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@Deddly by my calculation you failed to announce a new page.

Declaration: Deddly cannot make a rule again until page 17 as repentance for breaking rules. @Admiral Fluffy is relieved of being first base and no rhyming his name is not required. Sorry to be stuffy. Remember declarations trump rules and the next declaration cannot happen until page 20.


new page! <new page wicket touched> 



Edited by AlamoVampire
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New rule @AlamoVampire me, now blind, stumble around and “accidentally” destroy a water pipe in your residence. The house is quick to fill with water, I call a plumber, but they unfortunately deny service, I wonder why?


From now on, you must swim from base to base until a new page is created.

Edited by Stormpilot
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6 hours ago, AlamoVampire said:

you failed to announce a new page

Now, correct me if I'm wrong here, but somebody here just recently informed us that... 


I call a foul! 

You are hereby demoted to second oazooma and must write a limerick about Hobbes being great. 

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Nope. Declaring a new page is a courtesy, of which tigers are known for and you @Deddly first tiger should know. Failed to be courteous you did and offended I am. Guilty are you of infractions so great that the weight of which leave me secure as Lord Emperor, Supreme Ruler and Moderator Supreme.


<time out> too bad i cant really have that as a title under my name the same as mods or ksp staff lol, a guy can dream right? <time in>


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