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[1.12.x] [BG] Planetside Exploration Technologies | Surface bases, NASA MMSEV, wind turbines & more! | v1.0.2


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  On 4/5/2021 at 10:58 PM, falken said:

I was just saying to myself the other day I'd like a more 'For All Mankind' approach. Thanks for this.

Not designed any bases yet but I did make a lander. (Reusable single stage)





That's an awesome little lander!

  On 4/6/2021 at 5:11 AM, Youb3tt3r said:

I made Realism Overhaul Configs for this mod this is my first try at making RO configs so here you go



Thanks very much, I will take a look at these. 

  On 4/6/2021 at 6:56 AM, Neebel said:

Wow! Congrats on the release, what an epic mod!

One question: Do you plan adding Snacks!-support?


Thanks! I don't have any plans to do that myself, but if someone else wanted to create configs for it I'd be happy to the bundle them alongside the download. 

  On 4/6/2021 at 1:05 PM, SpaceFace545 said:

@benjee10 If you are adding tac support to this could you add it to habtech and redirect? Also I feel like Orion's life support with tac only lasts a day what seems a bit low for a deep space spacecraft.


HabTech should have TAC support already. I will look into adding it for SOCK in the next update. Orion will be getting a revamp down the line so I would probably add TAC support as part of that.

  On 4/6/2021 at 5:22 PM, TheKrakenHerder said:

This looks like an incredible mod. Hats off to you, Benjee. One question: Will this mod ever be added to CKAN?


Thanks very much! I am working on CKAN implementation at the moment, so hopefully soon!

  On 4/6/2021 at 7:38 PM, Beccab said:

Question, would it be possible to make a part that permanently locks a vessel in one place in a planet? Sort of like a grabbing unit, but placed sideways to the terrain and shaped like a mining drill.

It would reduce kraken attacks that make minmus level gravity base building a bit tedious, and also make asteroid base building possible


Unfortunately I don't think there is a way to do this for the moment - stock behaviour has improved in the last couple of updates in that vessels without wheels touching the ground get locked in place after a moment or two though. 

  On 4/7/2021 at 1:49 PM, TaintedLion said:

Holy moly this is amazing!

Is it possible that we'll get RPM support for this?


RPM isn't something I plan to support myself, but the IVAs have been designed to allow someone to create configs for them quite easily. All of the MFDs, screens, even furniture etc. are prop based so can be removed and replaced very easily without needing access to the original models. 

A huge thank you to everyone who has downloaded the mod and shared their feedback so far - it really means a lot and it's great to see so many of you enjoying it! We've just hit 1,000 downloads on SpaceDock which is pretty insane in less than a week since launch!

Edited by benjee10
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  On 4/7/2021 at 2:05 PM, benjee10 said:

RPM isn't something I plan to support myself, but the IVAs have been designed to allow someone to create configs for them quite easily. All of the MFDs, screens, even furniture etc. are prop based so can be removed and replaced very easily without needing access to the original models. 


I don't know how to do that, here's hoping someone who does can do it :)

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  On 4/7/2021 at 2:05 PM, benjee10 said:

Unfortunately I don't think there is a way to do this for the moment - stock behaviour has improved in the last couple of updates in that vessels without wheels touching the ground get locked in place after a moment or two though. 


That's fair and also true, it does happen usually because of me doing stuff I shouldn't.

Is there a dev thread of this or something similar to follow?

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The first bits of Mun Base Camp have been shipped. Next is the rovers (both crewed and flatbed to install modules), and after that I'll try to get all the remaining modules there in one launch. :blush:

I'll edit this post with more pics as I progress, don't want to fill up the whole thread!




UPDATE: The crew ordered their modules with one-week Kermazon delivery, all in one package. It only took an SLS with 6 boosters and an EUS, but we're here now. Next is the rovers and final assembly.



UPDATE 2: The flatbed rover has arrived, and assembly took place! Next is the crewed rover and mining rig.




Edited by Emilius73
added second update, the base is finished!
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  On 4/7/2021 at 10:06 PM, Emilius73 said:

The first bits of Mun Base Camp have been shipped. Next is the rovers (both crewed and flatbed to install modules), and after that I'll try to get all the remaining modules there in one launch. :blush:

I'll edit this post with more pics as I progress, don't want to fill up the whole thread!




Interesting lighting. Using TUFX?

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  On 4/7/2021 at 11:10 PM, Motokid600 said:

Interesting lighting. Using TUFX?


Yes, with a custom config by @alberro+. Just note that the weird shading lines near the bottom of the second image are caused by buggy ambient occlusion. If you want to get rid of them, open TUFX, go into edit mode, and disable ambient occlusion.

Edited by Emilius73
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@benjee10 I added a localization support for this mod.
There are two pull requests on github:

The latter includes full localization support, not only parts titles, descriptions, etc., but also mod's plugin code for wind turbines.
Russian localization files added.

I'm not sure if screenshots will be of any use here (as all messages on them are in russian), but why not?

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Edited by Judicator81
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  On 4/7/2021 at 2:17 PM, Beccab said:

That's fair and also true, it does happen usually because of me doing stuff I shouldn't.

Is there a dev thread of this or something similar to follow?


There is in theory actually a way to do it, because other mods like MKS do it (ground tether as a PAW action on some parts like landing legs). I think KAS also has some kind of support for this (a sort of base plate).

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  On 4/8/2021 at 2:04 PM, Emilius73 said:

Yes, with a custom config by @alberro+. Just note that the weird shading lines near the bottom of the second image are caused by buggy ambient occlusion. If you want to get rid of them, open TUFX, go into edit mode, and disable ambient occlusion.


Can you send the link to download?

