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Infinity or NaN error in editor (and prior issues)

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History: I started debugging my modded install here:

Then discussed on the TweakScale thread. I removed all mods, intending to get a good baseline to create a non-Steam managed copy for modding.  So I removed all mods with CKAN. Now with zero mods, with DLC, it's still NFG. 

I started a fresh career game. I made and flew a couple ships without issue. Then 24 minutes into my career, in the editor, I was repositioning a Goo can on a Mk1 pod and got this error in game  and in the KSP.log spammed:

[ERR 02:40:20.457] Infinity or NaN floating point numbers appear when calculating the transform matrix for a Collider. Scene hierarchy path "GooExperiment/model/GooExperiment/Capsule001"

[ERR 02:40:20.459] Infinity or NaN floating point numbers appear when calculating the transform matrix for a Collider. Scene hierarchy path "GooExperiment/model/GooExperiment/Collider"

I've never seen this before. Any ideas? I'm really not trusting anything at this point. Files:

KSP log

Player log

Steam still shows 1 file corrupted after playing, as always. Today (after rebooting) I launched KSP again and could not reproduce the error. 


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  On 11/25/2020 at 6:36 PM, Krazy1 said:

So I removed all mods with CKAN. Now with zero mods, with DLC, it's still NFG. 


I say nuke it from orbit; it's the only way to be sure.

Iow: start with a fresh empty folder (don't just uninstall through Steam, it will still leave files behind that it doesn't know of - ie. mod files) and let Steam redownload the whole thing.

Edited by swjr-swis
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  On 11/26/2020 at 6:09 AM, Boyster said:

It usually shows 1 corrupted to me as well everytime i verify, i don't think that's the issue.


OK thanks for confirming that. I nuked it, redownloaded, played several hours stock+DLC in a new career. Seems OK - no messages on screen but Steam still says there's 2 corrupted files. I'm not going to worry about it. I made a KSP copy with CKAN on a second older SSD. I have thought my main drive was having issues before but never clear so I doubt it will matter.  Hope it's not much slower. I'll start putting mods back on but I'll be strict about version compatibility in CKAN.

I may just abandon my other career. I switched to moderate difficulty. Transferring fuel with the claw seems silly and the economics is a little more challenging. 

Plan B...

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  On 11/26/2020 at 1:44 PM, Krazy1 said:

OK thanks for confirming that. I nuked it, redownloaded, played several hours stock+DLC in a new career. Seems OK - no messages on screen but Steam still says there's 2 corrupted files.


Yeah i think that's normal behavior even with stock versions of the game

  On 11/26/2020 at 1:44 PM, Krazy1 said:

I may just abandon my other career. I switched to moderate difficulty. 


Just checking, do you know about Advanced Tweakables and Autostruts?

  On 11/26/2020 at 1:44 PM, Krazy1 said:

Plan B...


Modded Kerbal needs more memory and more CPU, SSD helps but its not the priority.

For me nothing can replace what Kerbal can offer, not even Kerbal 2 :cool::sticktongue:

Edited by Boyster
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OK... it just crashed instantly while building a small craft in the SPH. It's getting worse?! I was just trying to place a part and *poof* Windows app "not responding" crash message (and it wasn't just busy - I waited a while).

For this session, I installed KAC, part angle display, hangar extender (not used), fill it up (not used)  and waypoint manager. Other mods were already there from prior session. 

mod list

KSP log

My Player.log is 111,558 KB !!!!!! :blink:

abridged player log

OK. This is bad. I think we're at that point.... Prime95. Wish me luck. 


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I ran Prime95 and it's good. I then removed all the mods again and played a couple hours with no issues. Then I purged the CKAN download cache (should have done that before) and reinstalled a few essential mods IMO:

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Then I played for several hours and went back to the VAB and saw an error on screen. It seemed benign but I still don't any errors at this point. Excerpt from player.log

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I don't know what else to do but hope it keeps working. 

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  On 11/27/2020 at 12:16 AM, Krazy1 said:

OK... it just crashed instantly while building a small craft in the SPH. It's getting worse?! I was just trying to place a part and *poof* Windows app "not responding" crash message (and it wasn't just busy - I waited a while).

For this session, I installed KAC, part angle display, hangar extender (not used), fill it up (not used)  and waypoint manager. Other mods were already there from prior session. 

mod list

KSP log

My Player.log is 111,558 KB !!!!!! :blink:

abridged player log

OK. This is bad. I think we're at that point.... Prime95. Wish me luck. 



This piece from log just before CTD suggest that some mod that alters stock GUI in some way started to spamm log quickly and game crashed becaouse of it.

