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Next Paid DLC


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Next Paid DLC?

Anything coming this year?

Would really like to support continued development of KSP1, even after KSP2, I dont see it replacing KSP1, given all the mod support, etc, and just my spider-sense about the world of programming, got the feeling the reach exceeds the grasp with what they want to do with KSP2.

So any word on this?  Was around this time last year that breaking ground came out.  Cheers for anyone who chimes in.  Would defo support SQUAD with anything they want to bring out, even if its submarines or floating airships or whatever, does not need to be as major as breaking ground.


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It is already confirmed that Squad will keep working on KSP 1 after KSP 2 is released both games are being made by diferent studios

About the DLC

No they haven't said anything about future DLC, I hope if they make a new DLC that its not like what they did with breaking ground were they went full EA and paywalled features the game needed (There wasn't anything to do on planets and what squad added can be done with mods)

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11 minutes ago, KerbolExplorer said:

It is already confirmed that Squad will keep working on KSP 1 after KSP 2 is released both games are being made by diferent studios

About the DLC

No they haven't said anything about future DLC, I hope if they make a new DLC that its not like what they did with breaking ground were they went full EA and paywalled features the game needed (There wasn't anything to do on planets and what squad added can be done with mods)

Fair enough, even if you are right, they need money to keep the lights on and keep ppl paid.

Even if its a crappy DLC, I think long-term players who love the game will be happy to pay, just to keep that happening.

Doest need to be amazing, PPL understand I think, and do want SQUAD to keep interested/working on KSP.

I would say just the amazing improvements to the game with the free updates in the last year are worth £15 or whatever the DLC will be worth, you need to understand that is also what you are paying for, even though you get it for free, its not free to create all these updates.  

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Just because they said they're going to continue working on KSP1 though, that doesn't necessarily mean DLC. Patches and updates are all they could mean.

I would imagine Private Divison, who own both KSP and KSP2, like most publishers, plan ahead long in advance. It's unlikely they would ask Squad to make a DLC come out during KSP2's launch window, purely in order to maximize sales of KSP2. Considering their initial launch window was around April, it's safe to say Squad hadn't been instructed to create DLC for Q1 or Q2 of 2020 at the time At best, Q3 or Q4 of this year.

But now KSP2 has been held back, i imagine whatever DLC they were planning on (if any), would've already been announced if they were going to rush it out sooner (not likely considering KSP2 could be out in the summer) or held back till after KSP2's launch.


All in all, considering the launch window for KSP2 is now extremely broad, encompassing now until April 21, then the odds are KSP 1 DLC is  unlikely to be coming at all in 2020.

Edited by Stevie_D
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7 hours ago, KerbolExplorer said:

It is already confirmed that Squad will keep working on KSP 1 after KSP 2 is released both games are being made by diferent studios

About the DLC

No they haven't said anything about future DLC, I hope if they make a new DLC that its not like what they did with breaking ground were they went full EA and paywalled features the game needed (There wasn't anything to do on planets and what squad added can be done with mods)



They can tell you anything. It's just words.

In fact KSP will be dead after KSP 2 release

Nobody will spend money for older version of same product.


Only way that can happen - KSP 2 will be complete buggy trash.

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24 minutes ago, Vegatoxi said:



They can tell you anything. It's just words.

In fact KSP will be dead after KSP 2 release

Nobody will spend money for older version of same product.


Only way that can happen - KSP 2 will be complete buggy trash.

While that is true; KSP has continued chugging along since KSP2's announcement. Meaning that until KSP2 releases; there's no proof either way for the claim that Squad is lying about the continued development of KSP.

Also you've already had an entire thread with numerous people explaining why these points are dubious at best, so at the very least could you chill?

As for the OP

9 hours ago, Gavin786 said:

Next Paid DLC?

Anything coming this year?

Would really like to support continued development of KSP1, even after KSP2, I dont see it replacing KSP1, given all the mod support, etc, and just my spider-sense about the world of programming, got the feeling the reach exceeds the grasp with what they want to do with KSP2.

So any word on this?  Was around this time last year that breaking ground came out.  Cheers for anyone who chimes in.  Would defo support SQUAD with anything they want to bring out, even if its submarines or floating airships or whatever, does not need to be as major as breaking ground.


