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SimpleConstruction! (SCON) Stock rocket building


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SimpleLogistics! will not be supported on KSP 1.9.1 until ExtraPlanatary Launchpads     is updated and released for KSP 1.9.1. It still might work /YMMV/. There is nothing that can be done about the popup in game saying EL is not supported, at least from our end.


Mod Version
KSP version KSP-AVC License MIT 68747470733a2f2f692e706f7374696d672e6363
Validate AVC .version files

Version - Spring Cleaning

  • apologies, I forgot to list B9PartSwitch or IFS as soft-dependencies. this is now fixed.
  • update Readme and propagate
  • update .version
  • other internal updates
  • added Readme.htm and version.htm

create new CurseForge entry

  • Make sure if downloading this from Curseforge you have the correct one

Patches and configs

  • removed incorrect :NEEDS items in B9TankTypes.cfg
  • cleaned out old extraneous comments
  • added ghostparts.cfg
  • depreciated the KS-OSCR Control Reference "ELControlReferenceSC" because it didn't do what I thought it did, and has nothing to do with building vessels
  • added Alternative Resource Panel icons to RocketParts and Metal
  • added :NEEDS[!CommunityResourcePack] to RocketParts definition
  • fixed typo in B9TankTypes for RocketParts unitsPerVolume (from 1 to 2)

New Parts

  • Creates copy of stock small, radial, and large ore tanks
  • one set for Metal and another for RocketParts
  • WARNING: if you install IFS or B9 after using the new parts, they will be hidden; but this shouldn't affect any in flight vessels (ghostparts.cfg)

See Full Changelog for full details of changes
See Known Issues for known issues

red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support
How to get support

Edited by zer0Kerbal
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Hi taniwha,

have tried yesterday and today several times to get this situation again, where KSP was losing  the conenction to keyboard and mouse ... nada, now it was working each time. Seems so as if the problem was aware that I was try ing to detect it ... ;-)


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1 hour ago, JoeeoJ said:

Hi taniwha,

have tried yesterday and today several times to get this situation again, where KSP was losing  the conenction to keyboard and mouse ... nada, now it was working each time. Seems so as if the problem was aware that I was try ing to detect it ... ;-)



While I am saddened you have been unable to reproduce it; I am experiencing a dichotic feeling of overwhelming joy that you haven't been able to reproduce it. :o:o:o:P:cool:

+1 :rep:

Edited by zer0Kerbal
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Yeah, I hate those bugs. I had a fun one yesterday while working on a compiler. Running "make clean check" and a particular test case would fail (seemed to be every time). Run the compiler by hand or using either valgrind or gdb, it never failed... almost. If I ran it by hand, maybe 1/10 times it would fail. It turned out that Linux's heap randomizer (security feature) was messing with me. I did eventually find the bug though, but valgrind (and gdb?) disables the randomizer, so the only way I could find it was "well, it's gotta be in here somewhere".

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@zer0Kerbal Last year about this time I started using the full EL mod but move the functions to parts from other mods, primarily Keridian Dynamics and USI Kontainers. This was mainly searching for references in mods for CRP resources and writing patches to substitute EL resources for the equivalent CRP resource.

  • MetallicOre -> MetalOre
  • Metals -> Metal
  • Recyclables -> ScrapMetal
  • RocketParts already defined in CRP,  EL creates a duplicate resource definition

I run a patch to update EL definitions to improve compatibility with CRP/USI based mods.  I don't remember specifically why I did the following, but I think I needed displayNames and abbreviations so I could get EL resource names to appear in the variant selectors in USI Kontainers.


// Add displayName and abbreviations to EL resources.
// Add hsp to CRP definition to force it to conform with EL, but duplicates are produced anyway.
// Each entry applies to all matching resource names.
	%displayName = Rocket Parts
	%abbreviation = RP
	%hsp = 450		// assumed to be mostly Metal (iron) not in CRP
	%displayName = Metal
	%abbreviation = = MTL
	%displayName = Scrap Metal
	%abbreviation = = Junk
	%displayName = Metal Ore
	%abbreviation = = MTO


 Patch for USI Kontainers redefining it for the resources I actually use and dropping the rest. I use these in place of the EL HexCans. I'm selective about parts I use, so these are the only parts from USI Kontainers I use and delete the rest.  I use several of the USI mods, but not the full MKS so I don't need all the MKS resources.

