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What is it?


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Ok, it seems our prior image guesser has abdicated his choice of new image. I will get us underway again with:


what is it? Remember if the object is correctly guessed and that player is confirmed by myself or another player who knows the mystery object, the first player who correctly identified it gets to place our next mystery item.


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  • 1 month later...

Since no guess has come in, I will reveal. Its a power pole cutout. Its essentially a fuse. When you hear a bang just prior to a power failure you likely say a transformer blew up. In all likelihood it was this object doing its job.

our next item:



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Fair enough. Its a rabbet plane. Meant to create a rabbet type joint. This is why I started this game. We get to learn fun new things. That said @Poppa Wheelie since you did get close calling it out as an older plane you get the honor of giving us our next image of an item with no clues for us to guess at. Happy picking!


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At first I was going to say a musical type writer head. But looking closely i see regular letters. Im going to say an older print head for like airlines to print boarding passes and tickets either at the gate or at a ticket agents counter where you check in prior to security.


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13 hours ago, AlamoVampire said:

Im going to say an older print head

It is an older print head.  Printers that used this type of printer head had a specific name, just as modern printers are called "laser printers" .  Do you know the name?

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It's the type wheel from a type wheel printer.

And I'm actually old enough to have used that kind of printer. And its close cousin, the type tape printer, which was much faster because it could print multiple types on a line at the same time. And much louder - especially if you fed it finely crafted input that caused it to fire all the types on the line at the same time (and no, the university compute center sysadmins where definitely not amused when we did that).

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