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[1.12.x] Exploration Rover System by A.S.E.T.


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56 minutes ago, Stone Blue said:

@linuxgurugamer Just started KSP, and KSP-AVC threw this up for the first time:

Yet, when I check the repo and SpaceDock, as well as here, I see no mention of a new vOv

Working on some updates/fixes for this mod, so trying to keep on top of anything newly released for it ;)

EDIT: oh wait... I just checked the spacetux.net link in the .version file... I see *that* got updated.. vOv

Oh, sorry about that.  I will push the release, it just adds some NEEDS clauses

Edit:  It's there and available

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I know this is LGG's mod, but I've been working on some updates & changes I thought the mod could use.
Below is a rough roadmap of my updates/changes.

1) Document updates 
- done

2) Clean cfgs/pull patches 
- done
    a) added top node to Cabin
    b) removed PAW cargo door deploy limit
    c) down-sized top attach nodes on Cargo, Cargo-Airlock, Cargo-Crew	modules
    d) tidied up cfgs for whitespace, comments, stuff for consistency
    e) seperated non-dependency mod patches from cfgs to seperate files; added patches folder

3) re-name some files for consistency/simplicity; re-structured/renamed IVA & props folder/files
    a) Created /Assets folder
    b) Removed all, unecessary duplicate textures
    c) Incorporated LGGs v0.4.0.4 JSI patches to part cfgs; seperated them from part cfgs
	   to seperate file
    d) Patched ERS props for RPM

4) re-structure folders/filenames/update models; Add Assets folder w/subfolders
-in-process, partially done
    a) fix flags showing thru surface attached docking port
    b) edit some parts' UV maps, for aesthetic changes, to better match the
       overall color scheme on an assembled vehicle
		  -textures on dock port
		  -adjust textures on cargo bay doors?
    c) add white navigation lights to the Service Module & Dockport, similar to whats on the Cabin.
          -blink on nav lights for cab?
		  -switchable light emission on port, like Spotlight?
	d) any other model/texture tweaks I come across, can think of, or get	suggested
	e) rename texture files; edit model files w/new names
	f) add bottom/end cargo bay nodes?
	g) investigate hatch status CLS compat on Dock Port
	h) look into RevIVA support (in-game IVA switching)
	I) adjust wheel spawn & dockport position?

5) add B9 support

6) might create/add a new fuel/resource tank/fuselage part
  (not sure on FS/IFS fuel switching, tho. Definately would be B9 based, tho)

I thought I would throw this out there, to get some feedback on what users think, and to ask if anyone has any suggestions/ideas on anything they would like to see, or anything I havent covered, that I could maybe add while I'm doing this.
I hope to be done with ERS in the next week, as I have some other things I would like to move onto.

I'm thinking of removing the feature of being able to switch all the top stack nodes, as well as all the wheel nodes, on/off, to get rid of possibly un-necessary PAW clutter.

I'll add as far as the B9 tank/resource support, I'm thinking of having a cargo-section variant, be a "tanker/carrier", strictly for resources... So you could say, build a full refueling tanker, resource-mover.

I might also consider a science/lab variant, where you could fit an extensive science package, fully utilizing the Universal Storage II science instruments, to have a very powerful, independent exploration/science-gathering vehicle, which could process its own science reports.

I expect, when I'm done, having been able to remove several duplicate, un-needed textures, the size on-disk of the mod, will be shrunk by about ~5MB.

Edited by Stone Blue
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  • 3 months later...

Trying to create a rover and put it to cargo bay of a OPT spaceplane.  But as soon as I undock the rover I will got a black screen with only picture of the Kerbal on the bottom right.


Tried to create just the rover and all was working. Rover loaded and was able to move with it around KSP.      Hmm looks like ESR does not like to be launched from the bays of OPT spaceplanes ?


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@Stone Blue

Hello yes here is the video.

So I must say I have issues how to connect the rover to the ship in bay when I want to connect it with the CABIN, so I have to connect it starting from back. So to have option later to undock it or eject it and so I can get out of the bay with it. But I used the node from ESR for now that is there.  I tried two different ships. One with bay where I have to get out of it. The other one where I just drop it down on the floor from the bay :D   I even checked the wheels that the show  terrain is under the wheel.   But somehow not working, But I must say I see in the logs a lot of nullreference  before I hit  the undock or decouple :(    


EDIT: I am on the latest KSP ersion

Do you want the KSP.log too ?

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2 hours ago, Jovzin said:

Do you want the KSP.log too ?

