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[1.12.*] MOAR [x] Science! - KSP Science report and checklist


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On 3/9/2022 at 10:43 AM, r3_141592654 said:

I'm not sure which mod that the N-00K comes from

I realize this reply is a bit late :) but that experiment is from Bluedog Design Bureau, specifically it's a part for the Gemini Agena Test Vehicle. BDB adds a whole bunch of new experiments and science parts, including I think the new Geiger counter you encountered. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

This mod appears to be incompatible with Universal Storage II's advanced material and goo bays.  Activating them in this mod's menu will bring up the science report window, but the results can't be transferred, used, or reset and the science unit gets locked up.  I tried switching this mod out for ScienceAlert, with similar results.

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5 hours ago, ptcon said:

This mod appears to be incompatible with Universal Storage II's advanced material and goo bays.  Activating them in this mod's menu will bring up the science report window, but the results can't be transferred, used, or reset and the science unit gets locked up.  I tried switching this mod out for ScienceAlert, with similar results.

Yup,  both will need work to make them compatible 

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@linuxgurugamerI see similar problems with BDB experiments getting locked up by XScience. It happens to experiments intended for the Apollo command service bay and lander descent stage; I think those experiments are fairly new in BDB.

Would you like more info? I can list parts with issues but may miss some. Or does the log file already have info about incompatible parts?

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  • 3 weeks later...

First things first, as always, thank you very much for maintaining this mod!
So, there are a couple of things that I would find really really useful, and I was wondering if you'd be so kind as to take a look into the possibility of implementing them...

a) The mod does not include information on the "Recovery of a vessel" experiments (from flight above Kerbin, from the surface of Minmus, etc etc). Being kind of a "different" type of science experiment, maybe it's not easy, or even possible, to include?

b) In the Science Archive, and I think throughout the game in general, a precision of 0.01 science units is used. Being a slave to my own OCD and loving the sight of a full bar and a 0.00 units left to "science-out", I could really use that same precision in MOAR [x] Science!, instead of the current 0.1 that can be set as the minimum in the slider to configure the amount of science left in an experiment for the mod to consider it complete. Would it be possible to have this setting go to 0.01 instead, or even lower? - Yes, the floating point and diminishing returns in the "not-100%-in-one-go" experiments is driving me crazy! :confused: xD

Again, thank you very much for all your dedication to KSP modding! Cheers!
alf (alartor)

PS: I just remembered about your Patreon, so I added these on the survey; I hope I filled it correctly... :O)

Edited by alartor
Added PS
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11 hours ago, alartor said:

a) The mod does not include information on the "Recovery of a vessel" experiments (from flight above Kerbin, from the surface of Minmus, etc etc). Being kind of a "different" type of science experiment, maybe it's not easy, or even possible, to include?

Not easily doable, for now, not going to do it.

11 hours ago, alartor said:

b) In the Science Archive, and I think throughout the game in general, a precision of 0.01 science units is used. Being a slave to my own OCD and loving the sight of a full bar and a 0.00 units left to "science-out", I could really use that same precision in MOAR [x] Science!, instead of the current 0.1 that can be set as the minimum in the slider to configure the amount of science left in an experiment for the mod to consider it complete. Would it be possible to have this setting go to 0.01 instead, or even lower? - Yes, the floating point and diminishing returns in the "not-100%-in-one-go" experiments is driving me crazy! :confused: xD

This I can look into

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New release,

  • Thanks to Github user @Samharris2020 for this:
  • Added new option to change the minimum science slider to 0.001 instead of 0.1

@alartor ^^^

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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On 6/30/2022 at 12:00 PM, linuxgurugamer said:
  • Added new option to change the minimum science slider to 0.001 instead of 0.1

Hi, I've been testing this and I think it is not working. Also, as I might be the only kerb--, human, interested in this feature, I would totally understand if you decide it's not worth it to invest any more time in it. That being said, here's what I found:

I did set "Low Min Science" to "True" (via the settings window in-game, not editing the .cfg file), and saw that I could place the slider to 0.001: so far so good. But after a couple of tests, I saw that the "Here and Now" was still behaving the same as before, i.e. experiments did not show up when there was less than 0.1 science points left, instead of 0.001

