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[KSP >= 1.3.1] Distant Object Enhancement (DOE) /L - Under new Management - - 2024-0803


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Config File Reading of minimumSignificantBodySize and referenceBodySize Broken

Settings are stored to [KSPBASE]/PluginData/DistantObject/Settings.cfg
but not read from there and also not read from [KSPBASE]/GameData/DistantObject/PluginData/Settings.cfg

So after each KSP Start these Values have to set in the UI again.
Closeing and Opening Setting UI does again reset them both to "1.0".


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4 hours ago, rfried said:

Config File Reading of minimumSignificantBodySize and referenceBodySize Broken

Settings are stored to [KSPBASE]/PluginData/DistantObject/Settings.cfg
but not read from there and also not read from [KSPBASE]/GameData/DistantObject/PluginData/Settings.cfg

So after each KSP Start these Values have to set in the UI again.
Closeing and Opening Setting UI does again reset them both to "1.0".


It's By Design.

The files on [KSPBASE]/GameData/DistantObject/PluginData/Settings.cfg, are default values and should not be editable by user. I define the default values based on Support issues, and I set these values in a way to minimise them.

The values on [KSPBASE]/PluginData/DistantObject/Settings.cfg are settings global to the game (i.e., not respective to a given savegame) and to computer (performance - these settings should not be moved to a different machine where performance may be different), and this file is where the User Settings for DOE are saved. When not present, a new one is created using the former one as template.

I changed these values, saved (clicking Apply), quit KSP, restarted KSP, and reloaded the SaveGame, and the user Settings were not reset as you described. I Opened and Closed the Settings Dialog many times, restarted KSP, the Settings file was not reset in any way.

However… You would not had the trouble to report this just because, you are pretty accurate on describing the results - so I guessed that your report of how to reproduce the problem can be the problem.

And then I realised that the mentioned Dialog's widges, when you open the Dialog by the first time on a game session, were in effect loaded with the default values - but since I was not clicking on the Apply button, these values were not being written on the file.

So, yeah, you found something but instead of describing on how to reproduce the misbehaviour, you tried to diagnose the problem in the blind, and reported what you thought was the problem instead of describing accurately how to reproduce it, what would helped me to diagnose the problem sooner - not to mention that I almost dismissed your report as "Invalid". :)

I will work on it today (probably at night). This is, indeed, a very annoying bug because you will reset these values every time you decide to change something completely unrelated.


Edited by Lisias
adding link to the issue
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Release is available for downloading, with the following changes:

  • Closes issues:
    • #38 Misbehaviour on the Settings Dialog

See OP for the links.

— — — — —

This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

  • GitHub. Right Now.
  • CurseForge. Right Now.
  • SpaceDock.  Right Now.

Being a simple fix release, I published it on everything and the kitchen's sink at the same time.

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Hello Lisias!

Sorry to come back here late and not provide more details to my initial report.
But you fixed already. Really great, man. You are a hero!

And I have to thank you for this wonderful Mod making KSP (No bloody A, B, C, or 2 ;-) one of the best places to go on any PC. Even our kitchen sink here looks way better now in its skybox glow :-D


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  • 4 months later...

Hello, : )
 I installed Distant Object Enhancements on a test install, and the planet flares don't seem to be working (the rest does), below are pics in game VS pic from the forum on how it should look... I can't see any flare, should be bright and visible. Did the configs change recently, or is it a bug ? My graphic settings are at max/as usual.
KSP.log : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pmq9ajj6q1ureq05oc31f/KSPlog_DOE_flare_bug.zip?rlkey=v8ge2eay8hkl88315n1oxmhjr&dl=0


How it should look / used to look last time I used it :

Thank you :) 

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40 minutes ago, kurgut said:

Hello, : )
 I installed Distant Object Enhancements on a test install, and the planet flares don't seem to be working (the rest does), below are pics in game VS pic from the forum on how it should look... I can't see any flare, should be bright and visible. Did the configs change recently, or is it a bug ? My graphic settings are at max/as usual.
KSP.log : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pmq9ajj6q1ureq05oc31f/KSPlog_DOE_flare_bug.zip?rlkey=v8ge2eay8hkl88315n1oxmhjr&dl=0


Thank you :) 

Well, first a pretty stupid answer: did you clicked on the Apply? The settings are persisted between scene changes?

