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[1.12.x][WIP]SPOCK-Shuttle Pathfinder Orbiter Construction Kit | Stockalike Nuclear Shuttle Pathfinder From FAM | v0.2.0


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  On 11/8/2022 at 12:23 PM, Soviet_Velir said:

Congratulations on the release of this wonderful mod!Pathfinder is  just great!
But I have a question: how can it be easily launched into space?:P
Or does everyone have their own fantasy have to work here?
I just tried to combine the shuttle and the A300, and was able to take off only 2000m by plane, which is very little



(sorry old post)

Personaly, i slapped on an external tank used o regular shuttles, slapped 4 engines on the botom of that, and added 4 shuttle SRB's (witch was overkill if i remember correctly), and mmade sure that the pathfinder tanks did not interact with the ET, so that i had a full tank of gas in pathfinder.

i know its kind of a "bad" ( i guesse?) alternative for air launching, but to be fair, i played with this mod when the suttle's aerodynamics were kinda screwed (if they were always fine, i guesse i'm just a bad pilot :p)

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  • 7 months later...
  On 5/11/2024 at 4:44 PM, JerboaWings said:

But even when I can get it to snap to those nodes it's just never properly aligned.


what i did is starting with them retracted, and zooming into the node and getting it to snap. when it does, for the front landing gear, i rotate it to be inline with the heat shielding. for the main gear, you have to snap it, and select which side you want it to be. 

Unrelated to the above,
does anyone know how to fix pathfinder just spinning out of control whenever the NERVA is activated? i assume its because the CoM is low, and the CoT is above it, causing it to be imbalanced but i have 0 clue how to fix this. I could try adding more fuel tanks inside the cargo bay to move CoM upwards to match CoT, but that would limit space in the cargo hold and make Pathfinder heavier than it already is 

Edited by BirdEnthusiastTheSecond
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  On 5/12/2024 at 6:57 AM, BirdEnthusiastTheSecond said:

does anyone know how to fix pathfinder just spinning out of control whenever the NERVA is activated? i assume its because the CoM is low, and the CoT is above it, causing it to be imbalanced but i have 0 clue how to fix this. I could try adding more fuel tanks inside the cargo bay to move CoM upwards to match CoT, but that would limit space in the cargo hold and make Pathfinder heavier than it already is 


It's been a long time since I used spock and don't remember having your problem. Here are some things to try with any off center ungimballed engine.

Rotate the engine so NERVA thrust passes closer to CoM.

Add extra reaction wheels. If they take up too much room, offset them into the fuselage.

Turn on RCS while using NERVA.

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  On 5/12/2024 at 3:34 PM, DeadJohn said:

It's been a long time since I used spock and don't remember having your problem. Here are some things to try with any off center ungimballed engine.

Rotate the engine so NERVA thrust passes closer to CoM.

Add extra reaction wheels. If they take up too much room, offset them into the fuselage.

Turn on RCS while using NERVA.


ive turned on RCS while using the NERVA engine, and it didnt seem powerful enough. as for rotating the engine,  whenever i rotate the NERVA, it doesnt move the CoT at all. but.. adding lots of reaction wheels + rcs, actually keeps it somewhat stable! thank you for the help! im not sure if the pathfinder is meant to be kinda bottom heavy, i may try to reinstall to fix it if that isnt the case.

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  • 2 months later...
  On 5/17/2024 at 5:25 AM, BirdEnthusiastTheSecond said:

does anyone have any advice for airlaunching pathfinder? ive tried airlaunching it from the c-5, but it barely makes any height.  when it does, and if i can decouple pathfinder from the c-5 safely, and start up the NERVA, it for some reason cant produce enough thrust to go up and out of the atmosphere



He has been working on SPOCK 2.0, where he combines both this mod and his C-5 mod for the air launch, so I'd assume when that releases it should work, but for now I guess we'll have to wait.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 8/22/2024 at 7:29 PM, Cheesecake said:

What else do you expect from this mod? As far as I can tell, the mod is finished. So updates are not really necessary.


C-5 to Spock Decoupler.



A way to launch Pathfinder like the Space Shuttle would be nice, but I doubt we'll get it as the show had no Vertical launch system for Pathfinder. 

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  • 6 months later...

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