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[BETA] KSRSS 0.7 - Kerbin (or x2.5) sized RSS


KSC location for the next release  

691 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the KSC be located?

    • Cape Canaveral, Florida (28 degrees North)
    • Kourou, French Guiana (5 degrees North)

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Hey, great job!

But I have a problem, the clouds don't appear but in the Cloudsmanager of EVE,  I do have the cloud configurations for each planet. I'm missing something? I downloaded all the configs.

Thank you!


Edited by sagaroth
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Clearly I've done something wrong here ... does anyone know what this is a symptom of?



Here's how I got here. I took a working KSRSS install, and copied the entire thing to a new folder. Then I deleted KSRSS, KSRSS-Textures, KSRSSVE and scatterer. Double checked that Sigma was still the same version so I left it. Then I unzipped the new versions of the above folders, using 8k textures, KSRSSEV-High (plus Textures-HR), scatterer. Then started KSP, deleted all my existing games, started a new sandbox game, and took this picture.

Any ideas?


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I've find a lots of mistake in the mars map biome (directly from RSS) , so i've used my "confinement time" to correct that.

attached you find a corrected "marsbiome.dds" (colors changed) file and the corresponding "mars.cfg".

lots of additional biomes from RCrockford https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/pull/195

two new biomes from me (existing on map but no identify in mars.cfg), Sirenum & Cimmeria Terra

tharsis montain & rise correctly positionned, highland moved.

i've used the marsbiome.dds from rss-texture v18.1, because i dont know why, but i cannot use dds from ksrrs 0.6, open this dds provide a black&white map (plugin problems maybe) with color in the form of "index X", not RGBA (and i not know how to open file palette).

all color code corrected (with https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LmJwZPdJi2w5wdIY-KMVbwMeO5mxManG0pNPIPjWJ-Q/edit#gid=0 ) for correct work with kopernicus 1.8.1.

all work now for me :)

you can merge it into ksrss if you want (and if I didn't break anything else without seeing it :lol: )



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Hello everyone.

Version 0.6 is officially a dead version of KSRSS. There seems to be far too many bugs and errors on our part, and for that, on behalf of the team, I wanted to come and apologize here.

We are currently preparing a new version that will fix the problems that you all may have encountered here:

- inability to quicksave/quickload
- floating KSC
- trees present on the KSC or in too high density
- lag around some saturnian moons
- Titania inclination problem

Again, we apologize for this unplayable version, thank you for your feedback, and we hope not to disappoint you in the future.

PS : @winproof, thanks you for this correction ! We really appreciate :)



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1 hour ago, Kierra said:

Hello everyone.

Version 0.6 is officially a dead version of KSRSS. There seems to be far too many bugs and errors on our part, and for that, on behalf of the team, I wanted to come and apologize here.

We are currently preparing a new version that will fix the problems that you all may have encountered here:

- inability to quicksave/quickload
- floating KSC
- trees present on the KSC or in too high density
- lag around some saturnian moons
- Titania inclination problem

Again, we apologize for this unplayable version, thank you for your feedback, and we hope not to disappoint you in the future.

PS : @winproof, thanks you for this correction ! We really appreciate :)



No worries, mod development is very time-consuming and hard. Even if it takes a few versions to organize and make everything work. :D

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Little feedback :

@OrbitalManeuvers : I've fixed your bug with the elevation of KSC. It was an error with the x2.5 config. 

@si2504 : No idea, for now, about the bug of quicksave. We tried to reproduce it without sucess. Still investigating. Can you tell me if you're playing with Sigma Dimension, and if you are on a old save wich was on KSRSS 0.5 ? Could you tell me to if you can open the buildings of KSC ?

@Quoniam Kerman :  We've tried to make an entry on Venus, and we can confirm : it is just a visual bug in tracking station. It is displaying the pressure of Duna, which is the template body of Venus. Funny bug, but fortunately not really breaking playability.

We have fixed which causing drop of framerate around saturnians moons. We are in a good way to release a 0.6.1 soon, with also the release of KK-KSRSS, compatible with stock and x2.5 size. We're investigating about the lasts bugs remaining, and this time, we'll take time to make a proper beta-testing before releasing.


Edited by Kierra
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9 hours ago, Kierra said:

Little feedback :

@OrbitalManeuvers : I've fixed your bug with the elevation of KSC. It was an error with the x2.5 config. 

