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[1.9.x - 1.12.x] BDArmory Plus (BDA+) v1.8.0.0 [2024-11-30]


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On 2/26/2023 at 4:43 AM, Rakete said:


A short question. I try to make a cruise missile, that locks on to ground targets.

I placed a ground-based radar station (I almost placed every radar dish on the thing for testing reasons).  Then I fired the test cruise missile. It flew to the target area, but did not lock on the radar station and hit instead the gps-target in the vicinity. I thought it would enable it's radar detector and attack the target. What's wrong with my config? For testreason i tuned up many parameters to be sure, it's not them, what makes them struggle. I followed your wiki on the github page.

For tests I also tried to set the terminalGuidancetype = radar in order to get a cruise missile that would lock to anything in the general area on the ground , but it didn't work either.

(For my personal testreason, I used the model and meshes of the exocet missile from NKD... but you could use anything...) Is my config wrong or is something broken in BDA+ terminalguidance code?


And yes, the values are OP, it's just a work-in-progress, proof-of-concept and would be tuned down afterwards, after the behavior would work in general. But right now, I can't get it to work.


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// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config

// --- general parameters ---
name = Testcruismissile
module = Part
author = Rakete

// --- asset parameters ---
mesh = model.mu
rescaleFactor = 1

// --- node definitions ---
node_attach = 0.0, 0.182, -0.1, 0, 1, 0, 0
node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.182, -0.1, 0, 1, 0, 0

// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = precisionEngineering
entryCost = 2100
cost = 950
category = none
subcategory = 0
title = XXXX-1230AR TEST Anti-Radar Cruise Missile
manufacturer = North Kerbin Dynamics
description = A long range anti-radar cruise missile. After reaching the target area it actively searches for radar sources and destroys them
// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,1,0,0,1

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.67
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.01
minimum_drag = 0.01
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 5
maxTemp = 3600

  name = MissileLauncher
  shortName = XXXX-1230AR TEST Anti-Radar Cruise Missile
  thrust = 36 //KN thrust during boost phase
  cruiseThrust = 12 //thrust during cruise phase
  dropTime = 0 //how many seconds after release until engine ignites
  boostTime =  1 //seconds of boost phase
  cruiseTime = 900 //seconds of cruise phase
  guidanceActive = true //missile has guidanceActive
  maxTurnRateDPS = 35 //degrees per second
  CruiseSpeed = 400
  CruisePredictionTime = 15
  CruiseAltitude = 250
  DetonationDistance = 0  

  decoupleSpeed = 5

  audioClipPath = BDArmory/Sounds/rocketLoop

  optimumAirspeed = 300

  aero = true
  liftArea = 0.0075
  steerMult = 1
  maxTorque = 55
  maxAoA = 25
  missileType = missile
  homingType = cruise
  targetingType = gps
  terminalGuidanceDistance = 15000
  terminalManeuvering = false
  maxOffBoresight = 170
  lockedSensorFOV = 170
  terminalGuidanceType = antirad 
  radarLOAL = true

  minStaticLaunchRange = 500
  maxStaticLaunchRange = 150000

	name = BDExplosivePart
	tntMass = 300
	caliber = 620
	warheadType = ShapedCharge




i tested out to find what you need to change first you need change this to true

terminalManeuvering = true

for what i tested it let the missile change it course on final phase, second you need to set your antirad targets with this bit of code 

antiradTargetTypes = 0,1,2,3,4,5

it's exact like the rwrtype config on radars but this time what kinda of radar it would target, here a list if you don't remeber 

0 = SAM site radar
1 = Fighter radar
2 = AWACS radar
5 = Detection radar

and this is kinda useless since it's isnt ARH on it's terminal phase   

radarLOAL = true

here the test missile i did using a HQ-2 as base from kerbal field 

	// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config

	// --- general parameters ---
	module = Part
	author = BahamutoD & Kerwis

	// --- asset parameters ---
	mesh = HQ-2.mu
	rescaleFactor = 1

	// --- node definitions ---
	node_attach = 0.0, 0.26, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0
	node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.26, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0
        node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.26, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0

	tags = CCK-KBF
	TechRequired = precisionEngineering
	entryCost = 2100
	cost = 950
	category = none
	subcategory = 0
	title = A1MAA Antirad test
	manufacturer = Kerbal Liberation Army
	description = 
	attachRules = 1,1,0,0,1

