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[BETA] KSRSS 0.7 - Kerbin (or x2.5) sized RSS


KSC location for the next release  

687 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the KSC be located?

    • Cape Canaveral, Florida (28 degrees North)
    • Kourou, French Guiana (5 degrees North)

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11 hours ago, DeadJohn said:

I don't think there's a need to increase contract rewards for KSRSS. I usually play at 2.5/2.7x scale with either KSRS or JNSQ planets, plus contract packs built on top of the Contract Configurator mod. I don't know whether CC adjusts rewards based on planet size, but I get playable reward settings.

My most recent KSRSS playthrough was at fairly difficult contract reward settings: funds at 60% default, science at 80%. Comments on that:

  • Funds were tight early career. Part test contracts are a good way to gather funds, and also create reasons for new rocket designs with specific parts. The Tourism Plus contract pack offers new ways to gather funds mid career.
  • Science progression was challenging. I felt completely stalled once or twice, and could remedy it by driving a science rover around KSC. I also like building planes to gather science from Earth biomes.
  • Note that I was using Bluedog Design Bureau parts, so I had extra science experiments available.
  • A lot depends on which tech tree you are using. The stock tree is pretty shallow. If using a more complex tech tree, you will likely need to use science labs to get through the end of the tree where some unlocks might take thousands of science points.

I was thinking the stock ones im leaving turned on. Havent replaced some of those. 

I came prepared - got all BDB, Near Future, Deepfreeze, USI stuff, DMagic and other science things (station included).

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On 3/11/2023 at 9:49 PM, Czejenesku said:

I was thinking the stock ones im leaving turned on. Havent replaced some of those. 

I came prepared - got all BDB, Near Future, Deepfreeze, USI stuff, DMagic and other science things (station included).

For getting stuck on science, I find that  (NOT RO) Kerbal Construction Time (strangely) can help solve that - you can invest in the Research part of R&D and earn science by building any rocket. Early in KSRSS career when science is low, I was churning out and launching Redstone, Vanguard type rockets and getting more science for launches than actual science on the missions.

Obviously KCT means everything takes time, so it's not for everyone, but it was a nice bonus and made for a good alternative. I didn't need to do the early "suck up KSC science" (KSRSS disables that anyway I believe).

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Hello! I don't know if im having a problem or not but to me the shadows seem to have a sharp cutoff and not much atmospheric scattering on especially venus and the gas giants. And Jupiter seems a little darker then expected and with a dark ring around it. Doesnt look like screenshots on first page. Is there something wrong with my scatterer install? Edit: Titans atmosphere on ground is blueish  instead of the yellow it is on the screenshots


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Hi I'm having a strange problem right now, so I'm building a base on the moon with modules and fps drops caught my attention. So when I'm looking any different direction that other vessels its fine (50-70fps) but when I'm looking at my base landers fps can drop to 15. Anybody have the same problem?

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1 hour ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

Anything going on in the Cheat Window's Console tab when your framerate is low?

Nothing, its super weird cuz its not happening when I'm working on Skylab, it has tons of parts and still perfectly stable fps

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Hi, I downloaded KSRSS from Github and dragged the KSRSS folder into game data. Normally it works, but sometimes water starts to project onto the ground (the kind that projects onto the bottom of a pool). It also happens that when I turn the camera (not in any extreme way), the terrain starts to disappear. Do you know what it could be?

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11 hours ago, LiterallyMe said:

How can I install 0.7? it says that the guide is coming soon? 

You can install 0.7 Reborn with the latest 1.12 KSP release and this package : https://gitlab.com/ksrss/KSRSS
Mind the dependancies.
I highly suggest -if you play in career mode- to deactivate the Kerbalkind achievements in the options of the Contract Configurator mod when starting a new game.

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Great job with the mod! But i have one question. What mod are you guys using for clouds? I've tried to install KSRSSVE but didn't manage to get it to work, i also tried boulderCo config from eve redux frontpage.  Any recommendations?

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1 hour ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

It does indeed. Running Eve btw.  If you have any other Eve configs laying around (like boulderco, etc) I would not expect that to work.

I don't have any other configs. The EVE overlay ingame recognize that i have the KSRSS EVE config but still no clouds. I reinstalled EVE and it didn't work. 

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9 minutes ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

puzzling. if you can upload ksp.log somewhere we can at least rule out simple install issues

I think i found the issue. It seems it has something to do with the 64k pack. Reinstalled ksrss without adding 64k textures and now it works! But thanks for the help anyways!

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which parallax version and terrain setting should I use with ksrss reborn?

parallax 2.0 - infinite loading screen (main menu actually loaded with music playing but black screen and ksp loading icon forever spinning)

1.3.1 same as above.


----edit: nvm, find some tip in previous pages and solved it

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