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Alternis Space Program


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After a while of lurking on the forums and replying to the occasional topic, I decided to make a mission report.

This report will cover my journey in the Alternis Kerbol planet pack with Sigma Dimensions set to 2x scale.

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Part 0: Everyone's gotta start somewhere, right?

Introducing the Dawn program, an unoriginal way of naming the dawn of a new space program.

Dawn 0, the first rocket:

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After that mission, the space program only had enough science for fuel tanks, but not engines.

Dawn 1 was assembled to get that science.

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Afterwards, the engineers finally had enough science to build a real rocket.

Introducing Dawn 2. Very creative, as always.

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Aviation parts and wings were unlocked, and the R&D department realized that it would be easier to use a plane to get some data.

These new parts were quickly glued together in the SPH to get some science, and Jeb was the victim loyal test subject that was put in the pilot's seat.

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With more science, the space program was finally ready to reach the cosmos.

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The next mission would finally go to orbit. However, a camera malfunction (me forgetting to take screenshots) led to only one picture of this mission, of the tiny satellite in orbit.


Dawn 4 is in orbit!

As is the pattern, there is a drought of science. Dawn 5 was launched to escape Kerbin's sphere of influence and transmit data from Jool. No photos of this mission exist, but the probe looked similar to Dawn 4. In addition, the VAB was upgraded before the launch and the pesky 30 part limit was FINALLY gone.

Dawn 6 was up next:

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That concludes the first part of this space program. Next up will be the start of the long science grind until better parts.

Edited by Stamp20
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  On 2/18/2020 at 7:41 PM, Vanamonde said:

Cute little plane. :) 




While I'm here, might as well post an update.

Part 1: The (not so) Long Science Grind

The adventure resumes with another contract on Gene's desk, asking for a probe to enter Jool's atmosphere. As usual, the snack breaks were cancelled to assemble the probe. In addition, a new strategy was started by the admins to hopefully get more science by keeping the unpaid interns for longer than normal.

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After this successful mission, another contract appeared to orbit Laythe and return. It promised to pay a lot, so it was accepted immediately after seeing the amount of funds it gives.

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Before they explored Laythe, the unpaid R&D workers voiced their concerns that the space center didn't have the required parts for such a mission. Surprisingly, the administrators agreed, and, in their desperation for science, built a cheap rover because someone online said that the KSC buildings are worth a lot of science. Bob was placed on top of this basic science rover.

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Science had been earned, but the KSC admins weren't satisfied. So they sent a probe to Bop, because why not. It could also serve as a relay, before they realized the Tracking Station was powerful enough to cover the Jool System.

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The Space Program's craft designers continued work on Laythe Explorer 1, with the launch slated for the next update posted here.

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What's this? Two updates in one day? Insanity!


Part 2: Laythe and some other stuff

Laythe Explorer 1 has been completed and is ready to take off. Its goal is to orbit Laythe and return to Kerbin, while gathering a lot of science, of course.

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For now, LE1 will be left to coast through space. To pass the time, Mortimer decided to pad his wallet with extra funds from GAP contracts. What follows is a brief montage of 5 contracts, described purely through captions.

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Extra money stored away for the LE1 return party, a contract was accepted for a satellite in polar Bop orbit, and to scan Bop. At this point, assembling rockets was so fast that the builders got to keep their snack break this time.

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With another mission complete, it was time to finish Laythe Explorer 1's mission.

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Afterwards, several contracts were delivered to Gene's desk. One asked to do what LE1 did, but with the Mun. There were also four contracts to collect science from Laythe and the Mun. They're gonna need an army of probes to complete all of the contracts that keep flooding in.

Additionally, command pod technology were researched, so testing will begin for manned missions to space.

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  On 2/19/2020 at 12:12 AM, Stamp20 said:


LE1 ready for liftoff.


I really like what Sci-Fi VE has done to the system. I either loved or hated the looks of the planets in AKR. AKR Jool was one of the ones i was not a fan of, but the Sci-Fi Enhancements make it much better. Can't wait to see what the other planets look like too.

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  On 2/22/2020 at 7:24 PM, GEPEG_Unconscious said:

I really like what Sci-Fi VE has done to the system. I either loved or hated the looks of the planets in AKR. AKR Jool was one of the ones i was not a fan of, but the Sci-Fi Enhancements make it much better. Can't wait to see what the other planets look like too.


Might as well make some progress towards seeing the other planets now.


Part 3: Testing and Testing

Today's update will be short, since I'm away right now and writing this on mobile.

Guess what? Kerbin World-Firsts wants another orbit, this time at the Mun. The pay isn't that good, but it's something.

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Because here, at the Alternis Space Program, we care about our kerbals unlike most space agencies, so we put our manned spacecraft through some tests to ensure kerbal safety.

First up is the Pad Abort Test.

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Next up was the In Flight Abort and the Orbital Flight Test. To save costs, both will be done on the same mission. First, the in flight abort, a revert, then orbit.

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Everything went well, so the first kerbal will go to space soon!

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Part 4: The First Kerbal in Space

Soon is now now.

Valentina Kerman has been selected as the first kerbal to go to space, and after the selection, no time was wasted in preparing the launch. Except, however, the time to launch a satellite for Maxo Construction Toys.

