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Is KSP2 Created by devs from KSP ?

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Hi There. This question may has been asked before. I saw informations that KSP2 is creating by completle new team. Im not sure is it true. If it is im afraid that KSP 2 will do not have that big focus on physics in this game wich was amazing. Im also afraid that game will be more like family and kids friendly to make it be easier to sold more copies :(

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12 minutes ago, Cezary59S said:

Hi There. This question may has been asked before. I saw informations that KSP2 is creating by completle new team. Im not sure is it true. If it is im afraid that KSP 2 will do not have that big focus on physics in this game wich was amazing. Im also afraid that game will be more like family and kids friendly to make it be easier to sold more copies :(

Bit late to be asking this. You don't have to look far to see that KSP 2 is in good hands.

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Aside from the fact that Squad joined the works on KSP2 not long ago, then yes, it's being made by new team (of professionals). And yes it's more family friendly, but in a way so basic concepts of spaceflight should be easier to grasp for anyone - yet the whole physics remain mostly unchanged.

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Yes, started by a new team but with the original team's assistance, and now most of the original team has been picked up and are working on KSP2. So far it looks like all of the original physics from the base game are there, plus new things like interstellar travel, axial tilt, lots of new near-future engine technology all based on real physics, etc. They are hoping to get lots of new players involved, but so far it looks like they're tackling that with better tutorials and flight tools rather than dumbing the game down. With extensions like colonies and interstellar it seems like they're trying to make the learning curve easier early on but keep it sloping up far past the scope of the original game. 

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