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[1.8+] Procedural Parts


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Procedural Parts allows you to procedurally generate a number of different parts in a range of sizes and shapes. The parts are fully tweakable with multiple options for customization of the shape, surface texture, and other parameters.

The KSP-RO group is now maintaining Procedural Parts, with contributions from various members of that organization. Thanks to everyone currently contributing, and the legacy stretching all the way back to swamp_ig!

Download - or install via CKAN!

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The features include

  • Everything accessible by tweaking
  • A broad range of shapes including cylinders, truncated cones, filleted cylinders, bezier cones.
  • New part shapes are easy to develop and plug in, so cuboid / pill shaped / whatever else you want shaped will be able to be created.
  • Most stuff configurable in the config file, including resources and fill ratios, tech levels, available shapes
  • Diverse support for career mode - tank shapes, dimensions, and contents all limited by researched tech. This uses the stock Upgrades system, so if you are playing sandbox, make sure you choose to enable all upgrades in sandbox in your difficulty settings!
  • All supplied parts are carefully designed to be as 'stock alike' as possible in their tech level requirements - You can't create a monster tank before you've discovered basic rocketry for example.
  • Other mod support - tanks for RealFuels, Kethane, Extraplanetary Launchpads, etc.
  • Fully recolarable via Textures Unlimited
  • Plays nicely with Ferram Aerospace Research
  • Multiple textures available for part surfaces. These are fully compatible with StretchySRB textures.
  • A Module - TankContentSwitcher that can be applied to existing tanks (with say module manager) and allow their contents to be tweaked. Tweak any tank in the VAB into a Liquid fuel only or oxidizer tank.

Parts available

  • Tanks Different parts supplied for different 'groups' of fuels (Liquid fuels, SRBs, Monoprop, Xenon). The multiple part approach is to allow for tech limiting of sizes and volumes.
  • SRBs Tweakable thrust (or burn time for real fuels). Tweak between a choice of two bells that are designed for surface or vacuum, with varying ISPs.
  • Decoupler Tweakable diameters (with tech defined limits), ejection impulse, and can be in either decoupler or separator mode (again tech dependent).
  • Structural Part Good for fuselage, adapters, whatever. Half as light as the equivalent tank.
  • Batteries It's a bit rough and ready, but it works well enough.
  • Nose Cone Specialized structural part for nose cones. The shape is limited to a smooth cone with a bounded ratio of diameter to length.
  • Heat Shield


CKAN installation is preferred, but for a manual install download the latest release zip and merge its GameData with yours.

Custom Textures and Texture Packs

Procedural Parts is compatible with all texture packs for StretchySRBs. It's easy to roll your own texture packs too. Look for texture packs on CKAN, there are many awesome ones!

Integration with Real Fuels and Modular Fuel Tanks

Integration with Real Fuels and Modular Fuels Tanks is complete. Ensure you have Real Fuels version 6.1 or newer, and Modular Fuel Tanks 5.0.1 or newer. There's one or two bugs still to get through, stay tuned for updates on those two.

For MFT, the existing tank types are turned into the corresponding MFT type.

For RealFuels, there's an SRB which can be switched between low altitude and high altitude versions, plus a tank which can be switched between the various RF tank types.


ProceduralParts has an extended family tree

  • StretchyTanks is the original module by the great Ancient Gammoner.
  • StretchySRBs was created and updated by NathanKell and e-dog.
  • ProceduralParts is a near complete re-write by Swamp Ig.
  • ProceduralParts was then maintained by NathanKell, RadarManFromTheMoon, Starwaster, and TidalStream in succession.
  • ProceduralParts is now maintained by the KSP-RO group, with contributions from many members.

Also featuring

  • Models by Tiberion
  • Further textures by Chestburster and Dante80.


Remains as CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported.

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Hello there, still trying to figure out what  version symbology means, I guess [1.8+], means that this is compatible with all version of ksp, starting from 1.8, is that correct, if yes, is still correct to assume that is compatible with 1.12.1? :confused:

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2 hours ago, Boomer said:

Hello there, still trying to figure out what  version symbology means, I guess [1.8+], means that this is compatible with all version of ksp, starting from 1.8, is that correct, if yes, is still correct to assume that is compatible with 1.12.1? :confused:

I don't know if there's a simple answer to this. If the thread was updated to say [1.8+] before 1.12 came out, then there's obviously no way the author could have predicted how it'll behave on 1.12.  On the other hand, this thread was started after 1.12 came out, so I would assume it's compatible with "every version available today" (and it does indeed seem fine under 1.12 for me)

What I do is look near the end of the thread for recent messages that might say if someone has tried it or not. But in the end, if there's not a clear indication for the version you want, the best bet is always to just try it yourself on the version you have. For part mods (since they can break games) I always start a new sandbox game and try the parts before I open any saves that I care about. If the parts don't work you can just delete the mod and not affect any saved games.


