reference for deployment at the time. Something in the back of my mind says I did, but I'm not certain at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@linuxgurugamer KSTS throws an error when clicking on it's button (any scene) complaining there is no Sub assembly folder at "saves folder location" everything is working fine, fixed if you create the said folder at the location, or by saving a sub assembly first then opening KSTS. minor error but still you might want to look into it

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  On 3/16/2020 at 7:27 PM, dtoxic said:

@linuxgurugamer KSTS throws an error when clicking on it's button (any scene) complaining there is no Sub assembly folder at "saves folder location" everything is working fine, fixed if you create the said folder at the location, or by saving a sub assembly first then opening KSTS. minor error but still you might want to look into it


Easy enough, thank you.  Will be fixed this evening

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@linuxgurugamer i think i found another bug but i am not sure if it's ksts or critical temperature gauge mod (my ability to interpret the logs is exhausted) basically what happens is this, Create a rocket (Command pod + tank +decoupler+tank+engine) take the top tank to create a sub assembly , save the subassembly (without deleting the part's) put it back on the command pod and try to launch, the log gets spammed with nullref's, then revert the flight to editor (vab) launch again, everything is fine

i managed to narrow it down to KSTS and Critical Temperature Gauge this behavior is fixed by either removing KSTS or Critical Temperature Gauge so i can't say for sure witch mod is causing the problem or maybe they dont play along nicely

Here are the logs and the post i made at the Critical Temperature Gauge (thinking at first it's that mod's problem witch maybe it is, don't know) there are also some earlier logs




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  On 3/17/2020 at 2:30 PM, dtoxic said:

Create a rocket (Command pod + tank +decoupler+tank+engine) take the top tank to create a sub assembly , save the subassembly (without deleting the part's) put it back on the command pod and try to launch, the log gets spammed with nullref's, then revert the flight to editor (vab) launch again, everything is fine


Thank you, these specific steps will be very helpful in figuring out what's going on

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Heya. I think I'll hitch hike on the stream of posts to ask a question, too: 

Is it normal that KSTS doesn't maintain staging information? Every time I deploy a vessel, all stages set on VAB are gone and everything is lumped into one single stage. Can be annoying with larger stuff, especially with lots of parachutes for return trip etc.  Plus, when activating an engine, they apparently get thrown out of symmetry - meaning that for large vessels with lots of engines it could become a small chore to start them up one by one.


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  On 3/17/2020 at 4:40 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Thank you, these specific steps will be very helpful in figuring out what's going on


Just so you know i do run a lot of other mod's [so if you need that to just say so or anything else] and i am trying to isolate mods to see are there any others that display dis kind of error, will let you know if i find something (a lot of starts and restarts of ksp are to be done :D )

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  On 3/17/2020 at 5:09 PM, dtoxic said:

Just so you know i do run a lot of other mod's [so if you need that to just say so or anything else] and i am trying to isolate mods to see are there any others that display dis kind of error, will let you know if i find something (a lot of starts and restarts of ksp are to be done :D )


I'll look at it this evening


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Are there any add-ons required like a toolbar mod? It shows up under ACV for the version check but no KSTS button in the toolbar. I checked on the first page but didn't notice any requirements, but my eyes are old...

Nevermind, I figured it out with the logs. Tool bar controller and Clickthrough Blocker are required, it works fine now!

Edited by Kerbart
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  On 3/18/2020 at 12:26 PM, Kerbart said:

Are there any add-ons required like a toolbar mod? It shows up under ACV for the version check but no KSTS button in the toolbar. I checked on the first page but didn't notice any requirements, but my eyes are old...

Nevermind, I figured it out with the logs. Tool bar controller and Clickthrough Blocker are required, it works fine now!


Best to tag @linuxgurugamer so that he sees this. It does appear that the dependencies are missing from the OP. BTW, you should just assume that both of those are required for any LGG mod.

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I have encountered a ghost ship myself now. :0.0:

The result was an endless stream of errors in the logs slowing down the game significantly.

The fix (other than removing KSTS only) was deleting the ghost ships craft file (it was a simple sub-assembly called 'Micro-Sat v3.0.craft' - pure stock, no mod parts).

This Ghost ship was attached to a craft that I deployed to orbit using KSTS - it was connected to the "main" craft through a staged docking port and turned from a real ship to a ghost when i staged the docking port and executed a burn.

After it became a ghost to the deployed ship it also started to be floating around any ship that I spawned from the VAB as well as ships that I switched which existed prior to the deployment via KSTS.


I have a savefile and the craftfile

Technically the savegame requires "a few" mods to load but i might be able to retain the bug while turning it into a stock debug savegame if that helps.

I have yet to perform some trials that would lead me to be able to replicate the problem reliably. I am happy right now that I was able to isolate and "fix" the root cause of the issues as a first step.


I am using KSP 1.9.1 and the latest greatest versions of all mods and dependencies which have been installed via CKAN and I am not using ModularFuelTanks or USI Life support.

Edited by Fulgora
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  On 3/21/2020 at 8:50 PM, dtoxic said:

Hey @linuxgurugamer did you get the chance to look at those logs? i did a lot of digging added removed mod's but just can't figure it out what is happening...


It appears that I forgot to post this:

New releases, and

  • Full fix for the "ghost ships", was caused by invalid characters in the craft file name.
  • Added check for existence of Subassemblies folder to avoid an error if it doesn't exist

Please make sure you are running before reposting your reports


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  On 3/27/2020 at 7:45 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

It appears that I forgot to post this:

New releases, and

  • Full fix for the "ghost ships", was caused by invalid characters in the craft file name.
  • Added check for existence of Subassemblies folder to avoid an error if it doesn't exist

Please make sure you are running before reposting your reports



Will Test this out tonight will let you know how it goes, where you able to replicate the problem i was having?

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@linuxgurugamer  Nope still the same thing happens


either it's not playing nice with some other mod,or something in stock subassembiles system, or the other way around is messing with ksts would be my guess.

In the log there are nullrefs pointing to critical temp. gauge, once that mod is removed something other pops up as a nullref, and so on and so forth until you remove ksts and then no more nullrefs

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  On 3/27/2020 at 8:46 PM, dtoxic said:

@linuxgurugamer  Nope still the same thing happens


either it's not playing nice with some other mod,or something in stock subassembiles system, or the other way around is messing with ksts would be my guess.

In the log there are nullrefs pointing to critical temp. gauge, once that mod is removed something other pops up as a nullref, and so on and so forth until you remove ksts and then no more nullrefs


I can confirm this. My report above was based on (should have written the precise version in my op, sry)

I do not have critical temp. gauge installed and saw the same thing. I do have mods installed that add new modules to stock parts so that might be a commonality here.

I can't say if critical temp gauge or other mods in @dtoxic's install adds new modules to parts though - this is just an assumption / speculation on my part.


Edit: I still have a backup of my save in its broken state that I can use for debugging if that is of any help.

Edited by Fulgora
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