Now, a wild guess. I found two instances of this Exception on your KSP.log:

[EXC 17:57:59.436] Exception: [VesselSpawner Error]: No part in loader found with name: PotatoRoid.
        ProtoVessel.CreatePartNode (Part part, System.String partName, System.UInt32 id, ProtoCrewMember[] crew) (at
        ProtoVessel.CreatePartNode (System.String partName, System.UInt32 id, ProtoCrewMember[] crew) (at <39c0323fb
        DiscoverableObjectsUtil.SpawnAsteroid (System.String asteroidName, Orbit o, System.UInt32 seed, UntrackedObj
        ScenarioDiscoverableObjects.SpawnHomeAsteroid (System.Int32 asteroidSeed) (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3
        KSPCommunityFixes.BugFixes.AsteroidSpawnerUniqueFlightId.ScenarioDiscoverableObjects_SpawnAsteroid_Prefix (S
        (wrapper dynamic-method) ScenarioDiscoverableObjects.ScenarioDiscoverableObjects.SpawnAsteroid_Patch1(Scenar
        ScenarioDiscoverableObjects.UpdateSpaceObjects () (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0)
        ScenarioDiscoverableObjects+<SpawnDaemon>d__33.MoveNext () (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0)
        UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnVa
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

Well, this is pretty suspicious as the PotatoRoid is the part used to… well… Asteroids. And since DOE enlists too the Asteroids, perhaps there's something mangling with the list of celestial bodies DOE uses to track… Celestial Bodies. :P

You are not using Kopernicus neither anything I know that could mangle the that list. So unless you forgot some silly detail (as clicking "Apply"), we have something in need to be dug here in order to be diagnosed… 

I will see what I can do between working hours.

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24 minutes ago, Lisias said:

Well, first a pretty stupid answer: did you clicked on the Apply?

Not stupid, but careful, the stupid would be me and I can be for those type of things, but no haha, I did indeed click apply (even a bunch of times to be sure ^^)

24 minutes ago, Lisias said:


Yeah I usually remove them when I don't use asteroids on certain saves (we have nothing against space rocks we promise), just tested with them back, wasn't that... BUT...

I just find the thing !
Flares ON + Sky Dimming OFF = no planet flares
Flares ON + Sky Dimming ON = flares are back!

Is this something that could be changed, so that the user can have this option ? sky dimming off + flares on ?

Also quick question, I forgot and couldn't find by search or pressing all my keyboard what was the keybind to display ALL celestial bodies names (like on mouse over).

Thank you ! :) 

EDIT : Altough for my purpose, I can obtain the same effect with sky dimming ON, and min significant body size at max + max sky brght at max too, the rest at minimum. But imho still would be a nice thing to have.

Edited by kurgut
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35 minutes ago, kurgut said:

Not stupid, but careful, the stupid would be me and I can be for those type of things, but no haha, I did indeed click apply (even a bunch of times to be sure ^^)

Sometimes, Paranoid is the right word!! :sticktongue:




37 minutes ago, kurgut said:

I just find the thing !
Flares ON + Sky Dimming OFF = no planet flares
Flares ON + Sky Dimming ON = flares are back!

Is this something that could be changed, so that the user can have this option ? sky dimming off + flares on ?

Hey, this is a known issue that I can't reproduce on my rig!! Thanks for your log, you don't have that much add'ons installed - so it reduced a lot the number of variables!! :)



39 minutes ago, kurgut said:

Also quick question, I forgot and couldn't find by search or pressing all my keyboard what was the keybind to display ALL celestial bodies names (like on mouse over).

Alt + Right Mouse Button - you must activate the option on DOE's control panel, "Show names on mouseover".


