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Whats the first thing you will do with friends in ksp 2 multiplayer?


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Private coop career with a couple of friends if possible or using it to tutor some others. 

Nothing if the multiplayer is anything else.

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2 hours ago, Kerminator1000 said:

I have no friends interested in KSP and my family has refused to let me talk about it any more than I have so...

You could just introduce it to one of your friends. When i was told about ksp for the first time i was uninterested and didnt care, but then i did some research and fell down the rabbit hole. Maybe you have a friend who doesnt know they like ksp yet because they dont know what it is, you could just do something easy like sending a cool video of someone doing cool stuff in ksp or a funny video from danny2462.

But i dont know what your friends are like so idk.

Edited by Kosmix1
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I don't understand how any answer other than "space dogfight" can possibly be correct. Naturally, I don't expect inclusion of weapons or anything that can be directly used that way, but an SRB is a missile and devs can't take that away from us. I do not expect scoring hits with dumb rockets at orbital speeds to be simple. We chose to do these things not because they are easy, but because they are hard.

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Probably give ourself goals with our play experience.
My friend is a maths genius and he can build really exceptional rovers and crafts... But he's a lousy pilot and driver.
I on the other hand just slap whatever works, mor in line with more boosters to get this non-aerodynamic craft to orbit by force (and I get it there).

So he's going to make the landers and land cruisers, and I'll take care of our little "Artemis Station" and the interplanetary(and interstellar too, woot) motherships. With refueling options for my friend who always gets stranded.
If I'm behind him to bail him out, he's going to take chances and maybe... finally... get beyond Minmus orbit.  I'll take the contracts to get his creations where they need to be and keep them fueled !
We have something to work with.

Then once I get my good legs going on KSP2, I wouldn't hate playing with some of you guys in my free time.  I just hope it's somekind of "Neverwinter Nights lobby" where I can see who's hosting, and I can join-up and maybe take care of the planetary roving while drinking a cold one, returning science so you develop the next generation rover for me to experience.  Being a test pilot with whatever you guys design is going to be sick as hell for me.  Or join a newbie's game and make that awesome Jool Station (see my Uranus station from last year) for him/her to refuel at and get those exploration ribbons in. Maybe answer play question to help him/her get themselves further than Mun/Minmus (I still can't believe that poll from early KSP2 where we had what... 80% of the players never going beyond Kerbin Sphere of Influence?  I mean come on guys !!!  Dew it !)

Yeah I'm going to be the Lurker that joins your game, and help further w.e space program you have running.  My schedule is not 8am-4pm tho, so I might play at odd hours, as I always had.
Don't want me to join you?  fine... just put a password and I'll go pester someone else.

Edited by Francois424
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On 11/3/2020 at 2:00 PM, Kosmix1 said:

Me and my friend has been discussing lately the various things we can do in multiplayer when ksp 2 comes out.

Whats the first thing you will do in multiplayer?

Since we don't know much of Multiplayer (they even say that has to be a secret for now,) I can't know just yet what we are gonna do, but I think it would be fun to do races

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1 hour ago, The Doodling Astronaut said:

Since we don't know much of Multiplayer (they even say that has to be a secret for now,) I can't know just yet what we are gonna do, but I think it would be fun to do races

I would say that at least we can expect the whole "I pass you my save to add your mission/module/lander to it" kind of gameplay to not require fisically transfering save files anymore.

And the community has already done great things with that primitive methods.

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Multiplayer for a space game with realistic orbital speeds is a hard problem, so yeah, it makes sense that they don't commit to anything specific. Especially, since they still have a req for multiplayer engineer open. But there is also a wide range of deliverables they can go for without violating the basic promise of multiplayer. Built-in save file sharing for "play by mail" is definitely at the ground floor for that, but I think they can do a lot better without getting into the really hard problems. Fortunately, unlike many other problems Intercept has to solve for KSP2, this one isn't new. They can build up on decades of collective multiplayer development experience of this industry. And as a bonus, I don't think they need to worry too much about cheating, which makes a lot of the problems in networking way easier. So while I think some people expect too much from MP, I'm confident Intercept can deliver on something decent enough for us to have fun playing.

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