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So far we have nothing about tourists in KSP2, I hoping there'll be improvement to tourism management to KSP2, such as constructing space hotels to yield greater earnings/attract more contracts and possibly implement minimal stay of a tourist, such that you have to add a bit more challenge rather than just follow technicalities (such as touching the surface of a requested body and take off immediately to fulfill landing requirements)

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Nothing has been said about Kerbal professions or if they will continue into KSP2. We don't know if there will be contracts or not. For hotels in space, that would fall under the colony side of things. (Probably extra crew quarters added to a colony.) Basically don't assume that the career/science systems in KSP1 with carry forward to KSP2. The devs have said they will be replacing the career/science progression in KSP2.

With that said, there's nothing stopping you from having tourists in your game even though they may not be present in the game.

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On 4/28/2021 at 9:49 AM, Cavscout74 said:

The one time they mentioned the play modes, they indicated it would be closer to science mode than career - which to me indicates no contracts or funds.   But that was a while ago & I haven't seen anything mentioned since

With all the working infrastructure we'll have to build, from mining bases to manufacturing plants, refineries, colonies, launch centers and orbital shipyards the need for a "make believe" system like the contracts is greatly diminished and the same goes for money, if you can mine resources and build ships money stop being the core of the resource system and become an optional additional layer of gameplay/realism.

Tourism is just another additional layer on top of that, and could be redundant if the game already has a civilian/colonist system.


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Ive very often pulled tourism contracts early in career mode in KSP1 mainly because it was usually easy enough to fill a few more seats for some extra cash. It falls away though as I go interplanetary because its just not worth waiting for the return trip. On a philosophical level with so much to do in KSP2 I feel like every effort should be made to not incentivize repetitious missions. But maybe the whole automated milk-run system could cover tourist and personnel transfers as well?

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21 hours ago, Pthigrivi said:

Ive very often pulled tourism contracts early in career mode in KSP1 mainly because it was usually easy enough to fill a few more seats for some extra cash. It falls away though as I go interplanetary because its just not worth waiting for the return trip. On a philosophical level with so much to do in KSP2 I feel like every effort should be made to not incentivize repetitious missions. But maybe the whole automated milk-run system could cover tourist and personnel transfers as well?

The semi-automation features seem to partially make KSP2 into a city building game, so being able to transport tourists just by assigning them wouldn't seem out of the ordinary.  Still, there should be specific tasks when arriving at the destination to fulfiil the contracts

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5 hours ago, Jack Mcslay said:

The semi-automation features seem to partially make KSP2 into a city building game, so being able to transport tourists just by assigning them wouldn't seem out of the ordinary.  Still, there should be specific tasks when arriving at the destination to fulfiil the contracts

There's been a good bit of discussion on this in the absence of information from Intercept, but Im in the camp that money and contracts could be ditched entirely in favor of milestone-based rewards.  We'll have wait and see. 

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Было бы круто самому формировать путевки. А то в заданиях из группы туристов половина хочет в разные места, сортируй их потом в ангаре, кого в какой корабль сажать. 


It would be cool to shape the vouchers yourself. And then in the tasks from a group of tourists, half wants to go to different places, sort them later in the hangar, who to put in which ship. 


Edited by Vanamonde
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This is one reason why ksp 2 with mods will be awesome there is so much in you can push the boundary's hell you could make city skylines levels of complexity with ksp 2 mods this is 1 reason why ksp 2 will have a much longer lifespan than ksp 1

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On 5/1/2021 at 10:57 AM, Pthigrivi said:

Ive very often pulled tourism contracts early in career mode in KSP1 mainly because it was usually easy enough to fill a few more seats for some extra cash. It falls away though as I go interplanetary because its just not worth waiting for the return trip. On a philosophical level with so much to do in KSP2 I feel like every effort should be made to not incentivize repetitious missions. But maybe the whole automated milk-run system could cover tourist and personnel transfers as well?

I'd like this but there would need to be some diminishing returns for balancing... and that's how it should work in reality anyway. I hope we get a glimpse at how milk-run mechanics will function soon too. Surely there will be limiting factors to how often an automated ship would launch as not to complete a million tourist contracts per day if a similar system remains in the game.

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@mcwaffles2003 Good point. It might even be a reason to just not have tourism contracts if the options were baby sitting repeat missions or time-warp infinimoney. Diminishing returns that zero out could work, but they should end before the returns dip below the journey’s fuel cost, or offer a message that the venture is no longer profitable? Seems hinkey but works I guess. It might be better if the trips were one way and it was just an alternative method for managing colony populations, though I guess thats not tourism, just loading duders onto a spaceliner. 

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