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[1.12.2] - CSI Tech Tree [0.5] -- USI Suite Updated


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 Cruesoe Space Industries Technology Tree

After fiddling with Tech Tree's for such a long time I have taken the plunge and made my own. The Cruesoe Space Industries Tech Tree! (fanfare).

This is a Tree with UnKerballedStart as its core that I intend to feed and water and see what grows.
My intention is to combine the elements of previous tree's I have liked into a single place.

You'll see we have an UKS start, with ITEP type branches later of Propulsion and Lifters, a set up in UKS and ITEP I like.

There is more or less a dedicated line for:

  •     Propulsion (Space engines!)
  •     Lifters (Heavy lifting engines and boosters)
  •     Landing (heat shields, parachutes, lander cans)
  •     Probes (Unmanned Probe Cores)
  •     Manned Craft (Command Modules)
  •     Science (Science and Rover experiements)
  •     Logisitcs (Storage leading to Mining)
  •     Comms (All antennas in a few neat nodes)
  •     Habitation (Ground and Space Stations)
  •     Power (Batteries, solar, nuclear, cooling)


All credit to @SpinkAkron and @theonegalen for the work on UnkerballedStart that I forked to make my own personal version.  Another credit to  @hemeac and @KawaiiLucy for the wonderful Icons I have used that were originally created for Kiwi Tech Tree and Improved Tree Engine Placement

All credit to those that came before me, CTT, UKS, PBC, Kiwi, Tetrix, BET, ITEP,  I salute you all.




** Screenshot includes nodes for Modular Launch Pads



Compatible With:


There are work in progress patches for the following mods:

  • CNAR
  • Corvus
  • CryoEngines
  • CryoTanks
  • DeadlyReentry
  • FuelTanksPlus
  • HabTec2
  • HullCameraVDS
  • InfernalRoboticsNext
  • KAX
  • Kerbalism
  • Kerbonov
  • kOS
  • Luciole
  • MAD
  • MandatoryRCSPartPack
  • MissingHistory
  • MechJeb
  • Mk3Airliner
  • ModularLaunchPads
  • NearFutureConstruction
  • NearFutureElectrical
  • NearFutureLaunchVehicles
  • NearFutureSpacecraft
  • Odin
  • OpenCockpit
  • Orion
  • PebkacLaunchEscape2
  • PlanetaryBases
  • RLA_Reborn
  • reDirect
  • ReStockPlus
  • RemoteTech
  • SETIprobeParts
  • SimpleAdjustableFairings
  • Snacks
  • StationPartsExpansionRedux
  • TACSelfDestruct
  • TacLifeSupport
  • Taerobee
  • Thor
  • USI-Suite

Conflicts with:

  • Any other Tech Tree mod (except CTT)


  • This work is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 license.
Edited by Cruesoe
update to 0.5
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26 minutes ago, MoeKitsune said:

This looks awesome! I'll definitely give it a try, and I'm excited to see what other mods get supported.

Thank you, I am working on it this weekend and have the next update almost ready to go, but this won't change much as its mostly getting my files organised for easier updates in the future.

Is there a specific mod you want me to take a look at?  I am always really keen on feedback and will accept pull requests! 

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59 minutes ago, Cruesoe said:

Thank you, I am working on it this weekend and have the next update almost ready to go, but this won't change much as its mostly getting my files organised for easier updates in the future.

Is there a specific mod you want me to take a look at?  I am always really keen on feedback and will accept pull requests! 

Finishing the Near Future mod suite would be nice, and I also like Dodo labs and the Stockalike Mk2/mk3/mining expansions. I can help with adding more mod support if you would like.

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1 minute ago, MoeKitsune said:

Finishing the Near Future mod suite would be nice, and I also like Dodo labs and the Stockalike Mk2/mk3/mining expansions. I can help with adding more mod support if you would like.

Always happy to take suggestions from you if you have some thoughts on those mods as I don't personally use them. (With the exception of NF)

Message me your idea or have a look at the github and submit a pull request. Whichever you prefer.

I'll be pushing out an update at the end of the weekend but this is mainly background stuff and file organisation.  I remove some nodes and create others, I'm reducing the number of nodes I remove and renaming them instead of making new ones. Should help smooth any mod support issues.

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Updated to 0.3

Updated Folder structure
Updated Stock part locations, created separate configs for expansions
Updated USI MKS patch
Updated USI Kontainers patch
Added MechJeb support for Upgrades

Please delete previous versions before installing this one, it should be available on CKAN now and Spacedock.

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Just wanted to pop in to give kudos on this. I've been looking for a replacement for the long-dead SETI UbM tree for a while, and while there are a few out there, this one really strikes me as being the most logically laid out and doesn't go completely overboard on the tree. I'll be using this WIP in my career and hope to see you continue to build on it!!