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After that brief intermission, we can get on with the main mission. The program's name has been decided as Frontier.

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Upon return, Valentina received some ribbons, the most notable one being the First Kerbal in Space ribbon.

This historic mission will pave the way for several more manned missions, in addition to unmanned probes.

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Part 5: A Complete Joke


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Oh and Mun Explorer 1 returned too.

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Part 6: Milestones!

Two big milestones for the space program today, landing on Bop and the first tourist in orbit.

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Afterwards, two-seater pod technology was researched, so the space program thought about what they could do with multiple kerbals in orbit.

One of the mission planners remembered that during part 4, Val said:


"If I wasn't an astronaut, I'd pay some serious money for this view."


Gene made an announcement that the space program would allow civilians to go to space with Jeb or Val, but for a price.

Many people doubted it and didn't sign up, until billionaire Tito Kerman stepped up and paid to go in one of the new pods and spend a few hours in orbit.

Soon enough, Frontier 4 was rolled out to the launchpad.

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Tito's flight showed that tourism was safe, so more tourists slowly started to apply for tourism.

Also, the Woomerang Launch Site was lined up with the orbit of a contract orbit for a polar satellite, so that was launched too.

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Part 7: The Science Grind is Back

This updates starts out with probes being built to explore the other moons, starting with Minmus.

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While Minmus Explorer 1 is drifting through space, Mun Explorer 2, a rover, was launched.

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It'll take a while for the two probes to arrive, so two rescue contracts were accepted to pass the time.

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Mun Explorer 2's node was performed, followed by Minmus Explorer 1 reaching its target.

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Next up, even more probes will be launched, because we need more science.

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Part 8: Two Landings

It's another rote at the KSC, and this update starts with a launch because what else is there?

The launch in question is Laythe Explorer 2, designed to fly around Laythe and gather valuable science.

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Next up is... wait, why did you accept that contract?

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Next time, Pol Explorer 1 and several other satellites will be launched.

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Part 9: Space Home

This update will be longer than normal, as I've been falling behind.

  On 3/5/2020 at 3:47 PM, The Minmus Derp said:

Wow, that was... Eventful. I wonder when you're going to the other moons...
I think Pol is missing out.


You wish has been granted. Pol Explorer 1 is launching right now.

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While MEx1 and PE1 are waiting for nodes, the contract satellite industry is booming.

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All the space program can do now is wait. To distract everyone from the extreme boredom, Bop Expedition 1 was launched. The plan is that Bop landings become a normal way to train crew members. Bill and Natabin Kerman are on this mission.

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All in all, the mission was a success, and killed enough time for CS4 to reach Laythe.

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Another contract slip-up, this time a contract for science data from the surface was accepted. Unlike last time, this time Gene thought they already had a surface probe. As a result, they improvised.

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There was now enough science to unlock the Mobile Processing lab, among a lot of other parts. With this, a space station started construction.

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Next time, MEx1 and PE1 will execute their maneuvers, and the first crew will be launched to Risk.

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Part 10: Station Shenanigans

First, what's a station without a crew? To solve this? the STV(Station Transport Vehicle) was created. Valentina and Herzon Kerman were selected to crew the station.

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Next up is- *RING RING RING* MEx1's alarm is going off!

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That rude interruption did get one good thing - better command pods. The STV instantly became obsolete and was replaced by the STVB(B representing the second generation).

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The station wasn't complete in one launch, though. An airlock and docking node were launched shortly after, in the spirit of doing things really quickly at the ASC.

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Another Kerbal has been stranded in space!

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Duna Ore, the primary contractor for Risk, wanted the station's crew rotated, even though they had spent barely any time there.

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A craft filled with several parts for the station, including new docking ports to replace the Jr. size ports, was launched.

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Admin Kerman went on EVA from the airlock to install the new parts.

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Next up, Minmus Expedition 1 will be launched to get a lot of science from the tiny red rock orbiting near Jool.

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speling mistakes
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  • 2 weeks later...

Part 11: Minmus Expedition 1

No, I haven't abandoned this mission report just yet.

This mission will be very similar to Mun Expedition 1, but better. Similar to it, the lander was launched separately.

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Once the lander was in orbit, the crew launched. Valentina and Haruki, as well as two tourists, were in the rocket.

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The combined craft drifted off to- RING RING RING!

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Back to MiEx1

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Welcome to Minmus! Population: You and one probe.

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The lander had a ton of fuel left, so they decided to biome hop before returning to the tourists.

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  On 3/24/2020 at 3:37 PM, LittleBitMore said:

I'm really liking this mission report!


Thanks! I'll keep doing more.


Part 12: The SCANsat Army and Another Expedition

The previous Minmus mission unlocked a lot of tech, including all of the SCANsat parts. The SCANsat agency saw an opportunity to scan some moons. All Mortimer saw was money.

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While the above SCANsat launches were happening, the ASC's eyes were turned towards Laythe. Specifically, landing there and returning.

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The actual mission itself was cleared for launch. Jebediah and new scientist Jeswell are on the mission.

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Launching contract sats, a great way to pass time.

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Next time, LEx1 will land, and another ContractSat will launch.

Some transfer windows to Tylo and Eve were coming up in a few Rotes, so ASC management was looking at potential interplanetary explorers in the future.

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