[LOG 14:49:55.275] SurfAntenna added to ship - part count: 14
[LOG 14:49:59.968] Input field is focused, disabling keys

It seems that spamm started after you have placed antenna and selected some edit box on GUI (place where you can write numbers and stuff trough keyboard). That is probably some leftover from debugging in some mod that is not removed prior release. Probably such mod was/have issues with editor and mod author put some additional writting in log to understand issue better. Unfortunately, it was not removed and caused CTD. Sorry, can't figure out which mod caused it from log.

But, this piece from begining of your log is suspisious:

[LOG 14:16:34.605] Load(Assembly): KerbalEngineer/KerbalEngineer
[LOG 14:16:34.606] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at F:\KSP 1.10.1 modded\GameData\KerbalEngineer\KerbalEngineer.dll
[LOG 14:16:34.609] Load(Assembly): KerbalEngineer/KerbalEngineer.Unity
[LOG 14:16:34.609] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at F:\KSP 1.10.1 modded\GameData\KerbalEngineer\KerbalEngineer.Unity.dll
[LOG 14:16:34.635] AssemblyLoader: Loading assemblies
[ERR 14:16:34.759] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: KerbalEngineer.Unity, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[ERR 14:16:34.805] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: KerbalEngineer.Unity, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

At first, KER plugins are recognised and loaded, but several log lines latter something from those dlls are not binded properly with something. Don't know if that message is harmless or not, you will have to ask for it in KER thread. Speaking of that, IIRC, there was few "unofficial" KER releases in recent past, I don't know if CKAN have picked some of those or it is sticked to some other repository. Anyhow, check a KER thread, solution for that issue might already be provided.

I can't tell from log if KER is culprit for your issue or not, though. The rest of log does not reveal anything else that might be wrong. It may be that some of installed mods does not like to run along some other mod that is installed. While both of mods may work just fine alone it may be conflict when both of conflicting mods is installed.

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Thanks  @kcs123. I haven't had any issues today. I'm hoping that purging the CKAN cache and reapplying mods helped.

You have a point about KER: I have always seen that addon binder error when the game is loading - still does it now. I didn't even know what mod was doing it. I'll check that out.  I'm learning I can't ignore mod errors... it's like a chip in your windshield- could crack any time.

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Well, here I am again... it was doing so well today. Played for hours no problem until I clicked the VAB from the space center overview and it crashed. KSP crash handler ran and closed KSP. Before that I was in the R&D building and exited and clicked VAB quickly. The space center may not have even had time to load completely? Not sure. 

This was the first time I tried to enter the VAB for this session, but I was in the SPH

KSP log

player log

I'll try removing recent additions: Editor Extensions Redux, Part Angle Display and Science Alert. I just don't see how I'll get done troubleshooting when the behavior is so inconsistent. 

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  On 11/28/2020 at 8:22 AM, Krazy1 said:

Well, here I am again... it was doing so well today. Played for hours no problem until I clicked the VAB from the space center overview and it crashed. KSP crash handler ran and closed KSP. Before that I was in the R&D building and exited and clicked VAB quickly. The space center may not have even had time to load completely? Not sure. 

This was the first time I tried to enter the VAB for this session, but I was in the SPH

KSP log

player log

I'll try removing recent additions: Editor Extensions Redux, Part Angle Display and Science Alert. I just don't see how I'll get done troubleshooting when the behavior is so inconsistent. 


I think there's something cheesy (again) on Unity. The crash is happening on the DirectX itself...

d3d11: attempt to lock null buffer
d3d11: attempt to lock null buffer
d3d11: attempt to lock null buffer
d3d11: attempt to lock null buffer
d3d11: failed to create buffer (target 0x1 mode 3 size 9040) [0x887A0005]

Your Graphics Card is not bad, but I think it needs a bit more  of VRAM

GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
    Version:  Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
    Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB (ID=0x1c02)
    VRAM:     2988 MB

4GB is the best option nowadays due the new textures. But yet, you didn't installed any add'ons but QuickModes and KAC (besides Squad and the two DLCs), so this is not the problem for sure.

In a way or another, without graphical enhancements add'ons as Scatterer et all, all you have running that could blow up the graphics driver is Squad's and Unity's code. Perhaps you found a new (mis)behaviour for the Unity Particles bug?

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  On 11/28/2020 at 7:55 PM, Lisias said:

4GB is the best option nowadays due the new textures. But yet, you didn't installed any add'ons but QuickModes and KAC (besides Squad and the two DLCs), so this is not the problem for sure.


And I'm only running 1920x1200. If it ran out of VRAM I believe it would just use shared main RAM and run very slow but "shouldn't" crash. 

  On 11/28/2020 at 7:55 PM, Lisias said:

Perhaps you found a new (mis)behaviour for the Unity Particles bug?


So I'm lucky I guess? ;) It only crashed like this once so far since the fresh install... I'll try harder. 