@si2504 : No idea, for now, about the bug of quicksave. We tried to reproduce it without sucess. Still investigating. Can you tell me if you're playing with Sigma Dimension, and if you are on a old save wich was on KSRSS 0.5 ? Could you tell me to if you can open the buildings of KSC ?

@Quoniam Kerman :  We've tried to make an entry on Venus, and we can confirm : it is just a visual bug in tracking station. It is displaying the pressure of Duna, which is the template body of Venus. Funny bug, but fortunately not really breaking playability.

We have fixed which causing drop of framerate around saturnians moons. We are in a good way to release a 0.6.1 soon, with also the release of KK-KSRSS, compatible with stock and x2.5 size. We're investigating about the lasts bugs remaining, and this time, we'll take time to make a proper beta-testing before releasing.


No I'm not using SD, and I created a new game save. I'm thinking maybe it is a problem with a craft file that was imported over from my 0.5 save, as quicksave is working ok with other crafts. Sorry for bothering you if this is the case.

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Thank you for this fantastic job.

I played on Titan before the update you made for KSC and I noticed that the view when flying was great, I could could make the difference between lakes and ground.

Since the update I installed,(I suppressed my setting.cfg file before installation to get a fresh one), it looks like everything is kind of yellow fog that is dazzling or blinding everything on ground, where ever you are looking around.

When I fly over I am unable to see if it's liquid surface or solid surface

here are some pics to show



and my graphic settings


About the "terrain details" when I installed I selected KSRSS, now it has disappeared ansd it's "high", I don't know why


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Well the best thing to show the difference after and before update is this small 2Mns HD vid where I fly over a land and a lake. You can't the the flying drone which is just under the navaball


The vid is at the same place, with the same settings at the same time

You can see that after update, the closer you are from the ground, the darker it is and you can't see where you are landing.

For me, It was much better before update

Here a screen from my settings


You can see that on scenery>terrain details, there's "new text" despite I made the install with KSRSS....After relaunch and play "KSRSS" is no more an option on terrain details: there is "New text", then, "default", then "high" and then again" high"...

but changing for "high" does not improve anymore...

Edited by gilflo
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I apologize if this is a known issue, but is anybody else getting Nullrefs when trying to quicksave, switch vessels, go to the space center, tracking station, or trying to quit? Its pretty gamebreaking, and I'd rather not lose my second manned Mars mission currently on the surface to a bug. I can provide logs, if needed.

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I had a play about with the mod files last night, switching between 0.6 and 0.5. I gradually copied and pasted files from my 0.6 version to my 0.5 version to see at what point things started going wrong and it seemed like problems occurred when using the earth configs from 0.6 within the KSRSS Kopernicus folder, and also the 2.5x Sigma dimensions cfg from 0.6.

I have all 0.6 files now installed onto my 0.5 version apart from the earth configs and 2.5x scale config. It seems to be working ok at that but I need to run it a bit longer .

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9 hours ago, BadModder54 said:

I apologize if this is a known issue, but is anybody else getting Nullrefs when trying to quicksave, switch vessels, go to the space center, tracking station, or trying to quit? Its pretty gamebreaking, and I'd rather not lose my second manned Mars mission currently on the surface to a bug. I can provide logs, if needed.


Yep, I would like like have your logs. It is a known bug but i still can't find the origin of it.

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19 hours ago, gilflo said:

Well the best thing to show the difference after and before update is this small 2Mns HD vid where I fly over a land and a lake. You can't the the flying drone which is just under the navaball


The vid is at the same place, with the same settings at the same time

You can see that after update, the closer you are from the ground, the darker it is and you can't see where you are landing.

For me, It was much better before update

Here a screen from my settings


You can see that on scenery>terrain details, there's "new text" despite I made the install with KSRSS....After relaunch and play "KSRSS" is no more an option on terrain details: there is "New text", then, "default", then "high" and then again" high"...

but changing for "high" does not improve anymore...

I get the disappearing liquid surfaces on other planet packs as well. It is likely a problem with Scatterer or base game since the new shaders are unstable by nature. Nothing a planet pack can solve I'm afraid.

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On 4/30/2020 at 6:43 AM, Kierra said:


Yep, I would like like have your logs. It is a known bug but i still can't find the origin of it.

Here's the logs from my latest session. Thanks for looking into this!

KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7kghylxc4c43cim/KSP.log?dl=0

Output Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4edqfucu5b9ax3b/output_log.txt?dl=0

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