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[1.10.1] KK's SpaceX Pack v.6.5 - 01/11/2020

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On 5/17/2020 at 9:29 AM, Get Rice said:

Hey all,

I can't seem to install the mod properly. I followed the readme instructions perfectly and all that's available is the F9 Demo parts. Everything else is hidden or doesn't exist. I installed the mod off of https://spacedock.info/mod/269/SpaceX Launch Vehicles?ga=+3102+'kerbal+space+program'> and I am on version 1.9.1. while running KSP through Steam. I don't understand why I am the only one affected. Can someone offer me assistance?



Hey Alex,

You will be glad to learn that I am also facing this problem. If your problem is fixed, can you please guide me what to do or tell me how did you solve it? 

Thanks for your cooperation

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How are the Falcon Heavy Boosters supposed to attach? I see a node on the Separator but nothing attaches to it. And when I just put it on the side manually it doesn't decouple. So far this is a really great mod but I'd really appreciate a fix to my problem if someone knows.

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I wanted to ask for the SpaceX ITS ship. that ship is cool and futuristic but the problem is it doesn't have airlock for EVA's to exit the ship, also there are no IVA and I don't know why but it has 100 crew capacity but I cannot see crew not more than 3!

The mod is being used in ksp v1.9.1 and it was downloaded from CKAN

Is it a glitch or it is yet to be updated??

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46 minutes ago, Dhruv said:

I wanted to ask for the SpaceX ITS ship. that ship is cool and futuristic but the problem is it doesn't have airlock for EVA's to exit the ship, also there are no IVA and I don't know why but it has 100 crew capacity but I cannot see crew not more than 3!

The mod is being used in ksp v1.9.1 and it was downloaded from CKAN

Is it a glitch or it is yet to be updated??

That`s not a bug. Everything is OK.

That`s because making IVAs is very complex and difficult. So it is using a Squad-IVA as replacement.
No idea if KK is planning a new IVA. But I don`t think he will make one for 100 (!!!) Kerbals.

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21 minutes ago, Cheesecake said:

That`s not a bug. Everything is OK.

That`s because making IVAs is very complex and difficult. So it is using a Squad-IVA as replacement.
No idea if KK is planning a new IVA. But I don`t think he will make one for 100 (!!!) Kerbals.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Realism Overhaul configs by @pmborg

@pmborg is currently working hard to implement Realism Overhaul configs for all the rockets included in this pack! A lot of you have been waiting for some proper configs, so show him some love and try the configs out yorself! Please note that they are still Work In Progress and you will see quite a few more changes happen, you can download the latest version of the configs here:

Download RO configs [KSP 1.9.1]


Edited by Kartoffelkuchen
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43 minutes ago, Icebo said:

I have a problem that the retractable lifting surfaces mod is outdated on your link, do you have an updated one?


I am not sure if you are referring to kks-spacex-pack or this new Realism Overhaul configs option (Pmborg-RealFalcons) mentioned by Kartoffelkuchen.

Please note that this option, is only available in KSP 1.9.1 due some dependencies that don't exist in yet on KSP 1.10.x

Welcome to forums, btw.

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I am working today on the code to land the Falcon on LandingZone.

PRINT "PhaseII-Break:".
RUNPATH( "boot/PhaseII-Break.c", mission_target ).

PRINT "Falcon-Return:".
RUNPATH( "boot/Falcon-Return.c").

print "Air Breaks on".

RUNPATH( "boot/PhaseIII-Land.c" ).


[2] I not sure how to solve the problem of having the DroneShip bellow water (on Kopernicus/Real Solar System) (KSP 1.9.1) I am not sure if @prestja can help :)


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@prestja Please Disregard!

Found a solution to it, that needs to be added on this ship with (Real Solar System)

So the solution is to add a resource empty (like an empty tank) to make it float:

	// Work for KSP 1.9.x
	@buoyancy = 4
	// Work for KSP 1.8.x
		%name = LiquidFuel
		%amount = 0
		%maxAmount = 10000000
		%flowState = True
		%isTweakable = True
		%hideFlow = False
		%isVisible = True
		%flowMode = Both


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Hello @Icebo

I updated the readme, for sure you are missing some dependencies referred there.

Download Realism configs [KSP 1.9.1]


I was updating also the Falcon 1.2 (Block 5) with the missing accelerators to do the math/calcs for retro-burn landing.

