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[KSP 1.8+] Kerbal Konstructs (Continued)


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2 hours ago, The_only_spaceace said:

Now this is weird...

Have you adjusted and saved the position of the "disappeared" statics? Sometimes statics that "clip" other statics or built-in objects do not appear correctly and a small position adjustment corrects the behaviour. Also your full ksp.log would help to see what's going on under the covers as @ColdJ mentioned.

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Hello! I am getting a bug when i refuel at airfield tanks i get money and negative reputation instead of just paying money. Also it seams that you can press refuel button infinitely thus making infinite amount of cash and negative reputation. Does anyone know how to fix this? I use Kerbin Side Remastered mod for structures 

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10 hours ago, ColdJ said:

Took me a little to absorb that but If I am seeing it right, 2 were invisible until you clicked their buttons and then they became visible. My best guess is a conflict with something else you have installed but I don't do programming. SO first you need to tag @NathanKell and you need to open up your KSP.log and copy and paste the contents here in a spoiler or copy the log file to a file sharing service that he can access so that he can look for conflicts. I don't personally have the experience to work out what might be interfering with it's proper operation. I and others have successfully used the latest .dll so a conflict with your specific set up seems the most likely. He is quite busy. So it may take awhile before he can answer you. Good Luck.

KSP.log can be found in the KerbalSpaceProgram folder

K, just a. warning, my log is 14 mb...



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18 minutes ago, The_only_spaceace said:

This might or might not be pertinent to your issue, but this seems bad. I would delete the others and leave only the latest.

[LOG 20:27:06.152] [ModuleManager] version at /Users/account/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/ModuleManager.4.0.2.dll won the election against
Version /Users/account/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/ModuleManager.4.1.3.dll 
Version /Users/account/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/ModuleManager.4.1.4.dll 
Version /Users/account/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/ModuleManager.4.2.1.dll 
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8 hours ago, The_only_spaceace said:

i use the .dll version and each one is named different every update, but yes i have deleted the others


Yeah, the bad part is that the latest MM dll is the one which is *supposed* to be used, and the log indicates that an older version was used instead. That's at odds with the intended and documented MM behavior - i.e. not a good thing. Deleting the others and keeping the latest is definitely the right call.

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Having an issue it sounds like a couple others are having, too.  I have downloaded KK and the CustomPreLaunchChecks mods.  When I start the game, the KK icon appears at the space center and in the VAB.  That icon works, too.  But out at the pad with a crewed vehicle with comms... I can't get the KK editor screen to appear when I press Ctrl+k  to place objects. 


Logs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r2ZsUUy-vArEUTbGy4LOAwYi0GtioFiq/view?usp=sharing

Edited by CG87
updated incorrect link
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10 minutes ago, CG87 said:

Having an issue it sounds like a couple others are having, too.  I have downloaded KK and the CustomPreLaunchChecks mods.  When I start the game, the KK icon appears at the space center and in the VAB.  That icon works, too.  But out at the pad with a crewed vehicle with comms... I can't get the KK editor screen to appear when I press Ctrl+k  to place objects. 


Logs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r2ZsUUy-vArEUTbGy4LOAwYi0GtioFiq/view?usp=sharing

Access Denied - looks like you haven't shared it.

Are you running 1.8.3 of KK, or 1.8.1? The issue you describe typically happens on 1.8.1 and earlier.

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7 hours ago, panarchist said:

Yeah, the bad part is that the latest MM dll is the one which is *supposed* to be used, and the log indicates that an older version was used instead. That's at odds with the intended and documented MM behavior - i.e. not a good thing. Deleting the others and keeping the latest is definitely the right call.

done that, got the latest .dll version and still happens

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8 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

if you wouldn't mind re-uploading a current log file, that would help others. Basically any time you change anything, previous log files are invalidated, and it needs to be looked at fresh again.

yep, here it is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qduRVd6wna2PDaROHlsRE2owQVsNCAs3/view?usp=sharing

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11 hours ago, The_only_spaceace said:

hmm you have a GameData folder in your GameData folder? In nitpicking land, I think BoulderCo is a conflict when you also have AVP installed, but that's obviously unrelated :P.

So basically, you have every mod in existence installed. I think if I were in your shoes, I'd create a second test installation that had just my solar system stuff, and KK and its requirements. Then try the editor interface just to confirm it does work on your system. Obviously "adding mods back in one by one" is out of the question for an install that size, but if you can determine that it is a mod conflict, then that should narrow down the list a lot.

Sorry I can't be of more help. Hopefully someone here will see something more specific.


Edited by OrbitalManeuvers
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2 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

Hopefully someone here will see something more specific

The addon loader is not loading the Kerbal Konstructs DLL. 

Normally you should see this line in the log file;

[LOG 17:06:24.165] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'KerbalKonstructs' from assembly 'KerbalKonstructs'

This does not occur in your log, and not further KK: processing occurs. 

You are also experiencing a lot of exceptions thrown be various mods including one at the start of Module Manager processing;


[LOG 16:29:06.311] Log started at 2021-11-06 16:29:06.310
[EXC 16:29:20.489] Add to mod list threw an exception in loading PQSModExpansion, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0 
  at ModuleManager.ModListGenerator.GetAdditionalModsFromStaticMethods (ModuleManager.Logging.IBasicLogger logger) [0x00021] in <a0f9d7e5c0864d32839c501c53536c2a>:0 

A fresh install with only Kerbal Konstructs and dependencies might be in order and then you can add additional mods, a few at a time, to see which ones cause the conflict.  

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On 11/11/2021 at 4:32 AM, tonimark said:

it appears that these 2 big hangars on the side from normal KSC runway from this image are missing:


how to spawnthem? 

or are they unavailable ? 

They're from the KerbinSide Kampus mod. (as well as that road sticking out of the R&D facility, and the offices and apartments connected to that road, partly under the volcano in that picture)

Be warned that those hangars overlap with KerbinSide Remastered's side taxiway and block of small hangars.

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6 hours ago, OrdinaryKerman said:

They're from the KerbinSide Kampus mod. (as well as that road sticking out of the R&D facility, and the offices and apartments connected to that road, partly under the volcano in that picture)

Be warned that those hangars overlap with KerbinSide Remastered's side taxiway and block of small hangars.

ok just before this solution i have both Kerbinside remastered and KSC++ these don't seem to add these hangars is there another mod to add them? or kampus is my only choice?

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47 minutes ago, tonimark said:

ok just before this solution i have both Kerbinside remastered and KSC++ these don't seem to add these hangars is there another mod to add them? or kampus is my only choice?

KerbinSide Skyways also has those hangars, you just need to place them yourself.

Edited by OrdinaryKerman
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7 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

if you install the Kerbin Side Core from CKAN then you just get the statics and not the deployed bases from the other Kerbin Side mods. You can then add the hangers as you see fit. 

how does these hangars look in the files? for placement

ALSO i want this hangar to store aircraft so i can store my aircraft at KSC

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1 hour ago, tonimark said:

i want this hangar to store aircraft so i can store my aircraft at KSC

The storage function is set by the facility option on the static when you place it. You can set maximum tonnage allowed per craft and number of craft that can be stored. The options will show up when you place a new static. 

The hangers are selected from the new static  part of the KK editor when you do CTL-K in flight mode. Search for hangers and chose the ones you want to deploy, If they are not the ones you want, delete them and select others. 

 See -> Getting Started With Kerbal Konstructs for a handy guide.

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