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What version doesn't have the orbit and maneuver node glitches?


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In recent versions, there are a lot of orbit bugs. for example; I was flying a probe to Minmus. i was in LKO and tried to make a maneuver node to Minmus. it started when the closest encounter markers jumped all over the place even when i changed the dv with only like 1. then i FINALLY managed to get the encounter, and i timewarped to it. when i started timewarp, the maneuver did no longer encounter minmus, it didn't even get past the Mun's orbit. not only that, my Pe was inside the atmosphere (only a few kilometers but still anoying). then i corrected the orbit and tried again. i got an encounter (that fased in and out of existence even with the slichtest touch of the node editor) and succesfully executed the maneuver node. but then it didn't get an encounter anyway. when i started timewarping my Ap ended up below Mun orbit (and before it was at Minmus). and my Pe was in the atmosphere AGAIN. then i had to try to get a Minmus encounter AGAIN. then i had a maneuver node that was totally normal with about less than 100 m/s dv. then i timewarped to it and it changed to over 3000 m/s? how? all this continued for quite some time. if this was any other game than KSP i would have stopped a long time ago, but at some point i got a Minmus encounter in a few orbits time, and it didn't disappear when timewarping. but then i was timewarping, and i get a Mun encounter that it didn't show before, messing up the Minmus encounter. at which version did these bugs start? i want to take a break from KSP and then go back to a version without these glitches until they fixed them. some glitches can happen, but this is basically making the game unplayable, making a simple minmus probe harder than a Eeloo mission :mad:

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These small parts are completely normal and expected:

  On 4/18/2021 at 3:08 PM, minerbat said:

it started when the closest encounter markers jumped all over the place even when i changed the dv with only like 1

an encounter (that fased in and out of existence even with the slichtest touch of the node editor)


If your "encounter" only dips into Minmus's SOI slightly, then a small adjustment would indeed be capable of eliminating or re-establishing it, especially given the subtleties involved in inclination changes (no screenshots are given, so we have no idea how you're handling that).

As for the rest, I have never seen anything like that in any game version, so I would push back against the framing that the game version is somehow responsible. A few guesses as to what's going on:

  1. Your "orbit" is partially in the atmosphere (no before/after screenshots or video, so can't rule this out). After you set up your maneuver, your craft drifts into the atmosphere, changing the orbit.
  2. You accidentally ran your engines after setting up the manuever. This would change your current orbit, which would in turn change the orbit after the maneuver.
  3. You're seeing something in the map view and thinking that something else is happening (again with no screenshots, we have no opportunity to catch this or rule it out). For example, "my Ap ended up below Mun orbit" could be misinterpreted due to the camera angle.
  4. Your vessel's thrust is low, so your maneuvers are really long and inaccurate (again no screenshots, can't catch or rule out).
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I have had similar happen as well. A perfect encounter with Minmus but when you create a capture node and warp to it, the orbit doesn’t even reach Minmus. I played 1.8 and it didn’t do this and 1.11 and it does; not sure of versions in between.

Another one is when you have a path next to your target planet and you time warp, for each speed up press, the path sometimes jumps away from the planet. Normally, when you stop time warp, it jumps back. However, I read somewhere that if you time warp through SOI changes now, it causes issues so maybe it doesn’t ‘jump back’. Regardless the perfect path doesn’t exist anymore and sometimes the encounter itself has gone requiring a burn closer to the planet.

Both instances are definitely time warp related IMO and I think the orbit details are almost not being restored properly when time warp ends?

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no it was flashing in oand of existance, not moving out of the SOI (in fact, if it would have worked properly, the maneuver should have gotten Minmus Pe closer)

1. no, it wasn't in atmosphere, only after timewarp
2. no
3. no, it was quite obvious
4. no, i'm not a noob lol

i have had similar things happen before, but not a few versions back. i don't know when it started, but i do know it didn't used to be this glitchy.

Edited by minerbat
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What I have witnessed is similar to what @FruitGoose stated. I noticed it when I returned to KSP a couple of months ago. At that time my game upgraded and I do not remember it happening before. Sadly, I do not remember what my version was previously.


From what I can tell, it is related to time warping. The error seems to be to a lesser degree if you use the green FF button next to the Nav Ball to warp, but it is still there. When it does happen I only need to make a correction burn of 50 dV or less so far. It does appear to occur close to or at SOI changes, but I haven't confirmed that.


The only time I experienced anything similar to the flashing in and out that is described by @minerbat has been on moons with very small SOI's such as Minmus and Gilly. However if I just 'get it close' and do the first burn, halfway through the flight I can correct it with a minor burn to capture either moon with little error after that.


Maybe try 1.8 and see if it's still occurring for you?

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I had this happen to an old save that had big ships, I was using the overthrow effect around Eve to get to Gilly, I got encounter, set it to auto warp, bam, ap was halfway to Gilly’s orbit... this was fixed by going into 5x time warp and then doing auto warp, or suddenly going into a high warp rate.

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I can confirm that I've had serious warping issues in 1.11. I'd go back to the 1.9s, although 1.7.3 and 1.3.1 are the most stable KSP releases.

I've quit playing because I've given up on Squad's quality control. 6000 hours in, and I'm using my energy to tell people not to buy KSP 2 because the current knucklehead management have murdered the franchise.

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Hmmm... I think the time warp issue is more of an imprecision error, where when you go from 1x into a low, then to a high warp rate, the game sets the orbit of current vessel on rails and probably increase gravity so when the time step per i game second goes down, orbits don’t change. However, if you suddenly go into a high rate from 1x, the game ends up increasing gravity too early and causes the orbit to instantly shrink just before its set on rails. However, this theory is likely incorrect as it only accounts for highly elliptical orbits at periapsis, OR it’s that the gravity change is so small, it’s only noticeable in that situation where a tiny amount of energy makes orbit change a lot.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Encountering minmus is just about worst-case for encounter nodes, because it's a tiny gravity well orbiting just a hair away from escape velocity.  One floating point error is the difference between an encounter and the eternal void.

It also means you're only a hair away from capture when you're there if it disappears.  It helps to make your encounter a close one to minmus, rather than 400,000km or something.

Edited by Corona688
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I've had this problem too, not just with Minmus but with Duna as well. My first trip there, aimed to aerobrake into orbit upon arrival, ended up missing the SOI completely when I went to warp. Not only that, but any change to warp rate, no matter how minimal or how slow, ended up adding a couple hundred thousand kilometers to the closest approach.

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I don't think there's ever been a version without.  There's only so much  32-bit accuracy can do in a 64-bit sized solar system.

It helps a LOT, both in accuracy and in remembering, to put a maneuver node near your encounter.  Because that encounter hasn't "vanished", you're still a hair's away from SOI.

Edited by Corona688
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