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LETS COUNT! (Lets see if we can reach 100,000 Posts!)

Dr. Kerbal

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Images take a while to load, resulting in inefficient counting as you have to know what the number is, which requires wiating for the image to load in. Image posters, can you also put in text?

Edited by SkyFall2489
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On 8/2/2022 at 11:45 PM, SkyFall2489 said:

We figured that we needed more power to count faster over here. Since you all number warriors are great at posting numbers, me and @Kerb24 are asking you all to help out:

@SSTO Crasher @ColdJ @Admiral Fluffy @Souptime @Zozaf Kerman @Nazalassa @James Kerman

In this forum game, you must post the number above you plus one. You can't go immediately after yourself, but there are no other time limits.


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