42 minutes ago, kurgut said:

Thank you ! :) 

EDIT : Altough for my purpose, I can obtain the same effect with sky dimming ON, and min significant body size at max + max sky brght at max too, the rest at minimum. But imho still would be a nice thing to have.

Welcome and cheers!

(I will check that bug again, now that I have a smaller footprint to work with!)

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28 minutes ago, Lisias said:

this is a known issue that I can't reproduce on my rig!! Thanks for your log, you don't have that much add'ons installed - so it reduced a lot the number of variables!! :)

Okay then ! I quickly reproduced this in a stock Install, only squad and DOE in. I enabled DOE debug mode too. then clicked between flare ON/OFF, sky sim. ON/OFF.
Here's the logs https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3d94xia5q02ibcnosx134/zzz_KSP_log_DOE_bug32_stock.zip?rlkey=xpoyftbludxn9ckfi1tgto1cw&dl=0
Hope it helps :) 

Thanks for your answer for the keybind !

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2 hours ago, kurgut said:

Okay then ! I quickly reproduced this in a stock Install, only squad and DOE in. I enabled DOE debug mode too. then clicked between flare ON/OFF, sky sim. ON/OFF.

So what in hell happened last year when I tried to reproduce the problem and failed??? :0.0:

Oh well… I probably borked the test session. :blush: I will redo it tonight. :D


2 hours ago, kurgut said:

Here's the logs https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3d94xia5q02ibcnosx134/zzz_KSP_log_DOE_bug32_stock.zip?rlkey=xpoyftbludxn9ckfi1tgto1cw&dl=0
Hope it helps :) 

Thanks for your answer for the keybind !

Yes, it will! Thanks!

— — POST EDIT — — 

Embarrassing enough, I not only easily detected the problem as I already fixed it. Also understood how in hell I had borked so beautifully on the initial diagnosis (damn!).

In the hopes to avoid screwing things again, I will delay the release for a few hours, as I want to do a full test cycle this time - had I done it last time I visited this issue, we would have it fixed already!

Thanks for the heads up!

Edited by Lisias
Embarrassing POST EDIT.
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Release is available for downloading, with the following changes:

Closes issues:
#37 Parallax may be inducing DOE to bork the Flares (invalid)
#32 Body Flares are being deactivated when Dynamic Dimming Skies are
See OP for the links.

— — — — —

This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

GitHub. Right Now.
CurseForge. Right Now.
SpaceDock.  Right Now.
Being a simple fix release, I published it on everything and the kitchen's sink at the same time.

Note: something on Forum is misbehaving, but I found that pure text posts appears to work!

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Does anyone have a problem saving settings? Every time I launch KSP, DOE resets all its settings to default.



UPD: I found out experimentally that this only happens if you launch KSP through Steam with the launch parameter - "C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64.exe" %command% , (I was told this command to launch KSP bypassing disgusting launcher). If you launch the game through the executable file from the game folder KSP_x64.exe or without this launch parameter, the settings are not reset. I don’t understand how this is connected. The problem is only with DOE, no other mod resets its settings.

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13 hours ago, Grem said:

Does anyone have a problem saving settings? Every time I launch KSP, DOE resets all its settings to default.

UPD: I found out experimentally that this only happens if you launch KSP through Steam with the launch parameter - "C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64.exe" %command% , (I was told this command to launch KSP bypassing disgusting launcher). If you launch the game through the executable file from the game folder KSP_x64.exe or without this launch parameter, the settings are not reset. I don’t understand how this is connected. The problem is only with DOE, no other mod resets its settings.

Yeah, DOE is trusting the Current Working Directory in order to find its way in the file system. When that sad excuse of Software they call PD Launcher was released, it changed the CWD of the game to its own subdirectory, fixing it itself on second stage of the launching.

To get rid of that crap, some less than skilled people decided to brute force their way on Steam Launcher, ignoring that Steam Launcher was hard configured (as I didn't managed to find a way to work around it on the Steam itself) had the CDW set to PD Launcher.

