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[1.12.x] Waypoint Manager - New Dependency added


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So this bug has been around for quite a while, and no one ever reported it until now.

So thanks to @Dominiquini and @flart for providing the bug reports and log files I needed to fix it.

Here is a beta to try.  This doesn't have the fix for the text wrapping when the scaling is too high, but does fix the icon issue:


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6 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Here is a beta to try. 


Problem is still there with custom icons. Tried on almost clear 1.12

  • Put a folder with custom icons into GameData
  • Start career game,  
  • Launch a plane on runway, try to put any custom icon on a ground.
  • on the ground there will be square instead of the icon, and on the "add waypoint" gui there will be no icon.

ksp.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-h2qOluySictNkOLX?e=qLoZd0
player.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-h2uEaGuHGf3d1Wj6?e=gEgfwv
icons.zip https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-hmi4Krmdgoe2nmKj?e=rNxt3p






Edited by flart
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New release,

  • Fixed loading of contract icons (a very old, unreported bug)
  • Optimized display of onscreen text
  • Fixed scaling of text boxes to stop wraparound

The icon issue was a very old, unreported bug.  Thanks to those who reported it

The scaling control for the text is in the settings window for the mod

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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1 hour ago, flart said:

Problem is still there with custom icons. Tried on almost clear 1.12

  • Put a folder with custom icons into GameData
  • Start career game,  
  • Launch a plane on runway, try to put any custom icon on a ground.
  • on the ground there will be square instead of the icon, and on the "add waypoint" gui there will be no icon.

that appears to be a different bug than the one I fixed

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3 hours ago, flart said:
  • Put a folder with custom icons into GameData
  • Start career game,  
  • Launch a plane on runway, try to put any custom icon on a ground.
  • on the ground there will be square instead of the icon, and on the "add waypoint" gui there will be no icon.

Thank you, good instructions, I've been able to replicate and confirm it, will work on a fix

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13 hours ago, flart said:

Problem is still there with custom icons. Tried on almost clear 1.12

  • Put a folder with custom icons into GameData
  • Start career game,  
  • Launch a plane on runway, try to put any custom icon on a ground.
  • on the ground there will be square instead of the icon, and on the "add waypoint" gui there will be no icon.

Try this beta please:


Also, I think you are actually the only person who is using custom waypoints.   

And as a small piece of information for anyone who is interested, this particular bug took about 3 hours to find and fix

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Ah whoops, I missed that SpaceTuxLibrary was required and CKAN didn't add it automatically. It works now, please ignore lmao. Keeping the original post here for posterity.



When I add Waypoint Manager to my list, it and a few other mods complain about reflection errors:


The game loads with no WM button/window/settings, and it also prevents [x] Science from loading for some reason? I'm on the latest 1.12. I tried running in administrator just to see and that didn't fix it. I also confirmed that AtmosphereAutopilot and Contract Configurator are not responsible, I removed those in turn and neither of them did it. This isn't a bug with WM, probably, but I'm asking -- do you have any idea as to what mod could be causing this? I can't really find anything identifiable in the log, there's one error that has Contract Configurator in it but since I confirmed it's not that mod, I assume they come from that mod injecting into base game things, or something like that.

Small update: I tried adding it to an unclean but modless install, and it still throws the errors that the RegisterToolbar can't be instantiated? I'm not sure what to try next...  https://www.dropbox.com/s/k2pe1m6o5s5sttq/KSP-clean.log?dl=0



Edited by warrook
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4 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Try this beta please

Looks like in the map mode waypoint have wrong icon.
 Way to reproduce almost the same:

  • Put a folder with custom icons into GameData
  • Start career game,  
  • Launch a craft on runway, try to put any custom icon on a ground.
  • click "OK" in the "Icon Selector" GUI, and "Save" in the "Add Waypoint" GUI
    the new waypoint will appear in the Waypoint Manager GUI 
  • press M on keyboard for a Map mode
  • on the Map mode it is not "A" icon on the globe

icons.zip (the same) https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-hmi4Krmdgoe2nmKj?e=rNxt3p

player https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-h23bfIzkkCzMZT50?e=d8q2Oy
ksp.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-h2z1KkN2rd2KbbUW?e=rPao6D


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1 hour ago, flart said:
  • press M on keyboard for a Map mode
  • on the Map mode it is not "A" icon on the globe

hmm. Ok, looks like the same kind of code.  It was 2am when I found that,  sorry I didn't check the map mode

But, looks like progress, I'm testing the fix for this now

Looks like this might not be doable, I'm still working on it


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On 6/30/2021 at 10:11 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Looks like this might not be doable, I'm still working on it


On 6/30/2021 at 8:47 PM, flart said:

on the Map mode it is not "A" icon on the globe

If it helps, same happens for the default stock icons in the waypoint manager in the version 
Choose for example "runway" icon, but on the map mode it is again "4-arrows" icon.
In the previous version default stock icons works ok. 

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1 hour ago, flart said:


If it helps, same happens for the default stock icons in the waypoint manager in the version 
Choose for example "runway" icon, but on the map mode it is again "4-arrows" icon.
In the previous version default stock icons works ok. 

Well, yes, it's probably because of the changes I made to try to fix this problem.  It _is_ a beta, after all 

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  • 2 months later...

