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[1.4.3 <= KSP <= 1.12.5] KSP Recall - 2024-0521


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KSP Recall is on the Wild, featuring:

  • Finally diagnosed and fixed an issue on refunding Kerbals on Command Seats (or standalones)
  • Reworks the issue #16.

This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

  • GitHub, reaching manual installers and users of KSP-AVC first. Right now.
  • CurseForge. Right now.
  • SpaceDock (and CKAN users). Right now.

The reasoning is to gradually distribute the Release to easily monitor the deployment and cope with eventual mishaps.


Edited by Lisias - I borked the .7 - All Distribution channels updated.
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Mayday... Recalling is still borking on kerbal cargo parts... but I not sure if it's really The package I downloaded was "KSP-Recall-" but the KSP_Recall.version says:


    "NAME"        : "KSP-Recall",
    "URL"        : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/master/KSP_Recall.version",
    "DOWNLOAD"    : "https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/releases",
    "CHANGE_LOG_URL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/master/CHANGES.md",


I know it's a beta so I'm not sure. I made a > test craft < exactly :funds:60,000 in VAB with a kerbal in the seat with jetpack and parachute.  Recovered 118335.

EDIT - ahh man just a little late. I'll try the released one.

POST EDIT - now MM has an EXC and TweakScale has a ERR on every part? What did I do... I didn't touch TweakScale. Probably pilot error. Will advise.


[LOG 10:50:50.305] [ModuleManager] Running tests...
[LOG 10:50:50.305] [ModuleManager] tests complete.
[LOG 10:50:50.306] [ModuleManager] Reloading resources definitions
[LOG 10:50:50.306] Resource RefundingForKSP111x added to database
[LOG 10:50:50.306] Resource LiquidFuel added to database
[LOG 10:50:50.306] Resource Oxidizer added to database
[LOG 10:50:50.306] Resource SolidFuel added to database
[LOG 10:50:50.307] Resource MonoPropellant added to database
[LOG 10:50:50.307] Resource XenonGas added to database
[LOG 10:50:50.307] Resource ElectricCharge added to database
[LOG 10:50:50.307] Resource IntakeAir added to database
[LOG 10:50:50.307] Resource EVA Propellant added to database
[LOG 10:50:50.307] Resource Ore added to database
[LOG 10:50:50.307] Resource Ablator added to database
[LOG 10:50:50.307] [ModuleManager] Reloading Trait configs
[LOG 10:50:50.307] ExperienceSystemConfig: Added Effect 'DeployedSciencePowerSkill' to Trait 'Engineer'
[LOG 10:50:50.307] ExperienceSystemConfig: Added Effect 'DeployedScienceExpSkill' to Trait 'Scientist'
[LOG 10:50:50.307] [ModuleManager] Reloading Part Upgrades
[LOG 10:50:50.308] [ModuleManager] Running post patch callbacks
[EXC 10:50:50.336] [ModuleManager] Post run call threw an exception in loading Scale, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0 
  at ModuleManager.PostPatchLoader+<Run>d__16.MoveNext () [0x0052c] in <410b7909691747c78c895491c954d2a4>:0 

[LOG 10:50:50.342] [ModuleManager] Post patch ran in 0.049s
[LOG 10:50:50.377] PartLoader: Loading part database
[LOG 10:50:50.379] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KerbalEngineer/Parts/Engineer7500/part/Engineer7500'
[LOG 10:50:50.401] EffectList: Created 15 effect types
[LOG 10:50:50.440] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'KerbalEngineer/Parts/EngineerChip/EngineerChip/EngineerChip'
[LOG 10:50:50.446] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/aerodynamicNoseCone/aerodynamicNoseCone/noseCone'
[ERR 10:50:50.455] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'TweakScale'

[LOG 10:50:50.464] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/airbrake/Airbrake/airbrake1'
[ERR 10:50:50.473] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'TweakScale'

POST POST EDIT - I cleared the loading errors - reinstalled Recall and TweakScale vOv . Still the same behavior on the test craft above though: launch 60000, recovered 118335. Check that you actually posted the right version. It still says it's build 6.

Edited by Krazy1
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2 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

POST POST EDIT - I cleared the loading errors - reinstalled Recall and TweakScale vOv . Still the same behavior on the test craft above though: launch 60000, recovered 118335. Check that you actually posted the right version. It still says it's build 6.

Humm... I'm a bit more sleep deprived than I thought. I will re-relase the code as, then we will see what's happening on this use case.

-- -- -- is published instead. Same code I intended to release on .7, but now it's properly identifying itself.

-- -- -- 

@Krazy1Jeez, I screwed up the packaging! I managed to publish again the previous version!! Holy Krap!

Your craft is working on (as it would do on if I had packaged it right!!).



Sorry for wasting your time, dude, and thank you very much for the heads up!!!!

Edited by Lisias
Jeez, I borked the packaging!!!!
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25 minutes ago, Krazy1 said:

OK that's better. The cargo test passed. The refinery was 19,785,800 at launch; 19,785,806 recovered. Close enough! Thanks

Seems like the rounding errors can go both ways... KSP should do a rounding on its own, but without knowing how and where, I'm reticent to blindly find my way on this. Doing roundings early or later on the process makes a difference.

In a way or another, kick me here if you find anything else!


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I've been trying to track down an issue with a Breaking Ground part bug.