We got hints of the next DLC from SteamDB and Repos for "Serenity", so i'd be watching for anything there.

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10 hours ago, Gavin786 said:

Fair enough, even if you are right, they need money to keep the lights on and keep ppl paid.

Even if its a crappy DLC, I think long-term players who love the game will be happy to pay, just to keep that happening.

Doest need to be amazing, PPL understand I think, and do want SQUAD to keep interested/working on KSP.

I would say just the amazing improvements to the game with the free updates in the last year are worth £15 or whatever the DLC will be worth, you need to understand that is also what you are paying for, even though you get it for free, its not free to create all these updates.  

I agree completely, but what if they can't keep the lights on? What if SQUAD becomes.lime Mojang, well- known for only a single one- in- a- million hit game? I feel like SQUAD should move on from KSP at some point and diversify, I don't want them fading into obscurity especially given how community- driven they are.

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For the scenario of Squad producing DLC after KSP2 comes out:

I've said this a thousand times before and I'll repeat it for as long as I want: why would people pay for DLC if they can get it in a mod for free is not a valid argument. The existing two DLC's have proven that; the value is not just in the parts but in the guarantee that those parts are supported (for as long as there are KSP 1 upgrades). Every KSP 1 updates comes with its share of mods that break in one way or another but you can be pretty assured that the DLC parts will continue to work (also: if they don't, Squad will be out of business really, really fast).

Now, assuming KSP2 is a success (as a game, I'm not talking about the commercial success), and assuming it's highly moddable (as Private Division claims, and they'd be insane not to make the game like that as it's part of the popularity), it wouldn't be a far stretch to state that most of the (successful) modders will move over to the KSP2 landscape. It's new, it's exciting, and every mod will find a thirsty audience as those first mods will be like water in the desert.

Why would anyone pay for DLC parts that are available for free as mods? Well, if those mods have been abandoned because the modders moved to KSP2, those that stick with KSP1 will certainly be happy to see that certain mods (by -proven- popular demand) will be, in a way, continued  by Squad. Would you be willing to pay $15 for DLC that offers optical enhancements like clouds and atmospheric scattering? At the moment probably not, but if KSP2 is on the market and the makers of mods have moved on to "Two," such DLC might suddenly become a lot more attractive.

2 hours ago, Kernel Kraken said:

I agree completely, but what if they can't keep the lights on? What if SQUAD becomes.lime Mojang, well- known for only a single one- in- a- million hit game? I feel like SQUAD should move on from KSP at some point and diversify, I don't want them fading into obscurity especially given how community- driven they are.

Becomes? They are. And if the game is good enough, you can milk it for an amazing amount of time, provided you continue to deliver quality (look at Supercell which manages to keep Clash of Clans a top-10 earning game year after year with only one spin-off that really stuck). When KSP2 takes off the KSP1 modding landscape will become a lot sparser and that's where Squad's DLC future lies, together with keeping KSP1 attractive. How? For instance because, unlike KSP2, you don't need a high end gaming rig to play it (assuming KSP2 does).

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11 hours ago, Kernel Kraken said:

I agree completely, but what if they can't keep the lights on? What if SQUAD becomes.lime Mojang, well- known for only a single one- in- a- million hit game? I feel like SQUAD should move on from KSP at some point and diversify, I don't want them fading into obscurity especially given how community- driven they are.

Totally dont agree with this.  I think companies that focus on 1 product only make a much better job of it than companies with a bigger portfolio.  I play Elite and I loathe how FDev treats the game, money I spend on cosmetics I am sure now just gets used to fund their other developments.  Compare and contrast to Eve Online and CCL(?) who make it, its their only IP and total focus, how much better the attitude/interaction is there.

I think KSP2 is likely gonna be a big cock-up, not as good, and that is why they are still doing KSP1, certainly says the publisher does not have much faith in them that they are still spending money on KSP1.