So, I did the following test: I threw together a Probe Core (a Probodobodyne Okto) with the Infrared Telescope, plus 8 Science Containers ("Experiment Storage Unit"), and a number of Solar Panels and Batteries for good measure, then I associated the "Collect All" action of each Sci Container to a different action group to speed up the collection and repetition of the experiment (I can send the craft file along if needed, please advise of the preferred method). I cheated this into High Orbit around The Sun (aka Kerbol), and run the Infrared Telescope experiment several times, collecting the data to a different Sci Container each time (I think this is the quickest way to test this functionality): clicked on the button on the "Here and Now" window, run Action Group 1, clicked button again, run AG2, clicked again, run AG3, etc. etc. I noticed the following couple of things:

- after 6 runs of the experiment, the "Here and Now" window no longer showed the experiment as available (i.e. as having Sci points left to harvest); however, after cheating the craft back to Kerbin and recovering, I could see in the Sci Archive that it still had 0.05 sci points left to harvest.

- in the Vessel Recovery dialog window, the amount of Sci points for each run of the experiment was different from what MOAR[x]Science! had been displaying in the "Here and Now" window:

Run # Recovery window Sci points (correct) Here and Now window Sci points (not accurate)
1 30 30
2 9.5 9.5
3 3 2.4
4 1 0.6
5 0.3 0.1
6 0.1 0.0

(total: 43.95 out of 44 Sci points).

Another thing that I noticed is that on the MOAR[x]Science! main window, amounts are still displayed with just one decimal digit (I guess changing this to 2 or 3 decimal digits might be harder to implement), and (if the appropriate settings are selected) the experiment was removed from the window when less than 0.1 sci points were left to harvest.

Note: the 0.1 threshold is actually after rounding, so it is actually when there is less than 0.05 sci points...

Again, I would totally understand if you think it is not worth it to look further into this. Whichever the case, thank you very much for your time and all your hard work!

alf (alartor)

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On 6/30/2022 at 10:00 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Added new option to change the minimum science slider to 0.001 instead of 0.1


33 minutes ago, alartor said:

Hi, I've been testing this and I think it is not working.


Probably better to change it to an option to disable minimum science slider whatsoever, for people who doesn't need it, for window taking less space on screen

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58 minutes ago, alartor said:

Hi, I've been testing this and I think it is not working. Also, as I might be the only kerb--, human, interested in this feature, I would totally understand if you decide it's not worth it to invest any more time in it. That being said, here's what I found:

Bah, humbug :D

Ok, I've found several other places where the 0.1 is hardcoded, I'll work on those

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@linuxgurugamer, after testing the temporary version you provided (thank you very much!), it is working mostly OK but there are a few details that could be improved... I took the liberty of downloading the source code to see if I could be of any help; please note I am not familiar with C# and don't know the KSP API's at all, so please excuse if I say something terribly stupid below... :grin:

Kind of long-ish post, so I'll try the "spoiler" functionality...


1.- The "Min Science Slider" goes from 0.001 straight to 0.500 now. As the main reason for this improvements is to match the precision used at the Archives in the R&D building, it would be great if it could be set to 0.005 as well... I saw the following lines (173 and following) in the file StatusWindow.cs:

            float scienceThreshold = Adds.AcceleratedSlider(_parent.Config.ScienceThreshold, minSci, 50f, 1.8f, new[] {
                new Adds.StepRule(0.5f, 10f),
                new Adds.StepRule(1f, 40f),
                new Adds.StepRule(2f, 50f),

if I understand correctly, maybe the following lines could be added after the opening brace:

                new Adds.StepRule(0.001f, 0.01f),
                new Adds.StepRule(0.01f, 0.1f),

2.- Regarding the inaccurate amount reported in the "Hear and Now" window (see this quote from my previous post):

On 7/4/2022 at 2:08 PM, alartor said:

- in the Vessel Recovery dialog window, the amount of Sci points for each run of the experiment was different from what MOAR[x]Science! had been displaying in the "Here and Now" window:

Run # Recovery window Sci points (correct) Here and Now window Sci points (not accurate)
1 30 30
2 9.5 9.5
3 3 2.4
4 1 0.6
5 0.3 0.1
6 0.1 0.0

(total: 43.95 out of 44 Sci points).

