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[1.10.1] KK's SpaceX Pack v.6.5 - 01/11/2020

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First of all, thank you for this mod, it's awesome!

I unfortunately have a small problem with the Dragon Trunk: it does not fix with the Dragon crew capsule. In the VAB, no problem, but when my rocket is on the launch pad, the capsule is not attached to the rest of the rocket, it is just placed on it. If I don't use the Trunk there is no problem. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong.

Thank you in advance.

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On 5/17/2020 at 4:59 AM, Get Rice said:

Hey all,

I can't seem to install the mod properly. I followed the readme instructions perfectly and all that's available is the F9 Demo parts. Everything else is hidden or doesn't exist. I installed the mod off of https://spacedock.info/mod/269/SpaceX Launch Vehicles?ga=+3102+'kerbal+space+program'> and I am on version 1.9.1. while running KSP through Steam. I don't understand why I am the only one affected. Can someone offer me assistance?



im getting this to have you found a fix


Edited by Courtesybog3
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Update v6.2 has been released!




Version 6.2 | June 03 2020

* Added top draco thrusters to the Crew Dragon capsule
* Added Crew Dragon Trunk umbilical deploy to AG7 when Animated Decouplers is not installed for all craft files
* Fixed Crew Dragon nosecone deploying with light AG, moved nosecone deploy to AG6 for all craft files
* Fixed FH Decouplers not seperating on AG5 in the craft files
* Fixed trunk and FH booster decouplers seperating on startup
* Removed Animated Decouplers config for the FH decoupler since it works the same way without Animated Decouplers

Download from Spacedock

@msp307 @Xenooom@meynze @ChiQuit @Courtesybog3 Please try if this update fixed these bugs for you! I'm very sorry for the issues.

@capkirk What does "use it" mean? Providing RO configs? That'd be great actually if there were RO configs for this whole mod!

@cashaber Thank You for providing such detailed information, wish everybody did that... :cool: I think this is an issue more on the Mechjeb site, once the upper stage is at the end of its burn, the TWR is quite high and the stage isn't the most maneuverable one, so it probably has issues in the last >1s keeping up with the marker. Maybe try limiting the acceleration or lowering the thrust limiter at the end to prevent this. :)

@Adriajoa21 Hey, great that you like it! Did you choose the rescaled sizes? If so, you need to change the power in the KK_SpX_rescale file in your GameData folder. Then scroll down to the engine you're looking for ("KK_SPX_Merlin1DV+" for example) and then increase the "maxThrust" variable. Though you should really be able to easily fly these with a proper payload, you just need to get used to it! F5 + F9 is the key sometimes... ;)

@RealKerbal3x Hah that's awesome, glad you're showing the good ol' F9 Demo some love! :P Aerodynamic's are weird in KSP, the second stage does have a tendency to flip backward, yes. Avoid this by choosing a higher trajectory, which is generally a good idea with the Falcon 9 for recovery reasons.

@alains You're right! I wasn't sure actually how these were working or if they even were actually dracos, so I left them out then lol. Now that we know how they work, I've added them in in this update! Enjoy!



Edited by Kartoffelkuchen
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Hello @Kartoffelkuchen! you react quickly! I tried version 6.2: there is more of the problem where the Trunk and the capsule did not remain united, but now, it explodes instantly and has a behavior ... bizarre, like the capsule entering Trunk; ). I tested with the SpaceX Crew Dragon base file. I hope it will be solicited, because the rest of the mode is great!

Edited by ChiQuit
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The mod is very nice, full of greatly textured parts, everything fits very well and is realy easy to understand, looks great. I used this mod for a bit and the only down side I have with this mod is that the landing legs do not function properly. They deploy great but when you lnd on the they just sort of collapse and become ragdoll-y. Other than that it is a fantastic mod.

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First of all thank you for the really quick response. However, the problem still persists with me. Both FH decoupler and the decoupler from the trunk.

For me, at the start the spaceship with the heat shield hangs from the side of the trunk and shakes back and forth, then the heat shield is destroyed and the spaceship is then free on the ground.
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Congratulations on the release! Been looking forward to the new parts for the SpaceX Launch Vehicle since the launch the DM-2. Now that I'm getting back to KSP, I am excited to try out the new parts. Thank you. Godspeed Kart!

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3 minutes ago, Virtualgenius said:

@ Kartoffelkuchen love the mod but having some issues with the falcon 1 the first stage engine  the engine suffer oxidiser deprivation


i had that issue before this was separated from KK launchers whenever i updated my falcon 1 but my issue fix was just take the engine off and back on again

oh and p.s. it's @Kartoffelkuchen not @ Kartoffelkuchen

Edited by Kraken that doesn't exist
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Hey man so the only issue I have with this mod at the moment, is how weak the Falcon 9's landing legs are. And when I say weak, I mean weak, they are so bouncy and even when I come in for a landing at 1m/s or so they fail and the rocket inevitably explodes. Other than that, great mod.

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I am running KSP V 1.9.X, and cannot see Falcon 9 Block 5? I installed the GameData and Ships correctly, being

- - GameData

       - - Launcher Packs

       - - Kartoffelkuchen

There is only 1 of each file, and I can still see the fairings, F9 demo and v1 boosters. Any help?

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11 hours ago, Galland1998 said:

In the new RP-1 version 1.5 update they mention that they are now supporting "KK Space X pack avionics".  I assume that is this pack but does anyone know which version of KK's mod that they are referring to since RP-1 maxes out at  KSP 1.8.1. 

It's referring to the old launchers pack. Note that the patch only includes support for avionics control for the control part - the rest of the parts aren't costed or placed in the tech tree.

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On 6/7/2020 at 12:45 AM, Virtualgenius said:

@Kartoffelkuchen love the mod but having some issues with the falcon 1 the first stage engine  the engine suffer oxidiser deprivation

I thought I had fixed this! Sorry, must have forgotton to update the file. Until the next update, you can help yourself and open the engine config in "GameData/Launchers Pack/Rockets/SpaceX/m1c/M1Ci.cfg" with Editor, then change one of the "node_stack_top" entries to "node_stack_mid", save, and relaunch the game!

I've also updated the OP's "Known Issues" section.

@M4GiC Great to hear from you again! :)

@chefcookinupadub @TheModfather Glad you like it! Yes indeed, the legs are fragile, though I never really ran into too big of an issue with them, as long as the touchdownspeed was <2m/s and no horizontal velocity left. I'll try to update them!

@Synthiex Sorry to hear that you're having issues. If you go into your KSP main folder, then into GameData, you need to have at least 3 folders in there, "Launchers Pack", "Kartoffelkuchen", and probably your "Squad" folder. Can you confirm that? If the problem persists, please share a screenshot of your GameData folder. :)

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43 minutes ago, skzbr said:

Guys, sorry for my newbie question but...


How can i use the landing pads? I cannot put anywhere at the sea or the launch complex. 

Anynone can help me?

Thank you.

They're basically hover crafts. You have to launch them from the runway and drive them to where you want them. KSC for the landing pads or out at sea for just read the instructions/of course I still love you.

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