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[1.12.5] Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack (v1.1.8) - A journey to a black hole (Aug 31, 2024)

Jason Kerman

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1 hour ago, Lisias said:

CKAN's metadata is lacking on Planet Packs.  Kerbol Origins, for example, is flagged to work only to KSP 1.8.1 on SpaceDock, and this information is replicated on CKAN.

That’s the mod author’s responsibility. CKAN does not make assumptions about what is compatible against the mod author’s own statements. Can you imagine the madness that would ensue otherwise?

Nearly every mod for 1.8+ does actually work in 1.12.5, so enabling extended compatibility settings on CKAN is the right move there. And it’s far less error prone than manual installs.

On 9/11/2024 at 5:07 AM, Zum of all trades said:

Hello, I've encountered a problem with kcalbeloh system mod. for some reason all the planets in the aralc system have glitchy messed up atmospheres, and if I go too close to the planet arorua it just crashes my game. And it is ONLY the aralc system every other system looks just fine, and I have no clue why. I installed kcalbelloh via CKAN so it should be free of problems. could anyone explain to me what's going on!?

Any time you report an issue you should include your KSP.log file.

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1 hour ago, JonnyOThan said:

That’s the mod author’s responsibility. CKAN does not make assumptions about what is compatible against the mod author’s own statements. Can you imagine the madness that would ensue otherwise?

And, so, how exactly telling @Iapetus7342 to install manually the Planet Packs and letting CKAN handling the other dependencies is not the best solution for this problem?

And exactly how this madness is less mad than users bluntly telling CKAN to allow installing incompatible add'ons as a workaround to allow installing a single (empirically confirmed) compatible add'on?


33 minutes ago, Grenartia said:

Yeah, I gotta agree with Jonny here. CKAN does a lot less erroring than manual, and 1.8.x usually works flawlessly on 1.12.x unless there's some sort of conflict with a different mod. 

What doesn't means that CKAN is not behaving wrongly on borderline situations, and then manual installing of these specific use cases would be the best compromise.

We have a problem here: CKAN is preventing people to install add'ons that are perfectly usable on the target KSP, and the users are (rightfully) trying to find a workaround for it.

By telling these users that manual installing is not an acceptable solution, exactly how do you think the users will handle the problem?


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13 minutes ago, Lisias said:

And exactly how this madness is less mad than users bluntly telling CKAN to allow installing incompatible add'ons as a workaround to allow installing a single (empirically confirmed) compatible add'on?

Because 99.999% of mods for 1.8+ are safe.  This path puts the burden on the user if something breaks because they were appropriately warned (just as it is when manually installing).  Setting compatible versions in CKAN is something you only ever need to do once per KSP install.   Yes it’s often a stumbling block for new CKAN users but that’s hardly a reason to avoid it entirely.  Manually installing mods often leads to incorrect installations or installing older versions of bundled dependencies.

Anyway all of this is off topic for this thread.

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Well then, to get back on topic... :)

I'm strongly considering using Kcalbeloh as a star system replacement (starting on Suluco, Kerbol completely disabled). Since I haven't played KSP1 in... four or five years(?) I'm pretty clueless when it comes to these newfangled visual mods that the kids are using these days :P So I have questions.

How is the status of the volumetric clouds config? The release page names five bodies as finished, but does that mean that they are the only ones that have clouds at all? Or do all the atmospheric bodies have at least basic support, and just aren't all considered "finished"? On one hand I really want to try out volumetric clouds, but on the other hand it would bother me if there was a big disconnect between the visual appearances of different celestial bodies. If there is such a thing, I might consider dropping volumetric clouds in favor of a more unified visual style.

If I do end up using volumetric clouds, can I install that together with the likes of Spectra or AVP? Or are they incompatible? I have since learned: they are incompatible.

If I do end up using either Spectra or AVP (either because they are compatible or because I dropped volumetric clouds), which one would you recommend? Since I am disabling the Kerbol system, it doesn't matter which of the two does that system better; I only care about how the Kcalbeloh system itself looks. (And yes, I realize that beauty is largely subjective, but there can also be objective measures like when one of the two packs simply works better/implements effects in places the other doesn't/etc).

Do the rescale configs shipped with this pack also take care of rescaling the Parallax configs? Or would this be something I'd have to do myself if I wanted to go for a rescaled setup? I have since learned: Parallax Continued itself offers appropriate patches.

EDITed to add two other questions:

Do asteroids generate in the Kcalbeloh system? I actually wouldn't mind if the answer was "no", since I don't like the feature very much. In the past I often ended up delaying the upgrade to the level 3 tracking station as long as possible to keep these things from clogging up my save. So... just saying... if there was a way to ensure that no asteroids generate... I would be all ears :)

And, given that I'll not be starting on Kerbin, what happens to the contracts in career mode? I assume it still gives me the first contract in the "Explore the Mun" series, and then remains stuck there because it will never get completed, and meanwhile I'll be getting the usual assortment of procedurally generated, non-Exploration contracts?
Who knows, maybe I can disable the stock Exploration contracts using Contract Configurator or something...

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2 hours ago, Streetwind said:

Do asteroids generate in the Kcalbeloh system? I actually wouldn't mind if the answer was "no", since I don't like the feature very much. In the past I often ended up delaying the upgrade to the level 3 tracking station as long as possible to keep these things from clogging up my save. So... just saying... if there was a way to ensure that no asteroids generate... I would be all ears :)

Yes, asteroids will generate in various locations in the kcalbeloh system

2 hours ago, Streetwind said:

And, given that I'll not be starting on Kerbin, what happens to the contracts in career mode? I assume it still gives me the first contract in the "Explore the Mun" series, and then remains stuck there because it will never get completed, and meanwhile I'll be getting the usual assortment of procedurally generated, non-Exploration contracts?
Who knows, maybe I can disable the stock Exploration contracts using Contract Configurator or something...

Actually, the game will note that "mun" doesn't exist, so it wont generate contracts for it. 

However, the order in which the game delivers the progression contracts for the various homeswitches needs some retuning since after going to Tot and going sundiving, it'll ask you to go to Maelg (before exploring the rest of the sunorc system). I believe it's based on recovery value but I could be wrong

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Neat, I didn't know the game could generate Exploration contracts like that. I thought they might have been predefined.

Maybe it's based on science value? That's also something I was going to ask about, since the system is offering you multiple start locations, in addition to the default start of Kerbin. Science values should be low in places easy to reach from your starting location, and high in places difficult and/or time-consuming to reach. Does each of the starting locations actually change up all of the science values? That would be an impressive amount of effort. Or is there some compromise in this regard?


Would the Exploration contract progression work better when starting on Efil?

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