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[1.12.x] Soundtrack Editor Forked


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Yeah, looks like the dll was deleted in the last commit in the latest release. If you're feeling brave, here is the dll as it looked in the commit just before it was deleted: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SoundtrackEditorForked/raw/39653335f242432c3bceaa44819ff499ccd4c688/GameData/SoundtrackEditorForked/Plugins/SoundtrackEditorForked.dll

Just download it and drop it into GameData\SoundtrackEditorForked\Plugins.

It was updated in that same commit (the one just before it was deleted from the repo), so I am assuming it is the updated one.

Edit: Yup, seems to work.

Edited by lingfors
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5 hours ago, lingfors said:

Yeah, looks like the dll was deleted in the last commit in the latest release. If you're feeling brave, here is the dll as it looked in the commit just before it was deleted: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SoundtrackEditorForked/raw/39653335f242432c3bceaa44819ff499ccd4c688/GameData/SoundtrackEditorForked/Plugins/SoundtrackEditorForked.dll

Just download it and drop it into GameData\SoundtrackEditorForked\Plugins.

It was updated in that same commit (the one just before it was deleted from the repo), so I am assuming it is the updated one.

Edit: Yup, seems to work.

a legend my good man.


just booted ksp, no idea why the mod isnt there,
and there the one and only posts.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi @linuxgurugamer  recently added this mod for the first time.

I'm loving it so far, but I'm having a bit of trouble getting it to behave as I intend.

Firstly, I think I have a problem while trying to set a track for Minmus. I set up a new playlist and when entering Minmus SOI it shows the play symbol next to it (and no others), but I'm getting my Mun track playing instead. If I open the player, it shows it playing the Mun track, but if I click on show tracks, it lists my Minmus track. When the Mun track ends it does not play the Minmus track. In fact, it plays nothing at all.   Scratch that, I'm an idiot. I managed to download an mp4 instead of mp3. It's working as intended now.

Second, is there a way to prioritise one playlist over another, specificly prioritise my Mun playlist over the space playlist? I tried the play before option, but it just plays the Mun track once before moving on to the space playlist, even though I had loop selected. I've also tried setting the Mun playlist to play after itself, but it still switches to the space playlist.


Edited by Turbo Ben
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Hello, I've been trying to get this mod to work, but all I get in game is the Player that only displays the currently playing vanilla song with no other options and none of the tracks I added to the Music file in the main game directory. I've tried both MP3 and OGG files and it hasn't changed anything. This is a fresh install of KSP 1.12.5 with nothing else on it besides it's dependencies. Please let me know what information I need to provide you with and I will do so. Help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you!

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23 hours ago, Kaedrik said:

Hello, I've been trying to get this mod to work, but all I get in game is the Player that only displays the currently playing vanilla song with no other options and none of the tracks I added to the Music file in the main game directory. I've tried both MP3 and OGG files and it hasn't changed anything. This is a fresh install of KSP 1.12.5 with nothing else on it besides it's dependencies. Please let me know what information I need to provide you with and I will do so. Help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you!

Let's start off with the following:

  • Copy of the Player.log
  • Snapshot of the main Game directory
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2 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Let's start off with the following:

  • Copy of the Player.log
  • Snapshot of the main Game directory

Main game directory screen shot: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g9duzdja6hxf5wwae1brq/Capture.PNG?rlkey=h57a8otzthca0yn1omnk0us7y&dl=0

Log file: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zgi1fh38vm65fkqrkq3qy/Player.log?rlkey=us20obtox9az3oo2goz3dnq3d&dl=0

I hope I gave you the right log file. I apologize, this is my first time trying to get help with a mod for any game lol.



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/7/2023 at 2:52 PM, Turbo Ben said:

Hi @linuxgurugamer  recently added this mod for the first time.

I'm loving it so far, but I'm having a bit of trouble getting it to behave as I intend.

Firstly, I think I have a problem while trying to set a track for Minmus. I set up a new playlist and when entering Minmus SOI it shows the play symbol next to it (and no others), but I'm getting my Mun track playing instead. If I open the player, it shows it playing the Mun track, but if I click on show tracks, it lists my Minmus track. When the Mun track ends it does not play the Minmus track. In fact, it plays nothing at all.   Scratch that, I'm an idiot. I managed to download an mp4 instead of mp3. It's working as intended now.

Second, is there a way to prioritise one playlist over another, specificly prioritise my Mun playlist over the space playlist? I tried the play before option, but it just plays the Mun track once before moving on to the space playlist, even though I had loop selected. I've also tried setting the Mun playlist to play after itself, but it still switches to the space playlist.


I wish there was a way to prioritize playlists in this way too. It's possible (and has been the method I use) to just add the same track (or multiple tracks) over and over an indefinite number of times until the sheer length of the playlist makes it unlikely that the space playlist will ever play while you're in the Mun's range, but it feels a little janky. I guess you could also add a minimum height requirement for the space playlist (like 70km) if you're willing to make playlists for being landed or relatively close to every single body, but the distance at which it actually plays is going to vary greatly anyways. 

Edited by cherkasy
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  • 2 weeks later...

Works like a  charm, this mod is great and I love theming all my flights

If anyone wants to see how it can change you in game experience, ripping around to dog fighting music is so very fun, I've loaded an entire library of music on and it really elevates it


Thank you and amazing job @linuxgurugamer


Edited by Chaseair
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1 hour ago, JonnyOThan said:

Hey @linuxgurugamer I've heard that the reason this isn't on CKAN is because it does stuff outside the GameData directory.  I think CKAN can now support that to a limited extent.  I don't know the details, but if we can figure it out would you like us to get it added to CKAN?

Yes, of course.  Contact me on Discord to discuss

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  • 2 weeks later...

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