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Misguided Kerbal

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56 minutes ago, Dr. Kerbal said:

I guess so. But what about time! Eh?! Well, that’s why I don’t do interplanetary often.

If you use timewap, you can reach your destination in under 10 minutes 

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52 minutes ago, Lewie said:

I can’t wait to see all the uses for copper...

I dunno. Glad to see we’re getting a cave update! That’s going to be fun.

I love the brand new Glow Squid. I woke up today thinking it wouldn't win. I was shocked to my core!

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19 minutes ago, The Doodling Astronaut said:

I love the brand new Glow Squid. I woke up today thinking it wouldn't win. I was shocked to my core!

I feel ya. I thought the moobloom was cute, but that squid....ohh yea! Who doesn’t love squid that glow?

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41 minutes ago, Kane Kerman said:

Dude, i was trying JNSQ and the only thing it does it's simply crashing and eutanizing my clicks on my ksp,so:

I'll no longer play jnsq until i have a better pc,meanwhile, i'll play RSS.


JNSQ runs fine for me. Have you installed it correctly?

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3 hours ago, Kane Kerman said:

Dude, i was trying JNSQ and the only thing it does it's simply crashing and eutanizing my clicks on my ksp,so:

I'll no longer play jnsq until i have a better pc,meanwhile, i'll play RSS.

How much RAM do you have?
The recommended number is 16 GBs.

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2 minutes ago, Kane Kerman said:

4 gb of ram.

Ah, that explains it.

Anyways, guys, I've been writing a novel semi-seriously semi-frequently, I've been working on it for the past few months.

It's basically a sci-fi novel (the best kind of fiction IMO), taking place in the future year of 3608. Known space is ruled by 3 known nations: The Free Commonwealth of Nations (Humans), Gar Federation (Garrans) and the elusive Haigans.

The primary setting is the Free Commonwealth of Nations, a.k.a the Commonwealth, which is made up of dozens of planets and hundreds of systems, which are grouped into two main groups, the Coreworlds (Earth, Alpha Centuari, Luyten's Star, Tau Ceti etc.) and the fringeworlds, which are essentially poor agricultural worlds forced to pay heavy tribute to the rest of the commonwealth.

Officially the Commonwealth is a representative democracy, but is in reality a Millitary Junta hiding behind the facade of a decadent oligarchy which is also hiding behind the facade of a democracy!



That dosen't work?

Oh well, it was a nice try at a joke.

The characters are two officers in the Corps, the millitary, and also the primary head of the Commonwealth. The Corps is ruled by 15 fleet admirals (currently 8, later in the story zero) who essentially control most of the Commonwealth, the rest of the government is nothing but a weak puppet.

Jacob Fowler is technically Captain but has the powers of an Admiral (a person who controls 5-50 ships in a regiment, distinct from a fleet admiral, which rules an entire fleet), and commands the 25th Border Patrol, a small regiment with a big reputation where all the washed up officers go. Despite having followed regulations nearly exactly his whole life, one little slipup caused a young man with a bright future to live out his career in a nobody regiment.

Walton Rees was a prestigious Admiral commanding a large regiment. Charismatic and reckless, he managed to wind his way up the ladder all the way to his present position. On the eve of his promotion after his heroic actions commanding a 300 year old shuttle against a state of the art Garran vessel in an illegal attack, he is arrested and jailed after his First Officer busts him for saying a disparaging remark against the Corps. Embittered and radicalized, an intelligence officer named Mahala Edgar breaks him out of prison after his trial and goes to a fringeworld called New Luyten, a refuge for the survivors of the Luyten massacre, a war crime commited by the Garrans which killed hundreds of millions on the Coreworld of Luyten. From there he masterminds a rebellion called the Second Commonwealth.

Over the course of the story the leading Fleet Admirals are all assasinated, and the Commonwealth is thrown into chaos, Rees makes his move and declares war on the Commonwealth, and the Second Commonwealth gobbles up several worlds and vast swaths of Commonwealth territory. Meanwhile, in a brief stint in Garran and then Second Commonwealth custody, Fowler breaks free and is promoted to a full Admiral, commanding the new spruced up 25th Border Patrol, renamed to the 456th Mechanized Division.

Towards the end of the story, Rees becomes insane from the power he enjoys as absolute ruler of the Second Commonwealth and his constant paranoia, while Fowler is thrust up higher and higher on the millitary chain. At the last battle, Fowler spearheads the assault and the two men are stranded on a planet together, Rees fatally wounded. They had met early in the story, but now Rees is utterly delusional and dosen't remember Fowler at all, just still clutching to his fading Second Commonwealth. Together they recount their shared history, and Rees dies on a lonely rock, along with his dreams of the second Commonwealth.

Fowler goes on to become a Fleet Admiral, and leads a slew of reforms that reduce the power of the Admiralty, and the commonwealth is safe once again.

Wow, that took a long time, and probably won't make much sense. I'll probably change a lot of the details later, it's not even close to being finished.