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Today I am trying to use different grid-fins in order to try better results:



New ones, from KervalReusabilityExpansion because of the DeployableAeroSurfaces addon:


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Hello @Kartoffelkuchen

SpaceX "Falcon 9 v1.2 Block 5", Landing...


  • Now the landing if finally as expected, tomorrow I will try to upload a video/demo with my KOS code for auto/landing after Stage-2 Sep.
  • Forgot to install "world stabilizer" mod, the rocket escaped from center, due KSP surface drag bugs.
  • I am still not 100% happy because, I need to tweak the code to reduce a bit some undesired little shakes, on pitch 90º, which cause the rocket to shake a little bit about 3000m, but for sure is something that I will solve.



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The Dropbox was updated, with the *.cfg and the *.craft.


After the takeoff, now the most complicated part, the vertical landing!

Usually I record all attempts and so see all in detail ...

So it is not with comments or explanations, maybe I will do later one video about how to use it and how it works.

Uploading the video, with last smooth landing using my KOS code:





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Hello, i am currently using your mod pack for Delta launchers, but i am very interested in the Minotaur V mod (i believe it would be called “Orbital ATK pack” since the rocket is made by them). I have seen along the comments on this page that you might have already done the pack (if i’m correct)? I am asking since i can’t really find it anywhere, and i am particularly attached to that rocket so having it in my KSP save would be awesome. I tried making it in blender myself but i lack the artistic and coding skills required to make it, so after quite a few failed attempts i gave up. Anyways, i appreciate the work you have done and your rockets are really really nice, keep uo the good work!

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1 hour ago, LeRoumaine said:

Hello, i am currently using your mod pack for Delta launchers, but i am very interested in the Minotaur V mod (i believe it would be called “Orbital ATK pack” since the rocket is made by them). I have seen along the comments on this page that you might have already done the pack (if i’m correct)? I am asking since i can’t really find it anywhere, and i am particularly attached to that rocket so having it in my KSP save would be awesome. I tried making it in blender myself but i lack the artistic and coding skills required to make it, so after quite a few failed attempts i gave up. Anyways, i appreciate the work you have done and your rockets are really really nice, keep uo the good work!

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Hello, Falcon 9 now match closely the real telemetry!

After tuning a little bit in the delta value o the pitch, to the launch gravity turn, and reduce the drag loses I got very similar value of a real falcon, very very similar with a real telemetry.

Comparing all levels of altitude pith and speed, and several dozens of Launches.

But to land, with accuracy, I really need the other gridfins (refereed before), because this ones almost useless... sorry to say, so I am about to do the final version of the falcon 9 1.2 (Block 5) LEO Cargo version

The solution have ofc several files but here the Launch Core part:

parameter FINAL_ORBIT. //Sample: 125000 or 150000 or 300000-- Set FINAL_ORBIT to your desired circular orbit

set FINAL_ORBIT2 to FINAL_ORBIT.		// For Phase-2 falcon stage-2
set FINAL_ORBIT to  (FINAL_ORBIT/2).	// For Phase-1 falcon stage-1

set thrust to 0.
lock throttle to thrust.
lock steering to up + R(0,0,180).

set initialmass to mass.
set Qmax to .5*1.2*(100.9^2).
set Cd to .20075*.008.
set r to altitude+BODY(DEFAULT_KSC):radius. //600000 (KERBIN)
set GM to BODY(DEFAULT_KSC):mu. 			//GM = 3.5316*(10^12). (KERBIN)
set g to GM/(r^2).
set D to (mass*g)/Qmax.

PRINT "Press [ENTER] to LAUNCH". set ch to terminal:input:getchar().
sas on. 

if status = "PRELAUNCH" 
	AG1 ON. //TOWER...!
	print "[0]-Counting down:". 
	print "Falcon: v"+vehicle_type + " TRG: " + mission_target.
	FROM {local countdown is 5.} UNTIL countdown = 0 STEP {SET countdown to countdown - 1.} 
	DO { PRINT "..." + countdown. WAIT 1. }

	print "Ignition...".
	set thrust to 1. //ENGINES...

	wait 3.
	stage. // Liftoff...
	print "Liftoff...".