This broke a lot of things, including KSP itself. If you care to check carefully, you will find some of KSP files (including the screenshots) inside  the PD-Launcher's directory (unless you had installed something that patched KSP at runtime).

So, nope, this is not something affecting only DOE, it's affecting KSP even until this date. 

Your REALLY safe option is to install KSSL or equivalent, what will preserve the new crappy status quo  for Steam Users.

But since people around here settled to cope with the mess instead of fix it properly, my add'ons will try to work around the problem. Apparently, I forgot to update DOE with the most recent version of my component that handle messes like that. I will check this right now.

— — POST EDIT — — 

Well, I found a revision on the code that recalculates the ApplicationRootPath that was not published on DOE. I'm unsure if this is really the cause but we will discover it soon. Stay tunned.


@Grem, I published a HotFix what I hope will fix your issue here: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/DistantObject/releases/edit/PRERELEASE%2F2.1.1.5

Please follow the instructions on that page.

Edited by Lisias
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
6 hours ago, hall said:

Hey! I was wondering how you can gain access to the Fine Guidance Sensor shown in the demonstration images? It'd be quite cool to be able to see my satellites and stuff orbiting Kerbin!

Check  Tarsier!


— — POST EDIT — — 

Humm… I think the Sensor is from Cacteye...


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  • 2 months later...

I'm having an issue with settings reverting every time I restart ksp. When I make changes in the UI settings dialogue, and hit apply, they persist through scene changes and even going back to the main menu and reloading a save. But no matter what I do, including manually editing both the settings.cfg files in the DistantObject and DistantObject/PluginData, somehow the settings are all reverted to defaults every time I reload ksp.

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2 hours ago, Errol said:

I'm having an issue with settings reverting every time I restart ksp. When I make changes in the UI settings dialogue, and hit apply, they persist through scene changes and even going back to the main menu and reloading a save. But no matter what I do, including manually editing both the settings.cfg files in the DistantObject and DistantObject/PluginData, somehow the settings are all reverted to defaults every time I reload ksp.

Are you using the latest release?

I think I had fixed this here: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/DistantObject/issues/38

I will give this a peek before bedtime, but it will help to publish your current KSP.log (after reproducing the problem, and after quitting KSP to prevent the log from being truncated) it will surely help on the diagnosing.

=== == = POST EDIT

I just fired up my "Acceptance" (acp :P) test bed, where I have installed all the add'ons I publish on the latest releases, and... It's working for me.

It was a pretty simple test (hey, I sleep now and then and I'm already done for today):

  • Fired up KSP 1.12.5 (acp)
  • Loaded the DOE's smoke test savegame
  • Opened the DOE's Settings Dialog
  • Set Show names on mousever to off (i.e., unticked the check box). It was On at that time.
  • Pressed Apply
  • Quit KSP
  • Load it (again)
  • Loaded the DOES's smoke test savegame (again)
  • Opened the DOE's Settings Dialog (again)
  • The Show names on mousever is still off.
  • Just to be on the safe side, I also used the Tracking Station to jump into a living spacecraft and the option not only was still deactivated when I checked the Dialog, the feature itself wasn't active as expected.
    • Activating the feature on the Settings made it work again, so the cycle is closed.


  1. there's something fishy in your rig; or
  2. your are using an old DOE's release (just checked SpaceDock and CurseForge, I confirm they have the latest); or
  3. there's something that you are not telling me on the bug report
    1. (perhaps a use case that I had messed up, and that wasn't tested by this simple test session I did).

So please send me your KSP.log so I can check the options 1 and 2, and please describe step by step (like I did above) how to reproduce the problem, so we can rule out (or not) the option 3.

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13 hours ago, Lisias said:


I'm using version the latest from ckan. I will say that I'm playing a heavily modified game of ~200 mods or so. I did notice the comments around issue #38, but couldn't fully understand what that issue was. I'm only going to mention a couple settings in my steps, but it has been reverting all settings I try to change.