When this part is not purchased in the R&D center, the game framerate drops to around 40fps. It causes the framerate of any scene to be much lower than normal, but as soon as the part is purchased, the framerate will go back up to around 76fps. I've tried multiple new savefiles, and it always is the same result.

I've gone through my ksp.log to figure out which mods affect this part, and I have pretty much excluded anything other than Recall. I hope someone here can help me figure this out.

KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vt5xjcybj8dj4cj/KSP.log?dl=0

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11 hours ago, John007qwe said:

I've been trying to track down an issue with a Breaking Ground part bug.


When this part is not purchased in the R&D center, the game framerate drops to around 40fps. It causes the framerate of any scene to be much lower than normal, but as soon as the part is purchased, the framerate will go back up to around 76fps. I've tried multiple new savefiles, and it always is the same result.

I've gone through my ksp.log to figure out which mods affect this part, and I have pretty much excluded anything other than Recall. I hope someone here can help me figure this out.

Your log is not going through the Flight Scene, I found no line as this one on it:

[LOG 16:37:26.372] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From LOADING to MAINMENU =====================

Your log stops abruptly way before the Main Menu, exactly here:

[LOG 02:04:02.180] [Scatterer][Debug] Added eclipse caster Minmus for Kerbin
[LOG 02:04:02.250] [Scatterer][Debug]  Atmosphere config found for: Kerbin
[LOG 02:04:02.281] [EVE CloudsManager]: Clouds2D is now MACRO

So it's of no use for me.

So I gave a shot on my minimalistic 1.11.2 Test Bed, but using the Debug Release of KSP-Recall, and tried to reproduce your problem using the CRSY Light Scanning Arm:


[LOG 23:09:44.690] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI

<Loading a previous rover on the SPH>

[LOG 23:10:00.495] [KSPUpgradePipeline]: Auto-Saved Ship (1.11.2) is up to date.
[LOG 23:10:00.516] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnAwake cargoContainer(Clone):FFF84426
[LOG 23:10:00.533] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnLoad cargoContainer:FFF84426 True
[LOG 23:10:00.533] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: Removing RefundingForKSP111x from part <NO VESSEL>-cargoContainer:FFF84426
[LOG 23:10:00.538] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnAwake cargoContainer(Clone):FFF843F4
[LOG 23:10:00.540] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnLoad cargoContainer:FFF843F4 True
[LOG 23:10:00.540] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: Removing RefundingForKSP111x from part <NO VESSEL>-cargoContainer:FFF843F4
[LOG 23:10:00.545] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnAwake cargoContainer(Clone):FFF843CA
[LOG 23:10:00.546] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnLoad cargoContainer:FFF843CA True
[LOG 23:10:00.546] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: Removing RefundingForKSP111x from part <NO VESSEL>-cargoContainer:FFF843CA
[LOG 23:10:00.548] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnAwake batteryBank(Clone):FFF843A0
[LOG 23:10:00.549] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnLoad batteryBank:FFF843A0 True
[LOG 23:10:00.549] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: Removing RefundingForKSP111x from part <NO VESSEL>-batteryBank:FFF843A0
[LOG 23:10:00.575] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnAwake trussPiece1x(Clone):FFF8437E
[LOG 23:10:00.575] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnLoad trussPiece1x:FFF8437E True
[LOG 23:10:00.575] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: Removing RefundingForKSP111x from part <NO VESSEL>-trussPiece1x:FFF8437E
[LOG 23:10:00.581] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnAwake wheelMed(Clone):FFF84360
[LOG 23:10:00.583] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnLoad wheelMed:FFF84360 True
[LOG 23:10:00.584] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: Removing RefundingForKSP111x from part <NO VESSEL>-wheelMed:FFF84360
[LOG 23:10:00.590] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnAwake wheelMed(Clone):FFF842D8
[LOG 23:10:00.591] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnLoad wheelMed:FFF842D8 True
[LOG 23:10:00.591] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: Removing RefundingForKSP111x from part <NO VESSEL>-wheelMed:FFF842D8
[LOG 23:10:00.593] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnAwake trussPiece1x(Clone):FFF84250
[LOG 23:10:00.594] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnLoad trussPiece1x:FFF84250 True
[LOG 23:10:00.594] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: Removing RefundingForKSP111x from part <NO VESSEL>-trussPiece1x:FFF84250
[LOG 23:10:00.600] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnAwake wheelMed(Clone):FFF84232
[LOG 23:10:00.601] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnLoad wheelMed:FFF84232 True
[LOG 23:10:00.601] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: Removing RefundingForKSP111x from part <NO VESSEL>-wheelMed:FFF84232
[LOG 23:10:00.606] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnAwake wheelMed(Clone):FFF841AA
[LOG 23:10:00.607] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnLoad wheelMed:FFF841AA True
[LOG 23:10:00.607] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: Removing RefundingForKSP111x from part <NO VESSEL>-wheelMed:FFF841AA
[LOG 23:10:00.611] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnAwake seatExternalCmd(Clone):FFF84122
[LOG 23:10:00.611] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnLoad seatExternalCmd:FFF84122 True
[LOG 23:10:00.611] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: Removing RefundingForKSP111x from part <NO VESSEL>-seatExternalCmd:FFF84122
[LOG 23:10:00.614] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnAwake MK1CrewCabin(Clone):FFF840EE
[LOG 23:10:00.616] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnLoad MK1CrewCabin:FFF840EE True
[LOG 23:10:00.616] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: Removing RefundingForKSP111x from part <NO VESSEL>-MK1CrewCabin:FFF840EE
[LOG 23:10:00.618] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnAwake trussPiece1x(Clone):FFF840AE
[LOG 23:10:00.618] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnLoad trussPiece1x:FFF840AE True
[LOG 23:10:00.618] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: Removing RefundingForKSP111x from part <NO VESSEL>-trussPiece1x:FFF840AE
[LOG 23:10:00.622] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnAwake wheelMed(Clone):FFF84090
[LOG 23:10:00.623] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnLoad wheelMed:FFF84090 True
[LOG 23:10:00.623] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: Removing RefundingForKSP111x from part <NO VESSEL>-wheelMed:FFF84090
[LOG 23:10:00.627] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnAwake wheelMed(Clone):FFF84008
[LOG 23:10:00.628] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnLoad wheelMed:FFF84008 True
[LOG 23:10:00.628] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: Removing RefundingForKSP111x from part <NO VESSEL>-wheelMed:FFF84008
[LOG 23:10:00.630] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnAwake seatExternalCmd(Clone):FFF83F80
[LOG 23:10:00.631] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnLoad seatExternalCmd:FFF83F80 True
[LOG 23:10:00.631] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: Removing RefundingForKSP111x from part <NO VESSEL>-seatExternalCmd:FFF83F80
[LOG 23:10:00.636] Test OverRefunding IV loaded!
[LOG 23:10:00.648] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave cargoContainer:FFF84426
[LOG 23:10:00.648] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave cargoContainer:FFF843F4
[LOG 23:10:00.648] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave cargoContainer:FFF843CA
[LOG 23:10:00.649] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave batteryBank:FFF843A0
[LOG 23:10:00.649] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave trussPiece1x:FFF8437E
[LOG 23:10:00.650] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave wheelMed:FFF84360
[LOG 23:10:00.650] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave wheelMed:FFF842D8
[LOG 23:10:00.650] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave trussPiece1x:FFF84250
[LOG 23:10:00.650] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave wheelMed:FFF84232
[LOG 23:10:00.651] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave wheelMed:FFF841AA
[LOG 23:10:00.651] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave seatExternalCmd:FFF84122
[LOG 23:10:00.652] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave MK1CrewCabin:FFF840EE
[LOG 23:10:00.652] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave trussPiece1x:FFF840AE
[LOG 23:10:00.652] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave wheelMed:FFF84090
[LOG 23:10:00.653] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave wheelMed:FFF84008
[LOG 23:10:00.653] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave seatExternalCmd:FFF83F80
[LOG 23:10:00.655] [KSP-Recall-Refunding-EditorHelper] TRACE: OnEditorShipModified Test OverRefunding IV
[LOG 23:10:00.715] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnStart cargoContainer:FFF84426 Editor True
[LOG 23:10:00.969] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnStart cargoContainer:FFF843F4 Editor True
[LOG 23:10:00.970] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnStart cargoContainer:FFF843CA Editor True
[LOG 23:10:00.970] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnStart batteryBank:FFF843A0 Editor True
[LOG 23:10:00.971] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnStart trussPiece1x:FFF8437E Editor True
[LOG 23:10:00.978] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnStart wheelMed:FFF84360 Editor True
[LOG 23:10:00.980] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnStart wheelMed:FFF842D8 Editor True
[LOG 23:10:00.980] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnStart trussPiece1x:FFF84250 Editor True
[LOG 23:10:00.981] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnStart wheelMed:FFF84232 Editor True
[LOG 23:10:00.982] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnStart wheelMed:FFF841AA Editor True
[LOG 23:10:00.983] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnStart seatExternalCmd:FFF84122 Editor True
[LOG 23:10:00.988] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnStart MK1CrewCabin:FFF840EE Editor True
[LOG 23:10:00.989] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnStart trussPiece1x:FFF840AE Editor True
[LOG 23:10:00.990] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnStart wheelMed:FFF84090 Editor True
[LOG 23:10:00.991] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnStart wheelMed:FFF84008 Editor True
[LOG 23:10:00.991] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnStart seatExternalCmd:FFF83F80 Editor True
[LOG 23:10:01.097] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate cargoContainer:FFF84426
[LOG 23:10:01.098] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(cargoContainer,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:01.098] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate cargoContainer:FFF843F4
[LOG 23:10:01.098] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(cargoContainer,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:01.099] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate cargoContainer:FFF843CA
[LOG 23:10:01.099] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(cargoContainer,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:01.099] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate batteryBank:FFF843A0
[LOG 23:10:01.099] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateResourcesCost(batteryBank,ElectricCharge) => 0
[LOG 23:10:01.099] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(batteryBank,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:01.099] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate trussPiece1x:FFF8437E
[LOG 23:10:01.099] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(trussPiece1x,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:01.099] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate wheelMed:FFF84360
[LOG 23:10:01.099] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(wheelMed,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:01.099] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate wheelMed:FFF842D8
[LOG 23:10:01.099] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(wheelMed,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:01.099] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate trussPiece1x:FFF84250
[LOG 23:10:01.099] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(trussPiece1x,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:01.099] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate wheelMed:FFF84232
[LOG 23:10:01.099] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(wheelMed,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:01.099] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate wheelMed:FFF841AA
[LOG 23:10:01.099] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(wheelMed,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:01.100] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate seatExternalCmd:FFF84122
[LOG 23:10:01.100] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate MK1CrewCabin:FFF840EE
[LOG 23:10:01.100] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(MK1CrewCabin,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:01.100] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate trussPiece1x:FFF840AE
[LOG 23:10:01.100] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(trussPiece1x,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:01.100] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate wheelMed:FFF84090
[LOG 23:10:01.100] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(wheelMed,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:01.100] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate wheelMed:FFF84008
[LOG 23:10:01.100] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(wheelMed,TweakScale) => 0