  • MetalOre - Gray MTO Skin
  • Metal -Red MTL Skin
  • ScrapMetal - Green Recycle Skin
  • RocketParts - Brown ROK Skin

RocketParts were the only resource that didn't have a container tailor-made for it.  I chose "ROK" since I didn't need its resource otherwise.  I think Material Kits (MKT) or Specialized Parts (SPT) are probably the closer to the equivalent resource and ROK is intended to be for the "Rock" resource.


    @category = Payload
    	textureRootFolder = UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers/Assets/
    	@textureNames = MVV_Tex_11;MVV_Tex_00;MVV_Tex_07;MVV_Tex_13;MVV_Tex_24;MVV_Tex_10;MVV_Tex_15;MVV_Tex_18
	@textureDisplayNames = Ore;MetalOre;Metal;ScrapMetal;RocketParts;Supplies;Fertilizer;Dirt
	@fuelTankSetups = 0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8
	@resourceNames = Ore;MetalOre;Metal;ScrapMetal;RocketParts;Supplies;Fertilizer;Dirt
	@textureDisplayNames = Ore;MetalOre;Metal;ScrapMetal;RocketParts;Supplies;Fertilizer;Dirt
	@tankMass = 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
	@initialResourceAmounts = 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
	@moduleID = 0
    	@resourceAmounts = 250;250;250;250;250;1250;1250;1250
	@tankCost = 5;264;2340;96;375;625;500;0.4
    	textureRootFolder = UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers/Assets/
    	@textureNames = Kontainer_11;Kontainer_00;Kontainer_07;Kontainer_13;Kontainer_24;Kontainer_10;Kontainer_15;Kontainer_18
	@textureDisplayNames = Ore;MetalOre;Metal;ScrapMetal;RocketParts;Supplies;Fertilizer;Dirt
	@fuelTankSetups = 0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8
	@resourceNames = Ore;MetalOre;Metal;ScrapMetal;RocketParts;Supplies;Fertilizer;Dirt
	@textureDisplayNames = Ore;MetalOre;Metal;ScrapMetal;RocketParts;Supplies;Fertilizer;Dirt
	@tankMass = 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
	@initialResourceAmounts = 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
	@moduleID = 0
    //@mass = .20
    @MODEL { @texture = Kontainer_11,UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers/Assets/Kontainer_11 }
    	@resourceAmounts = 400;400;400;400;400;2000;2000;2000
	@tankCost = 8;422.4;3744;153.6;600;5000;4000;3.20
    //@mass = 1.5
    @MODEL { @texture = Kontainer_11,UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers/Assets/Kontainer_00 }
    	@resourceAmounts = 3200;3200;3200;3200;3200;16000;16000;16000
	@tankCost = 64;3379.2;29952;1228.8;4800;40000;32000;25.60
    //@mass = 3.75
    @MODEL { @texture = Kontainer_11,UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers/Assets/Kontainer_10 }
    	@resourceAmounts = 10800;10800;10800;10800;10800;54000;54000;54000
	@tankCost = 216;11404.8;101088;4147.2;16200;135000;108000;86.4
    //@mass = 5.75
    @MODEL { @texture = Kontainer_11,UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers/Assets/Kontainer_15 }
    	@resourceAmounts = 25600;25600;25600;25600;25600;128000;128000;128000
	@tankCost = 512;27033.6;239616;9830.4;38400;320000;256000;204.8




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On 3/29/2020 at 10:42 AM, Tonka Crash said:

@zer0Kerbal Last year about this time I started using the full EL mod but move the functions to parts from other mods, primarily Keridian Dynamics and USI Kontainers. This was mainly searching for references in mods for CRP resources and writing patches to substitute EL resources for the equivalent CRP resource.

