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Cat Picture Thread!


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Speaking as someone who has grown up with dogs, I can get any dog to accept me very quickly (and 9728 is the last four digits of the chip on my Lab's scapula). But cats... they just hate me!

Here's my gf's parents' cat:





"Get your hands off me!"

Edited by steve9728
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On 3/29/2023 at 6:26 AM, tater said:

Muh kitteh


Auw that looks so much like my old cat except she had an scar on the nose. 
Came to me then hurt, I gave her food an petted her, that night she slept on my chest while I watched TV, she stayed with me for 8 something years. 
Then I moved to another apartment, the old was an rented basement one with an back door to an tiny garden. The new one you have to exit an door of the staircase. 
Cat ran away newer to be seen again, asked my old landlord and the one taking over the old apartment if they saw the cat.
My guess it that she went back to her old "owner"  

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Years ago our dog found a kitten in the back yard. She barked and barked, so we named him, "Woof."

Cute little dude—honestly, looked a lot like our current cat. Sadly, he disappeared as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, magnemoe said:

You shall not pass :) 
Or have a cat door fitting with cat, or it might be some forced exercise and diet.  

 Old one. Reminds me of my old cat when he casually tried to make a routine jump from the bar onto a ledge. I hear “scrabble scrabble scrabble thump” and see him casually walking away from the big scratches down the wall. Getting fat there, big guy?

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On 3/31/2023 at 4:21 PM, magnemoe said:

Fight to keep it alive even if it require taking down the raid boss.

this has happened to me many times, even one where i was not wearing pants. 

On 4/24/2023 at 8:10 AM, magnemoe said:

You shall not pass :) 
Or have an cat door fitting with cat, or it might be some forced exercise and diet.  

this cat does not look fat, it looks like the kittens will be due any day now. probibly a 6-pack minimum.

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On 5/1/2023 at 3:03 PM, Nuke said:

this has happened to me many times, even one where i was not wearing pants. 

this cat does not look fat, it looks like the kittens will be due any day now. probibly a 6-pack minimum.

First one sounds painful. Remember friend used his dumb watch to reflect light onto my leg while wearing shorts and turned their cat into an laser guided missile. 

Second, probably, and you are the first saying so and I used this as an reaction meme so many times.

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my mom has always been childish and never did the responsible thing regarding spaying and neutering our pet cats. she would just let them breed. so there were always litters of kittens around and since i was the quiet one they would hang out in my room. me and/or my sister would have to go out and find them homes. our previous pair of kitties were also allowed to do this, id been able to find 3 litters homes, but after having to take a litter of kittens to the pound i said no more and got them both fixed, and have done this with our recent pair. people want kittens but dont think about what happens to the adult cats when they become homeless. if you want kittens you can usually volunteer to to foster kittens instead. its always nice to raise unweaned orphaned kittens and there are usually always some available that need socialization to make them viable for adoption. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Neighbour's. Sometime saw them sitting behind the windowsill



As always, unpopular with cats.  Hope another neighbour will get dogs. German shepherd and Labrador would be best<_<


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On 5/21/2023 at 3:38 PM, DDE said:

"Plans for the future: get two identical cats, name one Mane and the other Monet, and scoff at any guest that messes up the two"


I saw this image on imgur with the caption:
My cat disappeared, I found it an took it home, some days later my cat came home, I now have two identical cats :) 

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41 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

"Call her Natasha..."

You should start with the original reference.

"Nat, you asleep?"

"It's 6 AM already, Natasha!"

"Get up, we've already tipped everything over" (the stock market crashed, there is a pandemic, insert as necessary)

"We've crashed absolutely everything, Nat, honest!"


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