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are we gonna be able to join factions?

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11 hours ago, Stratennotblitz said:

like for resource needs establishing trade routes, travelling with friends etc, it'd be cool if factions could have subsets and a main goal to thrive to, eve online scale markets could develop 

This is KSP not space engineers

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From everything I have seen up to now, this won't ever be a thing in KSP2.

However I am sure people will choose to either cooperate or hurl rockets at others bases in multiplayer.

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2 hours ago, PlutoISaPlanet said:

Probably won't be a actual mechanic of gameplay, but if you choose to work for, with, or against others than sure.

With no faction system in place, you will never know friend or foe. Paint your ships yellow? So will I. Use a special flag? So will I.


Maybe I am a bit pessimistic of this playstyle in KSP2 but I imagine it ending up in little more than annoying trolling unless players involved actually cooperate with a set of agreed upon rules (not impossible just not likely) or a mod comes out allowing clear divisions with colored IFF reticules.


Just seems there are so many other games out there allowing for more in depth clan fighting, kind of feels out of place in KSP2 for myself.


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8 hours ago, ballisticfox0 said:

This is KSP not space engineers

Though, if there is a dedicated server, I'm sure there will be mods that will let you play the game in a similar way.

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13 hours ago, ballisticfox0 said:

This is KSP not space engineers

might as well aim for the moon, at least we'll end up in the stars

9 hours ago, Dientus said:

With no faction system in place, you will never know friend or foe. Paint your ships yellow? So will I. Use a special flag? So will I.


Maybe I am a bit pessimistic of this playstyle in KSP2 but I imagine it ending up in little more than annoying trolling unless players involved actually cooperate with a set of agreed upon rules (not impossible just not likely) or a mod comes out allowing clear divisions with colored IFF reticules.


Just seems there are so many other games out there allowing for more in depth clan fighting, kind of feels out of place in KSP2 for myself.


most of the fighting will be done on the moon and duna I think, duna for it's atmosphere, so planes, shuttle "resource dropping" by parachute and the moon for low gravity and resources.Moon-base.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

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1 hour ago, Stratennotblitz said:

might as well aim for the moon, at least we'll end up in the stars

most of the fighting will be done on the moon and duna I think, duna for it's atmosphere, so planes, shuttle "resource dropping" by parachute and the moon for low gravity and resources.Moon-base.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

I can see it now, playing with @ColdJ  or @Caerfinon  and as I set up my first Duna base... Wait, what is that on the horizon? Oh no! BOOM :grin:

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1 hour ago, Dientus said:

I can see it now, playing with @ColdJ  or @Caerfinon  and as I set up my first Duna base... Wait, what is that on the horizon? Oh no! BOOM :grin:

First, who is buying me a dedicated LAN line to play this on. 2nd I would be on@Dientus and @Caerfinon's side. Not fighting my friends. 3rd I'd would find a way to have a Deathstar laser with an 8 light minute range, that would vapourise anybody who attempted hostile action towards us. 4thly: When using real world physics, space battles or invasions are nearly impossible to do. You think docking is hard? Try hitting a moving target in a 3 dimensional space that is 20 km away. There are plenty of space battle sims. KSP is rightly not designed to be one. It is about innovation and cooperation. If we have multiplayer then it should be people working as teams to build massive and wonderous things. If you want rivalry then have competions to see who can complete challenges or builds in the most epic way possible.

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@Stratennotblitz Are you sure, KSP is the right game for you?  I mean after watching several of your threads about how to make KSP2 more action-packed and MMO-like, I am wondering why exactly do you want to play it?

It is about physics questions, engineering problems and learning about orbital mechanics in a "realistic" way.  Solving problems and discovering new worlds in a rather chilled environment is what makes KSP so appealing to me and lots of other people.

Trade empires, alien attacks, bandits hunting your ships, wormholes teleporting you around and massive hubs for hundreds of players sounds more like something I never want to see in a KSP game.  And it sounds like you would have more fun in another Space based MMO.

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6 hours ago, ColdJ said:

When using real world physics, space battles or invasions are nearly impossible to do. You think docking is hard? Try hitting a moving target in a 3 dimensional space that is 20 km away

This because in the real world there are guidance systems. I was actually thinking of accidental base destruction due to just being Kerbal. That's alot of explosive rocket fuel coming in hot if a mistake is made. :grin:


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2 hours ago, Dientus said:

This because in the real world there are guidance systems. I was actually thinking of accidental base destruction due to just being Kerbal. That's alot of explosive rocket fuel coming in hot if a mistake is made. :grin:


I see the adding of a "Self Destruct Button" to blow a ship up before it can accidentally take out a base is going to become a thing.

2 hours ago, Black Dog said:

If one piece of shrapnel can't hit a moving target, how about 20.000 of them *crying from Processor*

“Space,” it says, “is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly hugely mindboggingly big it is. I mean you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist, but that’s just peanuts to space. Listen …” and so on.

Fighting in space by throwing small solid objects is like the part not far into Pulp Fiction, where the young bloke comes out firing point blank and misses the hit men with every shot. You could spray a million slugs and still miss every time. The only reason we make it to other planets and moons in KSP is because they have steady, predictable orbits. Now imagine the planet was actively dodging you.

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