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Most popular planet in the system;

Minmus Taster

Best planet?  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Which upscaled marble is the coolest?

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Which planet calls to you the most in your heart? Do you find it pretty or fascinating or perhaps something else? Vote to support your favorite planet here for literally no reason!


Pluto didn't get invited but came anyways


Edited by Minmus Taster
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2 hours ago, Minmus Taster said:

Which planet calls to you the most in your heart? Do you find it pretty or fascinating or perhaps something else? Vote to support your favorite planet here for literally no reason!

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Pluto didn't get invited but came anyways


Where are the rest of the dwarf planets?

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I'm not big on over-environmentalism and am very pro-space colonization, but I gotta say, given what we know so far, Earth is by far the most incredibly interesting planet in this system by a millionfold.  I think any extraterrestrial alien scientists stumbling into our system would 100% agree. 

Any Martian, Lunar, Orbital, or any other type of colonies will always be compared to Earth to judge their coolness.  We are already riding on the spaceship against which all others will be judged for thousands of years probably

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Saturn. One night when I was a child, while walking the dog with my father in the vacant lot below our house, an astronomy enthusiast was looking at Saturn through a telescope. Then I saw Saturn through his telescope: it was the first planet I ever saw through a telescope, and it was really shock to me.

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On 12/27/2022 at 10:00 PM, darthgently said:

I'm not big on over-environmentalism and am very pro-space colonization, but I gotta say, given what we know so far, Earth is by far the most incredibly interesting planet in this system by a millionfold.  I think any extraterrestrial alien scientists stumbling into our system would 100% agree. 

Any Martian, Lunar, Orbital, or any other type of colonies will always be compared to Earth to judge their coolness.  We are already riding on the spaceship against which all others will be judged for thousands of years probably

Agree, if you came from another star its the obvious gem and the rest is rather boring I say if you mapped some hundred stars. 

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Earth is the most interesting.  I look forward to the day when there are Earthlike habitats on or around the other planets for people to indulge their unlimited creativity.  Then we could set aside much larger percentages of the Earth for parks and wildlife.  

Second most interesting object is the asteroid Vesta.  We could mine it for heavy metals at unfathomable scale, and hollow out an asteroid base at the same time.  

Edited by farmerben
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Biosphere makes the Earth clear winner, but if I think just planet without taking biosphere into account, maybe Jupiter. Those flow patterns are nice and it has also many different moons and interesting physical activity around. Neptunus has nice blue color but is little bit boring.

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Jupiter, the bringer of jollity. Aside from being ginormous, I like that we have one of them all the way out whereas most solar systems seem to gather that type as close to the star as possible. I think it's quite possibly that the configuration we have is highly conductive, if not an almost necessity to create the sort of stable environment that allows life to evolve. Also, I just really like the word 'jollity'!


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On 12/28/2022 at 5:45 AM, Piscator said:

I was tempted to interpret "coolest" literally and pick Pluto, but then I chose Earth after all. It's where all the interesting biology is happenening.

Technically you still did get "coolest" correct. Earth has laboratories, and those laboratories include facilities which can manufacture temperatures far colder than anything in space. The coldest it gets on Pluto is -233°C, while we are able to create temperatures just a tiny fraction above -273°C.

(Because Pluto and Charon are tidally locked to each other, every inch of Pluto's surface receives gradual solar insolation over the 153-day co-orbital period. Even at Pluto's extremely distant apogee, solar insolation still delivers 14,982 times more energy to Pluto than is delivered by the cosmic microwave background, which itself has a temperature of -270.3°C.)

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12 hours ago, lrd.Helmet said:

Pluto ain't a planet

Get em' boys

Personally I gotta go with Neptune as of voting, beyond being scientifically interesting it's absolutely stunning and I really love that shade of blue. Saturn comes in a close second look-wise but I'm not into the colors as much. From the moment I became interested in space I always thought the ice giants were the coolest, one mission for the planets and we found so much there sitting just out of reach in terms of missions. I always loved picking up books from the early 2000's in my school library and flipping through them while my class was there, not because I didn't already know the books contents, I just loved seeing the pictures. When I saw those grainy old photo's taken in the 80's every planet had some dramatic new color scheme leaving me bursting with curiosity. And as you got to the end of the book after all that beauty you see Uranus and Neptune, two faintly lit blue orbs, I could almost feel how cold and remote they were. They seemed different from the rest of the planets, they were less "dramatic" so to speak, it was like they were sleeping giants. They continue to fill me with wonder to this day and Neptune especially will always have a special place in my heart.

No photo description available.

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On 1/1/2023 at 5:58 AM, kerbiloid said:

Should a marble model of a black hole be a ball or a hole?

Mathematically it should be a dimensionless point. Pretty cheap to make, I have a house full of them. Physically it should be an invisible pink unicorn. Much harder to find.

Go Jupiter! More votes for the King of Planets plx >.<


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