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Hello, i'm new

Maria Sirona

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Hi, i am Maria Sirona and i am new to this forum. I am a kinda-veteran in the game however, so i know a lot of things. My gretest achievements would be the crewed Duna landing i did a few months back, and the somewhat compact but SUPER EPIC ship called KSS Awesomeness i launched a few weeks ago.

Edited by Maria Sirona
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Hi, and sorry for a late answer. You are all going to get a like from me BTW. I do have recently started a new KSP 1.11 save, but my ships are total Project Intrepid ripoffs. 

And oh hey it is Just Jim! Huge fan of Emiko Station

Edited by Maria Sirona
Just Jim
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Hiya, welcome to the forums! (like literally everyone above me just said) :)

If you want to change your profile picture, go to your profile, and in the upper right corner, there will be two buttons - one to change your cover photo, and one to change things your profile says. Editing your profile can also allow you to change your profile pict to your choice, so go ahead! :) 

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On 3/27/2021 at 7:50 AM, Maria Sirona said:

Hi, i am Maria Sirona and i am new to this forum. I am a kinda-veteran in the game however, so i know a lot of things. My gretest achievements would be the crewed Duna landing i did a few months back, and the somewhat compact but SUPER EPIC ship called KSS Awesomeness i launched a few weeks ago.


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On 3/29/2021 at 12:24 PM, Maria Sirona said:

And oh hey it is Just Jim! Huge fan of Emiko Station

Oh cool... thanks.  :valhappy:
And yeah, I try and say hi when someone new joins the forum... I know I don't get all of them by far, but I try and say hi whenever I see someone new

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Hello, @Maria Sirona - and welcome to the forum. I've seen your comments about your missions, now what about some screenshots? We all love screenshots around here.

5 hours ago, Maria Sirona said:

Since i'm now on rank 2 with 30 rep, i think that welcoming me to the forums is a bit inappropriate now. And welcome, CrewMate!

Nope, never! It's never inappropriate to welcome someone to the forum. :) It's kinda why we have so many folks stick around for so long. We always like to see new members!

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15 hours ago, Maria Sirona said:

Since i'm now on rank 2 with 30 rep, i think that welcoming me to the forums is a bit inappropriate now. And welcome, CrewMate!

congrats for reaching rank 2

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