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[1.8.x-1.12.x] Kerwis Chinese Aerospace Pack - Relastic Chinese Spacecraft and Launch Vehicles [v1.1.1][WIP]


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/29/2021 at 10:32 PM, biohazard15 said:

Please note that currently CZ-1 seems to be poorly balanced for 2.5x rescale systems. Tried it in 2.5x KSRSS - it can't put DFH-1 to orbit from its historical launch site (Jiuquan) to its historical inclination (68.4) even to 100x100km orbit.

Sorry, but we don't have enough time to make the mod compatible with so much situations. We are already exhausted to compatible with RO/Stock at sandbox mode(even did not thought about fund cost, research point, tech tree position, etc). Maybe these will be improved in the future, but these are not in the current planning.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/15/2021 at 7:48 PM, TruthfulGnome said:

In love with this mod, amazing work on the modelling and texturing ;) 

also the plumes are stunning,  I love the mixture of Realplume and Waterfall 

I believe the only reason both are being used is because it detects you have both installed and uses both plumes at the same time. IMO it looks better with waterfall and not realplume installed ;) 

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On 12/2/2021 at 4:01 PM, NateDaBeast said:

I believe the only reason both are being used is because it detects you have both installed and uses both plumes at the same time. IMO it looks better with waterfall and not realplume installed ;) 

Nope, i do not think so, Waterfall made it so by default Real Plume and Waterfall configs cant be together and this doesn't happen to any other engine plume but i do love it ;) 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/3/2021 at 2:49 AM, Kreator2312 said:
Hi Velctor!
Do you know where can I get this TianWen-1 and Zhurong mod which was also made by Kerwis?


These are just some model-only(cannot behavior physically) mod for this video, and it's not released public. It might be released with this part pack in the future(depent on if we have enough spare time).

18 hours ago, TonyT said:

I just saw the update on Spacedock! But how come you decided to add the Long March 5 before earlier rockets?

And are you planning to add the LM 2F with Shenzhou? 


Yes, these will be added in the future(the model of 2F is already compeleted). It's uncertain that we make them in the order they appear.

Edited by Velctor
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I'm having an issue with the engine plumes with Waterfall on all Kerwis engies, when I use them in any circumstance they show no plume, only the engine light. Is this a known issue or is there something else I have to do?

(BTW I love the mod!)

EDIT: FIXED, had a smoothbrain moment and didnt install stock waterfall effects :D

Edited by Lucky21
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6 hours ago, Aussie Toad Stool said:

Sorry for the misunderstanding, I meant 2.5x scale solar systems.

I didn`t test this mod yet but if it is configurated like stock or other mods there is no need for a patch because the parts are overpowered for stock-system. The most parts with stock-configuration works well in 2.5-2.7 rescales.


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On 10/29/2021 at 7:32 AM, biohazard15 said:

Please note that currently CZ-1 seems to be poorly balanced for 2.5x rescale systems. Tried it in 2.5x KSRSS - it can't put DFH-1 to orbit from its historical launch site (Jiuquan) to its historical inclination (68.4) even to 100x100km orbit.

From Kourou, when the first and second stages are spent, I have an Ap of 110km and a Pe of -1km, with TTA of 1:30. A circularization burn costs 1300m/s, and the SRM has 2600m/s. So for a nearly equatorial launch and orbit, it's well overpowered. Do you get similar performance from Kourou? Wondering if the inclination is really that expensive? (I've ditched KSCSwitcher so I only tried from Kourou)

btw, the texturing and modeling on this mod are outstanding! The LM-2A seems to have a UV issue on my machine, but everything else is gorgeous.




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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2021/10/2 at AM3点22分, Velctor said:


Kerwis 团队介绍










    添加 LongMarch-2/2C/2D


   在游戏中加入了中国最早的轨道火箭长征一号(长征一号,长征)和第一颗卫星东方红一号(东方红一号,东方红)。火箭分为三级,第一级使用 YF-2 发动机(4 YF-1 集群),第二级使用 YF-3 发动机(YF-1 的高空变体),它使用控制姿态气体方向舵。第三级使用带有观察裙的固体燃料发动机FG-02(根据我们的研究,它实际上可能是一个可膨胀的气囊)。该卫星能够在电台播放一首名为《东方红》的音乐,以证明中国的航天发射能力。








瀑布 (更好的液体发动机羽流)

 库存瀑布效果 (喷嘴内更好的液体发动机羽流)





Q: Why my DFH-1 satellite looks so dark?

A: Reflection images are important for reflective surfaces, and the reflection probes used for the reflection images are delegated by KSP's stock render management system. What you need to do is go to the rendering settings panel from the main menu and set Rendering Quality to Normal or higher, set Reflection Refresh Rate to Low or higher, and set reflection resolution to 128× or higher. Recommend settings are Refresh Rate: Medium, Reflection Resolution:1024×.


Q: What rocket will you add? / Will you add xxx?

A: All of them. All. Of. Them.



也可通过 CKAN 获得

尽管版本号大于 1.0,但此 mod 仍在进行中。更多的部件和功能将在以后的版本中添加。



Kerwis Chinese Aerospace Pack 在 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 下获得许可

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 国际许可



Is the background launch tower Wenchang launch site?

I successfully installed kerwis Chinese aerospace pack, but I don't know how to install Wenchang launch site

My version is 1.9.0. I hope to get help installing mod

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On 1/23/2022 at 5:22 AM, Skywavestar said:

I installed KSC. What should I do next?

But it doesn't seem to have Wenchang

Hi, i am fairly certain i found the mod used in the screenshots: 

 however it is made for stock, so you will have to manually adjust it to get it to the right location if using KSRSS (i have tried on 2.5x ksrss, it does work)


Hope this helps!

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I have been away from PC gaming for some time now and did not even know this wonderful mod has been updated to finally include CZ-5+more! Excited for the CZ-2 variant for manned spacecraft.


I only have one suggestion if possible, it seems to me that the CZ5 main stage tank uses LiquidFuel and not Liquid Hydrogen which I believe it does use. Is there a specific reason for this? If possible could this be changed for more realistic weight or realism as a whole? Unsure about the upper stage but I thought CZ5 was LH2 based.


Thanks for updating and excited for the future of the mod!

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How did I  miss this, this is some quality mod development, especially the Long March 5 it looks absolutely tremendous. I am wondering if you are planning if you are going to do the parts for the remaining Long March launch vehicles, Shenzhou, Tiangong and China's various unmanned spacecraft for later versions of the mod. If so that would be awesome, lastly I hope that you make this mod compatible with B9 Part Switch. 

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On 2/1/2022 at 1:35 AM, Jeb1969 said:

How did I  miss this, this is some quality mod development, especially the Long March 5 it looks absolutely tremendous. I am wondering if you are planning if you are going to do the parts for the remaining Long March launch vehicles, Shenzhou, Tiangong and China's various unmanned spacecraft for later versions of the mod. If so that would be awesome, lastly I hope that you make this mod compatible with B9 Part Switch. 

Yes, we will add them in the future. But maybe they will be add in KSP2 edition of this mod.

On 1/31/2022 at 12:07 PM, zw_45 said:

Hi @Velctor

Will you add the planed heavy launch vehicle for human lunar mission?

I'm not sure what you mean by "heavy launch vehicle for human lunar mission", maybe Artemis and SLS will go to the moon earlier, but they won't  be part of this mod. China's heavy launch vehicle for manned lunar mission is Long March 9, but it has no definite design yet. We will add it after the definite design.

Edited by Velctor
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