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[12.1.5] Kerbin Side Remastered - The Life Aquatic [v2.0.0][2022-12-18]


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  • 2 months later...

There is a bug with the exploration missions. Contract Configurator is throwing an exception when rendering  the legend graphics to the dialog box that have the ".noload" extension 

This will present a malformed dialog box at the top of the screen which cannot be cleared. 

Working on a hot fix.  Issue 18

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Hotfix available on SpaceDock now

Version v1.0.7 for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.3 Released on 2022-09-12


  • Exploration missions with .noload dialog graphics are now causing Contract Configurator to throw an exception. Ghosted dialog boxes cannot be cleared from the screen. Changed all .noload files to regular .png files to fix.


  • Adds KK hanger facilities to each Coast Guard Base to allow the storage of a single craft under 5 tons in size.
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Version v1.1.0 for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.3 Released on 2022-09-16

  • Changes all passenger Kerbals to use the new traits. Tourists or regular traits are no longer used.
    • Citizen, Civil-Servant, or Servicekerbal
  • The dialog character has been upgraded with appropriate sunglasses and hat
  • Optional KK upgrades to the WatrerLaunchedSites marina if you have Kerbin Side Core installed from CKAN
    • See additional instructions in file "INSTALL Marina Upgrades.txt"

On SpaceDock now. 

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I assume these contracts come from this mod.  They say things like go to a crashed airplane and rescue the crew, and if possible, salvage the wreck.


The problem I am having is as soon as I get near the wreck it just sinks to the bottom.   And since the crush depth of most (if not all) parts is 400m they just get destroyed, killing any Kerbals still onboard, and removing the ability to recover the salvage.  Am I missing something here?  These wrecks either need to be made so they stay afloat, or ensure they are always in water that is less than 400m deep.   


Or if I am missing something, please explain how this is supposed to work.



Also, I have seen in the posts for these mods today things that say to load "Kerbin Side Core" is this referring to the one on CKAN that reports max game version of 1.5.9?

Edited by Bit Fiddler
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  On 9/18/2022 at 4:39 PM, Bit Fiddler said:

Am I missing something here?


No you are note missing anything.  The wrecks were made to sink to the bottom  of the ocean where they are spawned. 

What settings or mods are you using in your game that dictate the pressure? 

I am able to dive to well over 1000 meters in my game but I don't have "Part Pressure Limits" set on. 

I can make the wrecks with neutral buoyancy however the Contract Configurator SpawnVessel behaviour altitude setting is in meters above sea level. I could submit an negative value, but there is no way in CC to determine the depth of the seabed. If I give a value of -300 meters and the seabed at the spawn is only -50 meters I'm not sure what will happen to the wreck. I will play around with it when I have some cycles. 

This will only solve issues with the Salvage Missions. The Exploration Missions can be set very deep as KK statics. If your craft and Kerbal cannot survive the depths you will be unable to complete them.      

Opened as Issue 22 on GitHub




  On 9/18/2022 at 4:39 PM, Bit Fiddler said:

"Kerbin Side Core" is this referring to the one on CKAN that reports max game version of 1.5.9?


Yes. The package is just KK statics that work fine in 1.12.3. It provides additional models for use in KK. No bases or other functions provided by it. Use of the mod is optional and it will only let you see upgrades I added to the Water Launched Sites marina east of the KSC.    

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You discover something new every day... 

I've had a long standing  problem with ships disappearing. Subs and ships were simply vanishing into thin air when they were approached within the normal physics range. The logs mentioned something about the vessel being on rails and traveling at an impossibly fast speeds and then it went poof. This of course was putting as damper on my combined operations approach to oceanic exploration. I did not ever experience similar issues with landed vessels only vessels at sea. 

Well I discovered that making the physics bubble larger than the defaults of the physics.cfg file actually fixes this problem. If I make the physics bubble 30km then the Bermuda triangle-esque disappearances of my Naval vessels stop. Now I can have rendezvous at sea with air, surface and submarine craft and the Kraken is held at bay. 

Happy day indeed.    

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  On 9/23/2022 at 7:04 AM, ColdJ said:

does that mean you could actually see an aircraft carrier you are trying to land on, far enough out that it doesn't just pop in at 2.3 kms?


Yes.  There are two ways to do it. 

  1.  Install Physics Range Extender and set the range to whatever you want. The more  range however, the more Kraken. It's default is 100 Km but I don't need to see things in space so I set it to 30 KM
  2. You can change the stock physics.cfg file. All the distances are defined at the end of the file. I changed mine to this for testing. I left the space based ranges  stock and only altered the planet side ranges. 
  Reveal hidden contents

I got the values from this article on KOS - Vessel Load Distance


Edited by Caerfinon
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  On 9/23/2022 at 11:16 AM, Caerfinon said:

I got the values from this article on KOS


I have read the article and made a back up of the config. Strange thing is that the flying pack distance in my config is 25 km so I am leaving it alone. I just added 3 km to everything else see how it goes. It would just be nice to have a carrier load in far enough out that you can line up your approach. :)


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Found a neat little mod called The Maritime Pack is has some pretty interesting parts for building ships. It's an older mod and some of the pieces don't work correctly, but for the most part you can make a pretty decent Coast Guard cutter for rescue missions and patrols.  



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Issue 24 -VesselParameterGroup setting in TLA missions  too restrictive

  • I've been doing some playtesting with @ColdJ's new Belafonte mod and using a base ship to launch sub vessels to accomplish mission tasks is not really supported by the Mission structure. 
  • The defined vessel in the contracts is typically tagged to the Belafonte ship, which makes the other sub vessels (Deep Search, Rescue Boats, and Zelicopter) ineligible to complete the mission steps.
  • The missions need a rewrite to link the progress to the task, and the presence of the observer character rather than any specific vessel thy might be in. 
  • A change is in the works (mainly because I really want to use the new ship and all it's parts :) ).
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  • 2 weeks later...

The work so far

  • Investigated an issue with salvage mission where the "blackbox" option could not be completed. 
    • The issue arises in EVA Construction mode the black box can be recovered from the wreck but not attached to the recovery vessel
    • EVA Construction occasionally slips from placement mode to rotate mode during gameplay so when you work with the "blackbox" you need to ensure in the GUI that you are in placement mode first. 
  • Added patch for Strategia mod that give contract bonuses if EngineerFocus strategies are enabled.     
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Version v1.1.1 for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.3  Released on 2022-10-23


  • KSRTLA-CG-ShipRescue mission fails on acceptance.
  • the Kerbal Trait assigned to the observer is incorrect.
  • Mission is unplayable.

Available on Spacedock now

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New Bug - TLA Issue 28 affecting Traits 

"If an Unowned kerbal with trait Citizen, Civil-Servant, or ServiceKerbal is spawned to a location and the contract fails. Then the kerbals and any spawned vessels are not removed by Contract Configurator. but remain deployed.

Players can "terminate" these in the tracking station, however this has the effect of changing the kerbal from Unowned to Crew and they are listed as KIA in the lost tab of the Astronaut complex.

If the player has not set dead and missing kerbals return on, then they will remain in the lost tab. On return the kerbals are moved to the Available tab. where they can be dismissed by the player and are then removed from the roster completely.

This does not other game affects for players using Stock Astronaut complex, or TRP-Hire mod, however if players are using MKS the astronaut complex is unusable for hiring until the dead kerbals with these traits are removed from the roster."

I'm working on a "Roster Check" contract that will run automatically and remove the "misplaced" kerbals from the roster. 

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