	// --- standard part parameters ---
	mass = 1.1
	dragModelType = default
	maximum_drag = 0.01
	minimum_drag = 0.01
	angularDrag = 2
	crashTolerance = 5
	maxTemp = 36000

		name = MissileLauncher

		thrust = 185 //KN thrust during boost phase
		cruiseThrust = 50 //thrust during cruise phase
		dropTime = 0 //how many seconds after release until engine ignites
		boostTime = 4.5 //seconds of boost phase
		cruiseTime = 200 //seconds of cruise phase
		guidanceActive = true //missile has guidanceActive

                maxTurnRateDPS = 350

		decoupleSpeed = 5
		decoupleForward = true

		audioClipPath = BDArmory/Sounds/rocketLoop

                decoupleBoosters = true

                boostTransformName = boostTransform
                boostExhaustTransformName = boostParticles
                boostExhaustPrefabPath = KerbalField/Effects/Exhaust/ExhaustLARGE

                optimumAirspeed = 2300

                aero = true
                liftArea = 0.01
                steerMult = 6
                maxTorque = 600
                maxAoA = 75

                missileType = missile
                homingType = cruise
                targetingType = gps
				defaultCruiseAltitude = 12000
				CruiseAltitude = 16000
				CruiseSpeed = 2300
				terminalManeuvering = true
                terminalGuidanceActive = true
	            terminalGuidanceDistance = 20000
	            terminalGuidanceType = antirad
				antiradTargetTypes = 0,1,2,3,4,5
                maxOffBoresight = 150
                lockedSensorFOV = 10

		minStaticLaunchRange = 40000
		maxStaticLaunchRange = 200000

	name = BDExplosivePart
	tntMass = 550


Also you don't need a big sensorFOV but a big boresight(90° or above) it's kinda good since sometimes it can lose it's target due to limited boresight, but the cool part of antirad is after it set it's inicial course it will go for the last place the signal was seem(if it end setting up the target shot, if the signal is lost mid adjustment the missile can be throwed off both it's antirad target and GPS target)


P.S: Also also this code is missile was just a test so it isn't 100% precise, it do works but sometimes, due to overspeed it can overshoot the target, i mean the missile it's flying at almost mach 7 and has a 

steerMult = 6

so yeah even with 600G's limit it can't pull so if you want to use it and make it more busted i would recomend increasing this at least 10 times :cool:
but it do track fine and go for the first rad emissor it finds in vicinity inside it's terminal guidance


Edited by sumghai
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12 hours ago, Rakete said:

@DocNappers... BDA+ now comes with a vessel mover? Does it replace the stand-alone vesselmover mod by @jrodriguez? Or is it just a redistribution? 

It's a re-implementation of JR's VesselMover mod with a variety of improvements and fixes (which are listed in the changelog). You can replace the stand-alone VM with it or use it alongside if you want, though using both to move the same craft at the same time will likely do something weird.

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I have a problem with the newest version of BDArmory (had to reinstall due to curseforge automatically changing most of my mod versions, thanks for doing that without asking me), and now the weapon manager does not get recognized if the craft has Procedural Missiles installed on the craft: https://imgur.com/a/2pOFpSE
I have no idea how to include a KSP.log file into this.

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1 minute ago, bruh_moment said:

I have a problem with the newest version of BDArmory (had to reinstall due to curseforge automatically changing most of my mod versions, thanks for doing that without asking me), and now the weapon manager does not get recognized if the craft has Procedural Missiles installed on the craft: https://imgur.com/a/2pOFpSE
I have no idea how to include a KSP.log file into this.

Submit a bug report at https://github.com/BrettRyland/BDArmory/issues, which will let you upload the KSP.log file with it. This kind of bug needs the log file to be able to debug it.

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On 3/10/2023 at 8:56 PM, mm_ said:

There is a BDA+ discord? for sharing planes and weapons configs?

Runway Project is managed in a section of Scott Manley's discord. FJRT has it's own discord. Son of Smith also has a discord. Each of these are suitable for sharing planes and configs. I'm sure there are several others too.

Actual development of BDA+ and related mods occurs on the "Project Münway" discord (which can be found from the other discords), but that's more for coding, modelling and bug fixes than for sharing planes and configs.

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10 hours ago, DocNappers said:

Runway Project is managed in a section of Scott Manley's discord. FJRT has it's own discord. Son of Smith also has a discord. Each of these are suitable for sharing planes and configs. I'm sure there are several others too.

Actual development of BDA+ and related mods occurs on the "Project Münway" discord (which can be found from the other discords), but that's more for coding, modelling and bug fixes than for sharing planes and configs.

Thanks :D
i also want to share and test weapons config, still trying to find a middle term between Pronav and AAM, on longer range with weapons that have a longer burn and a poor max Torque and AoA like Aim-54 pronav is way better than AAM but on closer range weapons tend to overshoot the target, even more if it's fast with a smaller burn time like R-27ER, also to find the ingame difference for ProNav and AugProNav since i didn't notice any :cool:

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I've been a user of BDAc for years now, are there any recommendations in terms of what I'd need to learn or re-learn for this BDA version as compared to BDAc?