  • Launch KSP 1.12.5 (through steam)
  • Load my sandbox savegame
  • Opened the DOE's Settings Dialog (from stock app launcher button, space center scene)
  • Set  Use Blizzy's Toolbar to  ON  and  Use KSP Launcher to  OFF
  • Pressed Apply
  • Return to main menu
  • Load my sandbox savegame again (to confirm changes were applied; DOE settings icon is in blizzy's toolbar)
  • Quit KSP (through main menu)
  • Launch KSP 1.12.5 (through steam)
  • Load my sandbox savegame
  • The DOE settings icon has reverted to being in the stock app launcher again.

Here is my log from after quitting ksp.


EDIT: not sure if this is relevant or not, but I'm also having trouble with default settings changes for the mod Auto Actions not persisting...

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12 hours ago, Errol said:

I did notice the comments around issue #38, but couldn't fully understand what that issue was.

Coding stupidity  :confused:  - I should be to sleepy when I wrote that code, I was literally overwriting the good contents from the file with default values meant to be used when there's no file. :blush:

I'm prone to these facepalms mistakes regularly. :/


12 hours ago, Errol said:

EDIT: not sure if this is relevant or not, but I'm also having trouble with default settings changes for the mod Auto Actions not persisting...

Yes, it is. I think I know already what's happening. I will check your log and edit this post with the findings.


--- -- - POST EDIT

Yep, you are using Steam:

[LOG 06:22:12.124] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ModuleManager.4.2.3.dll

And I'm guessing you are using that dirty trick in the Launcher to avoid the PD Launcher, I'm right?

That trick causes too much collateral effects (even KSP gets screwed, you will find a lot of files in the wrong places, as the settings.cfg and the screenshots, a mess).


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58 minutes ago, Lisias said:

And I'm guessing you are using that dirty trick in the Launcher to avoid the PD Launcher, I'm right?

That trick causes too much collateral effects (even KSP gets screwed, you will find a lot of files in the wrong places, as the settings.cfg and the screenshots, a mess).

Yes, I am using that trick. Forgot to mention that. This is the first time I'm bothering with steam, thought it might be convinient for track time spent in game, but there is also a mod for that I can just use. Just tested launching KSP directly instead of through steam, and what do you know, fixed my issue with DOE and Auto Actions. I'd read that using that PD launcher killing trick could break steam interface elements, I was unaware it could mess with things in game as well. Thanks for the speedy and helpful responses!


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5 hours ago, Errol said:

Yes, I am using that trick. Forgot to mention that. This is the first time I'm bothering with steam, thought it might be convinient for track time spent in game, but there is also a mod for that I can just use. Just tested launching KSP directly instead of through steam, and what do you know, fixed my issue with DOE and Auto Actions. I'd read that using that PD launcher killing trick could break steam interface elements, I was unaware it could mess with things in game as well. Thanks for the speedy and helpful responses!

I'll update DOE with a new version of KSPe.Light that would had mitigated the problem for DOE anyway. I should had done this sooner, anyway - but, then, you would not had reached me and would ending up with a sabotaged Auto Actions, so...

I really hate injecting such gambiarras on the main stream, but the sad true is that this Scene, salvo really rare exceptions, don't give a rat's ass about safety and do things the absolutely easier way completely disregarding the consequences - and then blame the poor stand-up guy that ends up being hit by the crap when things goes South.

I think I need to think on something to be put in the KSP.log to help the next fellow Author to detect this problem - what can also be another source of vitriol as I got earlier this year on reddit - it's incredible how some authors really go the extra mile to fight anyone and anything that could prevent problems happening on the field.

On a final note, this PD-Launcher stunt is absolutely terrible. The damage this piece of crap is causing on the Scene is beyound imagination. How hard would be do add a "No Launcher please" option and just go straight to KSP if the user asks for it?

Thank you for bringing me this issue to my attention in a constructive way. :)


Edited by Lisias
Entertaining grammars made slightely less entertaining...
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