//Check if we have a BoosterStage:
if stage:solidfuel > 0 {
	set BoosterStage to 1.
if stage:solidfuel < 1 {
	set BoosterStage to 0.
print "Check BoosterStage: " + BoosterStage.

wait 3.
set p0 to 1.223125.
set e to 2.71828.
set q to 0.

print "[1]Launch: Falcon v"+vehicle_type + " " at (0,0). // + BODY(DEFAULT_KSC):radius
print "Q-Max" at (0,1).
print "Dynamic Pressure" at (0,2).
print "q/Qmax" at (0,3).

wait until alt:radar > 75.

until q > Qmax*.80
	set thrust to 1.
	set H to altitude/(-5000).
	set p to p0*(e^H).
	set r to altitude+BODY(DEFAULT_KSC):radius. //600000.
	set g to GM/(r^2).
	set Qmax to g/Cd.
	set q to .5*p*(verticalspeed^2).
	print ROUND(Qmax) at (20,1).
	print ROUND(q) at (20,2).
	print ROUND(q/Qmax*100,2)+ " %       " at (20,3).
	wait 0.5.

// Throttle is reduced to maintain a constant terminal velocity.
print "Dynamic Pressure" at (0,3+4).
PRINT "[2]Throttle down to reduce drag losses" at (0,0+4).
print "Throttle" at (0,1+4).
print "Q-Max" at (0,2+4).
print "Dynamic Pressure" at (0,3+4).
print "q/Qmax" at (0,4+4).
print "Maxthrust: " at (0,5+4).
print "delta: " at (0,6+4).
set x to 0.
until altitude > 30000 
	set H to altitude/(-5000).
	set I to altitude/(15000).
	set delta to (1*(e^I)*(-1))*1.25.
	set p to p0*(e^H).
	set r to altitude+BODY(DEFAULT_KSC):radius. //600000.
	set g to GM/(r^2).
	set Qmax to g/Cd.
	set vsurf to velocity:surface.
	set Vsx to vsurf:x.
	set Vsy to vsurf:y.
	set Vsz to vsurf:z.
	set Vs2 to (Vsx^2)+(Vsy^2)+(Vsz^2).	
	set q to .5*p*(vs2).
	set err to .002.
	set error to 1-err*(q-Qmax).

	if 	maxthrust > 0 {
		set Drag to ((Qmax*Cd*mass)/maxthrust).
		set Weight to (mass*g)/maxthrust.	
	} else {
		set Drag to ((Qmax*Cd*mass)/0.01). 
		set Weight to (mass*g)/0.01.		
	//                    S   
	// NORTH ORINENTED:270 90                                                EST  NORTH DW
	//                    N                                                  WEST SOUTH UP 
	set tThrust to (Drag+ Weight)*error.
	if  tThrust < 0.875
		set tThrust to 0.875.
	if  tThrust > 1
		set tThrust to 1.
	set thrust to tThrust.
	if altitude > 3000 and x < 1 {
		print "( Begin gravity turn )" at (0,7+4).
		set x to x+1.

	print ROUND(tThrust*100,1)+"%                " 	at (20,1+4).	
	print ROUND(Qmax)+ "    " 						at (20,2+4).
	print ROUND(q)+ "    " 							at (20,3+4).
	print ROUND((100*(q/Qmax)),2)+ "%    " 			at (20,4+4).
	print ROUND(maxthrust)+ "    " 					at (20,5+4).
	print ROUND(delta)+ "    " 						at (20,6+4).
	wait 0.5.

PRINT "[3]--------------------------------------------"+vehicle_type.
print "Burn: from 30km to " + FINAL_ORBIT*.001 + "Km Apogee".
set thrust to 1.
set x to 0.

//LOOP3: After 30,000m the effects of drag are minimal so thrust is set to 100%, Burn to desired 1st orbit altitude level
until (apoapsis >= FINAL_ORBIT) or (velocity:orbit >= MECO1)
	set I to altitude/(15000).
	set delta to 1*(e^I)*(-1)*1.25.
	if delta < (-50) {
		set delta to (-50).
	PRINT "mass: " + ROUND(mass)+"    " 			at (0,3).
	PRINT "thrust: " + thrust+"    " 				at (0,4).
	PRINT "apoapsis: " + ROUND(apoapsis)+"    " 	at (0,5).
	PRINT "(FINAL_ORBIT): " + (FINAL_ORBIT)+"    " 	at (0,6).
	PRINT "delta: " + ROUND(delta)+"    " 			at (0,7).
	wait 0.5.

set thrust to 0.


