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  On 2/27/2022 at 7:54 PM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

Did I miss a step in installing all the planets? I'm getting this duplication of scatterer presets shown below. I see each planet has a presets cfg - was I meant to leave just one of those maybe? Seeing the same with 0772 and the latest scatterer

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Try getting it to an earlier version maybe ? like KSRSS ?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally, someone did this for all those folks who can't afford to run a beefy full sized mod and still want to explore Solar system. Thanks for doing this.

And now for the criticism. :D

I will only talk about textures. There are lots of errors and I'm only saying this because the mod is made for RSS.

Mercury - basically spot on

Venus - the texture is not realistic. Venus has no visible streaks - those appear when data gathered in ultraviolet radiation range is ascribed to blue channel when making RGB color image. The planet looks like a bright, de facto featureless ball because it's covered with sulfuric acid aerosol. It is not yellow, it is not tan, brown, orange nor blue.

There's been a decades old controversy where NASA seems to simply refuse to educate the general public about it. Virtually no encyclopedia or online source shows its visual reality and hardly any explains that the colorful images are not realistic. It's pretty insane when you start digging the reasons behind it. The issue is so pervasive that there are even folks out there who fervently guard Wikipedia's page on Venus. Try to put a realistic image of the planet as the title image and suddenly there's an army of weirdos reverting it. True color images of Venus in publications are extremely rare. There's one made by MESSENGER probe and the rest are basically amateur astronomer images who are one of the rare people acquainted with the actual sight. In the public eye, Venus is simultaneously an orange ball, a blue-white striped ball and a yellow-brown smeared ball. It's a weird doublethink (triplethink?) and a truly fascinating issue of the society.

So, if you want realism, remove the streaks, remove color and leave very slight cloud texture that is apparent only when one is quite near to the atmosphere.

As for the ground, it is illuminated by orange-yellow, ghastly modified sunlight. Color of the regolith under white light is unknown, as far as I know, but it's probably shades of dark gray.

Earth and Moon - pretty much what it is.

Mars and its satelites - Mars is very close to reality. Phobos and Deimos, on the other hand, have a false color texture. We don't have high resolution images in true color (MRO which made the most detailed images doesn't have proper filters), but low resolution ones show they are basically gray with very slight, if any, brown tint. Afterall, they're captured asteroids.

Jupiter - texture is based on heavily processed "citizen scientist" stuff made from Juno probe data. Again, the false information spread virally and thus the incorrect idea that Jupiter has vividly blue-green poles became a meme. The general public now thinks Jupiter looks like a van Gogh painting. It does not. Contrasts in these images are very exaggerated and colors are very saturated. Jupiter looks a lot more mellow and its poles are grayish - there's less photochemical smog so some Rayleigh scattering can be seen, as well as some red light gobbling up by increased concentration of methane in those areas.

Io has a false color textures even showing blue-white. Better images are here.



Ganymede has a very realistic texture. It's usually portrayed as brown with white spots (courtesy of bad cameras on Voyagers) yet its color is much less saturated and contrasts are not extreme.

Europa has a false color texture made by Voyagers' camera filters which do not correspond to human vision. Here is a lot better approximation. As usual, features are not flashy, saturated or with high contrast.


Callisto is quite close to reality.

Saturn - pretty close to reality. More contrast than needed. Poles are not abruptly blue, but grayish, that's good.

Tethys, Rhea, Mimas are fine.

Dione has a grayscale texture but the overall result is fine.

Iapetus is in false color. It is not really brown like chocolate (courtesy of Voyagers' crappy cameras). Its brown is very subdued.


Enceladus is in abruptly false color. It does not have blue stripes. The blue color is false and a result of different processing. Enceladus is pristine white, like freshly fallen snow.

Uranus - the lack of typical overally cyan or the horrible encyclopedic green is correct - Uranus is pale blue. Polar areas are not differet as they are in the texture. They show differences only when imaged in near infrared and when that's incorporated as red channel, Uranus stops looking like a homogeneous ball.  So, keep the equatorial color and apply it all over the map.