Especially regarding missile use and avoidance by AI. It's been a big topic for me as I love seeing both guns and missiles used in air-to-air combat 

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I think, I found something odd. I took a 130mm turret from one of the weapon packs and mounted it under the belly of a big plane (for fun - not for balanced gameplay). But somehow the targeting reticule does not take into account the carrying vessel's own velocity. So if you show forwards, you overshoot the target, if you shoot backwards, you undershoot. also the bullets do a really strange curveball trajectory (best to see if shooting sideways). The shot starts nearly linear, than the vertical speed decreases and the bullet flies more horizontally in the second half of the trajectory.

Since it's the BDA+ mechanics, I guess it doesn't matter which mod it was from. I here deliver the part for debugging:


I guess it was from BDA extended by @SuicidalInsanity, but i am not sure anymore, where i got it from (cause i took only some parts, that I liked and integrated them into my bda folder). I gave it nuclear amunition, so you can test the strange trajectory behavior by your self. Just mount the gun under the belly of a suitable Mk3-plane and try to bring havoc to a place of your choice. Just shoot around, observe the bullet trajectory and compare the impact point with your initial targetting point (best to see if using nuclear ammo).



So after testing a bit more: Aiming with the laseraiming device works perfectly. So only the free aim reticule for mouse aim is affected. Tested in

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21 hours ago, Rakete said:

So if you show forwards, you overshoot the target, if you shoot backwards, you undershoot. also the bullets do a really strange curveball trajectory (best to see if shooting sideways)

It looks like the Krakensbane frame velocity isn't being compensated for properly in the aiming assist for some reason. I'll look into it. This seems to go back at least as far as v1.5.0.1.

If you add in a second vessel in the area, the frame velocity should revert to 0 and then the aiming calculation works correctly. You can see the components of the aiming calculation by enabling both debug lines and debug weapons in the settings (the cyan + markers show the target and aiming positions, the green line shows the relative velocity component, the magenta line shows the relative acceleration component and the yellow line shows the bullet drop component due to gravity). Also enabling debug telemetry will show the krakensbane frame velocity in the upper left of the screen.

The horizontal curving of the bullet paths is due to the change in perspective from the plane that's firing them. They're not actually curving sideways.

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On 3/15/2023 at 9:11 PM, Hojoz said:

I've been a user of BDAc for years now, are there any recommendations in terms of what I'd need to learn or re-learn for this BDA version as compared to BDAc?

There are some major differences that lead to changes in craft design:

1) Armor has mass based on the part's surface area and armor thickness. Some old parts like tank/ship hulls and turrets that already had mass based on their default  armor  thickness became significantly heavier with proper armor.

2) Different armor types protect from different types of damage. But  30mm High Explosive is still a best anti-tank round as it used to be in BDA and BDAc  (better at shredding tanks than railgun tungsten shells). And you can make GAU-8 shoot AP and HE rounds in the same belt as it does IRL. Or use 203mm nuclear artillery.  :D Or throw asteroids with a gravity gun (good luck hitting any target smaller than Gilly)

3) radars, RCS and countermeasures are a subject to change between BDA+ updates so they would differ from BDAc  (I don't know how exactly because I missed a few updates :D)

4)Space combat had been fixed! Now it's possible to hit a target just in front of you with a ballistic weapon while being in non-kerbostationary orbit. Projectiles don't get spawned meters sideways from the muzzle and now they travel in a direction that the barrel is pointing, not sideways as they used to.

Edited by Manul
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10 hours ago, DocNappers said:

It looks like the Krakensbane frame velocity isn't being compensated for properly in the aiming assist for some reason. I'll look into it. This seems to go back at least as far as v1.5.0.1.

If you add in a second vessel in the area, the frame velocity should revert to 0 and then the aiming calculation works correctly. You can see the components of the aiming calculation by enabling both debug lines and debug weapons in the settings (the cyan + markers show the target and aiming positions, the green line shows the relative velocity component, the magenta line shows the relative acceleration component and the yellow line shows the bullet drop component due to gravity). Also enabling debug telemetry will show the krakensbane frame velocity in the upper left of the screen.

The horizontal curving of the bullet paths is due to the change in perspective from the plane that's firing them. They're not actually curving sideways.

Yeah, but as far as I can see only the mouse-aiming-reticule is affected. If fired using one of the two camera/laser targeting devices the bullets hit, where you aim. 