I just saw this again in the VAB with no craft loaded.   

[ERR 11:16:59.383] Screen position out of view frustum (screen pos 0.000000, 0.000000, 1000.000000) (Camera rect 0 0 256 256)

[ERR 11:16:59.384] Screen position out of view frustum (screen pos 256.000000, 0.000000, 1000.000000) (Camera rect 0 0 256 256)

[ERR 11:16:59.384] Screen position out of view frustum (screen pos 256.000000, 256.000000, 1000.000000) (Camera rect 0 0 256 256)

[ERR 11:16:59.386] Screen position out of view frustum (screen pos 0.000000, 256.000000, 1000.000000) (Camera rect 0 0 256 256)

I have a guess about this. When I enter the VAB, the camera is further back than I can ever return to with the mouse wheel. Once I zoom in, I cannot back out quite as far- very close but not quite. I believe it only gives this error from that starting position that is furthest back. And not always of course. Could be a rounding error... looks like they might be doing a FLOAT >= INT check. It hasn't done this in the SPH, maybe because the camera function is different. 

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OK... things were going good yesterday - no problems! But then I got greedy... 

Just added Distant Object Enhancement, Hanger Extender and KSP Recall (which added Module Manager dependent)

I got a null reference exception  displayed when I jumped to first craft. 

Looks like Alternate Resource Panel was involved but it was working fine before. Maybe MM

I removed Recall (and MM). Same thing. 

Removed DOE and HE. Same thing! I went back to what was working and it has an error now. How can it be so inconsistent? :huh:

KSP log

player log

Removed ARP... no error shown in game, but it does still have errors in the log 

KSP log, no ARP

Player log, no ARP

What the what. Will it be something else tomorrow?

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  On 12/1/2020 at 9:34 AM, Krazy1 said:

OK... things were going good yesterday - no problems! But then I got greedy... 

<cut by me>

What the what. Will it be something else tomorrow?


Just managed to get time to check this today.

Well, sounds like an inconsistency on the savegame... Did you had any backups? (do you use S.A.V.E.?)

What happens is that once you got an Exceptions on initialisation, the thread doing the job can be killed (not always, but sometimes)- and so a thing or another may ended up not properly initialised. And since KSP "updates" the savegame on loading to allow migration, the unfortunate colateral effect is that things not properly initialised ends up being "injected" on healthy savegames on loading.

I can't tell you for sure this is your case, of course - but this had happened a lot of times on some users I gave support in the past, and until I finally understood how the UpgradePipeline worked, I was unable to diagnose the problem.

Coming back to your problem, on the "NO ARP" log I found:

[ERR 01:19:42.239] Exception handling event onPlanetariumTargetChange in class KnowledgeBase:System.NullReferenceException
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject(UnityEngine.Component)
  at KSP.UI.Screens.KnowledgeBase.ActivateApps (KSP.UI.Screens.KnowledgeBase+KbTargetType targetType, MapObject target) [0x0010f] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf
  at KSP.UI.Screens.KnowledgeBase.OnMapFocusChange (MapObject target) [0x000f4] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0
  at EventData`1[T].Fire (T data) [0x000b0] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0

So in a wild guess, I think Distance Object Enhancement is the most probable suspect.

What I think can do to salvage the savagame (assuming you don't have backups) is to

  1. duplicate your installment to create a test bed,
  2. create a new savegame with some vessels around.
  3. close KSP, backup that savegame
  4. install the add'ons you mentioned.
  5. open KSP, load that savehame and check for the problems
  6. close KSP, backup agian the savegame.
  7. send us both copies of the savegame for analysis.

Using DIFF, we can try to find what changed on the two copies and so, detect what's really happening.

About the Exception on the Alternate Resource Panel

[EXC 00:56:13.753] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    KSPAlternateResourcePanel.KSPAlternateResourcePanel.SetAppButtonToTrue () (at <937bb4d6d6f54a349df59076417a577d>:0)
    KSPAlternateResourcePanel.KSPAlternateResourcePanel.RepeatingWorker () (at <937bb4d6d6f54a349df59076417a577d>:0)
    KSPPluginFramework.MonoBehaviourExtended.RepeatingWorkerWrapper () (at <937bb4d6d6f54a349df59076417a577d>:0)

This may be a conflict with KSP-Recall. In order to prevent KSP to reset resources on the parts, KSP-Recall uses an internal, parallel "mini game database" for resources, and when something mess up the parts resources, Recall restores it.

If by some reason the Alternate Resource Panel makes copies from the direct references to the part's resources before Recall has the chance to restore it, ARP will have old orphaned references to old useless resource objects, and as GC works, these unused resources can lead to NREs.

It's a wild guess at this time, I need to build a test bed to check this hypothesis. I will do it as time allows.


