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[We need more posts! (Like seriously, a lot more)] Let's Make This the Megathread!

Misguided Kerbal

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15 minutes ago, The Doodling Astronaut said:


I'm serious any mission you guys like if we go 24 hours with no posts

Why though? We all have KSP. Plus, we're supposed to post.


9 minutes ago, Lewie said:

But where I live, it’s 11:53. Therefore, any posts I have just posted don’t count.


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On 9/23/2020 at 12:20 PM, Kane Kerman said:

you haven't posted anything in here for like 2 weeks straight...



You're right. I'm not going to post anymore. Starting now.

Edited by DunaManiac
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57 minutes ago, The Doodling Astronaut said:

Actually sorry. I am from the future on December 32nd 2020. This year never ends sorry to tell the truth

No! God, please no! This can’t be happening!

(kudos to you if you know what movie that’s from)

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12 minutes ago, Lewie said:

No! God, please no! This can’t be happening!

(kudos to you if you know what movie that’s from)

yeah on December 31st everyone cheers in the eastern hemisphere just to find out it becomes 11:60. Then the west starts to panic and airplanes fall out of the sky AND THE WORLD WILL END!!!!!!

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START Stellaris_Explanation_Nobody_Cares_About.exe


BEGINNING Stellaris_Explanation_Nobody_Cares_About.exe

I just singlehandedly defeated the endgame crisis in stellaris.

Basically, the endgame crisis is like the final boss of stellaris.


You're minding your buisness in your vast interstellar empire, busy rebuilding your fleet after losing 20% of it in one war, when 30 hostile fleets suddenly show up on your borders, and you alone have to stop it.

It actually wasn't very exciting as a crisis.

Luckily the crisis (prethoryn scourge, basically extragalactic invaders) spawned in a little cluster at the edge of my space, so I could keep them bottled up in about 10 systems indefinitely.

Using my strategy, I moved all my fleets into one system, a chokehold (the Sastram system), and waited for their fleets to come to me! This operates off the principle that the AI is far too dumb to group all their fleets together and attack, it would just foolishly send one fleet at a time, which would easily be destroyed by my combined forces.

After some time, I finally went on the offensive, taking back my systems and the 2 colonies that were unlucky enough to be in the same cluster.

I used the same strategy against the great khan earlier (basically an earlier, less powerful version of the endgame crisis), and actually defeated the great khan in battle!

But it did produce some pretty cool looking battles. The battle of Cogantu had something like 8 fleets participating (5 of mine, 3 prethoryn) and considering that the amount of ships outnumbered the entire US navy, it was so cool! But it lagged alot.

I think I destroyed something like 1500 prethoryn ships, but I lost ~30% of my fleet, or 260 ships, which is nothing to scoff at.



Also, I didn't post.


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