  • MetallicOre -> MetalOre
  • Metals -> Metal
  • Recyclables -> ScrapMetal
  • RocketParts already defined in CRP,  EL creates a duplicate resource definition

I run a patch to update EL definitions to improve compatibility with CRP/USI based mods.  I don't remember specifically why I did the following, but I think I needed displayNames and abbreviations so I could get EL resource names to appear in the variant selectors in USI Kontainers.

  Hide contents

// Add displayName and abbreviations to EL resources.
// Add hsp to CRP definition to force it to conform with EL, but duplicates are produced anyway.
// Each entry applies to all matching resource names.
	%displayName = Rocket Parts
	%abbreviation = RP
	%hsp = 450		// assumed to be mostly Metal (iron) not in CRP
	%displayName = Metal
	%abbreviation = = MTL
	%displayName = Scrap Metal
	%abbreviation = = Junk
	%displayName = Metal Ore
	%abbreviation = = MTO


 Patch for USI Kontainers redefining it for the resources I actually use and dropping the rest. I use these in place of the EL HexCans. I'm selective about parts I use, so these are the only parts from USI Kontainers I use and delete the rest.  I use several of the USI mods, but not the full MKS so I don't need all the MKS resources.

  • MetalOre - Gray MTO Skin
  • Metal -Red MTL Skin
  • ScrapMetal - Green Recycle Skin
  • RocketParts - Brown ROK Skin

RocketParts were the only resource that didn't have a container tailor-made for it.  I chose "ROK" since I didn't need its resource otherwise.  I think Material Kits (MKT) or Specialized Parts (SPT) are probably the closer to the equivalent resource and ROK is intended to be for the "Rock" resource.

  Hide contents

    @category = Payload
    	textureRootFolder = UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers/Assets/
    	@textureNames = MVV_Tex_11;MVV_Tex_00;MVV_Tex_07;MVV_Tex_13;MVV_Tex_24;MVV_Tex_10;MVV_Tex_15;MVV_Tex_18
	@textureDisplayNames = Ore;MetalOre;Metal;ScrapMetal;RocketParts;Supplies;Fertilizer;Dirt
	@fuelTankSetups = 0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8
	@resourceNames = Ore;MetalOre;Metal;ScrapMetal;RocketParts;Supplies;Fertilizer;Dirt
	@textureDisplayNames = Ore;MetalOre;Metal;ScrapMetal;RocketParts;Supplies;Fertilizer;Dirt
	@tankMass = 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
	@initialResourceAmounts = 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
	@moduleID = 0
    	@resourceAmounts = 250;250;250;250;250;1250;1250;1250
	@tankCost = 5;264;2340;96;375;625;500;0.4
    	textureRootFolder = UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers/Assets/
    	@textureNames = Kontainer_11;Kontainer_00;Kontainer_07;Kontainer_13;Kontainer_24;Kontainer_10;Kontainer_15;Kontainer_18
	@textureDisplayNames = Ore;MetalOre;Metal;ScrapMetal;RocketParts;Supplies;Fertilizer;Dirt
	@fuelTankSetups = 0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8
	@resourceNames = Ore;MetalOre;Metal;ScrapMetal;RocketParts;Supplies;Fertilizer;Dirt
	@textureDisplayNames = Ore;MetalOre;Metal;ScrapMetal;RocketParts;Supplies;Fertilizer;Dirt
	@tankMass = 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
	@initialResourceAmounts = 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
	@moduleID = 0
    //@mass = .20
    @MODEL { @texture = Kontainer_11,UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers/Assets/Kontainer_11 }
    	@resourceAmounts = 400;400;400;400;400;2000;2000;2000
	@tankCost = 8;422.4;3744;153.6;600;5000;4000;3.20
    //@mass = 1.5
    @MODEL { @texture = Kontainer_11,UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers/Assets/Kontainer_00 }
    	@resourceAmounts = 3200;3200;3200;3200;3200;16000;16000;16000
	@tankCost = 64;3379.2;29952;1228.8;4800;40000;32000;25.60
    //@mass = 3.75
    @MODEL { @texture = Kontainer_11,UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers/Assets/Kontainer_10 }
    	@resourceAmounts = 10800;10800;10800;10800;10800;54000;54000;54000
	@tankCost = 216;11404.8;101088;4147.2;16200;135000;108000;86.4
    //@mass = 5.75
    @MODEL { @texture = Kontainer_11,UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers/Assets/Kontainer_15 }
    	@resourceAmounts = 25600;25600;25600;25600;25600;128000;128000;128000
	@tankCost = 512;27033.6;239616;9830.4;38400;320000;256000;204.8