I think I found where the incorrect calculations are being made: file ExperimentFilter.cs (line 221): it simply divides the value by 4 to the power of the number of instances of the experiment on board, while it should use (1-b/t) instead of 4:

experimentValue /= Mathf.Pow(4f, subjectOnboardData.Length - 1);

should be

experimentValue /= Mathf.Pow( (1-(.baseValue/.scienceCap))f , subjectOnboardData.Length - 1);

(sorry if that's kind of pseudo-code, not sure of the exact way to retrieve that value). Interestingly enough, a similar calculation is made correctly somewhere else: file ScienceInstance.cs (line 124 and following):

			var multiplier = ScienceExperiment.baseValue / ScienceExperiment.scienceCap;

			OnboardScience = 0;
			if( Sci.OnboardScienceList.ContainsKey( ScienceSubject.id ) )
				var data = Sci.OnboardScienceList[ ScienceSubject.id ];
//				var _logger = new Logger( "Experiment" );
//				_logger.Trace( ScienceSubject.id + " found " + data.Count( ) + " items" );

				for( int x = 0; x < data.Count; x++ )
					var next = (TotalScience - (CompletedScience + OnboardScience)) * multiplier;
					OnboardScience += next;

where calculating again "next" would give the correct value for "experimentValue" variable above. Also of note is that around this last lines of code, the 0.1 value for min science is again hard-coded...

3.- Finally, I'm wondering if line 408 in StatusWindow.cs could be changed so that in the main window a two decimal digits precision be shown, from:

                GUI.Label(labelRect, string.Format("{0:0.#}  /  {1:0.#}", curr, total), _progressLabelStyle);


                GUI.Label(labelRect, string.Format("{0:0.##}  /  {1:0.##}", curr, total), _progressLabelStyle);

but probably I'm just saying something utterly stupid, as I have no idea how formatting works here... :wacko:

I apologize for not being able to test all this myself, as I have no idea about the SDK needed for this. I'm also sorry to keep nagging with all this; it's just that it would be a huge help to me to be able to know whether I need to repeat an experiment or not in order to reach the max amount with the precision used in the Archives... And as always, thank you very much for your patience and your time!

alf (alartor)

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7 hours ago, alartor said:

after testing the temporary version you provided (thank you very much!), it is working mostly OK but there are a few details that could be improved... I took the liberty of downloading the source code to see if I could be of any help; please note I am not familiar with C# and don't know the KSP API's at all, so please excuse if I say something terribly stupid below

That's great, I'll look at it.

Keep in mind that I haven't yet committed my changes for this, so what you are getting from github is the released version

I'll review your suggested changes, they look good at first glance

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5 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Keep in mind that I haven't yet committed my changes for this, so what you are getting from github is the released version

:facepalm: My bad, I should have guessed that... xDD

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So... after a bit more testing, I realized there's a side effect we hadn't thought about:


Not really sure about the best way to sort that out, aside from making the bar wider...


8 hours ago, flart said:

An option to disable it could be good.

He's working on it, I think that will be available in the next release...

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  • 1 month later...

Hello I just had a quick question about this mod.  Does this have to be installed before you start a new career or science save?  I have a career mode save that I would like to add this to.  Really just after the science checklist stuff.  Would be really nice to see what experiments are available to do and what I have done already along with what each vessel is carrying.  Should help plan science trips.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The mod is detecting that I do not have experiments completed at "Kerbin's LaunchpadFX (Shores)". This does not seem to be related to "Kerbin's LaunchPad (Shores)" in KSC. I have a lot of mods installed, although the only ones I would suspect of ability to add anything are KK and Kopernikus with Galaxies Unbound. Any idea what might be the issue?

I do not see "LaunchpadFX" anywhere in Player.log, but here are the logs:

By the way, in previous version it was also detecting "Kerbin's ROC", although it disappeared.

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