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17 minutes ago, HansonKerman said:

bigger than 3.5

Don't we already have that in the making history dlc. Of course I could use some 7 meter parts, and while they're at it, might as well add some 10 meter tanks and engines. A bigger VAB would help with the construction of my 200 meter abominations, at least one kilometer. :P

29 minutes ago, HansonKerman said:

adds parts smaller than 0.625


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Things I hope for :

Stock 1.10 :
- Fuel switch on all tanks (LF/LFO/Mono) with a revamp on tanks
- Fairing revamp

- Moar landing legs

Beautiful Sky DLC :
- Stock post processing
- Stock clouds
- Stock light scattering
- Auroras/sandstorms/geysers on planets
(I know there are mods for that, but.... make it stock, get full support)

Confined DLC :
- IVA ! With cameras, screens, buttons. All the stock informations accessible from IVA without the need for UI (i.e play with F2).

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On 3/27/2020 at 2:44 PM, Kerbart said:

Why would anyone pay for DLC parts that are available for free as mods? Well, if those mods have been abandoned because the modders moved to KSP2, those that stick with KSP1 will certainly be happy to see that certain mods (by -proven- popular demand) will be, in a way, continued  by Squad. Would you be willing to pay $15 for DLC that offers optical enhancements like clouds and atmospheric scattering? At the moment probably not, but if KSP2 is on the market and the makers of mods have moved on to "Two," such DLC might suddenly become a lot more attractive.


This is me. While I do use environmental mods and Kerbal Engineer, I have very little interest in parts mods. Partially this is due to support and partially because even with not everyone having the DLCs, a large number of players do. That makes sharing craft easy and also keeps challenges on an even footing.  In general, if you look at the download stats on KerbalX, nearly all the top downloads are stock. @katateochi might have some more hard data (or may prove my assertion wrong, but I don't think so).

There is nothing wrong with mods at all, but for those of us where the engagement with others in the community is a large part of the appeal, having stock options, even via DLC will always be the favored way to go.


As for a new DLC: I'd really like to see the following:

Water exploration. This is not just about building boats on Kerbin.  There are proposed NASA missions for submersibles on Titan.  Some better parts here would be great.

A KSP Kuiper belt, or at least something with a few planetary size bodies in eccentric orbits, like a Sedna analogue.


A few additional moons with eccentric and retrograde orbits, especially around Jool.


Edited by Klapaucius
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On 4/2/2020 at 11:44 PM, Klapaucius said:

In general, if you look at the download stats on KerbalX, nearly all the top downloads are stock. @katateochi might have some more hard data (or may prove my assertion wrong, but I don't think so).

It's quite interesting, I built KerbalX as a way to make it easier to share modded craft, and I expected the majority of the craft on the site to be modded.  But users always surprise! Stock craft out number modded craft and yes, stock craft are more downloaded than modded. And the reason is as you've stated; sharing stock craft is easier. Even with the combined powers of KerbalX and CKAN that can pretty much automate getting the required mods for a given craft.  Sometimes you'd like to use someones modded craft and maybe already use most of the mods it needs, but you just don't want to have to add yet another mod to your already over-modded game, so you just stick with stock.
I've always been a modded player, I love mods, but most of the craft that I share (to my own site designed to share modded craft) are nearly all stock! So yeah, in the end the value of stock craft being things that don't die every time the game updates or when a mod falls into obsolescence is clear. 

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I'd like to see some kind of overhauled landing UI. Zoom farther in on map mode, maybe a KER-style predicted landing point indicator, and maybe more landing legs/skids/accessories like mentioned above.

Expanded station parts + station science, along with OPM or any Kerbol system addons would make a nice DLC I think.


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1 hour ago, mistergoblin said:

I'd like to see some kind of overhauled landing UI. Zoom farther in on map mode, maybe a KER-style predicted landing point indicator, and maybe more landing legs/skids/accessories like mentioned above.

Expanded station parts + station science, along with OPM or any Kerbol system addons would make a nice DLC I think.


paragraph 1 - sounds like an update. Paragraph 2 - mods. I don’t think they’d add a planet in a DLC.

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On 3/26/2020 at 6:42 PM, Gavin786 said:

Fair enough, even if you are right, they need money to keep the lights on and keep ppl paid.

Even if its a crappy DLC, I think long-term players who love the game will be happy to pay, just to keep that happening.

Doest need to be amazing, PPL understand I think, and do want SQUAD to keep interested/working on KSP.

I would say just the amazing improvements to the game with the free updates in the last year are worth £15 or whatever the DLC will be worth, you need to understand that is also what you are paying for, even though you get it for free, its not free to create all these updates.  


Edited by bertha
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