I wanted to do this but I lacked the skill. Will this work (or can I make it work) with simple construction? I like the docking port building and other simplifications, but the ore>metal>RP line is really a tad bit basic. 

I also don't like the USI supply line. I wanted to make the exact same container changes you outlined. I actually use material kits though, for the OSE printers.

I can't stand how complicated MKS is. I'm using pathfinder stockish mode and snacks right now. 

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1 hour ago, WallHaxx said:

I wanted to do this but I lacked the skill. Will this work (or can I make it work) with simple construction? I like the docking port building and other simplifications, but the ore>metal>RP line is really a tad bit basic. 

I also don't like the USI supply line. I wanted to make the exact same container changes you outlined. I actually use material kits though, for the OSE printers.

I can't stand how complicated MKS is. I'm using pathfinder stockish mode and snacks right now. 

I've never looked at Simple Construction, but there's no reason it can't be made to work. I tried Ground Construction and had nothing but problems, so have switched to EL. I'd think the Kontainers would work as is since GC is bundled with MKS. If you want to delete resources you don't use it's just setting up the Firesplitter modules to match the resources and textures you want to keep.

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Version for Kerbal Space Program 1.9.1

@zer0Kerbal zer0Kerbal released this on 2020-04-04

Mod Version KSP version KSP-AVCLicense MITMIT-17x17.png
Validate AVC .version files

Version - New Carpets!

  • update to KSP 1.9.1
  • update included Extraplanetary LaunchPads (Launchpad.dll) to 6.7.1

    See Full Changelog for full details of changes
    See Known Issues for known issues


red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support
How to get support

Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date

Edited by zer0Kerbal
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Thanks much for the new version. I was running 1.9.1 on my Win10 box and was just about to build a mining rover using Simple Construction (and the Not So Simple Construction add-on) when I saw this notice. Did a quick update to it and I can verify that it works (still - as I noted before, the prior version was also working for me in 1.9.1). No more nagging message about incompatible versions on game launch.

Edited by rmaine
misspoke about which machine I was running on
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5 hours ago, rmaine said:

Thanks much for the new version. I was running 1.9.1 on my Win10 box and was just about to build a mining rover using Simple Construction (and the Not So Simple Construction add-on) when I saw this notice. Did a quick update to it and I can verify that it works (still - as I noted before, the prior version was also working for me in 1.9.1). No more nagging message about incompatible versions on game launch.

all thanks go to the deserving @taniwha for updating EL.

Am working on updating @Tonka Crash's patch and updating NSSC and Keridan Dynamics...

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hello! i have installed the Simple Construction mod for ksp 1.8.1 and i keep getting an error message whenever i have launch clamps supporting my ships. the part it says it`s missing is "ELExtending LaunchClamp". any help is greatly appreciated!

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Mod Version KSP version KSP-AVCLicense MIT MIT-17x17.png
Validate AVC .version files

Version - New Draperies!


