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[1.12.5] Kerbin Side Remastered GAP - Flight contract pack [v2.1.7] [2022-12-19]


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3 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

First mod, first bug. :mad:

nah! opposite of frowny face. It's a good omen, and wonderful that it was such "simple" one. :)  Congrats on reaching the contract goals!

I look forward to firing this one up when I hop into a new Kerbinside Remastered game!


And since you (quite literally, and pun fully intended) flew through these mission and flight plan creations, how templated/automated did you get with them? Or was it just a lot of planning and brute force?

I'm thinking of JNSQ (of course) which *does* Have a bunch of bases on that version of Kerbin, but KSR isn't exactly appropriate/supported since the land masses are all different...

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1 hour ago, Beetlecat said:

how templated/automated did you get with them? Or was it just a lot of planning and brute force?

I managed to work everything down to a basic mission template and I could produce the mission files with a little replace and substitution. If I was a decent python coder I could have automated a big chunk of it.
The major time consuming activity was getting Latitude and Longitude coordinated for every runway threshold for Kramax and then get similar positions for the GS aiming points for NavUtilities. Again, If I was any good at coding I could probably have made a utility to crunch the numbers.

I also spent a lot of time actually flying the different missions with lots of different sized craft. I had to manually modify some of the flight plans as they sometimes flew me directly into the side of a mountain... but that was the fun bit :D    

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@Caerfinon, I loaded my career with your contract pack and I am getting an error with Airline-Flight 1000, the output log seems to be having difficulty parsing the fltNAME:


Output log:
[INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractType: Loading CONTRACT_TYPE: 'Airline-Flight-1000'
[ERROR] ContractConfigurator.Behaviour.DialogBoxFactory: CONTRACT_TYPE 'Airline-Flight-1000', BEHAVIOUR '<blank>' of type 'DialogBox': Error parsing text
[EXCEPTION] System.Exception: Unknown identifier '@/DialogBox/DIALOG_BOX_0/DIALOG_BOX_0_0/fltNAME'.

[ERROR] ContractConfigurator.Behaviour.DialogBoxFactory: CONTRACT_TYPE 'Airline-Flight-1000', BEHAVIOUR '<blank>' of type 'DialogBox': Error parsing text
[EXCEPTION] System.Exception: Unknown identifier '@/DialogBox/DIALOG_BOX_1/DIALOG_BOX_1_0/fltNAME'.

[ERROR] ContractConfigurator.Behaviour.DialogBoxFactory: CONTRACT_TYPE 'Airline-Flight-1000', BEHAVIOUR '<blank>' of type 'DialogBox': Error parsing text
[EXCEPTION] System.Exception: Unknown identifier '@/DialogBox/DIALOG_BOX_2/DIALOG_BOX_2_0/fltNAME'.

[ERROR] ContractConfigurator.Behaviour.DialogBoxFactory: CONTRACT_TYPE 'Airline-Flight-1000', BEHAVIOUR '<blank>' of type 'DialogBox': Error parsing text
[EXCEPTION] System.Exception: Unknown identifier '@/DialogBox/DIALOG_BOX_3/DIALOG_BOX_3_0/fltNAME'.

[WARNING] ContractConfigurator.ContractType: Errors encountered while trying to load CONTRACT_TYPE 'Airline-Flight-1000'


This was preventing any of the other contracts from being visible as Flight 1001 was dependent on the completion of 1000.  As a test, quickly modified the requirements for 1001 to be the same as the first flight from standard GAP and that loaded and was available to take.  I didn't test it as just about to go to bed.  I am attaching my log file.  This was on my full install and haven't tried on a barebones install, but should have some time tomorrow evening. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aIyXbSpjup9UzafIi-jKwpJTX7OwfJMO/view?usp=sharing

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55 minutes ago, hemeac said:

Airline-Flight 1000, the output log seems to be having difficulty parsing the fltNAME:

@hemeac Wow... remnant substitution strings in the dialog box settings.  Bug #2 - https://github.com/caerfinon/KerbinSideRemasteredGAP/issues/2

Thanks for the heads up. kinda stops the  whole thing from working :o

Fix incoming.

EDIT:  v1.0.2 posted to Space Dock


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Airline-Flight 1000 is the doomed flight... Bug #3 https://github.com/caerfinon/KerbinSideRemasteredGAP/issues/3

When you've accepted the mission the contract requirements say you need to land at Baikerbanur. This is a cosmetic error only. The actual way-point is set to the Island Airfield and the mission can be completed flying there.

The updated file is in Github and will be part of the next release.  

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So next on the Road Map is some Naval Air-Sea Rescue and Patrol operations.

  • Will require certification missions to unlock
  • Located in and around the Naval Air Station bases
  • Will allow use of VTOL, Helicopters, Seaplanes, and Boats

Queue Village People's "In the Navy"

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So I've run into a game balance issue... 

Trans Kerbin Airlines is making a RIDICULOUS amount of money from the long flight missions. I based the original reward calculations on GAP missions to Island and Desert Airports but never really gamed them out for the longer flights. Just finished a KSC to Round Range mission and the amount of filthy lucre $$$$ I received was positively shameful.  So there needs to be a nerf.