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4 minutes ago, jaxmed said:

Just wanted to pop in to give kudos on this. I've been looking for a replacement for the long-dead SETI UbM tree for a while, and while there are a few out there, this one really strikes me as being the most logically laid out and doesn't go completely overboard on the tree. I'll be using this WIP in my career and hope to see you continue to build on it!!

Thank you. I love to get feedback, it really motivates me.

The update I'm working on is BDB at the moment. It's notoriously huge but I have a theory I'm working on to integrate it without blowing up the Tree. I'll put up a preview as soon as I'm nearly happy with it!

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10 hours ago, Xt007 said:

Awesome that you're working on bdb.  Any chance to prune science parts that are redundant or have no kerbalism configs?

Despite my personal interest in Kerbalism this is not a tree for Kerbalism only.

Given the sheer number of combinations of mods available I don't intend for this to ever be more than a part adjustment tree.

Any other configs that adjust the game will be out of scope of this Tree. 

Edited by Cruesoe
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So this is my idea for integrating BDB.  A dedicated line in the Tech Tree making handy use of the space available.

The idea is BDB are design experts that can design advanced parts for your Space Program.  These nodes fall outside the usual costs of the Tech Tree and will be whatever values I think are appropriate for the parts.

I plan on splitting the parts by name so largely you will unlock everything required to build one of this in a single node.. The Thor node, the Saturn node etc.  I feel that this should allow you to add BDB mid game without blowing up your tree with parts.

Everything is work in progress and subject to change. 

Happy to hear comments and thoughts, let me have it!

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Thats a great idea.  Not that i use BDB.

I wonder though if you spread them through tiers relating for the part type?  But keeping then separate.

I also wonder whether it is worth a BDB specific tech tree...


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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

0.5 Update

  • New Basic and Advanced Fusion Rockets nodes added
  • Enhancements to USI Suite - Focus has been on MKS
  • IDFlags Mod Support - Added
  • Plantary Base Systems - Added
  • HabTech2 - Added
  • Updates to Localisation
  • Optional Science Rework - Incomplete - Reduction and re-balance of Science amounts to support the "Unkerballed" start of this tree.  File exists in the mod but is flagged as disabled, use at own risk, not tested fully.  Greatly reduces Science gain, if you use this do not lower science below 100%. 
  • Kerbal Experience Change - Change to Experience gain for Kerbals, allows Kerbals to gain level 3 without leaving the Kerbin SOI
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 4 months later...

Hi, I like a lot this tech tree, I have been using PBC or Unkerballed for some time, but there's some nodes or some mods that need support, and yours work a lot better.

I have found that the Taerobee patch doesn't work because most of the part names have a "_" symbol instead a "-" symbol.

I'll keep testing if I find some more problems.

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  • 11 months later...

Hi, I like the items in this tree.    It does, however, mess with the Komplexity mod.

If you have Komplexity and CSI tree, the upgrade levels on the KSP facilities change from standard Komplexity and some in not so great ways.  Like the VAB starts at a higher level than standard Komplexity and the first upgrade doesn't change anything.

Not game breaking at all, but I preferred the normal facility levels of Komplexity.  And definitely didn't like that some building level upgrades now with CSI, the stats stay the same (but you still have to pay).  If it wasn't for these issues, I'd probably use this tree over the other trees I've seen.


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3 hours ago, Zaxxon said:

Hi, I like the items in this tree.    It does, however, mess with the Komplexity mod.

If you have Komplexity and CSI tree, the upgrade levels on the KSP facilities change from standard Komplexity and some in not so great ways.  Like the VAB starts at a higher level than standard Komplexity and the first upgrade doesn't change anything.

Not game breaking at all, but I preferred the normal facility levels of Komplexity.  And definitely didn't like that some building level upgrades now with CSI, the stats stay the same (but you still have to pay).  If it wasn't for these issues, I'd probably use this tree over the other trees I've seen.


I am not familiar with the Komplexity mod that you mention. 

I'm currently focusing on RP1 as my main Kerbal game and I'm unlikely to add support for this mod. 

Always happy to take pull requests or updates to the tree if you would like to submit the changes yourself.

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Thanks for the reply.  Komplexity ties into Custom Barn Kit to make the KSC facility buildings have a more gradual progression to upgrades.  VAB and such have 10 levels with it instead of the stock 4 with more incremental increase per upgrade.  It's really pretty cool for career play throughs.  RP-1 is more complicated than I want to do, so not using it.  CSI Tree seems to be the only tree that interferes with the Komplexity KSC building levels.  You still get more than the original stock levels, but when both are installed, it's a bit wonky as to what building levels you get with Komplexity.   I've not yet done any mod making/editing, so really wouldn't know where to start to try to find out and change why CSI Tree changes Komplexity.  Any tips on what to look at?  I'd be happy to help if I can, and would really like to use these 2 together.  I like your tree.  Thanks

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