If using Critical Temperature Gauge docked to the altimeter (where it looks best), the hud display from this gets partially covered up.


..And honestly I'm fine with modifying it for my own use if necessary since this may not be an issue for most. And if so, a real quick glimpse looks like I could maybe just modify the ybase in WaypointFlightRenderer.cs before it runs through the different hud displays?


* edit - 09-17-21 *

I ended up adding an option to override the hud position and sliders to control the x/y values to the settings popup. I'll submit a pull request once I finish some extra testing on it.


Edited by diamond-optic
Added resolution to the issue
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On 9/15/2021 at 1:18 PM, diamond-optic said:

If using Critical Temperature Gauge docked to the altimeter (where it looks best), the hud display from this gets partially covered up.


..And honestly I'm fine with modifying it for my own use if necessary since this may not be an issue for most. And if so, a real quick glimpse looks like I could maybe just modify the ybase in WaypointFlightRenderer.cs before it runs through the different hud displays?


* edit - 09-17-21 *

I ended up adding an option to override the hud position and sliders to control the x/y values to the settings popup. I'll submit a pull request once I finish some extra testing on it.


Why not just move it down below the Critical Temp Gauge?


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3 hours ago, diamond-optic said:

Idk, because a hard-coded value is yucky? lol :-P
...because the inconvenience of having to change it after any update? But I can just keep a fork going for myself if you disagree.

  Reveal hidden contents



I'll think about it.  Might be better to have it draggable, rather than sliders like that

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17 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I'll think about it.  Might be better to have it draggable, rather than sliders like that

Yeah in the long run that would be a better option for sure, the sliders aren't super accurate (not that it really matters much in this case) and they are a bit clumsy... but the code was already there so it was the easiest. Besides that is well beyond the scope of my knowledge right now.

I tried to stay away from any coding the last couple of games I've been playing because its a rabbit hole that results in never having time to actually play (and seeing how many things here have your name on them, I assume you might know that too lol). But im too enamored with ksp so who knows now, and it has a rich modding community on top of that :-D

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24 minutes ago, diamond-optic said:

Yeah in the long run that would be a better option for sure, the sliders aren't super accurate (not that it really matters much in this case) and they are a bit clumsy... but the code was already there so it was the easiest. Besides that is well beyond the scope of my knowledge right now.

I tried to stay away from any coding the last couple of games I've been playing because its a rabbit hole that results in never having time to actually play (and seeing how many things here have your name on them, I assume you might know that too lol). But im too enamored with ksp so who knows now, and it has a rich modding community on top of that :-D

Well, if I get some time, I'll see what I can do.  

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Feature request... I'd like to toggle all of the waypoint markers on/ off in the map and tracking station. I sometimes drop a ton of markers to show biomes and they can start to obscure the planet surface. It's also nice to turn them off for a screenshot if you marked the anomalies and don't want a spoiler. 

Suggest RMB click the tray icon to toggle waypoints on/ off. There's a RMB icon click function in [x]Science! that may be useful. I suppose someone could accidentally click it and complain the mod is broken... so maybe change the icon color. Ship Manifest changes the icon color when the menu is open for example.  

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I added only Waypoint Manager in CKAN today, and received the following error during KSP startup:


ModuleManager - Fatal Error

ModuleManager has encountered a fatal error and KSP needs to close.

The patching thread threw an exception

Please see KSP's log for additional details

Please let me know if you need any complete log files, and, if so, which ones.

I found the following

In KSP.log:


[EXC 12:40:13.349] [ModuleManager] The patching thread threw an exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KIS\Plugins\MiniAVC-V2.dll
  at System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo (System.String fileName) [0x0000d] in <ef151b6abb5d474cb2c1cb8906a8b5a4>:0 
  at ModuleManager.ModListGenerator.GenerateModList (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] modsAddedByAssemblies, ModuleManager.Progress.IPatchProgress progress, ModuleManager.Logging.IBasicLogger logger) [0x000a2] in <a0f9d7e5c0864d32839c501c53536c2a>:0 
  at ModuleManager.MMPatchLoader.Run () [0x000f3] in <a0f9d7e5c0864d32839c501c53536c2a>:0 
  at ModuleManager.MMPatchRunner+<>c__DisplayClass10_0.<Run>b__1 () [0x00001] in <a0f9d7e5c0864d32839c501c53536c2a>:0 
  at ModuleManager.Threading.BackgroundTask+<>c__DisplayClass0_0.<Start>g__RunAction|0 () [0x00002] in <a0f9d7e5c0864d32839c501c53536c2a>:0 

At the bottom of MiniAVC-V2.log:


[Log 14:25:50.0650128]: Config not found: D:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/MiniAVCUpdateFrequency.dat
Executing: MiniAVC-V2 -
Assembly: D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KIS\Plugins\MiniAVC-V2.dll

[Log 12:39:34.1122634]: KSP-AVC was detected...  Unloading MiniAVC!

That MiniAVC-V2.log has many many entries that look like the first line I quoted here (config not found, GameData/MiniAVCUpdateFrequency.dat).  From the time stamps, though, it looks like these were from previous times I started up KSP.  Today's attempt resulted in the 12:39 entry.

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