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1 hour ago, DunaManiac said:


So, 2 radicalized admirals against a govt run by military peeps, against an unknown race, and another violent race. Plus the colonies situation sounds like Britain vs America 2.0.... sounds great! I think it sounds kinda similar to star trek though :P


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1 minute ago, Misguided_Kerbal said:

So, 2 radicalized admirals against a govt run by military peeps, against an unknown race, and another violent race. Plus the colonies situation sounds like Britain vs America 2.0.... sounds great! I think it sounds kinda similar to star trek though :P


hey where have you been

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13 hours ago, Misguided_Kerbal said:

So, 2 radicalized admirals against a govt run by military peeps, against an unknown race, and another violent race. Plus the colonies situation sounds like Britain vs America 2.0.... sounds great! I think it sounds kinda similar to star trek though :P


No, only Rees is the radicalized insane one. The other guy just dosen't care.

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3 minutes ago, Misguided_Kerbal said:



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On 5/20/2020 at 12:30 PM, UomoCapra said:

forumBanner (2).png
We want to share an update for all of our Kerbal Space Program fans: We will now be releasing Kerbal Space Program 2 in Fall 2021.

As you all know, we’ve been working hard to make the best and most authentic KSP sequel possible. This is an ambitious goal. We are making a big, expansive game loaded with new features, but doing so will take longer than we previously anticipated. With everything going on in the world today due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we’re facing many unique challenges that require more time to safely iterate, create, test, and make KSP2 as great as it can be. We understand this isn’t the news you were hoping to see, but ultimately we need to make the best decision for the development of Kerbal Space Program 2. That said, we will continue to keep you updated with more feature videos, developer blogs, and other content to share our progress from now up to launch.  

We appreciate everyone who has been on this journey with us, we really can’t wait to be flying alongside all of you, and we look forward to sharing more along the way. Safe launches to all the Kerbonauts out there and stay tuned!


Kerbal Space Program 2 Dev Team


On 5/20/2020 at 1:01 PM, Poodmund said:

Frankly, I think this is good news for everyone involved. The global Pandemic has caused major disruption I would be sure, especially seeing as the development studio is based in Seattle (where COVID-19 hit the US hard initially) so delaying the release will:

  • Allow the development team to take their time and avoid as much deadline rush
  • Provide more time to develop the game with more polish and completeness which is what all players want

Its a win-win situation for the developers and consumers, the only people I see here that are losing out are investors as they won't be making their cash money as soon. :D 


On 5/20/2020 at 1:08 PM, Lewie said:

At least with over an extra year added to the development process, the decs can really fine tune the game and add moar features. It’s a shame it won’t be released  on the initial date, but the dev’s safty and health is more important(same goes to squad, we hope y’a are staying safe!) then releasing on the initial date. It’s going to be    Quite painful to wait over another year for it to be released, but it’s going to be prettying dang great. Once again, I hope the devs(Star theory and Squad) are staying safe out there.


On 5/20/2020 at 1:12 PM, Stevie_D said:

Considering the shaky state of the footage so far, combined with the Coronavirus, I wholeheartedly applaud this decision.

It would be so easy for them to just take what they've got and churn out a shoddy product this summer or in the fall, now it looks like it'll get the love and attention it deserves.


Thumbs up here.


On 5/20/2020 at 1:29 PM, AHHans said:

I want my money back! Every penny that I paid for KSP 2! Oh, I haven't paid you anything yet. So I guess you are free to do as you like. :D

O.K. Jokes aside. (And, yes, that was supposed to be a joke!) Take the all time that you need to make a good product. I would be very unhappy if KSP 2 would get delayed and delayed like other games that we won't mention, but considering that Take-Two has yet to see a single penny from us I'm not actually worried about that.


On 5/20/2020 at 1:33 PM, Liquid said:

Seeing as we're going to be stuck with the original KSP for a while, could Squad at least fix the longstanding bug that stops Linux users from loading the hi-res part textures?


We're getting screwed badly enough with the KSP2 team not bothering to release on our OS and current game looks kinda dated as is, it'd be nice to at least have the proper textures until the next one comes out.


On 5/20/2020 at 1:37 PM, Clamp-o-Tron said:

Aww... I'm sad. Delays were there even before the pandemic, and it just makes this worse. It was inevitable. I'll just have to keep modding it to oblivion.


On 5/20/2020 at 2:28 PM, Frank_G said:

Take your time and thanks for the update. :)


On 5/20/2020 at 2:38 PM, Master39 said:

This is exactly what I was expecting, something ending that "it may release any time between 2 months ago and 3 years in the future"


On 5/20/2020 at 3:02 PM, theJesuit said:

Okay.  So the END of next year?  That's when Fall is?  If I'm wrong please tell me as I have a hot summer Christmas here in NZ.

Good release date actually when it is cold in the northern hemisphere and everyone is indoors anyway to focus on this.

Stay safe all you devs - and thank you for the upcoming updates to KSP 1 from @SQUAD



On 5/20/2020 at 3:04 PM, Dirkidirk said:

welp, the best way to make something come closer is to forget it exists. then you'll get thae big supris when is does come out.


On 5/20/2020 at 3:14 PM, Bej Kerman said:

The one question I have for you:Will we get a public beta before launch?


On 5/20/2020 at 3:35 PM, Lewie said:

I expected it to be delayed again but by a year and a half....oof. I can wait, as long as consoles are up to date. If they don’t get updated by the scheduled time...urgh

KSP2 talk.






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