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On 7/29/2021 at 9:44 PM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

I don't know if there's a simple answer to this. If the thread was updated to say [1.8+] before 1.12 came out, then there's obviously no way the author could have predicted how it'll behave on 1.12.  On the other hand, this thread was started after 1.12 came out, so I would assume it's compatible with "every version available today" (and it does indeed seem fine under 1.12 for me)

What I do is look near the end of the thread for recent messages that might say if someone has tried it or not. But in the end, if there's not a clear indication for the version you want, the best bet is always to just try it yourself on the version you have. For part mods (since they can break games) I always start a new sandbox game and try the parts before I open any saves that I care about. If the parts don't work you can just delete the mod and not affect any saved games.


Copy that, thank you for your answer, I'll follow your suggestion and try it:D

On 7/30/2021 at 7:40 AM, NathanKell said:

Should work on 1.12 yes. Please post an issue on GitHub if you run into compatibility problems!

Sure sir, anyway, thank you for keeping this wonderfull mod !:D

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3 hours ago, unicornlunch said:

when i previously used ProceduralParts before, i couldnt extend the diameter of anything more than a limited length and so was for the length of the tank

Difficulty settings->enable all part upgrades in sandbox. That will fix it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, Brainpop14 said:

Anyone tried it on 1.12.2 yet?

It should work on KSP 1.12.2, see this comment by NathanKell:

On 7/30/2021 at 7:40 AM, NathanKell said:

Should work on 1.12 yes. Please post an issue on GitHub if you run into compatibility problems!

As noted in the posts just above, the current version is not marked as compatible with KSP 1.12.2 on CKAN, but that is being fixed in the next release.

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14 hours ago, Stonesmile said:

It should work on KSP 1.12.2, see this comment by NathanKell:

As noted in the posts just above, the current version is not marked as compatible with KSP 1.12.2 on CKAN, but that is being fixed in the next release.

I just tried it in 1.12.2 and I can see everything except for the Fuel Tanks and the SRBs

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On 9/3/2021 at 1:04 AM, Brainpop14 said:

I just tried it in 1.12.2 and I can see everything except for the Fuel Tanks and the SRBs

That is odd, do you have any other mod installed other than Procedural Parts? When I added 1.12 compatability I tested it in a minimal install and everything seemed fine.

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There seems to be a conflict between this and some other mods, I'm working on figuring that out.

What I'm seeing is that when ProcParts is installed, all stock decouplers are not available.  I have a rather large install, so it's taken me several hours to figure out it's this mod, now I'm working on trying to identify other mods which may be part of this conflict.

If I remove the dll, the regular parts are there.

Posting this wondering if anyone else has seen this.  I'll post an issue on  github once I have better information


Edit:  I found the mod, it's SmartTanks.  Since SmartTanks depends on this, I'm going to contact the author about it.

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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Unfortunately i can't make it work on the current game version. Both the diameter and the lenght of the tanks can can be tweaked but just barely making it useless. For example the procedural liquid tank lenght can go from 562.50 mm to 750.00 mm. I don't know if it's my fault, not having unlocked something, or maybe a conflict with another mod.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having a problem with procedural parts, it's caused by some incompatibility with another mod but I can't figure out which one. In the editor when I click on any section that has a procedural part in it the menu becomes stuck on whatever tab I was currently viewing and doesn't switch. IE if I'm on command pods and click on fuel tanks the menu stays stuck on command pods and won't change to fuel tanks unless I force it to update by clicking on a different sorting method. Furthermore the procedural parts themselves are completely broken. Here is my mod list and player log: (EDIT: see my new post with more comprehensive info/logs)


Edited by Tommy99534
updated info
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On 9/16/2021 at 8:55 PM, Tommy99534 said:

I'm having a problem with procedural parts, it's caused by some incompatibility with another mod but I can't figure out which one. In the editor when I click on any section that has a procedural part in it the menu becomes stuck on whatever tab I was currently viewing and doesn't switch. IE if I'm on command pods and click on fuel tanks the menu stays stuck on command pods and won't change to fuel tanks unless I force it to update by clicking on a different sorting method. Furthermore the procedural parts themselves are completely broken. Here is my mod list and player log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vfj_wq3ABkTIdMlfuPJ0xMs5-EvQhAUB/view?usp=sharing

That is very strange. The drive link seems to not be public, so I can't access it

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