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[1.12.x] Parallax - PBR Terrain and Surface Objects [2.0.7]


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@GameslinxAmazing. I would take the detail textures and extra performance alone! My main issue was the detail of it seemed a little lacking. 

But, collisions would be very nice. Maybe tone down the resolution so it isn't bumpy because honestly I do like it being clippable since it feels like it's pushing down.  

These changes are very nice though!

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15 hours ago, Arco123 said:

@GameslinxMaybe even add a toggle in the settings/config for collisions/detail. Another idea that may be hard to do is to make the hard terrain a set distance below the displayed textures and tone the res and sharpness (I.E. Height Difference/Jolt) of the hard surface down. 

To add on the idea of settings: I saw that your load-on-demand system could apply 5 different shaders depending on how close to the camera a quad is, would it be possible to add a setting that limits the level of the shader that is applied? Or a setting that allows to change the sensibility of the LOD system? If it is feasible, it could unburden the load on average configs. (asking out of curiosity, not necessarily for me).

Also, thanks a lot for your detailed answer above :)

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9 minutes ago, vinix said:

To add on the idea of settings: I saw that your load-on-demand system could apply 5 different shaders depending on how close to the camera a quad is, would it be possible to add a setting that limits the level of the shader that is applied? Or a setting that allows to change the sensibility of the LOD system? If it is feasible, it could unburden the load on average configs. (asking out of curiosity, not necessarily for me).

Also, thanks a lot for your detailed answer above :)

The shader does not change based on camera distance. The shaders are applied according to these rules:

Input a quad
 - Does the quad lie in the low region? -> Shader: ParallaxSingle
 - Does the quad lie in the mid region? -> Shader: ParallaxSingle
 - Does the quad lie in the low region? -> Shader: ParallaxSingle

 - Is the maximum slope of the quad greater than a threshold, but only lies in 1 region? -> ParallaxSingleSteep
 - Does the quad lie in the low/mid region? -> ParallaxDoubleLow
 - Does the quad lie in the mid/high region? -> ParallaxDoubleHigh

 - Does the quad cover all regions? -> ParallaxFull

The LoadOnDemand system just loads textures for the SOI you're in. For example, if you move from Kerbin to the Mun, Kerbin gets unloaded because you're not going to see its surface any more - You'll see the Mun's. It's a RAM optimization more than anything else

I suppose the Quad subdivision increasing based on vessel distance to the surface plays a part in LoadOnDemand, but without using a compute shader it's as optimized as it can be. It's something I will need to look into in the future to get better quality subdivisions locally around the craft

Edited by Gameslinx
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48 minutes ago, nubeees said:

Is it possible to brighten up direct lighting from sunlight? The textures are wonderful but they seem to show up pretty dark ingame. I've poked around with the configs, but haven't been able to find anything that might help

Well, you can brighten the Sun in Kopernicus by patching Sun's light or light curve. But. The textures are pretty bright, and it may be that your display is going to die or needs setting changes.

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Just now, coyotesfrontier said:


Have you ever thought about creating a system for medium sized surface features (bigger then what Parallax handles, smaller then what PQS can do)? Ground scatter can sort of accomplish this, but it's still very limited.

It can be done on a tessellation shader, but the problem with that is with high displacements, especially the ones here, terrain will poke out of stuff like the scatterer atmosphere or EVE cloud shadows. It's not something I really want to grapple with!

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Do you have a "known issues" thread or section we could refer to? I think it could greatly help in reducing the number of help requests for common problems.

Because one issue i have: When i'm on the surface of a planet and the sun go down below  the horizon, some of the light is still peeking through. I use the Spectra graphics mod. When i uninstall Parallax and the dependencies, the problem go away. The config file for Parallax is untouched.

It's not game-breaking of course, but you know...


Other than that, the mod has been running great so far and looking amazing!

Edited by jeffQC1
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6 hours ago, Gameslinx said:

Parallax collisions working ingame on the Mun. Also showing off the new detail textures at close range!


Wow! Now THIS makes exploration actually feel like exploration. What a fantastic result! 

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16 hours ago, Gameslinx said:

Parallax collisions working ingame on the Mun. Also showing off the new detail textures at close range!


Do you have a way to make the parallax effect static between loads?  What happens when loading into a vessel that was already on the surface? 

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19 hours ago, Gameslinx said:

Parallax collisions working ingame on the Mun. Also showing off the new detail textures at close range!


Omg, I wasn’t keen on this mod due to the clipping through the terrain but this, this has well and truly  grabby my attention, is Parallax Collisions part of this same mod or will it be separate? 

im so hyped to try this out!!! Thank you

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1 hour ago, Zikofski said:

Parallax Collisions part of this same mod or will it be separate

Same mod, but you can turn it on and off :) 


4 hours ago, eberkain said:

Do you have a way to make the parallax effect static between loads?  What happens when loading into a vessel that was already on the surface? 

Still figuring that one out!

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A small behind-the-scenes view on how the collisions work :)

It still needs refining (the planes will be a lot smaller for the actual release) but for now, you can see how the rover reacts to the terrain!

I need to figure out how to get the transform position of the wheel hub itself in unity so I can allign the planes accordingly. So far, I have no idea.




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I'm having this weird glitch where the terrain texture just disappears. I feel like it's an issue with the way I installed but I don't know exactly whats wrong.


Here's my log file: https://mega.nz/file/Aeok0ZBR#Bc4h1F23kP3u4BtS8PHaF3maKhswKpsk6RE44TgN5lo

Update: Reinstalling Kopernicus fixed it

Edited by TheJewelOfJool
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Is Parallax supposed to unload the Stock textures?  I've switched over to KSP 1.11 (w/ expansions, comes out to ~6 GB RAM used, not including OS and other apps, on Win10Pro 20H2) and have been trying out Parallax 1.1.1 with KopernicusBE R53 for 1.11.  With graphics quality set to Default Terrain Detail, Fantastic Rendering, Full Res, Ultra Shaders (trying out High, looks the same), and 20% Terrain Scatters, I'm taking about an additional 1 GB hit on RAM with Parallax. 

When I was using KSP 1.10.1, there seemed to be a magical period of a few minutes where suddenly my RAM use would drop by a couple GB.  I wasn't sure if this was Parallax crunching on what it had to work with and then unloading what it didn't need.   Either that or my playing with Virtual RAM settings started kicking in....

P.S. - I'd be interested in what the Parallax using community thinks is the best graphics setting compromise to reduce RAM use without killing all the nice tessellated terrain details.

Edited by KSPrynk
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On 12/16/2020 at 8:52 AM, jeffQC1 said:

Because one issue i have: When i'm on the surface of a planet and the sun go down below  the horizon, some of the light is still peeking through.

Fixed for the next update :)

9 hours ago, KSPrynk said:

Is Parallax supposed to unload the Stock textures?

No, but I wish I knew how to. Parallax loads the textures only for the current main body (what you're orbiting or landed on) whereas in the stock game, all the planets are loaded at once


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56 minutes ago, theleg said:

Does this work for KSP 1.3.1?

No. KSP 1.3.1 is incompatible and unsupported by basically every mod currently being developed, nor will it ever be. There is very little reason for ANY modder to continue supporting it, as any plugins would need large changes and many shaders simply won’t work. If you want to mod KSP or play it at all, I would HIGHLY recommend you upgrade to 1.9.1 or 1.11.0.

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