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Have we ever heard the word "Terraforming" from Intercept?


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I don't mean to whack a hornet's nest with this question, but I'm curious if the idea of terraforming has ever come up in official interviews/reveals.  I guess the underlying question is whether the planet framework in general supports dynamic changes in parameters like atmospheric composition, surface temp, and also dynamic surface features such as the introduction of vegetation or other life - if "other life" is part of the game, even.

Nate's recent comments on Gurdamma really caught my attention.  Specifically the dense CO2 atmosphere and prevalence of liquid water - sounds like a great recipe for the chemistry of photosynthesis and a even a full carbon cycle supporting oxygen-breathing life - with a little kickstart from enterprising Kerbal colonists...

Anyone heard of such a game feature at all?  I think it would be completely BA to descend on new star systems and interfere recklessly with their natural progression.

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  On 2/14/2023 at 9:13 PM, MechBFP said:

Terraforming is a real pain in the butt when trying to develop LOD textures. 


Agreed, and all kinds of technical challenges involved in maintaining the planet's momentary state and having that state accessible to all clients in multi-player.  It sounds fun in theory, but when you get down to the weeds, it's a really difficult thing to implement.

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  On 2/14/2023 at 9:32 PM, pss88 said:

Possibility to destroy scatter objects (rocks, trees, ...) would be cool though.


This is the most I would expect.

 'Ground clearance' of rocks etc to create landing strips on otherwise fairly flat areas makes  perfect  sense.

Doesn't seem too unrealistic to implement either, but I don’t actually know.

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  On 2/15/2023 at 3:03 AM, Chilkoot said:

Agreed, and all kinds of technical challenges involved in maintaining the planet's momentary state and having that state accessible to all clients in multi-player.  It sounds fun in theory, but when you get down to the weeds, it's a really difficult thing to implement.


Agree, cool idea in theory. I would also add that implementing a terraforming system would take dev time away from other stuff more related to KSP’s core experience

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  On 2/14/2023 at 9:13 PM, MechBFP said:

Terraforming is a real pain in the butt when trying to develop LOD textures. 


I say its has more serious problems and its a bit outside the scope of the game I say.  
Even the teraforming Mars is easy plans is well outside the scope as its an megaproject much larger than that we seen. 
More of an KSP 3 thing.  Yes its works on galactic conquest games like Stelaris but not then you have to do the thing. 

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