<Adding the CRSY Light Scanning Arm to the loaded ship>

[LOG 23:10:01.100] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate seatExternalCmd:FFF83F80
[LOG 23:10:19.289] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnAwake RobotArmScanner.S1(Clone):FFF80E40
[LOG 23:10:19.637] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnStart RobotArmScanner.S1:FFF80E40 Editor True
[LOG 23:10:23.374] RobotArmScanner.S1 added to ship - part count: 17
[LOG 23:10:23.377] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave cargoContainer:FFF84426
[LOG 23:10:23.377] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave cargoContainer:FFF843F4
[LOG 23:10:23.378] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave cargoContainer:FFF843CA
[LOG 23:10:23.378] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave batteryBank:FFF843A0
[LOG 23:10:23.378] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave trussPiece1x:FFF8437E
[LOG 23:10:23.378] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave wheelMed:FFF84360
[LOG 23:10:23.379] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave wheelMed:FFF842D8
[LOG 23:10:23.379] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave trussPiece1x:FFF84250
[LOG 23:10:23.379] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave wheelMed:FFF84232
[LOG 23:10:23.380] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave wheelMed:FFF841AA
[LOG 23:10:23.380] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave seatExternalCmd:FFF84122
[LOG 23:10:23.381] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave MK1CrewCabin:FFF840EE
[LOG 23:10:23.381] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave trussPiece1x:FFF840AE
[LOG 23:10:23.381] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave wheelMed:FFF84090
[LOG 23:10:23.381] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave wheelMed:FFF84008
[LOG 23:10:23.382] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave seatExternalCmd:FFF83F80
[LOG 23:10:23.383] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnSave RobotArmScanner.S1:FFF80E40
[LOG 23:10:23.384] [KSP-Recall-Refunding-EditorHelper] TRACE: OnEditorShipModified Test OverRefunding IV
[LOG 23:10:23.419] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate cargoContainer:FFF84426
[LOG 23:10:23.419] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(cargoContainer,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:23.419] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate cargoContainer:FFF843F4
[LOG 23:10:23.419] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(cargoContainer,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:23.419] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate cargoContainer:FFF843CA
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(cargoContainer,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate batteryBank:FFF843A0
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateResourcesCost(batteryBank,ElectricCharge) => 0
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(batteryBank,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate trussPiece1x:FFF8437E
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(trussPiece1x,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate wheelMed:FFF84360
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(wheelMed,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate wheelMed:FFF842D8
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(wheelMed,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate trussPiece1x:FFF84250
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(trussPiece1x,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate wheelMed:FFF84232
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(wheelMed,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate wheelMed:FFF841AA
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(wheelMed,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate seatExternalCmd:FFF84122
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate MK1CrewCabin:FFF840EE
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(MK1CrewCabin,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate trussPiece1x:FFF840AE
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(trussPiece1x,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate wheelMed:FFF84090
[LOG 23:10:23.420] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(wheelMed,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:23.421] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate wheelMed:FFF84008
[LOG 23:10:23.421] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: CalculateModulesCost(wheelMed,TweakScale) => 0
[LOG 23:10:23.421] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate seatExternalCmd:FFF83F80
[LOG 23:10:23.421] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: FixedUpdate RobotArmScanner.S1:FFF80E40

<Quitting the Editor>

[LOG 23:11:02.333] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnDestroy cargoContainer:FFF84426
[LOG 23:11:02.334] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnDestroy cargoContainer:FFF843F4
[LOG 23:11:02.334] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnDestroy batteryBank:FFF843A0
[LOG 23:11:02.334] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnDestroy trussPiece1x:FFF8437E
[LOG 23:11:02.336] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnDestroy wheelMed:FFF84360
[LOG 23:11:02.336] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnDestroy wheelMed:FFF842D8
[LOG 23:11:02.336] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnDestroy seatExternalCmd:FFF84122
[LOG 23:11:02.337] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnDestroy RobotArmScanner.S1:FFF80E40
[LOG 23:11:02.337] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnDestroy cargoContainer:FFF843CA
[LOG 23:11:02.337] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnDestroy trussPiece1x:FFF84250
[LOG 23:11:02.337] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnDestroy wheelMed:FFF84232
[LOG 23:11:02.337] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnDestroy wheelMed:FFF841AA
[LOG 23:11:02.337] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnDestroy MK1CrewCabin:FFF840EE
[LOG 23:11:02.337] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnDestroy trussPiece1x:FFF840AE
[LOG 23:11:02.338] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnDestroy wheelMed:FFF84090
[LOG 23:11:02.338] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnDestroy wheelMed:FFF84008
[LOG 23:11:02.338] [KSP-Recall-Refunding] TRACE: OnDestroy seatExternalCmd:FFF83F80
[LOG 23:11:06.706] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:11:06.707] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:11:06.707] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:11:06.707] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:11:06.707] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:11:06.707] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:11:06.707] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:11:06.708] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:11:06.708] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:11:06.708] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:11:06.708] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:11:06.708] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:11:06.708] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:11:06.708] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:11:06.708] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:11:06.708] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:11:06.708] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:11:06.708] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 23:11:06.713] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 23:11:06.754] Game State Saved to saves/default/persistent
[LOG 23:11:06.763] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 23:11:06.911] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From EDITOR to SPACECENTER =====================

No misbehaviour detected. Whatever is screwing your FPS, it's something else.