But until it drops everyone who flies will have the Midas touch.  My bad :blush:

Issue # 5

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Version v1.0.3 is on Space Dock

  • Issue #3 - cosmetic fix for "Land at" instruction. Now says "Island Airfield" instead of "Baikerbanur"
  • Issue #4 - cosmetic fix for routine flights wait instructions. Changed "negotiating" to "Passenger exchange"
  • Issue #5 - game-play fix for rewards structure. Values were too high for long range flights which resulted in extreme payouts.

The  money is now flowing at an acceptable level of kapitalism :funds:


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Hi !
First of all, that's a very great idea of mod ! for a long time I was stuck between dessert airfields and island....

I'm not sure if this is not more a problem with KerbinSide or KerbalKonstruct... Why I can't get all runways appear in the tracking station ?  For example I can get south lake or rounge rover, but not jeb's junkyard or kerman atoll ? I did selected "runway" and "closed" on the kerbal konstruct menu, but still can't get them to appear... Does anyone knows ? Thanks !

Have safe landings :)

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Thanks. I really enjoy putting it together, but I stand on the shoulders of giants of the original creators of GAP like missions :)

It's likely a bit of both. Kerbin Side Remastered was designed so that some bases needed to be discovered like Easter eggs to be visible on map and tracking station. But I think Kerbal-Konstructs is not playing nice with that feature,  Even if you change the settings to have all bases open at start some still don't show on the map. 

I sort of bypassed this in the mod by throwing up automatic way-points to the runway with each mission open or not, or discovered or not.  I also programed the locations of all the runways into the two supporting mods Kramax Autopilot Continued and NavUtilities continued

This lets players fly "everywhere" and your can refuel at sites that have working tanks but it's independent of the the actual functioning of the bases themselves.

Also.... I made a map:   Kerbin Side Remastered Flight Map

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Thanks for your replies !

I understand some things better now :)

Originally I was a bit afraid, because I won't take the same airplane to make a 300km trip than for a 1300km one for example. But as there is waypoints, that's fine to me :).

(And I do use NavUtilities, so your supports to it is very appreciated !)

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For longer flights you  can "hop" to a site in between and get some gas. The mission doesn't care how many times you land and take off.  Also it's a good idea to add your own permanent way-points for bases theat are never on the map just in case you want to go there even when not on a mission.

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Current Status:

  • I have completed the preliminary work on the "Navy Certification" tests. Both missions require that in the initial flight to Kola Island be completed
    • Test one requires helicopter or other VTOL craft. Mission success opens the gate to Air/Sea rescue missions
    • Test two requires a seaplane to fly a patrol circuit and make a water landing.  Mission success opens the gate to patrol and deployment missions.
    • The follow on missions will be based around the Naval Air Station sites and will also require that the initial flight to the bases be completed. 
    • It was good to work with Lt. Dan Kerman again, always a professional
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Hi :)
Got an idea for you, I don't know if planned or not, but did you think about trip between two other bases ? Or even round trip between 3+ airports ? At the moment I think (might be wrong) that contracts exists only between KSC and somewhere else, right ?

Juste read the message above : Now I want to make a seaplane... :D

Have a nice week-end !

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One of the reasons they start and end at KSC is not having control over the launch site or recovery site for the missions. It's economically better to recover your plane at KSC so the first round of missions are bound there.

The next round of missions will be more goal oriented  and will encourage players to leave planes/boats/rovers at bases carry out the missions from there. Kerbals could either be on station with them, or fly out in a small transport, board the craft they need to use locally and fly the mission. The can recover at the end of the mission if they want to, or they can hop back in their small transport and fly back to KSC.

1 hour ago, Sppion1 said:

did you think about trip between two other bases

Missions like this are on the road map and will be of the following types

  • Standard airline routes KSC - major hub - local  field and return
  • VIK (very important kerbal) pick up transfers and return charters
  • Cargo related flights
  • combined missions that involve some flying/boating and driving to achieve goal

Right now I'm working on the Navy Agency missions but there are at least two other agencies planned. 

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3 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

One of the reasons they start and end at KSC is not having control over the launch site or recovery site for the missions

On Contract Packs GAP, some mission start/end at island or dessert airfields, so I'm not sure to understand why you don't have control of launchsite.

And really looking forwards to all thoses mission on the road maps, many thanks for all of that :)

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6 minutes ago, Sppion1 said:

I'm not sure to understand why you don't have control of launchsite

The stock sites are not the issue. But all of the locations in Kerbal-Konstructs can be problematic at times. There's around 20 of them and not all have the same launch or recovery capabilities of the KSC.

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Oh, I see. The issue is not to tell if a plane was there, but to spawn one at the right place. (For recover, I don't see this as an issue : either you leave it there for future mission, or you pay the trip to get it back to the KSC (or you fly it). Or you recover it in the SPH, when you have KCT).

For the spawn part, no idea at the moment...

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