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[1.12.5] Kerbin Side Remastered GAP - Flight contract pack [v2.1.7] [2022-12-19]


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  On 11/28/2020 at 11:29 AM, Acvila said:

can we have a version which count only seats when there are more than 10 Kerbals?


I'll see what I can come up with. but the passengers are created when the contract is accepted so I currently do not know how large the aircraft is until it's on the runway. Let me think about it  Ive added this as Issue #6

In the mean time you can do one of the following;

  1.  Simply decline any Airline-Flight mission that ends in a "3".  You do get a -1 rep hit for it in game
  2. Go to your KSP folder GameData\ContractPacks\KerbinSideRemasteredGAP\Flights and delete all Airline-Flight-xxx3.cfg files.  This won't impact any thing else in the mod and you will be limited to flights carrying 4-8 or 8-12 passengers only.  (you would have to do this whenever the mod updates)
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  On 11/28/2020 at 11:50 AM, Caerfinon said:

I'll see what I can come up with. but the passengers are created when the contract is accepted so I currently do not know how large the aircraft is until it's on the runway. Let me think about it  Ive added this as Issue #6

In the mean time you can do one of the following;

  1.  Simply decline any Airline-Flight mission that ends in a "3".  You do get a -1 rep hit for it in game
  2. Go to your KSP folder GameData\ContractPacks\KerbinSideRemasteredGAP\Flights and delete all Airline-Flight-xxx3.cfg files.  This won't impact any thing else in the mod and you will be limited to flights carrying 4-8 or 8-12 passengers only.  (you would have to do this whenever the mod updates)

Thx for reply, i can manage it even so for now, but I'll be better with no crew :). Before last patches it was even harder to put over 10 Kerbals in a plane... but i remember there was a mod which bypass this deleting Kerbals window, i think... i should find that mod.

Sorry for edits... i just found an old fix for this, i will try to see if it works now.



Sadly this fix comes with cost of losing IVA... so will be better with counting only seats.

Edited by Acvila
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  On 11/28/2020 at 12:11 PM, Acvila said:

i can manage it even so for now


Turns out the solution was just a matter of defining a new contract group.  The 12-80 passenger flight missions are now all part of the Trans Kerbin Airlines Prime contract group. This means that you can toggle them on or off in the settings of ContractConfigurator. The code is on GitHub now and you can download it manually, otherwise it will be on Spacedock/CKAN with the next release. 

It doesn't address determining the # seats of the craft on the runway and then assigning passengers but it does let you avoid the missions that limit FPS and not have to loose rep or delete files 

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Version v1.1.0 is on Space Dock

  • Issue #6 - Trans Kerbin Airlines moved all passenger flights with over 12 passengers to a new contract group Trans Kerbin Airlines Prime. If you do not want to fly these mission due to performance issues you can toggle this group off in Contract Constructor settings.
  • Issue #7 - The United Knations Navy is looking for a few good Kerbals to join the Naval Auxiliary Reserve. Two initial certification missions are available. Mission 1 is for helicopters and VTOL aircraft. Mission 2 is for patrol seaplanes. Additional rescue/recovery and patrol/deployment missions are planed for future releases.


Edited by Caerfinon
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A couple more fun test planes I've been using.

Moa Mk3 - seats 42, and the Accelereze seats 4. Both required the Airplane Plus mod.

For Navy testing I've been using the KC-10A Seabird.  Seats 8, packed full of science experiments and lands nicely on water at 40 m/s full flaps and a pitch of 5-6 degrees. Stock + Making History DLC required

All available on KerbalX.


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  On 12/3/2020 at 5:56 AM, killerkenny42 said:

what can I do to remove kola island as a landing site


All of the locations for the missions belong to the Kerbin Side Remastered, and Kerbal Konstructs mods. If you don't have these installed, the vast majority of the missions will not work for you. 

If you have these two mods installed and want to simply remove Kola Island then you would need to delete the cfg files related to them, but that would stop the progression to all other missions. See the Wiki for a chart on how the Airline-Flights are linked. 

If you don't want to install the the required mods then the original flying mod Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP) still works on KSP 1.10.1 and only has flights to the Island, and Desert locations as well as rescue missions and early flight challenges


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  On 12/3/2020 at 1:56 PM, killerkenny42 said:

gonna try and remove the island from contracts


If you do remove the Kola  Island contracts make sure that you edit the Airline-flight-1020 contract and change as follows; 


/// Original 

		name = CompleteContract
		type = CompleteContract
		contractType = Airline-Flight-1010
		minCount = 1


// After you remove Kola Island flights

		name = CompleteContract
		type = CompleteContract
		contractType = Airline-Flight-1000
		minCount = 1


Otherwise none of the follow on missions will appear.

Edited by Caerfinon
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  On 12/3/2020 at 2:09 PM, killerkenny42 said:

Thank you


Any time. 


FYI - You may want to note that in the upcoming release to include Navy Rescue and Patrol missions, Kola Island plays a big role in those. Not sure if you will be able to get that location active or not in your game. If not you can disable the Navy contract group in your Contract Configurator settings and you won't be presented with these missions. Or change the flight requirements in the various mission files like above.  The new release should be on Saturday or Sunday

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Current Status

  • Naval Air Station Missions (Kola Island, Sandy Island, Meeda and Hazard Shallows) available on GitHub for testing
    • 4 Navy rescue missions - recover the downed pilot from the water.
    • 4 Navy patrol missions  - go to the patrol zone and complete the checkpoints
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  On 12/6/2020 at 2:18 AM, Caerfinon said:

@hemeac it's Historian Expanded. You can configure a template with lots of in-game information in it.




  On 12/6/2020 at 2:36 AM, hemeac said:

Thanks, that's really a great idea for a mod!


It's a spectacular mod -- Really encourages documentation of nearly every launch & mission. 

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  On 12/6/2020 at 4:57 AM, Beetlecat said:

Really encourages documentation of nearly every launch & mission


It works well along side Automated Screenshots for the times you want to take a bunch of shots during a mission but are too busy trying to not crash or are otherwise unable to press the screenshot key.  


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Hi !

@Caerfinon I noticed your mod waypoints are not in right categories :

in the tracking station, the "active waypoints" button toggles your offered waypoints, and the "offered waypoints" button toggle the waypoints for greyed mission.

for example, the active offered mission is to rescue a kerbal in sea. Its waypoints should be toggled via the "offered waypoints" button, but are toggled with the "active waypoints" one. And those for a greyed mission (example : navy test 2, that I have not done yet) should not even be visible, but are toggled via the "offered waypoints".

And thanks for the mod ! I'm still waiting to be able to unlock every bases, as I'm randomised on already unlocked flight, and very rarely on new bases.... I'm still at cap Kerman ^^

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@Sppion1 I'll take a look at it.

Issue 11 has been opened in GitHub.

 I'm essentially limited by Contract Configurator's "VisitWaypoint parameter" and"  WaypointGenerator behaviour" features and nothing in the current documentation there indicates a category selection mechanism. but I'll see what I can do.

Issue 12 has been opened in GitHub

On the mission unlock issue. I was planning to experiment with the weighting feature to favour new bases, or putting new bases in a separate contract group so there would always be a new base mission until they were finished, and random routine flights would progress separately..  

Edited by Caerfinon
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