One way to induce Refunding into guzzling your CPU is by issuing thousands of OnEditorShipModified events - since Refunding relies on this event to detect when the ship was modified on the editor and refire the original costs calculations. But even on this, it's something else playing havoc on your rig, not KSP-Recall.

Reproduce your problem using the DebugMode release, then publish the full KSP.log (from startup until quitting the editor after reproducing the problem). This will pinpoint if someone is inducing Refunding into guzzling your CPU. Then we can try to nail down the real culprit, once we manage to establish a deterministic and univocal way to detect the misbehaviour on the log.

Edited by Lisias
Copieur Und Pasteur Errour... (and moving logs to a spoiler)
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7 hours ago, Lisias said:

Reproduce your problem using the DebugMode release, then publish the full KSP.log (from startup until quitting the editor after reproducing the problem). This will pinpoint if someone is inducing Refunding into guzzling your CPU. Then we can try to nail down the real culprit, once we manage to establish a deterministic and univocal way to detect the misbehaviour on the log.

Here you go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lcytn423adc9mhe/KSP.log?dl=0

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1 hour ago, John007qwe said:

You didn't reproduced the problem! ;)

There's no entry like this on your log:

[LOG 23:10:23.374] RobotArmScanner.S1 added to ship - part count: 17

Please try again:

  1. Install KSP-Recall DebugMode (what you did)
  2. Go to Editor
  3. Reproduce the problem:
    1. Create or load something simple
    2. Attach the  RobotArmScanner.S1 on is
  4. Quit the editor
  5. Send me the KSP.log


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21 minutes ago, Lisias said:

You didn't reproduced the problem! ;)

There's no entry like this on your log:

[LOG 23:10:23.374] RobotArmScanner.S1 added to ship - part count: 17

Please try again:

  1. Install KSP-Recall DebugMode (what you did)
  2. Go to Editor
  3. Reproduce the problem:
    1. Create or load something simple
    2. Attach the  RobotArmScanner.S1 on is
  4. Quit the editor
  5. Send me the KSP.log


But I did reproduce it. The issue isn't in the editor, it's just the fact that having the part unpurchased in r&d causes the game framerate to suffer. I reproduced the issue by purchasing the part and seeing the framerate fix itself.

I suppose the issue probably isn't with recall at all then. I'm still working on finding the issue. I've been painstakingly removing one mod at a time and testing.

Edit: Looks like I found the issue. The mod SETI-Contracts. When i remove this mod, the fps is fixed. I can see it hasn't been updated since 1.3.0 so I should probably look for an alternative.

Sorry for the trouble!

Edited by John007qwe
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3 hours ago, John007qwe said:

Edit: Looks like I found the issue. The mod SETI-Contracts. When i remove this mod, the fps is fixed. I can see it hasn't been updated since 1.3.0 so I should probably look for an alternative.

AFAIK, neither of contact mods have caused FPS drops and being CPU heavy. There is barely any calculations in editor, except going trough all craft parts and find if craft have required parts. Even when some of contract mods become broken between KSP updates, I don't recall that there was ever issue with FPS drops because of it. I would never claim that is impossible, but it is highly unlikely that some contract mod have caused FPS drops. More probably that something else is culprit with some strange interactions between mods.

To find real culprit, instead of removing mods one by one, rather create clean install and add mods one by one and test between if you have reproduced bug. Reason is that you can easy create some mistake by uninstalling and thinking that you have proper working mod installs while it is not true. Adding mods over clean install reduce chance that you have did something wrong on installs.

If you didn't already, read trough following thread, even veteran players can find good tips how to avoid mistakes on installing mods:


Edited by kcs123
typos found
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25 minutes ago, kcs123 said:

AFAIK, neither of contact mods have caused FPS drops and being CPU heavy. There is barely any calculations in editor, except going trough all craft parts and find if craft have required parts. Even when some of contract mods become broken between KSP updates, I don't recall that there was ever issue with FPS drops because of it. I would never claim that is impossible, but it is highly unlikely that some contract mod have caused FPS drops. More probably that something else is culprit with some strange interactions between mods.

To find real culprit, instead of removing mods one by one, rather create clean install and add mods one by one and test between if you have reproduced bug. Reason is that you can easy create some mistake by uninstalling and thinking that you have proper working mod installs while it is not true. Adding mods over clean install reduce chance that you have did something wrong on installs.

If you didn't already, read trough following thread, even veteran players can find good tips how to avoid mistakes on installing mods:


Yeah the issue is definetely weird. I actually found another mod that has the same issue for me: "probes before crew"

Just having either this or SETI-contracts installed will cause the problem. No fps issue at all when removing those mods. They both have contracts in them, so that leads me to believe it's somehow related to that.