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Thanks @Lisias Right now it seems pretty stable in-game but the log still has some issues. 

Linuxgurugamer fixed a missing folder used by Space Tux Library, used by Better Load Save game.  The loading "fatal error" cleared now.

I was using Recall to help stop vibrating and skating across the ground. 

On a whim, I updated my Nvidia gfx driver.

sidenote: I wish I could get KER and Contracts+ working but they both have Addon Binder errors. I raised Github issues for those.

I don't use S.A.V.E. but KAC saves when you change ships (I believe). I'm not attached to my latest career save - I got tech level 5 unlocked again but I'd rather focus on making it stable.  I'll work on it some more this weekend.

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  On 12/5/2020 at 9:39 AM, Krazy1 said:

I was using Recall to help stop vibrating and skating across the ground. 


If all you want is the drift fix, remove the resourceful.cfg file from your installment. This will prevent Recall to handle the resources, and only the drifting will be fixed.

If this was the problem with ARP (don't know yet, probably will try it tomorrow), it will allow you to use ARP with Recall.


  On 12/5/2020 at 9:39 AM, Krazy1 said:

I don't use S.A.V.E. but KAC saves when you change ships (I believe). I'm not attached to my latest career save - I got tech level 5 unlocked again but I'd rather focus on making it stable.  I'll work on it some more this weekend.


S.A.V.E. does beyound it. It does full backups before  KSP loads and (at worst case) mangles it. By the time KAC saves something for you, the savegame is already doomed.

Edited by Lisias
Brute force post merging
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Thanks again. I guess S.A.V.E is next to add. I've had several good sessions with this mod list:

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Still keeping an eye on DOE. Remaining errors in the KSP log:

[LOG 10:32:18.957] ------------------- initializing flight mode... ------------------
[LOG 10:32:18.960] Loading Depletion Nodes
[LOG 10:32:18.960] DepNodeCount:  0
[LOG 10:32:18.960] Loading Biome Nodes
[LOG 10:32:18.960] BiomeNodeCount:  0
[LOG 10:32:18.960] Loading Planet Nodes
[LOG 10:32:18.960] PlanetNodeCount:  0
[LOG 10:32:19.019] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 10:32:19.020] [ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 10:32:19.024] 12/5/2020 10:32:19 AM,KerbalAlarmClock,BaseLoadDone. Alarms Count (Should be 0):0
[LOG 10:32:19.026] 12/5/2020 10:32:19 AM,KerbalAlarmClock,Found 0 Maneuver Nodes to deserialize
[LOG 10:32:19.026] 12/5/2020 10:32:19 AM,KerbalAlarmClock,Found 3 Maneuver Nodes to deserialize
[LOG 10:32:19.026] 12/5/2020 10:32:19 AM,KerbalAlarmClock,Found 1 Maneuver Nodes to deserialize
[LOG 10:32:19.026] 12/5/2020 10:32:19 AM,KerbalAlarmClock,ScenarioLoadDone. Alarms Count:3
[LOG 10:32:19.028] QuickStart(QSettings)[2.20]: Settings Saved
[LOG 10:32:19.028] QuickStart(QPersistent)[2.20]: OnAwake
[ERR 10:32:19.028] Cannot find a Module of typename 'ScienceAlertProfileManager'

[ERR 10:32:19.029] ScenarioModule is null.

I believe this is from ScienceAlert ReAlerted... which I removed. I see some suspicious code left over in the .SFS file. I'll go ping that forum thread. 

Man I'm working harder on KSP than IRL. And I'm not even a dev. :P

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LOL. Well now S.A.V.E threw an error at first launch.

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It was apparently looking for a path that it didn't create yet. The "backup" folder is there now. It worked OK the second time launching KSP.

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Only had one error yesterday - in VAB. I think I was undoing changes when QuickStart was trying to save. It seems to save every 30 seconds. I didn't check the log. Everything kept working afterward.

So since the .SFS files are just text, I skimmed through it. I don't see any obvious corrupt garbage. I found the mods list under "LoaderInfo". It shows the present mods "true" and removed mods "false". I cut out the remnant section from ScienceAlert ReAlerted and it's not error spamming in the log anymore. 

I'm going to put Recall back in without the resourceful.cfg file now.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/5/2020 at 2:54 PM, Lisias said:

If all you want is the drift fix, remove the resourceful.cfg file from your installment. This will prevent Recall to handle the resources, and only the drifting will be fixed.

If this was the problem with ARP (don't know yet, probably will try it tomorrow), it will allow you to use ARP with Recall.


I'm running Recall without resourceful.cfg and ARP without any problems so far. Thanks. I've still got some "bump map" errors in the VAB but I'm ignoring that so far without problems. 

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