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Goodbye, Forums!


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This was a short and nice voyage through the Kerbal Space Program Forums. I like the people here, I like the way they help, but I think that I'll have to say goodbye to my profile. You see, I just can't find anything interesting in those forums anymore, I also don't really need help with mods because I'm thinking about quitting KSP anyway, also KSP1 has already got it's last Major update. It's the end for me. And my classmate has died because of heart failure, so I'm not really in the mood for gaming at all, I'll have to change the vibe of my life, turn it the other way, experience something new, not getting stuck on the KSP VAB for hours of the day, in which instead I can do helpful things to my neighbors, pass time with my friends, this game almost ate me. I had an addiction to KSP1 which I wanted to stop and I did it, at the last moment, I am quitting KSP and the Forums. This may be the last post you will see on this profile. Thank you for letting me participate in the forums, people. This experience was magnificent, but I should do other things in my life. I will uninstall Kerbal Space Program from my computer and forget everything that just happened over the months. I just can't go further on Kerbal Space Program anymore, I barely even post any content anymore. I just understood that I cannot make a career out of this, if it's tiring. I did not even reach Mars on RSS, because the game became the nothingness of my long life. So once again, thanks for all of the nice things people, this was really the best community on the internet, but I will just stop, there is no other choice for me rather than stopping all of this. Thanks. I wish the best of the world to you! From now on, I will abandon my profile. It will be left buried in the history rubble of the forums to remind that I was here. Goodbye.

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Gaming addiction is a very real and serious matter, so I won't try and convince you to stay. Instead, I will congratulate you for taking control of your life - I'm sure that can't have been easy for you. I'm sad to hear about the tragedy you have experienced in your life, and I hope that you gain some comfort through helping others - that usually does help. 

All the best, @ShuttlePilot

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I can't know if you will ever read this, but stay strong. Losing someone close can be devastating, and afterwards the smallest things can seem insurmountable. It can seem like an easy choice to just give in, but if you keep getting up each day and doing something, it will get easier eventually, sorry there is no rushing it, but it will happen. This is just a nice game and forum to distract us from the harshness of real life. Your life, and feeling right in it are far more important. Please be strong. most people can't be there with you, but it doesn't mean that you are alone. Take care of yourself and please be safe.

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