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5 hours ago, John007qwe said:

Yeah the issue is definetely weird. I actually found another mod that has the same issue for me: "probes before crew"

A pretty clean installment, only with MM, Recall and Probes Before Crew deterministically reproduces the problem for you?

I'm completely out of time for exploratory tests, but if you have a deterministic script/receipt/walkthrough to reproduce the issue, I can find a quarter of an hour to try to confirm it.

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9 minutes ago, Lisias said:

A pretty clean installment, only with MM, Recall and Probes Before Crew deterministically reproduces the problem for you?

I'm completely out of time for exploratory tests, but if you have a deterministic script/receipt/walkthrough to reproduce the issue, I can find a quarter of an hour to try to confirm it.

Yeah, I tried with just those in my folder and the issue is still there. I gain more fps after unlocking the part.

Video example (fps in bottom right corner):


GameData folder:


Edited by John007qwe
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We need another log file for your minimal install. 

Some general ideas...

14 hours ago, John007qwe said:

I can see it hasn't been updated since 1.3.0 so I should probably look for an alternative.

In case you didn't know, KSP 1.8 had a major change to the Unity engine that changed to dotnet 4.x. So I recommend not using mods prior to KSP 1.8. I'm using 1 older one myself but you need to be extra careful. 

In the log you posted... with 2000+ errors and 33 exceptions... the first EXC (exception) is on EVE I believe:


[LOG 12:02:35.842] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'GlobalEVEManager' from assembly 'EVEManager'
[LOG 12:02:35.914] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ShaderLoaderClass' from assembly 'ShaderLoader'
[LOG 12:02:35.915] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ShaderProperties' from assembly 'Utils'
[LOG 12:02:35.915] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon '_BuildManager' from assembly '_BuildManager'
[EXC 12:02:35.925] NotSupportedException: The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic module.
    System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.get_Location () (at <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0)
    _BuildManager._BuildManager+<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<logVersion>b__0 (System.Reflection.Assembly x) (at <3f485ce99d7e479c99f0f040223fbad6>:0)
    System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereSelectArrayIterator`2[TSource,TResult].ToList () (at <fbb5ed17eb6e46c680000f8910ebb50c>:0)
    System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) (at <fbb5ed17eb6e46c680000f8910ebb50c>:0)
    _BuildManager._BuildManager.logVersion () (at <3f485ce99d7e479c99f0f040223fbad6>:0)
    _BuildManager._BuildManager.Awake () (at <3f485ce99d7e479c99f0f040223fbad6>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup)

Exceptions are usually very bad and shouldn't be ignored. You can get all kinds of bad behavior after that.

I recently had to wipe my whole mod install because my Steam install had errors when I did the local file integrity check and I didn't check that before I copied Steam to modded. I was getting weird "key not found in dictionary" errors I thought was a mod but was the base game. It looks like you modded your Steam install - I wouldn't do that. Better to make a separate install. It's easy with CKAN.

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5 hours ago, John007qwe said:

Video example (fps in bottom right corner):


NOW I got it. It's related to the tech-tree, I didn't paid enough attention when you talked about R&D...

I reproduced step step your video, and didn't found any change on my (crappy) FPS, about 10.98 .

However, I found a huge amount from what follows:

[LOG 00:34:14.172] MiniAVC -> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at MiniAVC.AddonInfo.get_IsKspExcludedVersion () [0x00000] in <d7230d01a6174087a11daadf631edf08>:0
  at MiniAVC.IssueGui.DrawNotCompatible () [0x00030] in <d7230d01a6174087a11daadf631edf08>:0
  at MiniAVC.IssueGui.Window (System.Int32 id) [0x00006] in <d7230d01a6174087a11daadf631edf08>:0

and MiniAVC were found on PBC's directory. By manually removing all files starting with MiniAVC on my installment, these exceptions vanished - and my FPS became slightly less crappy (11.2..). :)

Install ZeroMiniAVC. I think it may be the trouble maker on your rig, and with a extremely more powerful machine than mine, the tax imposed by the I/O is bigger for you. And since it's embedded on a lot of add'ons, we may  have a explanation about this thing happening in weird combinations: KSP-Recall is usually installed, and when some Add'On with MiniAVC is installed, the avalanche of exceptions on your KSP.log causes the drag on FPS.

I failed to establish a link with Recall, however - the DebugMode didn't shown any activity from it (unsurprisingly, as Recall was told to do not be loaded on anything but Editor, Flight and TrackingStation).

Exactly why on the R&D, and why things get better on unlocking the Arm it's, frankly, beyound me... :0.0:

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8 hours ago, Lisias said:

NOW I got it. It's related to the tech-tree, I didn't paid enough attention when you talked about R&D...

I reproduced step step your video, and didn't found any change on my (crappy) FPS, about 10.98 .

