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When can I re-download KSP?


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Still down :(

I don't know how extensive this maintenance is, but if this was planned and it was supposed to take this long I'm sure there would have been a heads up or at least an announcement.

I wonderif something has happened? :/

Edited by Eggman360
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11 minutes ago, Vanamonde said:

Looks up to me. :)

Can you access either the store or your account? For me, all the other parts of the site have been up this whole time.
However, if I click either "store" or "account", I get redirected to the maintenance page.

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Hmm. Still down, I have been reformatting and installing my pc and yes I can install the game from an old download, but I can't update anymore :-(

Also noticed, that the Store page is still available, but it is now only possible to buy a Steam version.

Shall I be concerned now, not being able to retrieve what I have paid for. This looks more and more like something unplanned and it would be very appropriate for the Devs. to come with some kind of explanation on what is going on?????

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Yea, +1 to the crowd that doesn’t have access to their fave game juuuust as I’m bit by the space bug again. 

I can be patient! Just would love to know about how long I need to be patient for ):

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On 4/26/2021 at 2:04 PM, KSPStar said:

I do not have an exact ETA on when the store will be back up at this time, but it is planned to be back up early this week.

It's Thursday.  We're well past "early this week".

Any updates?

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Well, the error message changed a couple of hours ago. Now I'm getting:

"Error 1020 Ray ID: 647b75d35884181b • 2021-04-29 21:00:30 UTC
Access denied"

instead...so, they're making progress? Maybe?

Because of a combination of medical and computer issues, it's been about 6 months since I've been able to play, and even then I was running 1.9 -- I waht to pick back up with the latest & greatest.

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1 hour ago, Ayelmar said:

Well, the error message changed a couple of hours ago. Now I'm getting:

"Error 1020 Ray ID: 647b75d35884181b • 2021-04-29 21:00:30 UTC
Access denied"

instead...so, they're making progress? Maybe?

Because of a combination of medical and computer issues, it's been about 6 months since I've been able to play, and even then I was running 1.9 -- I waht to pick back up with the latest & greatest.

yes me to

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1 hour ago, Ayelmar said:

Well, the error message changed a couple of hours ago. Now I'm getting:

"Error 1020 Ray ID: 647b75d35884181b • 2021-04-29 21:00:30 UTC
Access denied"

instead...so, they're making progress? Maybe?

Because of a combination of medical and computer issues, it's been about 6 months since I've been able to play, and even then I was running 1.9 -- I waht to pick back up with the latest & greatest.

Same here. Looks like something's up with the site, or with CloudFlare.

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On 4/26/2021 at 4:30 PM, Spaceman.Spiff said:

Yeah, but steam isnt perfect and they also take a cut, while when you buy off the KSP store the devs get it all. 

Minus the pay for the person to maintain the website.

...who is likely getting overtime right now.

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5 minutes ago, Kerbart said:

Do I have some news for you...

And that news is..........?


I meant the majority of the money. Obviously there’s website hosting and management costs as well, but I don’t think that this near the amount steam takes. 


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1 hour ago, Spaceman.Spiff said:

And that news is..........?

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I meant the majority of the money. Obviously there’s website hosting and management costs as well, but I don’t think that this near the amount steam takes. 


It’s just a bigger profit margin for the studio owner. The devs do not get a  dime extra from the direct sales. Buying from the website instead of steam is a very noble but romantic notion.

what helps the devs more is *lots* of people buying the product and Steam does excel at that.

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So I'm in the boat of, while I really would like to be able to download the update, I do not really care about not being able to at the moment, I can wait.

My only issue is that there has been no official announcements on the Twitter, or Forums other than a reply made earlier, and the answers have been vague and there has been no updates given.

I would have assumed with the track record of the KSP team in the past, they would have been much more open about things.

All in all, I do not care about not being able to download or log in, I just care about the lack of communication with the community.

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1 hour ago, Tanner Rawlings said:

So I'm in the boat of, while I really would like to be able to download the update, I do not really care about not being able to at the moment, I can wait.

My only issue is that there has been no official announcements on the Twitter, or Forums other than a reply made earlier, and the answers have been vague and there has been no updates given.

I would have assumed with the track record of the KSP team in the past, they would have been much more open about things.

All in all, I do not care about not being able to download or log in, I just care about the lack of communication with the community.

Yes strongly agreed with all of this! Frustrating that the response so far has been a handful of replies to other peoples' topics with now-out-of-date predictions. 

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So now I am getting an "Error: 1020" when trying to access my account... seems to be Cloudflare CDN related? vOv

At least things seem to be changing, which would indicate they are continuing to do *something* with the site vOv

Edited by Stone Blue
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I just received a reply to my support e-mail saying "The maintenance has concluded and the KSP Store is back online".

Although it seems to still be down, this might mean it's coming back today :)
(The e-mail was sent about 15 minutes ago)

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Well, this is the error I got, even before attempting to login:




Error 1020

Ray ID: 64819709af5d0353 • 2021-04-30 14:51:45 UTC

Access denied

What happened?

This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.



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14 hours ago, darkeye22 said:

Well this is disappointing. I haven't played KSP for years and seeing what Spacex is doing lately has made me want to come back to the game. I hope the maintenance is done soon!

Well, same here and now locked out of what I had payed for and getting no updates at all about what is going on, after a week of downtime, is to say the least, very disappointing. 

23 hours ago, atliax said:

I just received a reply to my support e-mail saying "The maintenance has concluded and the KSP Store is back online".

Although it seems to still be down, this might mean it's coming back today :)
(The e-mail was sent about 15 minutes ago)

Well, the store is online (actually has been the whole time), but only the Steam purchase is available, also trying to access my account, I get the below. Makes me think if there has been some kind of attack, problems, hack, etc. Especially due to the very loud silence from the Team. 
Maybe, I  should try to see if I can move my key to Steam, as it is from 2015, so might be valid. 

What happened?

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