  • for Kerbal Space Program (KSP) 1.9.1

Extraplanetary Launchpads (core)

  • update included Extraplanetary LaunchPads (Launchpad.dll) to 6.7.2
  • updated EL.version file to reflect updated LaunchPad.dll

Minor housekeeping

  • patch dusting (mostly removing consruction dust (comments))
  • added SCCombo tank type to B9PartSwitch tanks - so a combination tank (ore + metal + rocket parts)
  • updated SimpleConstruction.version and corrected KSP_VERSION_MAX from 1.8.9 to 1.9.9999

Experiment to quiet log:

  • added Settings.cfg to ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads/
  • essentially an empty file

See Full Changelog for full details of changes
See Known Issues for known issues


red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support
How to get support

Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date

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12 hours ago, Jansn67 said:

Still exist after you installed/dropped ONLY the part-folder from original ELP?

not sure what you mean. i have downloaded and installed the latest Simple Construction mod files for ksp 1.8.1 via github. should i download the elp original mod and replace the part folder?

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5 hours ago, beaucoupzero said:

not sure what you mean. i have downloaded and installed the latest Simple Construction mod files for ksp 1.8.1 via github. should i download the elp original mod and replace the part folder?

Do you have EL installed separately? Cannot have EL and SC installed at the same time. SimpleConstruciton! includes the DLL from EL - and changes how it functions. The parts and other things (like the launchclamp) do not work with SC. There is no other way you could be having this issue otherwise.

I strongly suggest using CKAN to install and update mods.

Edited by zer0Kerbal
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5 hours ago, zer0Kerbal said:

Do you have EL installed separately? Cannot have EL and SC installed at the same time.

I usually delete the .dll from EPL-Folder (only keep part/texture-folder, kerbal.cfg and some more stuff),
and can use parts from EPL with simplification from SC.
I do this since SC was originally released.
In actual savegame, i build my first ship in orbit of mun.
(Needs 1,5 more ingame days.)

Works as it should.
Next -> Recycler.
Works, slow like ever.
Paralell i build a second vesel.
(RocketParts-Tanks shows NaN-Error. Maybe by filling and emptying same time.)
Waiting till vessels are recycled and built/released.
Vessel recycling finished.

(But i found some mess up with (doubled) .cfgs.)

To be continued...

Edited by Jansn67
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4 hours ago, Jansn67 said:

I usually delete the .dll from EPL-Folder (only keep part/texture-folder, kerbal.cfg and some more stuff),
and can use parts from EPL with simplification from SC.
I do this since SC was originally released.
In actual savegame, i build my first ship in orbit of mun.
(Needs 1,5 more ingame days.)

Works as it should.
Next -> Recycler.
Works, slow like ever.
Paralell i build a second vesel.
(RocketParts-Tanks shows NaN-Error. Maybe by filling and emptying same time.)
Waiting till vessels are recycled and built/released.
Vessel recycling finished.

(But i found some mess up with (doubled) .cfgs.)

To be continued...

redundant / doubled configs and things that were intentionally left out.


Still there are some great parts. Is sort of the idea behind Not-So-SimpleConstruction! (NSSC) - which I need to update; along with Keridian Dynamics.

If one wants to use better launchclamps for landed based to be used with EL - @taniwha's Diamond Grid mod


still if you are having a launchclamp issue you could try this. I will not support it


1 hour ago, schlosrat said:

// To attempt to fix all launch clamps in the game

    %name = ELExtendingLaunchClamp


note: I changed :FINAL to :AFTER[Launchpad]

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Sorry for delay, needed some easter days beside KSP, after 3 weeks of intense "Kerborona" :p

Have absolute no issues with my "whacky" EPL/SC-Installation.
(I never looked deeper inside that in past Gameversions/Savegames.)

Also vesselbuilding/releasing/recycling works perfect.
(Only "stock" Loading-Dialogue-Box for selecting vessel to build could be replaced
when "KSPCraftManager" is installed. I save all my builded Vessels with tags - some
also as blueprints and variants and some w/o lifting-stages for EPL-use.)

Thanks for the hints to taniwhas and your launchclamps/cfg.
Will use/try them when ground science grabbing is happening.

And thank you for all you modding work.

