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What did you do today?


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I helped clean up our house. My siblings are gone for the week so we can do that without it being ruined in a day. I just got off of DND. I spent this morning finishing modding my Skyrim game for Legacy of the Dragonborn V6 when that releases. 

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  • 1 month later...

We visited the Franklin Institute today. Checked out the Art of the Brick exhibit, and it’s pretty cool. Made this on the LEGO wall they had towards the end.

If you live nearby or are in the area, check it out!

Also, their new upgraded space exhibit it awesome! The upper floor has a whole display about space exploration and aerospace engineering which is very modern. I’d check that out too!

Edited by Kerbalsaurus
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  • 2 weeks later...

today i performed mouse surgery on my g604. i prepared myself by watching several teardown and repair videos some weeks ago. i ordered some high end microswitches with an 80 million cycle mtbf. logitech will sell you a mouse that costs a small fortune with a lot more parts than a conventional design and still use the same crappy fail prone switches as on their low end mouse offerings. im not sure if the unnecessarily complex internals really add anything into the product. how about you use the good switches, and i give you the extra four bucks.

it works. i can use the minecraft inventory again. the only caveat is i lost the springs for the center click return. i knew about them, couldnt remember where they were in the disassembler process. both popped out and went flying when i removed the wheel assembly. i actually managed to recover both of them. then when i went to install the second one, it disappeared when i tried to pick it up. after spending a good two hours looking for it using magnets and the like. they are so tiny i could barely see them. fortunately i keep a number of surplus springs. trimming a couple flit springs salvaged from lighters worked, but they are significantly more stiff and now it takes considerable force to use scroll click. i never use that button anyway and the other 8 work fine. im calling it a win, and for the second time vow to never buy another logitech product ever again.

Edited by Nuke
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I had to clean up a mess after my dog killed a baby rabbit. My brother had to pry her away from another one (thankfully it lived, and only had a light cut behind its ear). I’m writing this while standing guard of the den.

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  • 1 month later...

Today was a good day. We got up early (for a Sunday) went out to the shooting spot, only to discover that it was taken. So we went to the alternate shooting spot, set up, and the kids spent the day practicing. (Thing #1 and Thing #3 drew deer tags this year, and hunting season is in two weeks. So they really need to practice.) We came home at about 1:00, cleaned guns, took showers, did church online (sometimes I love technology), and then dinner. Whole chickens were on sale this week, so we decided that Sunday dinner would be Middle Eastern. Yesterday we made tabbouleh, tzatziki, hummus, toum, and pita bread from scratch. And I butterflied two whole chickens and put them in the fridge with toum under and over the skin. So this afternoon the chickens got grilled, and we had the Middle Eastern feast for dinner. Amazing. Then we watched A Fish Called Wanda together after dinner, which is one of the funniest movies ever made, kids had never seen it. Just one of those great days together as a family.

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Repairs, repairs, repairs! I replaced a busted outlet at my grandma's house, worked on upgrading my mealworm bins sealing up a couple unwanted holes and experimenting with a filtering mesh, and I opened up my electric piano that has a few dead keys and ordered the parts that I think will solve that.

Edited by cubinator
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  • 3 months later...

Sitting at a renaissance faire waiting on a show. While watching people as the mill about, giggle, laugh and merry make im left a quiet moment to think. I dont like my thoughts or they dont like me. Either way im in a place with several hundred if not several thousand people and i feel alone. I feel so alone in this sea of happy faces. Thats what im doing today. 165203082025

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17 hours ago, AlamoVampire said:

Sitting at a renaissance faire waiting on a show. While watching people as the mill about, giggle, laugh and merry make im left a quiet moment to think. I dont like my thoughts or they dont like me. Either way im in a place with several hundred if not several thousand people and i feel alone. I feel so alone in this sea of happy faces. Thats what im doing today. 165203082025

I feel ya. I am having a hard time doing anything lately. 

My therapist once said

"The mind of a depressive introvert is like the bad side of town. You can visit family or friends & it doesn't seem scary. But it's a terrible place to be after dark."

I had a hard time when my wife dragged me to the Ren Faire last week. The Ren Faire here is 6 weeks and pretty huge. 

I'm in a protracted down period and trying to find some dopamine kick that will start the up swing. It's been so friggin blah.

So what if I have a cavity it's fine, so what if I just slept all day I worked hard for 10 hours, it's the weekend why bother getting out of bed.

I wish they made motivation  and energy in pill form.. oh wait that's what got me into trouble to begin with.

Dungeons and Dragons and lately I've finished a couple short stories.. the D&D helps me connect with people and the writing is an escape outside game.

Hope you feel better.

Edited by Fizzlebop Smith
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today i got out of bed, and i am deeply regretting that decision. 

after some confusion over what time it was, i realized it was time to set the clocks forward. why the state of alaska decided to use daylight savings time is beyond me. in the winter its dark all the time and in the summer its light all the time, and were not exactly an agricultural state either. so idk what purpose moving the clock back an hour does. bloody sleep thieves. i was also able to determine how much our clocks drift in the interval between dst events. the microwave wins the worst clock in the house award with an amazing 7 minutes of drift, with the analog wall clock in the shape of a cat only drifting about 5 minutes. now i got to fix the time on four thermostat clocks. these dont seem to drift as much, i guess they used a real crystal instead of the internal oscillator in the mcu that drives the thing.

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Today i am finishing or trying to finish my trip to Colonia in Elite Dangerous. As i post I have about 8851.57 light years remaining. My next jump will take me about 253.73 ly to my next jump. 160903112025

a small update. Since the op (the one im editing) i have made 20 jumps. Scanned one system, repaired my FSD (Frame Shift Drive) and now sit 6714.97 light years from my destination of Colonia. 26 jumps left. At least 3 more refueling stops (at neutron stars that have stars with them in either K G B F O A M classes) and 1 maybe 2 more repair sessions for my FSD. Neutron jumps are hard on the ship but take me from 72 or so ly range to about 300 ly range. Going long range needs long jump ranges. 164803112025

I just docked at Dove Enigma in COLONIA!!!!! Im going to be stuck here in this region of space for a while getting engineers and upgrades. What a trip. First time ive been here in half s decade or more! 193003112025

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