However, I found a huge amount from what follows:

[LOG 00:34:14.172] MiniAVC -> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at MiniAVC.AddonInfo.get_IsKspExcludedVersion () [0x00000] in <d7230d01a6174087a11daadf631edf08>:0
  at MiniAVC.IssueGui.DrawNotCompatible () [0x00030] in <d7230d01a6174087a11daadf631edf08>:0
  at MiniAVC.IssueGui.Window (System.Int32 id) [0x00006] in <d7230d01a6174087a11daadf631edf08>:0

and MiniAVC were found on PBC's directory. By manually removing all files starting with MiniAVC on my installment, these exceptions vanished - and my FPS became slightly less crappy (11.2..). :)

Install ZeroMiniAVC. I think it may be the trouble maker on your rig, and with a extremely more powerful machine than mine, the tax imposed by the I/O is bigger for you. And since it's embedded on a lot of add'ons, we may  have a explanation about this thing happening in weird combinations: KSP-Recall is usually installed, and when some Add'On with MiniAVC is installed, the avalanche of exceptions on your KSP.log causes the drag on FPS.

I failed to establish a link with Recall, however - the DebugMode didn't shown any activity from it (unsurprisingly, as Recall was told to do not be loaded on anything but Editor, Flight and TrackingStation).

Exactly why on the R&D, and why things get better on unlocking the Arm it's, frankly, beyound me... :0.0:

That's weird, because I normally do have ZeroMiniAVC installed and my dll is pruned already, so it shouldn't even have been running when I did the video.

Here's a fresh ksp.log with just the barebones mods as above (I forgot to include that yesterday, oof): https://www.dropbox.com/s/82r79s43d0fa9ou/KSP.log?dl=0

Edit: I tried running the game with PBC but without Recall and MM, and the issue is gone. Maybe there's something in the log you can try to compare with: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9frn0byii5xmm13/KSP.log?dl=0

Edited by John007qwe
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2 hours ago, John007qwe said:

Here's a fresh ksp.log with just the barebones mods as above (I forgot to include that yesterday, oof): https://www.dropbox.com/s/82r79s43d0fa9ou/KSP.log?dl=0

Still didn't found anything, sorry.

You entered and exited the savegame twice, as it appears, but I found no evidence of Recall doing something - no surprise, as you didn't used the DebugMode one... :)

[LOG 13:11:12.460] [KSP_Recall] Version /L running on KSP 1.11.2

But yet, aside the absence of Recall's log entries (and from exceptions from MiniAVC), I found no significant differences between your log and my last one.

No exceptions, no strange warnings, nothing.

So, whatever is happening on your rig, appears to be "just" code dry running when it should be inactive instead of burning your CPU cycles.


2 hours ago, John007qwe said:

Edit: I tried running the game with PBC but without Recall and MM, and the issue is gone. Maybe there's something in the log you can try to compare with: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9frn0byii5xmm13/KSP.log?dl=0

No significant difference was found, sorry.

Since on R&D scene (SPACECENTRE as it appears) none of the Helpers are even loaded, it's not something triggered by an event for sure.

So, the only way in which I can see `Refunding` screwing up your fps is by something constantly OnStarting and OnDestroying parts all the time, as this is where Refunding do some computing. Even the FixedUpdate is guarded against improper use, as this handler actively disables the module when called (and so, it's called only once - unless someone activate the module, something I do only when strictly needed - I really give the FPS impact a lot of thought...)

I appreciate your efforts on reporting the problem, you are giving to it some serious work - but I couldn't reproduce the problem on my rig. Other than the timings, the "M.O." of Recall on your log with the DebugMode is pretty similar to mine, so no obvious mistakes (if any at all).

But, yet, you provided concrete and unquestionable evidences about the problem - so it exists for sure. I'm a bit baffled on this one...

Well, let's try something out of the box. You also stablished where things stop to happen, the RobotArmScanner.S1 part. Let's remove any traces of Recall on this specific part and see what happens. At this time, I'm completely out of ideas, so with some luck this test will render something that could give me some light about what could be happening. Shove this somewhere on your GameData (I like to put these on GameData/__LOCAL - easy to find later to delete the stunt):

	-MODULE[Attached],* { }
	-MODULE[ChillingOut],* { }
	-MODULE[Driftless],* { }
	-MODULE[Refunding],* { }
	-MODULE[Resourceful],* { }

This patch will eliminate any possible patch possibly applied by Recall on the part you detect is "fixing" the fps. Let's see how your FPS will behave now while executing your Test Case.

Let me know the results.


Edited by Lisias
forgot the @ thingy on the PART
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22 minutes ago, Lisias said:

Let me know the results.

I got 2 errors when loading the game with that code in a cfg file. Not sure if that makes a difference, but regardless I saw no improvement to the issue, it's still there.

[ERR 16:14:52.016] name specifier detected on insert node (not a patch): __LOCAL/disablerecallrobotarm/PART[RobotArmScanner.S1]:FINAL
[ERR 16:14:52.016] pass specifier detected on insert node (not a patch): __LOCAL/disablerecallrobotarm/PART[RobotArmScanner.S1]:FINAL


Edit: with DebugMode: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k4xya7784en5eie/KSP.log?dl=0


Edit 2: Oh I see you changed the code snippet after i had copied it. I reran with the new code, issue is still there.

New ksp.log once again: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wnr5t2i37cfx1gf/KSP.log?dl=0

Edited by John007qwe
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14 minutes ago, John007qwe said:

I got 2 errors when loading the game with that code in a cfg file. Not sure if that makes a difference, but regardless I saw no improvement to the issue, it's still there.

Yes, it makes. I forgot to add the "@" on the patch when I hit "Save". I fixed the patch, it's working now - sorry for that.

Please use the edited patch on my previous post (it have the "@" before the PART, and an "?" before the S1).