Edited by Rocketry101
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  On 4/6/2021 at 9:07 AM, wisdomsavingthrow said:

CTT configs - I've been attempting to jury-rig something up for myself


Care to share a link to your patch? I’m sure a few of us (myself included :)) would like to give it a try while benjee goes through the many pull requests. 


These models are epic! Out of curiosity, what was your inspiration for the base designs? I’ve looked at some of the source concepts relating to the real Nasa MMSEV, and the surface habitats all seem to be very simple looking mock-ups. 

Edited by lemon cup
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  On 4/3/2021 at 5:14 PM, benjee10 said:

Tecnologias de exploração do lado do planeta | V1.0.1 | MMSEV semelhante a ações e bases de superfície

A Planetside Exploration Technologies adiciona um conjunto de peças projetadas para dar suporte às operações da superfície planetária, de pequenos postos avançados a bases modulares expansivas nos cantos mais remotos do sistema solar.

Os principais recursos incluem:


O Veículo de Exploração do Lado do Planeta é uma espaçonave pequena e multifuncional que pode ser configurada de duas maneiras - como um rover de exploração de superfície ou um pod de excursão espacial profundo de vôo livre. Na superfície, as rodas giratórias habilitadas para Breaking Ground permitem que o veículo se mova em qualquer direção, facilitando a atracação e as manobras. No espaço, a nave pode ser equipada com um tanque monopropelente feito sob medida e uma unidade de agarramento modular, tornando-a ideal para explorar asteróides ou como rebocador de construção de estação espacial. 



Para acompanhar o rover, Planetside apresenta um conjunto completo de peças de base de superfície de 1.875 m, incluindo um laboratório de ciências, módulos habitacionais e até uma estufa. Combinado com um conjunto de adaptadores e plataformas terrestres, as peças da base são projetadas para se encaixar perfeitamente e fornecer um conjunto perfeitamente alinhado de portas de encaixe para o rover Planetside. Além disso, um conjunto de macacos hidráulicos facilita a movimentação dos módulos - instale uma pequena porta de encaixe na parte inferior, eleve os macacos e conduza uma plataforma móvel vazia por baixo antes de transportá-lo para o seu destino! 

Todas as peças são projetadas com bases superficiais em mente, mas funcionariam igualmente bem se usadas em uma estação orbital ou nave espacial! 



Junto com as peças de base de superfície de 1,875 m, Planetside apresenta peças de base colossais de 3,75 m orientadas verticalmente, inspiradas nos módulos Habitat Demonstration Unit da NASA. Essas peças oferecem uma grande quantidade de espaço vital, bem como um sótão inflável para armazenar suprimentos de kerbals impertinentes



Uma nova forma de geração de eletricidade no Programa Espacial Kerbal é única para a Planetside Exploration Technologies: a energia eólica. Usando um plugin personalizado, um conjunto completo de turbinas eólicas permite que você extraia energia de corpos atmosféricos, mesmo quando o Sol não está brilhando. Apenas certifique-se de embalar a máquina certa - as turbinas são otimizadas para ambientes diferentes, então escolha o tipo errado e você pode acabar não gerando energia alguma, ou pior, destruindo suas preciosas turbinas em ventos fortes! 

As turbinas eólicas vêm em três tipos diferentes: 

  • Rastreamento - rastreia automaticamente na direção do vento
  • Estático - Requer apontar manualmente para a direção do vento
  • Eixo vertical - rotação perpendicular à direção do vento

O plugin de turbina eólica Planetside é simples, mas robusto, baseando os rendimentos de energia na densidade atmosférica, direção do vento e uma flutuação aleatória. Por causa disso, ele funcionará imediatamente com qualquer mod do planeta. Planetside também oferece configurações de dificuldade para configurar as turbinas eólicas de acordo com sua preferência, como desabilitar turbinas quebráveis ou ajustar a frequência de quedas de energia. 


Uma IU alternada na janela Part Action ajuda a alinhar turbinas eólicas com a direção do vento. 



Cada parte tripulável é tão detalhada por dentro quanto por fora!


CAPTURAS DE TELA DO USUÁRIO (pode apresentar outros mods):

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Planetside requer B9PartSwitch , ModuleManager , HabTechProps e Benjee10_sharedAssets para funcionar, todos incluídos no download. 

Montagens de roda giratória e servos de turbina eólica exigem o KSP Breaking Ground DLC. 
O suporte é fornecido para suporte de vida TAC. 
Em teoria, este mod deve ser compatível com as versões anteriores do KSP, desde 1.8.0, mas faça backup de seus salvos antes de experimentá-lo!




Arte por @ benjee10

Plugin por @ValiZockt

Um grande obrigado ao Vali por tornar isso possível e criar um plugin incrível que traz algo realmente novo para o jogo. Grande amor <3


JEEEEEESSSSUUUSSS!!:awe: benjee10 this mod is just insane! Great job man!

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This is a fantastic mod and I commend your efforts , but sadly I am having severe issue with some parts ; symmetry with the wheel bearing is completely broken , and trying to attach with symmetry causes it to draw a persistent trail of bearings all across the craft , following the mouse ... The staircase part also seems to block kerbals from exiting the hatch it is attached to , but they can still enter fine through that hatch

I waanted to ask if it would be possible to remove BG compatibility in a future update , I bought the MH DLC and was sorely disappointed with it , so I have no plans to purchase BG , there aere maybe other people in this similar situation I would assume

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  On 4/10/2021 at 7:08 PM, golkaidakhaana said:

can already be replicated with free mods


Moving other parts with parts is a complicated thing. I think the only replacement candidate if you don't want to re-make the model in Unity is Infernal Robotics - Next, you can try writing a config for it. https://github.com/meirumeiru/InfernalRobotics/releases

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