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Buffalo 2 Modular Space Exploration Vehicle

Angelo Kerman

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9 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

A MOOSE kit might be interesting. Just create an inflatable heat shield and add a command chair and deorbit motor. Be sure to pack your own chute though!

Somebody did this:


So, maybe just a simple ladder, inflatable heat shield, and deorbit kit.

Now, if you really wanted to make a Kerbal MOOSE kit, it should be an inventory item that includes the inflatable heat shield, retro-rocket, and a parachute. They could use their own EVA pack for attitude control.

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2 minutes ago, TheSaint said:

Now, if you really wanted to make a Kerbal MOOSE kit, it should be an inventory item that includes the inflatable heat shield, retro-rocket, and a parachute. They could use their own EVA pack for attitude control.

Device for Emergency Entry and Recovery (DEER)

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12 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

Device for Emergency Entry and Recovery (DEER)

New addition to B2? I(Mostly Joking)

15 minutes ago, TheSaint said:

Now, if you really wanted to make a Kerbal MOOSE kit, it should be an inventory item that includes the inflatable heat shield, retro-rocket, and a parachute. They could use their own EVA pack for attitude control.

Make it more lightweight the kerbal can us their back mounted parachute.

Edited by Rutabaga22
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1 hour ago, Angel-125 said:

A MOOSE kit might be interesting. Just create an inflatable heat shield and add a command chair and deorbit motor. Be sure to pack your own chute though!

Somebody did this:


So, maybe just a simple ladder, inflatable heat shield, and deorbit kit.

Well.. not an inflatable one.  All that is left is to sort a deorbit engine and I'll give it a go.

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2 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

Device for Emergency Entry and Recovery (DEER)

Emergency Landing Kit?

2 hours ago, Rutabaga22 said:

Make it more lightweight the kerbal can us their back mounted parachute.

Dunno. Would they have to unequip the reentry kit then equip their parachute before they land? That might be a lot to fumble through when you're hurtling towards the ground at 200 m/s.

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I've got a lot of irons in the fire, but today I still managed to block out the design for the stilt lift module:


It will fit onto the end of the PSU/RSU parts with room to spare for the adapter pieces. It supports both rover and station configurations. Tomorrow I'll (hopefully) have more time to finish the details and unwrap and texture the meshes.

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22 minutes ago, Rutabaga22 said:

This is really coming together! Will the stilts only fit on the support units or will there be a variant to go on stations for base building?

The stilt lift module is designed to attach to the support units, but the support units have both a rover and station configuration. That means the body components can be built in either rover or station configuration, and be used as bases.

And yup, it's been a long road getting from there to here...



I started Buffalo 2 in January of this year and working nights and weekends, it's taken me nearly to the end of the year to get this far. While it'll be done by end of 2022, that also means other projects like SunkWorks and KFS aren't going to get the full scope that I originally wanted, since I still plan to retire from KSP 1 modding by end of the year. I do plan to bring at least the concept of Kerbal Flying Saucers into KSP 2, and possibly SunkWorks as well, but it remains to be seen how hard it'll be to mod the new game. I am assuming that I'll have to start from scratch on the 3D art.

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5 hours ago, Rutabaga22 said:

Sunkworks in ksp2 would be amazing. The existence of planets like Gurdamma and Lapat with a the real chance of water and sunkworks would put the game on a whole other level.

Oh.. but getting there.  A warp drive would be right spiffy.  If only we knew someone who knew how to make one.  And would have the time/energy.

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I LOVE the gravatic drive.  Being a lazy sort of person, I do wish that Mechjeb would work with it, but I understand why it doesn't.  Gravatic and Buffalo 2 will be key pieces for the upcoming push to Nova Kirbani and beyond.  For me, the fleet of WildBlue mods has been the center piece for keeping this game interesting and engaging.  I truly appreciate the hard work you have put into this.

Now... back to your compy!!

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Putting it all together:





Buffalo 2 v1.3: Back To Bases is now available:


- Buffed the crash tolerance on all the edncap parts.

New Parts

- B2 Hub: Like the stock station hub, the B2 Hub lets you connect Buffalo 2 parts in more than one direction. It comes in Rover and Station variants.
- B2 Mineshaft: This part is a "Restock-alike" update to the original Mineshaft Portable Crew Tube. If the original Buffalo mod is still installed for some reason, then the updated model will be used in its place.
- Buffalo Drill: Admittedly, this is just a half-sized version of the stock radial drill.
- Converter Support Unit: This resource converter supports a variety of conversions with Wild Blue Tools installed, and has similar capabilities to the stock mini ISRU without WBT.
- Power Support Unit: The PSU is a support unit that provides power to bases and spacecraft that has half the generator capacity of the stock fuel cell array. It can be set up to handle stations and rovers.
- RSU (Front): The Resource Support Unit holds Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer, but it supports a variety of resources if Wild Blue Tools or B9PS is installed.
- RSU (Mid): The Resource Support Unit holds Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer, but it supports a variety of resources if Wild Blue Tools or B9PS is installed.
- RSU (Back): The Resource Support Unit holds Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer, but it supports a variety of resources if Wild Blue Tools or B9PS is installed.
- Stilt Lift Module: This part provides an uplifting experience for your bases so that small rovers can scoot underneath and move them around.

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