PRINT "Press [ENTER] to CONFIRM STAGING!!!". set ch to terminal:input:getchar().
//SEND PROCESSOR ID TO BOOSTER --------------------------------------------
  PRINT "PROCESSOR_STAGE1: Message sent!".
  wait 1.

	stage.	// same as hitting the spacebar.
	WAIT 3.

// Wait for thrust:
	stage.// same as hitting the spacebar.
	PRINT "Stage: "+ stage:number.// activated - MAXTHRUST: "+SHIP:MAXTHRUST.
	WAIT 3.// pause half a second between stage attempts.

// Stage-2 Initial Slow Burn:
set thrust to 0.25.
wait 3.
//                              S/N W/E                   
SET myDir TO HEADING(0, 90)+ R(22,-81,0).

wait 5.
set thrust to 1.
UNTIL periapsis > 0 and apoapsis < FINAL_ORBIT2
	set x to eta:apoapsis.
	PRINT "periapsis: " + ROUND(periapsis/1000,1)+" km    " at (0,10).
	PRINT "eta:apoapsis: " + ROUND(eta:apoapsis,1)+" s    " at (0,11).
	WAIT 1.
	set dx to eta:apoapsis.
	if dx > x

SET myDir TO HEADING(0, 90)+ R(22,-85,0).
UNTIL (apoapsis >= FINAL_ORBIT2)
	PRINT "periapsis: " + ROUND(periapsis/1000,1)+" km    " at (0,10).
	PRINT "eta:apoapsis: " + ROUND(eta:apoapsis,1)+" s    " at (0,11).
	WAIT 1.

set thrust to 0.
PRINT "Orbit insertion completed".


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18 hours ago, Cheesecake said:

You can search topics by users profile.

Yea sorry, i saw that mod already but in the list of parts the names of the first 3 motors used on the Minotaur V don’t appear (they would be SR-118/119/120), inly the Star 48B and the 37FM (respectively 4th and 5th stage). Thank you for your help!

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Finally got the Droneship (I Still Love You) landing in a (smooth mode), full KOS:


Vessel: https://kerbalx.com/pmborg/PMBT-SpaceX-Falcon-9-1_2-Block-5

Download RO configs [KSP 1.9.1]


Adding the core-landing code for , for the last 8km, last 2 minutes:

(This is a generic code that I use to land every where Mun, Moon, etc...) also land falcon on Droneship :)


print "PhaseIII-Descending" at (0,0).

set GM to mission_target:mu. 		//GM = 6.5138398*(10^10).  (MUN)

set thrust to 0.
lock throttle to thrust.

LIGHTS ON. // lights off
print "@>5000km   " at (20,0).
if alt:radar > 5000000 //5000km
	wait 1.
	set warp to 6.
	wait until alt:radar < 5000000.
	set warp to 0.
	wait 1.

print "@>1000km   " at (20,0).
if alt:radar > 1000000 //1000km
	wait 1.
	set warp to 5.
	wait until alt:radar < 1000000.
	set warp to 0.
	wait 1.

//// ALT: 1000Km -> Max-Speed: 1000m/s
set max to alt:radar / 1000.
print "max speed: " + ROUND(max) at (0,5).
print "@<1000km   " at (20,0).
until alt:radar < 1000000 
	set r to altitude+1000000.
	set g to GM/(r)^2.
	set Vdown to (-1)*verticalspeed.
	set err to 1.	
	set error to err*(Vdown-max).
	print "Vdown: " + ROUND(Vdown) at (0,2).
	if max+10 < Vdown {
		if maxthrust > 0
			set thrust to error*((1000*SHIP:MASS*g)/maxthrust).
	else {
		set thrust to 0.

set warp to 0. 
set max to 700.
print "@>100km   " at (20,0).
SET thrust TO 0.1.
if altitude > 100000 //100km
	steerToTarget(0, coreAdjustLatOffset, coreAdjustLngOffset).
	set warp to 3.
	set Vo to 0.
	until (Vo > 700 or altitude < 100000) {
		set vorbit to velocity:orbit.
		set Vox to vorbit:x.
		set Voy to vorbit:y.
		set Voz to vorbit:z.
		set Vo to ((Vox^2)+(Voy^2)+(Voz^2))^.5.
		wait 1.
	set warp to 0. wait 1.