Yes.. especially if you are having nullrefs
Also, hard to tell in the video, but do you have the wheels deployed, as its docked?
probably not it, but I notice the wheels look deployed while its in the bay, and if so, there may be some weird collider interaction between the wheels and the bay *when you undock*... ie, when the rover becomes a seperate craft from the mothercraft

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Hello ,

Ok here it is. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hq2ugmuwm4hug4k/KSP.log?dl=0

And yes I am thinking the same issue as you mentioned,  that the wheels are deployed.

But it is odd bcs in that other bay where I have to move out from the bay the wheels are a bit up not directly on the ramp/bay.  

And in that other ship where I can drop the rover down there yes could be issue that wheels are half in the bay texture.

So I assume there is some issue as you mentioned with the bays and wheels maybe :(  Because when I create rover and just try go around KSP with it , there are no issues no black screens at all.


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1 hour ago, Jovzin said:

But it is odd bcs in that other bay where I have to move out from the bay the wheels are a bit up not directly on the ramp/bay.  

And in that other ship where I can drop the rover down there yes could be issue that wheels are half in the bay texture.

yeah... its not that the *meshes/textures* are overlapping/intersecting... its the colliders... but the mesh/texture overlapping is a good indicator that the colliders are intersecting... which is what can cause the RUDs ;)

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Ok... took a scan of your log
Looks like the majority of nullrefs you are getting, seem to mostly be from three mods: DistantObjectEnhancement, MAS, & WBI

I would check to make sure you have MAS & WBI installed correctly, with all their dependencies installed.

There seem to be many other issues with your install.

I see your install has been "Lisias-ified"... meaning  you have several of Lisias' mods installed... I generally dont help people if any of his stuff is installed... It can get pretty messy with any of those mods installed...

I dont spot anything specifically related to your ERS issue, tho... so thats good news :P

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10 minutes ago, Stone Blue said:

Ok... took a scan of your log
Looks like the majority of nullrefs you are getting, seem to mostly be from three mods: DistantObjectEnhancement, MAS, & WBI

I would check to make sure you have MAS & WBI installed correctly, with all their dependencies installed.

There seem to be many other issues with your install.

I see your install has been "Lisias-ified"... meaning  you have several of Lisias' mods installed... I generally dont help people if any of his stuff is installed... It can get pretty messy with any of those mods installed...

I dont spot anything specifically related to your ERS issue, tho...

Thank you for the check.


Yeah I am thinking on doing some clean re-install of KSP and start from fresh. And pick mods that I really use. So to lower the mod number that I have. 

Lisisa-ified means ?  

EDIT: Aha so Tweakscale and DistantObjectENchancement are under management of Lisias.  Hmm so will try to remove them and see if it helps with the rover :D  If not , well clean install of KSP with cherry picked mods is the way I think...

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8 minutes ago, Stone Blue said:

Did you try with wheels deployed in the bay, and waiting till the rover is landed, before deploying them?


Not yet going to try.  Just uploaded the addons that you mentioned. MAS and WBI. 

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Hello @Stone Blue

Thank you very much for your support :)

It is working.  After I updated Distant Object Enchantment and MAS and the WBI addons ( Buffalo, Sandcastle, WBI core ) it is working now . And not more Null exception errors :) 

Thank you again. Much appreciate it. 

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  • 1 month later...

Does anybody else feel like these parts break a little too easily? The wheels pop off after the equivalent of a speed bump and the cabin EXPLODES when driving at 15 m/s (54 km/h or 34 miles/h). Altogether, these parts feel excessively fragile despite their appearance. 

As such, I went ahead and modified the part .cfgs so that the parts are a bit more sturdy. After all, it's not like you can really strut the wheels aside from autostrut. I probably went a bit too far in the opposite direction, boosting the body parts' tolerances from 8 m/s to 25 m/s and the breaking force/torque for all the parts (including the wheels) from 50/150 to 200/600. All said, about 3x more sturdy, but even 2x would be a massive improvement.

As it is, making a rover out of these parts feels like its made out of papier-mâché despite its appearance. I'm not sure if KSP's default rover parts are already like this, but I feel like these parts should perhaps get a little more leeway.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 5 months later...

Hello, the cargo module door opens instantaneously, closes  normally. What can I provide to help you fix this?(if you interested in)

great mod by the way, it deserves more attention.


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  • 9 months later...

i've been having a problem with this mod that persisted through several installs. the collider of the wheel seems to be "flat", like, it wedges itself into the ground and causes my rover to stop moving entirely at best or catapult itself up as if it collided with something solid. the same doesn't happen with other wheels.
the easiest way to reproduce is to go up and down the terrain around the buildings of the KSC, but it happens in other places with rough terrain too

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