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[1.12.x] Extra Docking Ports - Docking Ports with Parachute Attachment Points and 1.875m Docking Port (Version 1.3.0 - Bug fixes)


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  On 1/13/2022 at 7:18 AM, Coldrifting said:

Version 1.2.0 is out. Includes a new part: a 1.25m compact docking port (Basically the regular one, but without the collar). Useful for situations where a jr port is too small, but the regular port is just a bit too big.Ol52D3G.png


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(in reference to an earlier version of SSPXR's 1.25m docking port being slightly more compact in some versions)

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  On 1/13/2022 at 7:48 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

I know this is allot to ask, still I am feeling my plucky self: 

shielded versions please?


I usually just use the launch escape tower on top, and once I'm out of the atmosphere it doesn't matter. I can see the use case for reusable crafts though. I might consider trying to add it later.

  On 1/13/2022 at 2:53 PM, dok_377 said:

Wow, you work fast. Nice. 


Thanks. I kinda of cheated on this latest part though by using the uv map for a previous part and changing the model as little as possible. But hey, if it works...

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  On 1/17/2022 at 2:09 AM, Coldrifting said:

Sorry about that, I wanted to make the VAB icons distinctive, but I can see how that could confuse.


*gives side-eye to six near-identical decouplers*

Actually I just got pumped about mounting a drogue and two main chutes onto the same ring.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also have been wanting something like this for ages.  Awesome job so far.

Would be even better with CLS support.  I'm working up my own CLS patch for another mod, shouldn't be too hard to do the same for this while I'm at it.  I'll share it here once it's ready.


[EDIT]  Here ya go.  I suggest making a new folder named MM-Patches right alongside the /Localization/ and /Parts/ folders, naming this file ExtraDockingPorts-CLS.cfg, and sticking it in there.  All I ask is that the credit comments be left in place.

  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by Silvia Dragoness
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  On 1/31/2022 at 9:00 AM, theJesuit said:

Great work!  

I asked for something like this for the ReStockPlus but it wasn't a priority.  These look perfect!




Now that I've (mostly) wrapped my head around making CLS patches, I'll probably be making them every time I run into a part I'm using that needs 'em and doesn't have 'em already.  I'm running ReStock+, so just give it time.  :P

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  On 1/31/2022 at 9:10 AM, Silvia Dragoness said:

Now that I've (mostly) wrapped my head around making CLS patches, I'll probably be making them every time I run into a part I'm using that needs 'em and doesn't have 'em already.  I'm running ReStock+, so just give it time.  :P


Didn't mean to poke a bear, especially a great one.  Thanks for both mods!


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@Coldrifting Since @darthgently had a really good request for support, I'm currently testing a HullCam patch, then I'll do a KURS Docking Camera patch... They will be super small, so if you want to include them in EDP, I'll just copy them to a post here in the thread, instead of going thru the hassle of doing a full Github PR

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@Coldrifting @Silvia Dragoness Here's the HullCam patch, if you want to test/tweak it:


//  Add HullCamVDS support

	    name = MuMechModuleHullCameraZoom
	    cameraName = DockingCam
	    cameraForward = 0, 1,  0
	    cameraUp      = 0, 0, -1
//	    cameraPosition = 0, 0.07, 0
	    cameraFoVMax = 60
	    cameraFoVMin = 20
	    cameraMode = 1


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Is anyone else having issues with these?
First, I had the ports reverse their placement, when I switched away from the vessel, then switched back.... Like, the part was attached with its backside facing out... making it impossible to dock with them...?? Having trouble reproducing it now

Second issue, once I dock, the button for "Undock" disapears from the PAW... Enabling staging on them, then staging to undock, they makke the sound, the craft jerks... but the ports are still attached, keeping the vessels locked together... vOv ??

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  On 2/15/2022 at 10:08 PM, Francesco Fiduccia said:

Hi, thanks for your passoion. 

I actually have a Feature Request:

- Add 5 and 3.75 Docking Port


- They are missing

- This addon would become the GoTo for Docking Ports


I believe these exist in Restock+, which if I don't miss my guess this mod is intended as something of a supplement to.

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  On 2/17/2022 at 12:16 AM, Galileo chiu said:

they are not in Restock+, it's on Near Future Tech


I checked https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/NearFutureConstruction/tree/master/GameData/NearFutureConstruction/Parts

and other NearFuture* but I have not been able to find docking ports size 5.

Do you have any more hints?

  On 2/16/2022 at 7:09 PM, Tangle said:

I believe these exist in Restock+, which if I don't miss my guess this mod is intended as something of a supplement to.


3.75 yes, not the 5 one

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  On 2/17/2022 at 11:42 AM, Francesco Fiduccia said:

Yeah, I think the 5 metre docking port is in Near Future Launch Vehicles and there's also another in Near Future Construction for trusses.

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  On 2/17/2022 at 1:11 PM, Tangle said:

Yeah, I think the 5 metre docking port is in Near Future Launch Vehicles and there's also another in Near Future Construction for trusses.


Found it thanks !


Thanks again !

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I think I have run into an issue. The modular chutes for the medium sized docking port is making the game think that my craft is 30m wide.

I say medium, but i actually mean the "small_modular_chute".

As far as I can tell there is no relevant difference in the config files for the small_modular_chute and the tiny_modular_chute, which leads me to believe that there is an issue in the model file, which i am not familiar with.


edit: In case anyone is running into the same issue and impatient for a fix, what I did was to simply copy the tiny modular chute with a rescale factor of 2 and a copy of all the differences with the small one and it works well enough for now :)

Edited by canisin
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