Textures of its satellites are mostly ok, although saturation is a bit too high. Remember, this was made by Voyager 2.

Neptune - I was afraid it'll be the grossly saturated ultramarine blue which is Voyager 2's poorly processed image. Neptune is slightly more blue-saturated than Uranus.

Triton is a bit too saturated and contrasted but it's better than the usualy poorly calibrated stuff used by the media and encyclopedias.

Pluto - high resolution parts are best we have, but the low resolution side's saturation does not match.

Charon - quite wrong. It's a gray body with hardly noticeable tint difference on the pole.

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  On 3/16/2022 at 7:18 PM, lajoswinkler said:

Finally, someone did this for all those folks who can't afford to run a beefy full sized mod and still want to explore Solar system.


He said this is modular , for who want to have stock and real planets , KSRSS is better if you want to have the real solar system in stock or 2.5x size , The textures you're complaining about is from ksrss and some from rss , But I hope he fixes it.

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  On 3/23/2022 at 5:27 AM, xiaolangbao233 said:

does anyone know why there is ridiculous light coming from North and South Poles of my Earth?it'so strong that evenif I'm in the shadow of the earth it still seems like daytime.i think i've correctly install all the dependencies(1.12.3).how can i fix this?


On the main menu screen turn terrain detail to max, and then hit save , you're done but restart ksp if it's still there

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  On 3/24/2022 at 2:27 AM, Efrenlee said:

You mean the file ModularRSS-Saturn ?

You mean the file ModularRSS-Saturn ?



  On 3/24/2022 at 12:56 AM, Space Kerbalisation Tech said:

Hi sDaZe, are you planning to add minor planets to modular stock size rss (e.g. ceres)?


he was willing to add ceres but he said that dres is a lot better so he didn't add it.

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  On 3/16/2022 at 7:18 PM, lajoswinkler said:



Thank you for the awesome and well written suggestions! I'll  definitely incorporate some of these into the mod :) 

  On 3/24/2022 at 12:56 AM, Space Kerbalisation Tech said:

Hi sDaZe, are you planning to add minor planets to modular stock size rss (e.g. ceres)?


Hey! Yes! I was planning on adding an optional download for them that would include the comets, Ceres, Vesta and what not. I'm hoping to be back working on this in the next few weeks :)

  On 3/24/2022 at 12:45 AM, Efrenlee said:

by the way,where is the Saturn’s ring?i can‘t see it in game!


Someone had this issue earlier and it was because they didnt downloaded the correct Eve, you just need the config files and not the BuilderCo folder. Here's the Download if you need it.


  On 2/27/2022 at 7:54 PM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

Did I miss a step in installing all the planets? I'm getting this duplication of scatterer presets shown below. I see each planet has a presets cfg - was I meant to leave just one of those maybe? Seeing the same with 0772 and the latest scatterer


Hey! Sorry for the late reply, :p It's because each mod contains its own scatterer planet config, I was meaning to add a mm patch that fixes that but haven't gotten around to updating them yet :D 

Edited by sDaZe
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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 3/16/2022 at 7:18 PM, lajoswinkler said:

Finally, someone did this for all those folks who can't afford to run a beefy full sized mod and still want to explore Solar system. Thanks for doing this.


This, 100% :D , @sDaZe THANX!

However, while I realise, the whole premise of this is to keep it *modular*, I would lie to see *everything* together in *one* package, now that its close to being complete.
If you wanted to keep it *on the down low*, in case you feel it would make it too hard/complicated for many users to install if everything were in one package, you could maybe put it all up on a Github (or similar) repo.
That way many users who would want to have more than one install, or even all, at hand, could just grab everything once.

Just a thought :P
Thanx for filling a niche that many of us with potato computers should appreciate very much.
And everyone should also thank the owners of all the different textures, for allowing sDaZe to use them for this ;)

Edited by Stone Blue
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