Edited by Jansn67
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On 4/8/2020 at 4:31 PM, zer0Kerbal said:

Still there are some great parts. Is sort of the idea behind Not-So-SimpleConstruction! (NSSC) - which I need to update; along with Keridian Dynamics.

Any idea on how soon that may happen? I'm using NSSC and I recently found Kerdian through these threads. It looks like a great addition/replacement of EL parts and I'm eager to use it. I'm assuming it does not work at all on 1.9.1.

Tell me, does it add OSE functionality to any of those parts if you have it installed?

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16 hours ago, WallHaxx said:

Any idea on how soon that may happen? I'm using NSSC and I recently found Kerdian through these threads. It looks like a great addition/replacement of EL parts and I'm eager to use it. I'm assuming it does not work at all on 1.9.1.

Tell me, does it add OSE functionality to any of those parts if you have it installed?

Well, I am working toward it. I have permission - it is now just finding the time. I have three add-ons that need to get updated first - and have gotten 93% done - just one or two stuck points. Then it is a matter of going through the backlog. I will see if I can push it forward.

That I cannot say - but will look.

Okay - I looked - there is a an OSEWorkshop patch. snatched this comment from one of the patches: //    Adds OSE Workshop and OSE Recycler to KD-MobileVAB - so it does look like it. /YMMV/ I have no plans to remove that patch.

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On 3/29/2020 at 2:42 PM, Tonka Crash said:

@zer0Kerbal Last year about this time I started using the full EL mod but move the functions to parts from other mods, primarily Keridian Dynamics and USI Kontainers. This was mainly searching for references in mods for CRP resources and writing patches to substitute EL resources for the equivalent CRP resource.


 Patch for USI Kontainers redefining it for the resources I actually use and dropping the rest. I use these in place of the EL HexCans. I'm selective about parts I use, so these are the only parts from USI Kontainers I use and delete the rest.  I use several of the USI mods, but not the full MKS so I don't need all the MKS resources.

  • MetalOre - Gray MTO Skin
  • Metal -Red MTL Skin
  • ScrapMetal - Green Recycle Skin
  • RocketParts - Brown ROK Skin

RocketParts were the only resource that didn't have a container tailor-made for it.  I chose "ROK" since I didn't need its resource otherwise.  I think Material Kits (MKT) or Specialized Parts (SPT) are probably the closer to the equivalent resource and ROK is intended to be for the "Rock" resource.


+1 :rep:

Thank you.

I have added modified versions to SimpleConstruction! Will be updating NSSC (Not So SimpleConstruction!) to reflect this soon. Also caused me to realize I should update ARP to include a patch for where the icons moved to - to quiet KSP log spam.




// Resources.cfg v1.0.1.0
// SimpleConstruction!
// created: 
// updated: 2020 Apr 20

// if CommunityResourcePack is installed, update Resources
	@displayName = RocketParts // #SimpleConstruction_RocketParts_displayname
	@abbreviation = RP // #SimpleConstruction_RocketParts_abbv
	%hsp = 450
	@ksparpicon = TriggerTech/AlternateResourcePanel/Plugins/PluginData/Icons/RocketParts

/// installed only if CommunityResourcePack not installed
	name = RocketParts
	displayName = #SimpleConstruction_RocketParts_displayname
	abbreviation = #SimpleConstruction_RocketParts_abbv
	hsp = 450
	density = 0.0025
	unitCost = 1.5
	flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
	transfer = PUMP
	isTweakable = true
	isVisible = true
	volume = 5
	ksparpicon = TriggerTech/AlternateResourcePanel/Plugins/PluginData/Icons/RocketParts

	name = Metal
	displayName = #SimpleConstruction_Metal_displayname
	abbreviation = #SimpleConstruction_Metal_abbv
	hsp = 450
	density = 0.0078
	unitCost = 0.5 // CRP -> 14.24
	flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
	transfer = PUMP
	isTweakable = true
	isVisible = true
	volume = 1
	ksparpicon = TriggerTech/AlternateResourcePanel/Plugins/PluginData/Icons/Metal

