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What’s the first thing you’ll do in ksp2?

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21 minutes ago, Oneiros said:

assuming it comes out?

we just have to be patient. We do have a release date, even if it isn't for quite some time...

23 minutes ago, Oneiros said:

give it a negative review on steam for treating its community so badly.

I'm not saying that the devs had kept their promises with updates or not, but with the current pandemic, we should all cut them some slack. They did start the game from scratch, so there's bound to be errors along the way. And covid ain't going to make the development process go smoother. We just gotta be patient and give them support, not give them negative reviews. It really is going to suck to have to wait another year to finally have the finished project, but it's going to be worth it. And ksp is truly a great game, and I'm satisfied with it and will play it even after ksp2 is released...But I AM HYPED FOR THE UPCOMING CONSOLE UPDATE!!! WHOO-HOO!!

but seriously, we just need to give the devs time. They will deliver what they promised, it'll just take time. We (as a communtiy) would much rather wait to get a much better game then be impatient and receive a buggy, broken mess of a game. 

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marvel at it, exploring the KSC, then 

On 5/11/2020 at 8:25 AM, blueskiesspacetechnologies said:

I will make a HUGE rocket and send it to another star system. I CAN'T WAIT!!


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11 hours ago, Lewie said:

but seriously, we just need to give the devs time. They will deliver what they promised, it'll just take time. We (as a communtiy) would much rather wait to get a much better game then be impatient and receive a buggy, broken mess of a game. 

I do think we need an beta for people with 1000 hours plus on the game, the community will know better than the devs with how the game feels.

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14 minutes ago, SpaceFace545 said:

I do think we need an beta for people with 1000 hours plus on the game, the community will know better than the devs with how the game feels.

No, they don't have to. It's a business where leaks can kill a project. 

How could they verify that that 1000hr mark? Not all users use Steam. Most of the original players still use the KSP store. The honor system doesn't work in software development.

But this isn't the thread for this conversation.

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Start building an orbital colony, abandon it halfway through and spend the rest of the day in the VAB building rockets that i'm never gonna fly.

Maybe i'll just skip the first part.

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15 hours ago, Oneiros said:

assuming it comes out? give it a negative review on steam for treating its community so badly.

What did the devs do wrong? They're creating entire star systems and you're here overhyping and thinking not giving news every 2 seconds is "treating the community badly".

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2 hours ago, Bej Kerman said:

What did the devs do wrong? They're creating entire star systems and you're here overhyping and thinking not giving news every 2 seconds is "treating the community badly".

I don’t agree with onieros but to be fair we haven’t actually gotten any real news other than some devs showing us there fancy new office.

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Ok, lemme picture this in my head. <grins as visions of KSP2 yet to come dance in his head like a tuna sandwich does in Hobbes's head teehee> Ok. I know. I have purchased KSP2 from the store and installed it. I have loaded it and am staring wide eyed at a new KSP. What do I do first? Simple. Check all the games settings and make sure everything is configured to my happy satisfaction. Realistically this is honestly the first thing I will do. The second thing is to check my staging err um control schemes <keyboard, mouse, etc etc> to make sure things are close enough to what I am used to and then I move onto my third thing! Try out career or adventure mode <which ever sticks as the final name> to see if it draws me in and gives me a reason to use that mode. If not, well, start a sandbox save and play away the time :) That is what I will first do. What a fun thought exercise this was.


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