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9 hours ago, Rakete said:

Yeah, but as far as I can see only the mouse-aiming-reticule is affected. If fired using one of the two camera/laser targeting devices the bullets hit, where you aim. 

It should be fixed now in v1.5.9.4. Essentially, the Krakensbane frame velocity wasn't being taken into account when using manual targeting with the mouse (other targeting methods weren't affected) and in the visual predicted trajectory for bullets if debug lines and draw aimers are enabled.

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13 hours ago, DocNappers said:

It should be fixed now in v1.5.9.4. Essentially, the Krakensbane frame velocity wasn't being taken into account when using manual targeting with the mouse (other targeting methods weren't affected) and in the visual predicted trajectory for bullets if debug lines and draw aimers are enabled.

I will give it a try, when I find to do so. 

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On 3/23/2023 at 4:31 AM, Blackfoxexo said:

where are the config files to make the mushroom clouds work

The models for the nuclear explosions are in BDArmory/Models/explosion/nuke. To configure a missile to use them, take a look at BDArmory/Parts/AIR-2/part.cfg. To configure bullets or rockets to use nuclear payloads, set the nuclear option to true in the appropriate bullet or rocket definition in BDArmory/BulletDefs/BD_Bullets.cfg or BDArmory/BulletDefs/BD_Rockets.cfg (see the explanation of the fields in the default bullet or rocket config).

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On 3/29/2023 at 7:47 AM, DocNappers said:

The models for the nuclear explosions are in BDArmory/Models/explosion/nuke. To configure a missile to use them, take a look at BDArmory/Parts/AIR-2/part.cfg. To configure bullets or rockets to use nuclear payloads, set the nuclear option to true in the appropriate bullet or rocket definition in BDArmory/BulletDefs/BD_Bullets.cfg or BDArmory/BulletDefs/BD_Rockets.cfg (see the explanation of the fields in the default bullet or rocket config).

could nkdr be conflicting with bdaplus to where most mushroom clouds dont appear

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6 hours ago, Blackfoxexo said:

could nkdr be conflicting with bdaplus to where most mushroom clouds dont appear

I haven't used NKDR, but I doubt it. NKDR shouldn't be interfering with BDA's models and configs unless they've got some broken MM patch affecting things. You could easily test this by temporarily removing the NKDR folder from your install (i.e., move it out of the GameData folder, then move it back once you're done testing).

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6 hours ago, Kerbal410 said:

how does combat in space work? the AI pilot doesn't work in orbit

If you're using the "Space Hacks" game mode, then there's settings for making space not behave like space (i.e., "Space Friction" and "Cornering Multiplier" which apply drag and other forces to craft in an arcade-like fashion as if they were in an atmosphere). The "Ignore Gravity" setting adds forces to craft to counter gravity as long as they have a WM and engines. While "Space Hacks" is enabled, the pilot AI will use RCS to manoeuvre, but it's not super effective (if you want to see it in action, FJRT ran a round with space battleships using it recently and I think they're planning to do another one with lighter craft soon).

The "Repulsor" effect is a bit different from the other space hacks as it's more for hovercraft style vessels. It treats wheels as anti-gravity points that will try to keep craft at their default altitudes (kinda like Star Wars style skimmers). RWP has just run a round using this, but the official stream hasn't been run yet.

The above options essentially mean that the craft are floating in space instead of orbiting at high speeds, so the pilot AI behaves as if it's in an atmosphere. If however, you want craft to shoot at each other while traveling at orbital speeds (i.e., >1km/s relative to the surface of the local body), then you'll need to enable "Vessel-Relative Bullet-Checks" so that the physics of bullet collisions works properly. This performs the collision detection of the bullets in each of the crafts' relative velocity frames to prevent bullets from jumping through craft, but incurs a noticeable performance cost. You'll also need to increase the range in PRE to something suitable so that KSP doesn't pack the craft beyond that range. However, the WM has a hard-coded max visual range of 200km (floating point rounding errors are quite large at this distance) and the pilot AI will still try to "fly" as if it were in an atmosphere instead of using orbital mechanics.

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Bugreport BDA

IR-Target locking is broken... again. Simply mount a AIM-9 on a vessel of your choice. try to lock on something - no lock.

Testvehicle: Place two of them, fly one, let the other one fly as well... Try to shoot it down using the AIM-9s....


Reverting back to where it works....


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Couple of questions:

  • Can IR missiles be guided with the IRST pod?
  • If Uncaged Lock is enabled on the missile, can it lock off boresight if the target is locked with radar? I read about this on the BDArmory wiki: https://bdarmory.fandom.com/wiki/Targeting_Methods
    I'm not sure if the information there still apply, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to check.

Many thanks :D

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