// GPLv2
// zer0Kerbal

will also be updating NSSC (Not So SimpleConstruction!) with similar. Also made me realize I needed to patch AlternateResourcePanel to update where the icons moved to (to prevent log spam from KSP)


// USI-Kontainers.cfg v1.0.0.0
// SimpleConstruction!
// created: 2020 Apr 20
// updated: 2020 Apr 20

// special thank you to @Tonka Crash
// https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/191424-191-simpleconstruction-stock-rocket-building-version-40262020-04-07/&do=findComment&comment=3763024

// https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/USI_Core/

// USIKontainers
// UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers

	@category = Payload
		textureRootFolder = UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers/Assets/
		@textureNames = MVV_Tex_11;MVV_Tex_00;MVV_Tex_07;MVV_Tex_13;MVV_Tex_24;MVV_Tex_10;MVV_Tex_15;MVV_Tex_18
	@textureDisplayNames = Ore;MetalOre;Metal;ScrapMetal;RocketParts;Supplies;Fertilizer;Dirt
	@fuelTankSetups = 0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8
	@resourceNames = Ore;MetalOre;Metal;ScrapMetal;RocketParts;Supplies;Fertilizer;Dirt
	@textureDisplayNames = Ore;MetalOre;Metal;ScrapMetal;RocketParts;Supplies;Fertilizer;Dirt
	@tankMass = 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
	@initialResourceAmounts = 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
	@moduleID = 0
		@resourceAmounts = 250;250;250;250;250;1250;1250;1250
	@tankCost = 5;264;2340;96;375;625;500;0.4
		textureRootFolder = UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers/Assets/
		@textureNames = Kontainer_11;Kontainer_00;Kontainer_07;Kontainer_13;Kontainer_24;Kontainer_10;Kontainer_15;Kontainer_18
		@textureDisplayNames = Ore;MetalOre;Metal;ScrapMetal;RocketParts;Supplies;Fertilizer;Dirt
		@fuelTankSetups = 0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8
		@resourceNames = Ore;MetalOre;Metal;ScrapMetal;RocketParts;Supplies;Fertilizer;Dirt
		@textureDisplayNames = Ore;MetalOre;Metal;ScrapMetal;RocketParts;Supplies;Fertilizer;Dirt
		@tankMass = 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
		@initialResourceAmounts = 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
		@moduleID = 0
	//@mass = .20
	@MODEL { @texture = Kontainer_11,UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers/Assets/Kontainer_11 }
		@resourceAmounts = 400;400;400;400;400;2000;2000;2000
		@tankCost = 8;422.4;3744;153.6;600;5000;4000;3.20
	//@mass = 1.5
	@MODEL { @texture = Kontainer_11,UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers/Assets/Kontainer_00 }
		@resourceAmounts = 3200;3200;3200;3200;3200;16000;16000;16000
		@tankCost = 64;3379.2;29952;1228.8;4800;40000;32000;25.60
	//@mass = 3.75
	@MODEL { @texture = Kontainer_11,UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers/Assets/Kontainer_10 }
		@resourceAmounts = 10800;10800;10800;10800;10800;54000;54000;54000
		@tankCost = 216;11404.8;101088;4147.2;16200;135000;108000;86.4
	//@mass = 5.75
	@MODEL { @texture = Kontainer_11,UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers/Assets/Kontainer_15 }
		@resourceAmounts = 25600;25600;25600;25600;25600;128000;128000;128000
		@tankCost = 512;27033.6;239616;9830.4;38400;320000;256000;204.8

// GPLv2
// zer0Kerbal


above are BETA patches. Will not release until I have feedback (or lack thereof).

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Good news everyone!

Simple construction lives!

I was wondering if there were any instructions on how to use your new micro dock. Every time I try to build with it the new part is not attached the the parent, or it's upside down. 




Also, having a stock part analog of the EL launch clamp would keep our bases from slowly crawling away.



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