set breakspeed to 1000.
print "@<100km   " at (20,0).
SET x to 0.
set err to 5.
set t to 0.
SET Vdown TO 1.
until Vdown < 1 //or status = "LANDED" or status = "SPLASHED"
	steerToTarget(85, 0, 0).
	// if alt:radar < 200000
		// set max to 600.
	// if alt:radar < 100000
		// set max to 550.
	 if alt:radar < 100000
		 set max to 500.
	if alt:radar < 60000
		set max to 400.
	if alt:radar < 30000
		set max to 300.
	//if alt:radar < 20000
	//	set max to 200.
	if alt:radar < 8000 {
		set max to 100.
	if alt:radar < 4000 and x=0 {
		set max to 50.
		set err to 1.
		set x to 1.
	if alt:radar < 2000 {
		set max to 40.
	if alt:radar < 1000  {
		set max to 20.
	if alt:radar < 500 {
		GEAR ON.	// retract gear
		if body:atm:height > 0
		set max to 15.
	if alt:radar < 400 {
		set max to 9.
	if alt:radar < 300 {
		set max to 6.
	if alt:radar < 200 {
		set max to 3.
	if alt:radar < 150 {
		set max to 1. //6m/s
		//set max to 0.5. //m/s

	set r to altitude + mission_target:radius.
	set g to GM/(r)^2.
	if (alt:radar > 5000) 
		set vorbit to ship:velocity:surface. //Surface!!
		set Vox to vorbit:x.
		set Voy to vorbit:y.
		set Voz to vorbit:z.
		set Vdown to ((Vox^2)+(Voy^2)+(Voz^2))^.5.
	} else
		set Vdown to (-1)*verticalspeed.
	set error to err*(Vdown-max).

	if alt:radar > 2500 //5000X 3000X
		if max < ABS(Vdown) 
			if maxthrust > 0 and breakspeed > max
				set t to error*((mass*g)/maxthrust). // t & Kn
				if t < 0.20
					set thrust to 0.20.				
					set thrust to t.
				if (alt:radar > 5000) 
					set breakspeed to max.
			set thrust to 0.
	} else {
		if maxthrust > 0
			set t to (error/5)*((mass*g)/maxthrust).
		if t < 0.20
			set thrust to 0.20.
			set thrust to t.
		if alt:radar < 200 and impactDist < 75 and x = 1
			print "(KISS mode)" at (0,24).
			set x to 2.
			set target TO LandingZone.
			unlock steering.
			SAS ON.
			wait 1.
			set sasmode TO "RETROGRADE".
			RCS ON.
			SET err TO 0.80.


	print "Vdown: " + ROUND(Vdown,1)+"m/s    " at (0,3).
	print "alt:radar: "+ROUND(alt:radar)+"m     " at (0,4).
	print "Next Max-Speed: " + ROUND(max) + "m/s     " at (0,5).
	print "throttle: " + ROUND(thrust,2) + "     " at (0,6).
	print "error: " + ROUND(error,1) + "     " at (0,7).
	print "g: " + ROUND(g,2) + "     " at (0,8).
	print "SHIP:MASS: " + ROUND(SHIP:MASS,3) + "t     " at (0,9).
	print "thrust: " + ROUND(thrust,1) + "kN     " at (0,10).
	print "maxthrust: " + ROUND(maxthrust,1) + "kN     " at (0,11).
	print "t: " + ROUND(t,1) + "     " at (0,12).
	print "x: " + x + "     " at (0,13).
		SET impactDist TO calcDistance(LATLNG(LandingTarget:LAT, LandingTarget:LNG), ADDONS:TR:IMPACTPOS).

//wait 5.
print vehicle_type+" has: "+status at (0,25).
set thrust to 0.
unlock steering.
wait 10.
BRAKES OFF.	// Air Breaks off
print "All engines, secure and shutdown" at (0,26).


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Next Stop will be Here: (ISS)

Fixed the main solar panels inter-between distance, from the original model: "PMB ISS HT2 & TANTARES.craft"



ISS added.


I am locating ISS at Orbit: 408,757m (similar to real orbit: 408 x 418 km )


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