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1 minute ago, Lisias said:

Yes, it makes. I forgot to add the "@" on the patch when I hit "Save". I fixed the patch, it's working now - sorry for that.

Please use the edited patch on my previous post (it have the "@" before the PART, and an "?" before the S1).

See my latest edit, already tested.

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While testing I found another issue that seems to be very similar. The astronaut complex, when not upgraded to level 3 also causes an fps drop, which fixes itself when upgraded to level 3.

I ran all the same tests with MM, recall, PBC, both without PBC and without MM/recall and I'm getting the same patterns here. I think the issue might be related, and fixing one might fix both. I hope that it can give you a better idea of what could be wrong.

Edited by John007qwe
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3 hours ago, John007qwe said:

Edit 2: Oh I see you changed the code snippet after i had copied it. I reran with the new code, issue is still there.

New ksp.log once again: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wnr5t2i37cfx1gf/KSP.log?dl=0

This one is slightly different, Recall was loaded on SPACECENTER scene as expected:

[LOG 16:34:11.035] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From MAINMENU to SPACECENTER (Async) =====================
[LOG 16:34:11.293] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 16:34:11.940] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'CustomConfigsManager' from assembly 'ModuleManager'
[LOG 16:34:11.941] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SpaceCentreHelper' from assembly 'Refunding'
[LOG 16:34:11.942] [KSP-Recall-Refunding-FlightHelper] TRACE: Awake on SPACECENTER
<yada yada yada>
[LOG 16:34:33.738] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From SPACECENTER to MAINMENU (Async) =====================
[LOG 16:34:33.785] Game Unpaused!
[LOG 16:34:33.950] [KSP-Recall-Refunding-FlightHelper] TRACE: OnDestroy

But no exception or any other signal of life, it was motionless the whole "yada yada yada" phase. Nothing, Refunding remained silent, it was not invoked one single time.

However... I finally found something that MAY be causing some trouble, but I need one more test to be sure:

Shove this on your KSP's GameData instead of that other one:

	-MODULE[Attached],* { }
	-MODULE[ChillingOut],* { }
	-MODULE[Driftless],* { }
	-MODULE[Refunding],* { }
	-MODULE[Resourceful],* { }

This will remove Recall from everything after MM has applied them.

Try to reproduce the problem with this patch. It it solves the problem, then I have a good idea about what could be happening and can try a fix for you.

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2 hours ago, Lisias said:

Try to reproduce the problem with this patch. It it solves the problem, then I have a good idea about what could be happening and can try a fix for you.

Unfortunately the issue is still there.

Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o26cpn8awmnawig/KSP.log?dl=0

I've been trying to narrow it down even further in hopes of figuring this out. I found out that removing one specific file from PBC fixes the issue:

ProbesBeforeCrew/Contract Pack/Zs_PBCContractsMain.cfg 

Removing this file fixes both the Robot arm part fps AND the astronaut complex fps problem. I assume removing this file also causes the other 4 files in the same folder to not load. There must be something in there triggering the issue when MM/Recall is present. I don't know exactly how all this works, but I had a thought, that perhaps PBC isn't loading at all when MM/recall isn't present, causing it to seem like the issue is coming from there instead of PBC itself? I don't know, at this point I'm just trying to brainstorm ideas. At this point I almost feel like it's MM doing something weird, since with the above code test Recall should technically be turned off? Leaving only MM and PBC left.

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3 hours ago, John007qwe said:

Unfortunately the issue is still there.

Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o26cpn8awmnawig/KSP.log?dl=0

That's rule out Refunding being the problem by colateral effect. Without being patched into a part, there's no way for Refunding to be screwing your FPS.


3 hours ago, John007qwe said:

I've been trying to narrow it down even further in hopes of figuring this out. I found out that removing one specific file from PBC fixes the issue:

ProbesBeforeCrew/Contract Pack/Zs_PBCContractsMain.cfg 

Good catch.

You know what? Appears to be the already known M.O. of failing to initialise things from KSP. It was what was blowing up some older things on 1.11, ChillingPut just shoved some zeros for some frames on some key values of a module at launch, and that fixed the problem.

Oh well, let's see where is the problem so - on the PBC or in Stock. Scrap that, PBC has no C# source code, there's no way it could be a problem on its source code. :)

So, we are facing something smelly on Stock. Why this is happening when installing Recall is beyound me, but the problem is there nevertheless. So lets' attack the Main.cfg file to see what we get.

This file has the following top level components:

	<yada yada yada yada>

	<yada yada yada yada>

	<yada yada yada yada>

	<yada yada yada yada>

This test is destructive, so don't do it on savegames you care about. What you need to do is to delete one section of that file, one by one, and then try to reproduce the problem:

  1. Remove the @Contracts section.
    1. Fire up KSP, try again
  2. Remove the CONTRACT_CONFIGURATION section.
    1. ditto
  3. AGENT

On the very instant the problem vanishes, we will know exactly what is the trigger - and so we can try to look for similar things on Stock trying to find what's different nowadays and then adjust PBC to do the same.

But, on a side note, I'm still concerned about the mere presence of the Recall's DLLs being able to trigger this. The Helpers won't work without spamming the KSP.log (on DebugMode), and the only piece of code I found that could guzzle your CPU without spamming the log just don't works without being installed inside a PART.

Anyway, baby steps. #houseMd

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